Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 84 Super power suppression device

Chapter 84 Super power suppression device

The matter of the storm was dealt with swiftly and resolutely by Roger.

Shockwave and Mezmer, who possessed the code and key of the nuclear bomb, were also treated specially. Roger did not ask what happened to these two people.

The other members of the seven team were also imprisoned, even if they were indeed coerced by the storm, according to the law, they should indeed be given leniency.

But in a place like the United States, offending so many politicians, it is probably impossible to get leniency. The next step is to see if the Voight Group can pay some price to redeem these people.

However, the Water Group is also in trouble. Whether the deep sea and the lamplighter can be released is another matter.

But when it came to the Water Group, Roger finally figured out what the last laugh of the storm meant.

At the same time that the storm hit the White House, the House of Representatives of Country M was bloodbathed by superhumans. Almost half of the congressmen were headshot by unidentified superhumans. Edgar, the president of the Water Group, and Madeleine, the vice president, disappeared.

After the death of the storm, countless super criminals with superpowers also appeared in country M.

Their locations are quite scattered, and almost every city has one or two of these super criminals.

In addition, congressmen from all continents were bloodbathed by superhumans, and half of the top-level structure of the entire country M was paralyzed. The response of cities on all continents was not timely, allowing those superhuman criminals to riot in the cities without restraint, and the entire country M was in chaos for a while. into a ball.

Facing the current chaos in country M, Roger, who was sitting in the conference room watching the news, had a heavy expression.

Superhuman criminals are still a small matter. Many superhuman powers are actually not that strong. If the military is dispatched, it is not very difficult to deal with them.

The problem is that the collective appearance of these superhuman criminals is tantamount to sending a signal to all superhumans in the world.

——Human beings are dead, this world is dominated by superhumans.

The long-term layout of the Voight Group has filled the world with superhumans. It is conservatively estimated that the number of superhumans in the world is at least a few million.

Once these many superhumans form a force that is not afraid of any government, it will be a considerable trouble for the entire world.

This is what Roger is discussing now.

"So, it is impossible to extract the antidote of Compound No. [-] from Compound No. [-] in reverse?"

Roger asked Banner.

After Banner came to this world, Roger gave him a task to use the finished product of Compound No. [-] to develop a potion that can make people lose their superpowers.

Roger doesn't understand medicine or biology, so he doesn't know if an 'antidote' can be developed, but he believes in Banner, who is a super boss with several doctorates, and biology is one of them ,

It's just a pity that even with Banner's ingenuity, he couldn't develop a 'drug' that could remove the effects of Compound No. [-] and make people lose their superpowers.

"Many people's body's No. [-] compound is injected from an early age. The growth of the body has made the No. [-] compound a part of the human body. If you want to get rid of the influence of No. [-] compound, it is equivalent to getting rid of the normal human body. A certain type of cell has an important function, and the result of forcibly doing so is..."

Banner explained to Roger, although the following words have not been finished, but everyone knows what he means.

Roger rubbed his face with his hands and asked:

"What about injections after adulthood? Nowadays, many super criminals are injections after adulthood. They should have a way to solve it?"

"It is possible in theory, have to be prepared that they may die."

"...Forget it."

Roger reluctantly responded.

Not all of these adults who became superhumans through Compound No. [-] are criminals, and many of them are just innocent people kidnapped by the Voight Group.

Moreover, the number of these criminals is not very large, but if they are incapable, it will be a drop in the bucket as a whole. It is better to let Luo Jie go on the horse and kill these superpowers who committed crimes one by one.

In this way, it is simple and fast, and it can save a lot of research funds.

Seeing the silence of the crowd, Tek Knight suddenly asked:
"So now it seems that we can only catch them one by one in a stupid way?"

No one answered the Tek Knight's words. Banner frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly said:
"Wait a minute, although I can't research a potion that makes people lose superpowers, but I can research a device that suppresses superpowers."

"What do you mean?"

Roger's eyes lit up, and he looked at Banner.

Banner organized the language and said:
"Before I left the earth...not this earth, but another one. When I left that earth, I went to a planet called Saka, which was ruled by an alien called 'Grandmaster'.

"He built a place like the Colosseum, where many powerful aliens fought each other, Thor..."

When Banner said this, he looked around, and after confirming that Thor was not here, he continued:

"Thor was once captured by the Grandmaster and became the dueling 'warrior' inside."

When Banner said this, the meeting room was quiet for a while, and Natasha asked:
"Sorry, I don't understand how this has anything to do with what we're dealing with now."

"Um... The point is not actually duels, but the way the Grandmaster prevents these powerful aliens from escaping, a restraint device, a restraint device that even Thor can't break free."

Banner circled around and finally expressed his thoughts:
"So I was thinking, is it possible to design a device that can suppress the superpowers of those superpowers in this world, just like the restraint device on Star Saka."

When Banner said that, Roger understood.

It's similar to the mutant ability suppression device in the "X-Men" series.

Or the Hailoushi handcuffs in "One Piece".

I have to say that this method is indeed very feasible, and Roger quickly made a decision:

"Then just do it, Banner, how long will it take you to do it?"

"If there are no accidents, samples should be produced within one month, and finished products can be produced within two months."

Banner replied.

Two months is enough time. Roger’s time-travel charging device takes three months to charge, and now less than a week has passed. After two months of researching the superpower suppression device, Banner can still talk to the Black Widow. Natasha is out on a date.

With enough time, Roger was not in a hurry, he said to Banner:
"Dr. Banner, I leave the super power suppression device to you."

Banner nodded to Roger, then smiled at Natasha and turned back to the laboratory specially prepared for him.

In fact, even if Roger didn't say anything, Banner would complete the research and development of the superpower suppression device as soon as possible. After all, he didn't want to stay in this world for another three months or even longer.

There was a solution to the superhuman matter, and everyone heaved a long sigh of relief.

While Banner was developing the superpower suppression device, Roger and others were also working as firefighters all over the world to prevent the super criminals created by the Water Group from causing greater damage to the world.

A week passed like this, and because of the activities of Roger and others, super-capable criminals around the world began to die down, and they were no longer as high-profile as they were at the beginning, for fear of being targeted by Roger's hero team.

And Banner's super power suppression device has also made preliminary progress. According to this progress, the sample will be developed in about the third week, a week faster than Banner expected.

At present, the world of black robes seems to be on the right track. Except for the disappearance of the top management of the Water Group, there is basically nothing wrong with it.

There was just one thing that Roger didn't expect, when he was about to take a rest after a busy week, Bucky the Winter Soldier came to him.

He seems like Thor, he doesn't want to go back.

(End of this chapter)

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