Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 64 See yourself clearly

Chapter 64 See yourself clearly
Karma Taj, the sacred place in the minds of mages, most of the mages on the earth come from Karma Taj.

They learn spells in Karma Taj, and use spells to prevent the invasion of different dimensions to protect the earth.

Of course, some mages will also make some big things, such as Casillas, the mage who tried to summon the dark lord Dormammu.

There is also the mage Modu who is running to somewhere and making troubles secretly.

But aside from these mages who make trouble, most mages strictly follow the rules and regulations of mages, learn magic, and use magic to protect the world.

The Supreme Sorcerer is the best among them, and Doctor Strange is the best Supreme Sorcerer in history.

This is not Strange's claim, nor is it what Roger thinks, but the affirmation from the ancient supreme mage of the previous generation, the ancient one.

And now, the best supreme mage ever, is preparing to teach Roger magic with his own hands.

"...I really want to change into this outfit?"

Roger, who put on the mage's costume, stood in front of Strange and looked at him with some trepidation.

I don't know why, after wearing the uniform on the ship and facing Strange again, Roger felt as if he had returned to the campus, and the person standing in front of him was not a supreme mage, but he had left some "psychological shadow" on Roger class teacher.

So subconsciously, Roger took over the role of the student, looking extremely well-behaved.

Strange smiled at Roger and said, "You've already put it on, what are you talking about?"

"So I want to ask, can I change it back?"

"No, since you want to learn magic, then you are just a mage apprentice here. Of course, if you don't want to learn..."

"...Okay, it's okay, don't threaten me with this, it's okay if I don't change it."

Seeing that Strange didn't want to teach him how to look, Roger quickly stopped him.

Strange didn't continue talking this time, but brought Roger to Karma Taj's library, asked Roger to find a place to sit, and said to Roger:

"You come from outside the world and know most of the things in this universe, so you should also know the essence of the magic we use."

"I just understand something, not sure if it's right."

"Tell me."

"It is said that...the power you use magic comes from other cosmic dimensions?"

Roger asked tentatively.

Unlike his friend who is a fan of American comics, Roger's understanding of Marvel is only in the movies, and other details, if not because of his friends, he probably would not know.

The details about magic in the Marvel world were also mentioned by his friends in the chat over dinner.

A friend said that the wizards in the Marvel world do not use magic power from themselves. The magic they use borrows power from other dimensions.

Connect with the powers of other dimensions and let these powers be the source of spellcasting.

For example, the villain in the first part of the movie "Doctor Strange", Casillas, the magical power he uses comes from the dark dimension, so the magic he uses has some dark properties.

My friend also described the mages in the Marvel world in a way that Roger can easily understand.

The dimension is the server, and the mages are the account data one by one. They log in to the server to download data to learn magic. If the server crashes (the dimension is destroyed), they will lose their power.

At this time, they can only choose to create an account on the new server.

But that's just how most mages cast spells.

The Supreme Mage's spellcasting method is more advanced, and it seems that it does not simply borrow the power of other dimensions.

All of the above are just nonsense that Roger heard from his friends, and he doesn't know if it's true or not.

"Well, you're right, the source of the mage's power does come from other dimensions, more precisely from the powerful existence of these dimensions, but this is not the entire source of magic."

Doctor Strange agrees with Roger's statement, but also corrects Roger's statement.

With a wave of his right hand, several basic mage books were placed in front of Roger, and he continued:
"In addition to other dimensions, the source of magic is the power of the universe where we are, the power from our own spirit and heart, and some magical objects full of magical power..."

As Doctor Strange said, the book in front of Roger began to flip the pages, allowing Roger to see the corresponding pages of the knowledge that Doctor Strange told.

"The way of communicating with other dimensions and signing contracts with other dimensions is not suitable for you, so what you need to learn are other kinds.

"Borrow the power of the universe you are in, inspire the power from your own mind, or find an item with magical power, from which you can obtain the power needed to use magic."

If the art is compared to a car, then the energy is the diesel that makes the car move.

Learning the spells is very simple, the difficulty lies in how to obtain the energy to activate the spells.

The way of signing contracts with other dimensions is not suitable for Roger. After he leaves the Marvel universe, he will leave other dimensions connected with the Marvel universe. When he loses his energy, he will not be able to drive magic formulas.

But he can learn how to borrow cosmic energies, how to stimulate the power of his own heart and spirit.

"So where to start?"

Listening to Doctor Strange's explanation, Roger was eager to try.

"Psychic power."

Doctor Strange said without hesitation.

Doctor Strange focuses on the power of the mind, because he has never been to other universes, so it is not clear whether other universes will also have the exclusive energy of the Marvel universe. To be on the safe side, it is better to start with the mind first.

"how should I do?"

Roger, who is completely a noob in magic, completely obeys Doctor Strange at the moment.

Doctor Strange raised his hand, put his fingers on Roger's head, and said:

"The first thing you have to do is to recognize yourself."

boom! !

The moment Doctor Strange's fingers touched his forehead, Roger felt a loud bang in his ears that almost knocked him out!

The surrounding scenery was rapidly receding, and finally turned into streamers of light and disappeared around him. When all the light disappeared, Roger regained his sight again and found himself in the starry universe.

"here it is……"

Looking at the surrounding environment a little blankly, this situation reminded Roger of what the Ancient One did to Doctor Strange when Doctor Strange went to Kama Taj for the first time.

It was at that time that Doctor Strange saw pictures of countless dimensions. He traveled through countless worlds, saw magical scenes that he had never seen in his life, and finally made up his mind to learn magic.

Could it be that Doctor Strange is going to have a re-enactment of the event now?Do you want to play this routine on yourself?

Roger was thinking, but suddenly heard Doctor Strange's voice:

"If you want to use spiritual power as the source of magic, you need to figure out a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"Who are you."


Question marks popped up in Roger's head.

But Doctor Strange's voice had disappeared, replaced by another voice he was more familiar with.

"Are you a native, or Roger?"

Roger's pupils trembled, and he turned his head to look aside.

The other self in the costume of the motherland stood aside, looking at him with a half-smile.

No...that's not me.

Roger suddenly realized what he was like now, a mirror automatically appeared in front of his eyes, and what appeared in it was his soul-like self, which was what he looked like before time travel!
Seeing the familiar face in the mirror, Roger understood the significance of Doctor Strange putting himself in this space.

He wanted Roger to see himself clearly.

 The protagonist will not really study magic. This dungeon is just to add a buff to him. The core of his power is still in his own superpower. Please know.

(End of this chapter)

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