Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 41 Talk about conditions

Chapter 41 Talk about conditions

"There is still no news from the people of the motherland?"

On the 82nd floor of the Water Group, Edgar looked at Madeleine who came to report.

Madeleine pursed her lips and shook her head at Edgar.

Edgar took off the glasses on his nose and stood up, took two steps back and forth, and asked Madeleine:

"Is that what you mean by 'control'?"

"...Sorry, I was arrogant."

Madeleine lowered her head and admitted her mistake. She knew that no matter what she said now, it was useless. Roger killed Hei Se, blocked his own tracking signal and disappeared without a trace. The development of the matter has completely separated from Madeleine. control.

She used to think that she could control the people of the motherland, but it turned out that she couldn't.

The motherlander has been missing for so long now, and she hasn't even called her. She doesn't even know why the motherlander did this!
While talking with Edgar, Madeleine's cell phone rang suddenly. It was people from the technical department, and they had been keeping an eye on the positioning chips on the people of the motherland.

And 10 minutes ago, the homelander's positioning chip reappeared on the map, and the target... seemed to be Water Tower!

After hearing the news, Madeleine and Edgar exchanged glances, and then came to the rooftop at the same time, waiting for the natives to come.

In about 3 minutes, a figure descended from the sky like a god descending. It was a native of the motherland, or Roger who had changed his costume.


Madeleine looked at the motherlander in front of her and asked, if it wasn't for the fact that the person in front of her was indeed from the motherland, she even wondered if she had misidentified him.

Because the hero costume Roger is wearing at this moment is not the previous blue and American flag cape, but a black costume.

The hero costume is black, and the cloak behind him is also black. Except for the big 'S' icon in the middle of the chest, everything else is the same as Superman wearing a black shirt.

This is the costume that Tek Knight made for him according to Roger's request. It imitates the Superman in the black shirt in the Justice League. The overall appearance is very similar, but the details are different.

Putting on the new jersey, Roger felt that he was in a more relaxed mood, and after knowing that there were no psychics in the Water Group, or that people with psychic abilities could not help him, Roger completely let go of himself.

He came to the Walter Group alone, in front of Edgar and Madeleine, and prepared to put forward his own conditions.

"People from the motherland, what exactly do you want to do? Why did you kill Xuanse!"

As soon as Roger landed, Madeleine came over and asked.

Roger glanced at her, and there was no attachment and love for Madeleine in his eyes at all, but strangeness and alienation in his eyes.

Madeleine could feel that if she took another step forward, Roger's heat vision might penetrate her body.

Madeleine, who felt threatened, stopped, and Roger saw it and said:

"Because I'm not from the motherland, I think you should have guessed it. After all, the psychological counselors of the Water Group are not vegetarians."


Edgar stared at Roger and asked, "Who are you?"

The psychological counselor of the Sevens had already told him that something was wrong with the people of the motherland. He did not know that from a certain day onwards, the psychological profile of the people of the motherland changed into something else.

The original people of the motherland are arrogant and conceited, full of distorted desire to control, and disregard for life.

However, the psychological profiling of people in the motherland is now biased towards more positive words.

Possess sympathy, compassion, respect for life, and respect for colleagues... He, Shen Hai, Xingguang and others work hard to handle the relationship with colleagues, all of which are seen by the group.

If it weren't for the ability of the people from the motherland that cannot be copied, they would even think that the people from the motherland had changed.

So there's the scene where Roger sees a therapist.

But the tragic situation of the psychotherapist made others wonder that the people from the motherland are still the same people from the motherland, they just learned to pretend.

Edgar originally thought so, until today Roger personally admitted the fact that he is not from the motherland.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I now have the same ability as the people from the motherland, and the people from the motherland will never appear in front of you again, so you can regard me as another person from the motherland."

Roger said something that seemed like a tongue twister.

Edgar took a deep breath and said:
"Okay, I don't care who you are. Since you have inherited the identity and ability of the people from the motherland, you should be the captain of the seven-man team. Why did you kill Xuan Se? Why did you do these things again?"

When Roger went to rescue Tek Knight, Edgar knew that the recent turmoil facing the Water Group was caused by this guy in front of him.

This is also what Edgar didn't understand.

Obviously Luo Jie has unimaginable wealth and status without doing anything, why should he destroy everything with his own hands?
"Because I can't stand it."

"You don't like it?"

"Yes, I can't understand your attitude of ignoring life, and I don't want to be a tool in your hands to 'rule the world', so I just did it, is there a problem?"

Roger said confidently.

The corner of Edgar's mouth twitched, and he asked, "Don't tell me, what kind of real superhero do you want to be, like Starlight... like Tek?"


Edgar was annoyed by Roger's indifferent attitude, but he knew the importance of Roger to the Water Group, so even if Roger seemed to want to part ways with them now, Edgar could hold back Unhappy in my heart, I asked Roger about his conditions.

"So, what do you want to do now?"

Roger personally came to the Water Group to meet Edgar, which proved that he definitely had the idea of ​​negotiation.

It's good to have this idea, Edgar is worried that the other party will not talk about it.

Roger smiled and said, "It's very simple. Starlight, Maeve, I, and I will withdraw from the seven-member team in the future and separate from the Walter Group to form a new team of heroes."

"Create a new team of heroes independently of the seven-member team?" Edgar looked back at Madeleine.

Madeleine hesitated and said, "This requires the PR department to redesign the plan..."

"You misunderstood me. I'm not trying to do new marketing, nor is I trying to set up some 'star' group. We want to be independent from the Water Group. Do you understand?"

Edgar was stunned, he looked straight at Roger, and said:
"You mean to say that you don't want to rely on any capital, so that your superhero team will not be restrained by any forces. That's what you mean, right?"



Edgar said firmly: "It is impossible for us to agree to such outrageous conditions, and those politicians will not agree to such outrageous conditions, you are too naive!"

Allowing a group of superhumans to form an organization that is independent of any force is tantamount to allowing a group of gunmen to establish their own armed force.

It would be fine if Roger and the others were backed by the Water Group, but they wanted to break away from the Water Group and go it alone. If they didn't mention the Water Group, the government would not agree.

Roger didn't care about this, he said to Edgar:

"I'm not negotiating terms with you. I'm just stating a fact. Don't get me wrong. As for those politicians, you don't need to worry. I naturally have my own way."

Roger said flatly.

Being independent from any force is the way Roger thought of to make himself completely free.

He has such confidence and strength, there is really no need to stay in the Water Group to be a native of the motherland.

(End of this chapter)

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