I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 185 The Qingming Chapter of the Pokémon World

Chapter 185 Ching Ming Festival in Pokémon World

In the world of Pokémon, fighting is as natural as breathing. Basically, anyone with a poke ball pinned to their waist cannot resist the temptation to fight, and in Heath's opinion, Miss Saya is probably of a similar type.

"Battle? If you want to challenge me, you have to go to the Dark Gray City to sign up first, and then pass the mineral identification test." Wu Neng became a little interested, and he looked at Saya curiously, with the eyes of some older people looking at young people. the kindness of people.

Saya was stunned for a moment, she really didn't know these weird rules existed, Heath looked at Saya with a strange expression, this girl came out to be a trainer without knowing anything?No wonder the Joey family is worried about Saya. If it is Heath, Heath himself is not at ease.

"Miss Saya, you need to pass the assessment content set by the gymnasium owner before challenging the gymnasium, you don't know that?" Heath reminded Saya with a smile, Saya smiled awkwardly, and then blushed Lian quickly ran away, and the reason he used was "I forgot to turn off the gas in the hotel where I stayed", which made Heath feel like he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Girls nowadays are really shy." Mr. Wu Neng said with a smile, and Heath handed the cooked braised chicken to Mr. Wu Neng, Sakagi and Nazi, and then wiped his hands , looked at Mr. Wu Neng strangely.

But Heath didn't say anything, and the strong aroma had already made Wu Neng, Mr. Sakagi and Nazi couldn't help it. They picked up their chopsticks and began to eat this unique meal, and Heath also put the braised chicken Some small tricks told Wu Neng, who ate it for the first time.

After Wu Neng poured the stewed chicken soup into the rice and took another bite, he couldn't help showing a satisfied expression. Mr. Sakagi also looked at Heath with a satisfied face. The taste of the braised chicken is getting better and better, which makes Mr. Sakagi feel amazing.

"Mr. Sakagi, is Changqing City okay?" Heath looked at Sakagi and asked. It's not like he hasn't asked Sister Feng about Changqing City, but Sister Feng is busy most of the time, and occasionally replied It was just a word like 'very good, don't say it', which made Heath feel like he was talking to his mother.

"Very good, as always, but Heath, you didn't set up a stall every morning, and everyone is not used to it." Mr. Sakagi smiled and picked up a piece of chicken and stuffed it into his mouth. The chicken was fragrant and tender. It's delicious, and you can even swallow it directly after taking a bite. With the rich sauce of braised chicken, Mr. Sakagi can't stop.

Thinking of those various guests, Heath couldn't help showing a smile, they always have to say goodbye, there is nothing to say about this, it would be a pity if there is no travel in the Pokémon world, and In order to complete the task, Heath also had to embark on a journey.

"You will get used to it slowly. Speaking of which, Mr. Codd came to my place today to buy a takeaway." Heath looked at his mobile phone. His mobile phone just vibrated. It was Mr. Asong. He said that the eel rice made by Heath was very delicious, and the manager in his company was very interested after seeing it, and wanted to order a copy tomorrow.

Heath quickly responded to the message, and Heath has done a lot of takeaways. He just needs to ask clearly about the types and portions of the meals that will be provided tomorrow, and he can basically start preparing the ingredients.

"Ked." Sakagi's eyes flickered for a moment. Kodd is a very smart and very old Hudi, with a very strong superpower, but I don't know why Kodd didn't become a researcher, but came here Became a courier.

However, this does not seem to be surprising, there are all kinds of talents in Changqing City, and Sakagi hides in the dark, and has already glimpsed a lot of interesting things.

It’s just that the development and expansion of the Rockets needs to be restricted. Sakagi feels that he does not have the strength to face the alliance head-on. To be precise, most of the dark organizations do not have the strength to face the behemoth of the alliance head-to-head.

The Rockets need a chance, and the dreamy gene replica project is the Rockets' opportunity. As long as they can create a powerful Pokémon comparable to a mythical beast, then the Rockets can try to stretch out their tentacles from the darkness.

"Mr. Codd is very interesting, but I don't know where he learned his translation accent." Heath smiled, but he didn't notice Sakagi's eyes.

"Speaking of interesting things, I think tomorrow's Quartz Alliance is the most interesting thing." Sakagi showed a mysterious smile.

Heath suddenly became interested, what day is tomorrow?Heath doesn't remember much, but he vaguely remembers that it is a day to pay homage to deceased relatives and Pokémon. There are some Qingming similar to the previous life, except that Qingming here is also supplemented with the meaning of commemorating dead Pokémon.

Heath has been in this world for four years, and he has lived a life like this for four years. Every time it comes to this season, it is easy to rain, and everyone's mood is instantly depressed. Heath will also go to worship The parents of the predecessor, although he only inherited the identities of these people.

"Isn't it that Zhulan, the newly promoted champion of the Sinnoh region, is coming to the Kanto region as a guest?" Mr. Wu Neng said indifferently, he had already finished eating, which was very fast, no wonder he could have eleven children.

But hearing Zhulan's name, Heath couldn't help but think of another name of this person, which is relatively easy to remember, Sirona.

Sinnoh champion Sirona, this is a very powerful alliance champion. In the game of Diamond Pearl, Sinnoh champion Sirona still made many players feel defeated, and she is also a very powerful champion, but Heath remembered Later, the title of the strongest champion was taken away by Dandi in the Galar region.

"The Sinnoh champion?" Although Heath knew the identity of the Sinnoh champion very well, He must pretend not to know now.

"Well, the champion of Sinnoh is a very strong girl. Her battle style is open and close, and she has the air of a king. According to the tradition of the alliance, the newly promoted champion often needs to go to other regions to communicate. In fact, it is also to promote herself. Strength is a customary habit." Mr. Wu Neng shrugged, in fact, this time there is also a reason for the gathering of gym masters.

Heath touched his chin. He really didn't know that there was such a custom among the alliances before. Why did it feel like a muscle show?
"After all, this is also a way to attract talents to settle in their alliance." Sakagi took a sip of milk tea calmly.

 Zhulan is another name of Sirona, which is actually a problem of translation, so it will still be called Sirona in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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