Chapter 42
"You will not succeed."

Edgar said to Roger with a dark face:

"This world is not about how much power you have, how much you can get. Governments, consortia, families... these forces that are above ordinary people are the rulers of this world.

"It's simply impossible for you to be independent from any force. They don't allow such a powerful force to go unchecked, and we won't allow you to act recklessly like this!"

Edgar said firmly.

In the final analysis, this world is still a human world. No matter how powerful superhumans are, they cannot escape the control of groups or governments.

Humans will not allow this to happen.

"is it?"

But Roger held a different opinion. His body rose slowly, and he opened his arms as if showing something, and said to Edgar:
"Then why don't we ask people's choices?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Nothing, I'm just curious how the public will react when they find out that their favorite superhero is just a creation of the group."

Roger said, his body flew in the air, and he said to Edgar:
"I thought that would be interesting."

Edgar frowned, he probably guessed what Roger was going to do.

Roger wants to make the matter of Compound No. [-] public, and at the same time, it is estimated that there will be black information about other members of the Sevens, and even the motherland himself.

The Vault Group spent so much money and used so many resources to build the god on earth, Roger wants to destroy it with his own hands, and then build a new god on top of it!

For the time being, Edgar still doesn't know how Roger will pick himself out after doing this. After all, even if Edgar and the others know that Roger cannot be a native of the motherland, this is not the case for the public.

The scandal of the people of the motherland is also Roger's. When the image of the people of the motherland collapses, how can Roger stay out of it?
Does he really not care about the reputation of the people of the motherland and the benefits brought by this reputation?

But no matter what Roger wants to do, Edgar will not allow Roger to do so. He took a deep breath, knowing that since Roger is willing to negotiate with him, it means that the matter can be negotiated, so he asked:

"Do you have any conditions other than going out independently?"

"Only this one."

Roger said seriously.

Edgar stared at Roger for a long time, then said: "Yes, I agree."


Madeleine looked at Edgar in shock, but Edgar didn't look at her, and continued to Roger:

"I can agree that you, Xingguang and Maeve form the seven-member team independently to form another team, but the condition is that you can't tell anything about Compound No. [-]."

Roger chuckled, then nodded to Edgar and said, "Very well, then we have reached a consensus, and look forward to our next meeting."

After speaking, Roger took off into the sky and left Water Tower, and soon disappeared in front of Edgar and Madeleine.

Madeleine stared blankly at the direction where Roger was leaving, feeling a little lost in her heart. She then looked at Edgar and asked:

"Such conditions..."

"There is no way, you and I both know that with the strength of the people of the motherland, once he does what he wants to do regardless of his care, then no one can stop him."

Edgar turned around and walked back, saying with a gloomy expression:
"And, Madeleine, you have to remember that Walter is a pharmaceutical company, not an entertainment company. It doesn't matter if you give up on entertainment, but we can't let the situation get out of our control."

"Then now..."

"Things are still under control now. As long as Compound No. [-] is not exposed, everything will be easy to talk about. At the same time, we will make another preparation and make a plan if Compound No. [-] is exposed. The people in the motherland say that he will not speak out, which does not mean other people. People won't say it!"

Roger said that if he didn't tell about Compound No. [-], it was just a verbal agreement, and they didn't even sign a contract.

And even if a contract is signed, for this kind of superhuman, the contract is not much different from waste paper.

So Edgar has to make an emergency plan for 'if Compound No. [-] is released', after all, the government's FBI and CIA are closely watching the Vault Group.

How could they easily let go of such a major event as the Super Seven going out independently.

Madeleine remained silent, Edgar looked back at her, his eyes filled with indifference, and continued:

"Now, it's up to you to deal with the emotions of the Sevens and pick the new Sevens."

"... Can the seven-man team continue to exist?"

"No one ever said that there can only be one hero group. Let Shenhai come back. Although Black is dead, his existence is easy to disguise. Just find four more superhumans."

The Voight Corporation lacks everything, except superhumans.

It is true that Hei Hei died at the hands of the people of the motherland, but this matter has not been made public. It is not difficult to find another superhuman who is proficient in martial arts and has a steel skin to pretend to be Hei Hei.

Madeleine heard Edgar's order and went down to prepare.

But whether it's Edgar or Madeleine, both of them are very clear that the seven-member team has existed in name only, and the "star group" that the Water Group has spent so long in establishing will cease to exist in the future.

Even if there are still members of the Sevens, they will not be as famous as the Sevens.

Because... the strongest superhuman in the world, the native of the motherland, is gone.


Roger landed at another secret base of the Tek Knights, and at the moment Maeve and Starlight were watching the news with their necks covered.

The chips in the necks of the two have been taken out and destroyed. In the future, there is no need to worry that the Voight Group will use this to track and control them.

Seeing Roger coming back, Tek, who was cleaning up the blood on the utensils, looked over and asked:

"Is everything done?"

"Well, at least on the bright side, we don't have to worry about the Voight Group coming to make trouble.

It was Tek's idea to go to the Water Group to negotiate terms.

Since Roger intends to become independent, he should part ways with the Water Group as soon as possible and negotiate good terms with them.

Tek is sure that the Water Group will not give up on a powerful superhuman like Roger, and absolutely does not want to stand against Roger, so no matter what conditions Roger puts forward, as long as Compound No. [-] is not exposed, the Water Group will be able to accept.

Coincidentally, Roger didn't want Compound No. [-] to be made public, so there was this negotiation.

"That's fine. By the way, a deputy director of the CIA wanted to see you before, but you were not here. Do you plan to meet with you?"

Tek asked again.

The deputy director of the CIA was recruited by the people in black robes. After knowing that the people of the motherland had separated from the Voight Group and planned to establish their own company, the CIA moved to deal with the Vote Group.

When dealing with the Vault Group, they are most worried about the people of the motherland, but now that the people of the motherland are not with the Vote Group, why does the CIA not target the Vote Group.

Raising his eyebrows, Roger asked, "CIA knows about Compound No. [-]?"

"not yet."

"Then don't see each other for now, let's talk about it later."

Roger shook his head.

Not going to see the CIA is also for their own good. Roger still remembers that in the second season, there was a superhuman who saw someone's headshot. This person should be a member of the Walter Group, but not Edgar.

It's just that no matter who this person belongs to, as long as the CIA people dare to do things that are not good for the Voight Group, they will easily be shot in the head one by one by this superhuman.

So for the sake of their safety, Roger thinks it's better not to meet each other.

It's definitely not about the hassle.


(End of this chapter)

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