I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 184 The Head Teacher Eating Opposite You During Lunch Break

Chapter 184 The Head Teacher Eating Opposite You During Lunch Break

Nazi looked at Heath indifferently, with murderous intent and shame written all over her face, which made Heath a little puzzled, what happened to him?But he is wearing slacks, and there is no such thing as forgetting to close the zipper.

"Miss Nazi?" Heath looked at Nazi suspiciously, but Nazi still didn't speak, and the appearance of Nazi also made Musashi and Saya cast curious eyes. When he wasn't distracted, he saw a familiar person.

"Eh? Heath?! Why are you here?" It's Mr. Sakagi, but today Mr. Sakagi is not wearing a black suit, but wearing very casual clothes, which looks a little easy-going, and Mr. Sakagi Next to Mr. is the gymnasium owner of Dark Gray City, who has squinted eyes and looks like Xiao Gang who has aged several years.

Heath felt that the other party should be Xiaogang's father, the current owner of the rock-type gymnasium. Heath didn't quite remember the name of this person, but only remembered that the other party seemed to be called Wu Neng or something.

"Mr. Sakagi! Why are you here?" Heath was a little surprised, and it was really unexpected. Heath never thought that he could meet Mr. Sakagi at the headquarters of the Quartz Alliance. You must know Mr. Sakagi Most of the time is spent in Evergreen City.

"Because the alliance convened all the gym owners to discuss some issues about the reform of the alliance's gym badges and flexible battles." Sakagi walked over with a smile, and after Sakagi appeared, the killing intent on Nazi's face disappeared. She turned into the iceberg girl with no emotion again, standing quietly behind Sakagi.

Heath didn't notice this. After all, even when Nazi's expression was murderous, her expression didn't change much.

Heath suddenly realized, no wonder he met Sakagi and Nazi in the Quartz Alliance, and even met Xiaogang's father, a magical figure.

Heath has always felt that Xiaogang's parents are a very outrageous couple, or maybe this is some attempt by the island country to stimulate young people to have more children after the island country's declining birthrate and aging. After all, Xiaogang's parents gave birth to something special A total of eleven children, from the youngest to the tenth son, a total of eleven, made up a football team in a serious manner, and made the young Xiaogang have to bear the burden of taking care of his younger siblings after he grew up.

Maybe in some cartoons in the island country, it is normal for parents to be busy and have a younger sister and a house, and it can even be said to be a routine of some romantic comedies, but when it comes to Xiaogang, it becomes a "young children for children". Unscrupulous parents wipe their ass and have to take care of it is a younger brother and sister' inspirational experience.

It's no wonder that Xiaogang in the back would leave the Gymnasium in the Dark Gray City and travel with Xiaozhi, probably because he was confused.

Eleven children, Heath looked at the man who looked like Xiao Gang, showing an expression of admiration, eleven children means that Xiao Gang's mother may have been pregnant for eleven years, which means Even if Xiaogang's mother started having children at the age of twenty-four, she still gave birth until she was thirty-five.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Xiaogang's father had to make his wife pregnant in order to save homework.

And Heath also noticed that after Boss Sakagi appeared, Musashi's expression didn't change much, but Heath could feel that Musashi was sitting more upright. There was a kind of lazy student who suddenly found the dean walking in to make inspections when he was in class. Feel.

Heath wanted to laugh a little, but he didn't point it out. After all, in the setting in front of Sakagi and the others, Heath was just an innocent passing chef who didn't know their identities and relationships.

"Mr. Sakagi, what do you want to eat?" Heath asked with a smile. It was a good thing to meet Sakagi. After all, he was an old guest in Changqing City, and he didn't know how Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were doing now.

"Give me a piece of braised chicken, and then another piece of milk tea." Sakagi looked at the blackboard that Heath hung up, and instantly decided what he wanted to eat. He had eaten braised chicken before. , and milk tea is the first time I have seen it, but it is basically not too bad that it can be pushed out by Heath.

"Mr. Wu Neng, Heath is an excellent cook, do you want to eat something?" Sakagi looked at the very old father Xiaogang beside him, and then asked.

Heath glanced at Xiaogang's father, and his name was really Wu Neng. It seems that Heath's memory is quite good.

"I know, Mr. Sakagi, my son Xiaogang told me about Heath, he said that the most delicious specialty in Changqing City is the dishes made by Heath, and even threw him to you to study I don't have any opinions." Mr. Wu Neng said with a smile, but he didn't say that Xiao Gang started to complain again during this period, because Heath went on a trip.

"Then be the same as Mr. Sakagi." Wu Neng looked at Heath curiously. It was the first time he saw his son so respectful to a chef, even the food made by his wife Xiaomi was in Xiaogang's mouth. None of them were as delicious as Heath's. For this reason, Xiaomi had a quarrel with his son and scolded him bloody.

So Wu Neng is really interested in this chef who has only been mentioned by his son.

Heath nodded, and looked at Nazi again. After a moment of hesitation, Nazi pointed to Boss Sakagi silently. Heath instantly understood what Nazi meant, and the meaning was the same as that of Sakagi.

Sakagi looked at the busy Heath with a weird expression, and then looked at the cold-faced Nazi next to him. After another misunderstanding, Sakagi finally figured out why these strange misunderstandings happened to Nazi, and this misunderstanding also It was solved, and Sakagi was very sure that what Heath said definitely did not mean that, but was misunderstood by Nazi.

Thinking of what Heath said, Sakagi couldn't help rubbing his stomach. Although he didn't know why Heath told Nazi that it was a subordinate's duty to grab a man's stomach, Sakagi still felt that he could avoid going to the hospital very nice.

And Sakagi, Nazi, and Wu Neng sat on the chairs aside, Sakagi was just facing Musashi, and Musashi carefully moved his position to keep himself away from the boss' sight.

The delicious yellow stewed chicken and rice also became unsavory. Musashi sighed and decided that before Boss Sakagi returned to Changqing City, she had better take it away every day, otherwise she would have to worry about eating. .

"Excuse me, can we fight?" An excited voice made Heath look up, and then he saw Miss Saya looking at Mr. Wu Neng excitedly, and offered an invitation to fight.

Well, as expected of a person from the Pokémon world.

(End of this chapter)

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