Chapter 65 Ah yes yes yes
The most difficult thing for a person is to see himself clearly.

See your strengths, your weaknesses, who you are, and use that to make yourself better...or worse.

Very few people in this world really know what kind of person they are.

Most people think that they are right and correct, and ignore their shortcomings. Even if they understand their shortcomings, they cannot change them.

I know my strengths, but I can't maximize my strengths.

Roger was just such an ordinary guy.

This is true before crossing, and it is also true after crossing.

Including his own character, he has nothing worth talking about. The only thing he is more proud of is probably the moral character cultivated in a peaceful society.

However, these moral qualities seem to be eroded by something after time travel.

"Who are you."

The self of the motherland in front of him asked Roger such a question again.

The corner of Roger's mouth was forced to twitch, and he pretended to be relaxed and said:

"Do you have to discuss such a philosophical issue here? Don't you want to imitate Lu Xiucai, tell me to die."

Roger of the Homelander shook his head, he pointed to Roger and said:
"I am you, and you are also me, so you don't have to worry about what I will do to you. Now I just want you...or let us figure out a problem, who are we...and what are we going to do."


"If you don't want to talk, let me tell you."

The people from the motherland... Let's call him that for the time being... Said what Roger has been struggling with:

"You want to be Superman, but you don't dare to be Superman, you want to be a native, but you don't want to be an asshole like a native, you want to be a hero, but you know you're not made to be a hero.

"You look like you don't care about anything, but in fact you don't have a goal to work hard for. No matter in the previous world or in the current world, you are just dawdling. , just like you before time travel."


Roger was a little hurt by his merciless words, he opened his mouth to refute, but he couldn't find a point to refute.

He knew that what the other self said was true.

The motherland continued:

"Admit it, as Roger, you are just a lucky ordinary person who has obtained the super powers that he dreams of,"

"Okay...I admit it. Anyway, I have never denied it. I am an ordinary person, and I am a salted fish that wants to be spoiled. You are right, let it go."

Roger didn't want to argue with himself, he yelled to Doctor Strange who didn't know if he was listening:

"Hey, Strange, I don't want to stimulate my spiritual power anymore, can we learn another method! Strange!! Supreme Mage!!"

Roger called Strange's name hoarsely, but no one answered.

"Okay, I get it, you bastard..."

Roger, who couldn't get Strange's response, understood what Strange meant. If he didn't deal with his spiritual problems well today, he probably wouldn't be able to get out.

Roger simply sat cross-legged in the void, took a deep breath, looked at the motherland in front of him and said:

"What do you want to say, just say it."

The motherlander smiled like a big boy, and Roger got goosebumps when he saw his smile.

It may be that the people from the motherland in the film and television drama have too much influence, so when seeing the smiles of the people from the motherland, Roger always feels that the other party has malicious intentions.

But the people from the motherland, who had messed up Roger just now, changed the subject at this moment:

"But you like this want to be a hero."

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

Roger denied three straight on the spot.

"It's not that you don't want to be, you just feel that you don't have the qualifications to be a hero."

The native said again.

Roger covered his forehead with his hands, he simply closed his mouth and said nothing, put on a posture of "you're right" and paralyzed in the cosmic space, allowing himself to float in a weightless environment.

The people of the motherland said unrelentingly:
"You worry that you can't do what a hero can do, you feel that your character is not suitable to be a hero, compared with the heroes of this world, compared with those in the Justice League, you are a man with a homeland capable little man."

"Yeah, you're right."

"But what you are really worried about is that one day in the future, you will be blinded by power and do things that are unforgivable in the eyes of ordinary people. This is also the reason why you came to Karma Taj. You don't want to learn magic, you Just trying to control my power."


"What? It's not bad this time?"

Seeing Roger's expression suddenly became serious, the native asked with a smile.

Roger sighed and said to the other party:
"……you're right."

The tone this time is different from before, this time Roger really thinks the other party is right.

He was indeed worried that he would not be able to control his own power, he was worried that he would be blinded by the power far beyond ordinary people, and do things that he would regret.

After all, he was just an ordinary person before the crossing, and suddenly he possessed a strength far beyond ordinary people, so he would be easily corrupted by strength.

In fact, he has already discovered that when he was in the black robe world, he was dominated by a tyrannical emotion several times. He thought it was something left over from the people of the motherland.

But that's just an excuse.

Roger clearly knew that the tyranny came from Roger himself.

'I have such great power, how dare you talk back to me? ''No one in this world is my opponent, how dare you defy me? '

When facing the locomotive, when facing black, such emotions dominated Roger and made him do irrational things.

Some people may say, what does it matter, anyway, he is the strongest existence in the world, he can do whatever he wants, and he is a native of the motherland.

But Roger wanted to say no.

It is Roger's luck to have power, and it is also Roger's luck to be a native of the motherland. He cannot rely on the ability he has acquired due to luck to do whatever he wants recklessly.

In the words of the Secondary Two, he cannot be controlled by power, he must learn to control his own power.

Taking a deep breath, Roger became serious this time and asked the people of the motherland:
"So, you can let me control my power?"

Roger from the motherland smiled and said: "No, and this is what I want to tell you. Since you can't suppress your own nature, why don't you try to release it?"

"...Sorry, my ears may not be very good just now, what did you just say?"

Roger looked at the Homelander as if he had seen a ghost.

The motherlander repeated again:

"I said, why do you have to think about suppressing your own nature instead of releasing it? This is also a solution, isn't it?"

"...Is this the practice of spiritual power?"

Roger had a strange expression, and he began to wonder if he had come to the wrong place. The guy in front of him had actually been corrupted by the dark dimension, and he was trying to lure Roger to fall.

The motherland replied with a smile:
"Of course, understanding the original heart is also a way to practice spiritual power. You can be more confident in yourself. You will never become a person like the people of the motherland. Maybe you will not become a hero, but at least you will not become a hero." a villain.

"This is you, Roger the Everyman."

(End of this chapter)

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