Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 85 The Dust Settles

Chapter 85 The Dust Settles
When Bucky came to look for Roger, Roger was lying outside his swimming pool, wearing floral underpants and a floral shirt, lying on a deck chair drinking juice and enjoying a rare sunbath.

If it weren't for the fact that Roger is still handsome and his figure is not out of shape, the current Roger looks like an elderly uncle.

Seeing this scene, Bucky couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He had some doubts whether the Roger in front of him was the same as Roger, who had gone around being a superhero some time ago.

After all, Roger's appearance now does not match his previous image.

"Huh? Barnes?"

Bucky's footsteps were heavy, and he didn't hide what Roger meant, so Roger heard him as soon as he came in.

Taking off the sunglasses on his eye sockets, Roger turned his head to look at Bucky who walked beside him, and said with a smile:

"It's really strange that you would take the initiative to find me."

"...Just call me James."

After a moment of silence, the Winter Soldier sat in the empty seat next to Roger and said to Roger.

"James, what can I do for you?"

Roger changed his name naturally. He no longer called the Winter Soldier by his surname, and of course he didn't use his nickname.

The nickname Bucky is only given by people who are most familiar with Bucky, such as Captain America, such as Falcon.

Roger thought he was not that familiar with Bucky yet, so of course it was impossible to call him by such an extremely intimate title.

Hearing Roger's question, Bucky became quiet again. He seemed to be like this all the time, and he would fall silent after a few words, probably because he had just woken up from hibernation for a few months.

After organizing some words, Bucky said to Roger:
"You... will travel everywhere in the future? I mean... to other universes?"

"Of course." Roger took a sip of the juice and replied, "Compared to staying in one world, I want to see more of the world's beauty, food and..."



Roger, who was interrupted by Bucky, was stunned, a question mark appeared on his head, and then said dumbfoundingly:
"Of course not! I'm not that horny yet, I mean... good entertainment, like movies, comics, music..."

"Sounds good."

"Not very good, but pretty good."

Roger smiled at Bucky.

Of course, Roger's purpose is not limited to what he said.

Beautiful scenery, delicious food, good movies, good music, interesting people or things... These are indeed the motivation for Roger to travel through the world, but the real motivation is to find his own way home.

Even if his hometown has changed beyond recognition, even if countless years have passed there when he finds his hometown, Roger still wants to go back and take a look.

Even if it's just from a distance.

This is the hometown complex in his soul, which is nothing more than the fallen leaves returning to their roots.

But it's meaningless to say these things to Bucky, and it would be troublesome to explain them in detail, and the superficial reasons are enough, there is no need to tell Bucky too much.

"Then when do you plan to leave?"

Bucky asked again.

Roger thought for a while and said, "There are still about two months left. As you know, my traversal ability needs three months to recharge."

"Aren't you going to send us back?"

"That's right, I'll send you back first, and then proceed to a new time travel."

"Wait another three months then?"

"No, it doesn't really work."

Normally speaking, it takes three months of preparation time for Roger to travel to the Marvel world and then travel to a new time.

But what Roger didn't tell others was that the traversal channel between the Marvel world and the black robe world had been successfully established, and it took three months of energy to travel there, and another three months of energy to travel back.

The consumption of these energies is actually establishing a connection with the world of the black robe.

When the connection is successfully established, Roger only needs a small amount of energy to go back and forth between the two worlds, and then Roger can use the accumulated energy to go to the next world.

"What are you asking these for?"

Roger looked at Bucky curiously.

His relationship with Bucky is actually not that good, and his relationship with other Avengers can only be regarded as friends. The only one who has a better relationship is probably Thor.

The two are now gaming friends.

And the relationship between Bucky and Roger... An employment relationship is more appropriate than a friend.

So now Roger is wondering why Bucky came to him, normally he should be training with Tek Knight...

Bucky hesitated a little. He looked at the swimming pool in front of him calmly, and said in a low voice:
"...What I want to say is that you don't need to take me with you when you go back this time."


Hearing Bucky's words, Roger sat up straight quickly. He looked at Bucky seriously and asked:

"You don't plan to go back either?"



Once again, Roger is not very familiar with Bucky, and even when he watched the movie in his previous life, he didn't have a deep impression of this character.

Marvel’s film and television series Roger only watches movies, and TV series with great special effects and big brain holes, so Roger didn’t watch “Eagle Eye” and “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” which don’t have many special effects scenes. Soldiers know even less.

Therefore, compared with Thor, Roger really doesn't know the reason why the Winter Soldier wants to stay in this world.

After all, the Winter Soldier's friend Captain America is still alive, and Falcon, who has a good relationship, is still alive, so he has no reason to stay in this world.

The Winter Soldier opened his mouth and seemed to want to explain to Roger, but in the end he didn't speak, shook his head and asked:

"Can't you?"

"It's not impossible...Forget it, do as you please, treat it as a tour in this world, and Thor also plans to stay and you two have a companion."

"I don't really know him well..."

"It doesn't matter. I'll get to know him slowly. It's okay to play games with him, or drink with him or something. If you don't mind, you can also travel with me in the future."

Roger stood up and patted the Winter Soldier on the shoulder and said.

The Winter Soldier nodded and said to Roger, "Thank you."

Then he got up and left without continuing to talk to Roger.

Watching the Winter Soldier leave, Roger couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

The characters in this Marvel world are all problem children. This one doesn't plan to go back, and that one plans to stay here. The whole black-robed world is like a shelter for problem children.

However, the stay of Thor and the Winter Soldier made Roger feel a little bit different.

He didn't forget the observer's entrustment to him, asking him to form a team to help deal with Infinity Ultron.

Although Roger didn't have the intention to help the observers, he couldn't say so absolutely. He might change his mind in the future.

And by that time, Roger might be able to pull Thor and the Winter Soldier into his squad.

And as Roger travels through more and more worlds, the number of members of this team is estimated to increase.

I just thought about it for a while, and Roger, who had an outburst of salty fish nature, didn't continue to think about it.

Forming a team, recruiting members and so on, these things are still far away from now anyway, it is better to think about what kind of world the new world will be.

The Winter Soldier decided to stay, and Thor was fascinated by the game and didn't want to return to the original world.

So after Dr. Banner developed the superpower suppression device, Roger sent them back to their original universe as promised.

There were no other accidents during this period.

The Walter Group was dismantled by the government as a whole, leaving only the elite members missing, just like the Hydra in the Marvel world.

Those superhumans were also arrested and locked up with superpower suppression devices. Some criminals who committed too serious crimes were directly executed, or were beaten to death by Roger when he was arresting them.

The main boss of the black-robed world has fallen, and the overall plot should be considered over, and nothing major will happen in the future, let alone Thor staying here.

Roger told Maeve that if something happened that they couldn't handle, they could go to Thor for help.

Therefore, after all the dust settled, Roger was very relieved to use his accumulated energy to find the next world to travel through.

This time traversal is different from the previous time traversals. In the previous few time traversals, Roger was passively traversing to a new world. When the time comes, Roger will be sucked into the traversal point.

But after Roger's strength became stronger and his control over the biological force field rose to another level, Roger found that he could vaguely use the biological force field to affect the crossing point in turn.

Although it is not yet possible to take the initiative to travel, but at least you can delay the time travel by yourself. Roger estimated this time, it is about 48 hours.

That is two days.

This time may be extended in the future, and perhaps one day Roger will be able to take the initiative to travel through it with his own will, instead of being so passive.

After staying in the Marvel world for a few days, Roger separated from his friends in the Marvel world, and started traveling through the new world non-stop.

It's just that during the time travel, Roger secretly prayed in his heart that he must not travel to a place like the Marvel Zombie Universe this time.

His requirements are not very high, just be normal... just be a little normal, and don't encounter any major incidents as soon as he comes up.

If he encounters another place like the Marvel Zombie Universe, Roger probably will have to travel through phobias in the future.

But Roger had some confidence in his own luck, anyway, he shouldn't be so unlucky.

(End of this chapter)

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