Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 63 Going to Kama Taj

Chapter 63 Going to Kama Taj
"It's not a waste of time."

Strange said, and then pointed to the Time Stone carried by Vision.

The green time gem floated from Vision and landed on Strange's hand, and then the Eye of Agamotto appeared, wrapping the time gem perfectly.

Roger was speechless again when he saw this. It turned out that he and Wanda Vision came here to be the courier of the Time Stone.

After staring at Strange for a while, Roger suddenly asked:

"You're keeping the Time Stone, right? Why did you give him to Thanos?"

"No, strictly speaking, I didn't give him to him, Thanos found it himself."

"But you are not dead, you should stop him."

The only point that Roger couldn't figure out in the original book was how Thanos got the Time Stone.

Whether Thanos personally went to the zombified Strange to get the time gem, or went to Kama Taj to find the time gem that was closely guarded, he would know that the earth had been zombified.

If Thanos really considers the living environment of the entire universe, after he realizes that the earth has been turned into zombies, the most sensible thing to do is to destroy the earth outside the universe and look for gems in the wreckage of the earth.

But he didn't do this. Instead, he chose to land in Wakanda directly, which eventually led to his own demise.

Of course, in the zombie universe, there are too many things about intelligence reduction, and the screenwriter of this episode of the "If..." series may not have thought so much at all.

Whether Thanos' behavior is reasonable or not, or whether other people's actions are rational or not, these screenwriters don't have to care, he is only responsible for explaining his own brain well.

But that was based on the fact that "What If..." was just an anime. Now that Roger has come to the world of "What If...", the falsehood has become real, and Roger needs to understand the reasons behind all this unreasonableness.

No matter how unreasonable things happen in the real world, there should at least be a reason. If we go back to the source, we can always find the reason why these people do what they do.

Roger wondered why Doctor Strange gave the time gem to Thanos, Strange thought for a moment and said:
"The gem of time at that time was not in me as the soul."

Roger frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Well, things are a bit complicated to say. In the final analysis, the soul world cannot interfere with the matter of the real world, so you should understand."

"That is to say, you can't stop it when you see it..."


Strange said ambiguously.

Roger asked again: "I have another question. You are the supreme mage and you have the time stone. You should have seen such a future. Why..."

"Without using the time gem, the future I can see is limited, and according to the original trajectory, the world will not become what it is today. You are a traveler from a distant time and space, and you know what I'm talking about."

"So the earth will be invaded by zombies, and it will not be on the original trajectory of the world?"

"That's just one of the countless tiny possibilities, and it wasn't within our scope of consideration."

Strange replied.

The fact that the earth will be invaded by zombies is indeed just one of countless tiny possibilities. It is something that would not have happened in the first place. If it weren't for the brains of Marvel screenwriters, these worlds would indeed not be possible.

"The time gem is handed over to Thanos, you..."

Roger still has questions to ask.

But Strange interrupted him helplessly:

"You have too many questions. I will answer the rest of the questions in the next time. The reason why you are here today should not be just to ask these questions."

Strange looked like he didn't want to say anything more. Roger took a deep breath and stopped asking. He looked back at Wanda and Vision, who hadn't been able to get a word in from the beginning to the end, and turned to Strange. :
"I was originally worried that Kama Taj would not have a supreme mage, so I wanted to bring Wanda over to see if she could help, but now it seems that I am worried for nothing."

"It seems that you know more than I imagined, but it's not in vain to worry. The world has deviated from its original track, and the future is being re-woven. Wanda's fate has also been reversed. She needs a guide."

Strange said in a daze.

Roger looked at him as if he saw the Ancient One Master, and the Ancient One Master in the movie likes to say these mysterious words.

Or after becoming the supreme mage, do you like to speak so vaguely?

Hearing the topic shifted to herself, Wanda looked around in a little bewilderment, and asked:
"What are you... talking about? What kind of guide?"

Strange smiled at her:

"It's a long story. Before that, you and Roger will go with me first. As for this..."

Strange looked at Vision.

The phantom looked back at Wanda and asked:

"Can't I go with you?"

Strange stared at Vision for a while, and finally said:

"Well, you can come along too, but life in Karma Taj will be boring."

"It's ok."

Visions don't matter.

As long as Wanda is around, no matter where he is, he will never be bored.

Following Doctor Strange, Roger and the others walked into the depths of the Supreme Sanctuary.

While taking Roger to Karma Taj, Doctor Strange said to Roger:
"Before you came, you were worried that Dormammu would invade the earth, but in fact, as long as the three supreme sanctuaries are located, the earth can be guaranteed not to be invaded by other dimensions, so even if there is no supreme mage in a short period of time, the earth will not something."

Doctor Strange's explanation made Roger understand why in the original Marvel universe, during the five years since Doctor Strange disappeared, other dimensions did not invade the earth.

"Then if the Supreme Mage is really lost, do you have a way to choose a new Supreme Mage?"

Roger asked again.

Strange said with a smile:

"Before every Supreme Mage leaves, he will plan the growth path of the new Supreme Mage, so even if the Supreme Mage suddenly disappears, it must be in the Supreme Mage's plan."

"So confident?"

"of course."

Strange smiled at Roger again, and pushed open the door leading to Karma Taj in front of him.

Standing at the door, Roger didn't go in, he looked at the passage in front of him, and his eyes fell on Doctor Strange:

"I know your intention to let Wanda go with you. It deviates from the original world line. Wanda's chaos magic needs to be guided by someone. It is reasonable for Vision to be with her as his boyfriend. What about me? ?”

Roger asked the question he was just confused about:
"Why did you let me go with you?"

"I thought you were interested in magic."

Doctor Strange replied.

Roger froze, and asked, "Are you... going to let me learn magic?"

"Why not? You saved the world anyway, didn't you?"

Doctor Strange blinked at Roger, then turned and walked into the portal leading to Karma Taj.

Roger looked at the back of Doctor Strange who disappeared, and felt in his heart that the reason why the other party taught him magic was not just because he saved the world.

But Doctor Strange didn't want to say more, and Roger felt that he couldn't beat him, so he simply didn't ask anything, and walked through the passage to Karma Taj with WandaVision.

In just a split second, the three of them arrived inside Karma Taj.

The holy place in the hearts of all mages.

 Two chapters a day is the current limit, I'll see if I can add more after two days...(°ω°`)
(End of this chapter)

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