I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 210 I was once extremely angry...

Chapter 210 I was once in a situation of extreme anger.
One noon passed, and the ingredients in Heath's dining car were almost consumed. After Heath was almost consumed, he ended today's business. He had to go to the Rotom electrical store just now, Solo Ya has been talking about it for a long time, and Heath felt that his ears were getting calluses.

"Electrical store! Game console! Electronic store! Game console!!" Zoroya excitedly lay on Heath's head, making an excited sound. Heath shook his head helplessly, this little guy was too excited some.

Just when Heath was about to put away the signboard outside, he saw Miss Musashi walking over, looking around with a mysterious face, and then took off his sunglasses and stood in front of Heath.

"Miss Musashi? Do you want something to eat?" Heath was stunned for a moment, but he stopped collecting things and asked while looking at Miss Musashi.

"Do you have that braised pork and rice? I'm so hungry, hurry up and get me some." Musashi looked around nervously, and then asked quickly in a low voice. Heath shook his head, and the braised pork and rice asked Si didn't do it during this time.

"Hey, what about the stewed chicken and rice?" Musashi asked unwillingly. Heath looked a little funny. Mr. Sakagi should still be sitting in the headquarters building of the alliance right now. I don't know what Mr. Sakagi is doing. What, but according to Mr. Sakagi's consistent personality, it is estimated that he is still chatting with others to obtain some information, right?

"Hey, Mr. Sakagi, I'm sorry, I'm a bit harsher." Sirona patted her hand with a smile, and then walked over with an apologetic face, while Sakagi looked at her fallen sixth Pokémon Meng, forced a far-fetched smile on his face.

Yesterday Sirona said that she wanted to fight Sakagi, but Sakagi didn't want to fight Sirona, so she found a reason and brought Sirona to Hiss, wanting Hiss to seduce Sirona's stomach with delicious food, But I didn't expect Sirona to come to the door again today, which made Sakagi, who was a little worried because the dream plan was not going well, completely broke out.

The irritability of being disturbed and the unsatisfactory dream plan made Sakagi become extremely angry. Sakagi welcomed the battle with Sirona in extreme anger, and then Sakagi was extremely angry until now because he had never played Sirona.

Although Sirona is very young, Sirona is not a weak trainer. It is not an easy role to become a champion, and Sirona proved this with this battle. Sakagi's strength is indeed very good, but When facing Sirona, Sakagi didn't reveal his true strength, and was beaten badly. If Sirona didn't care about Sakagi's face, it might have been three in a row, and six in two.

Fortunately, Sirona finally changed five Pokémon, and defeated Sakagi with her strongest biting land shark, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that Sakagi's set of Pokémon has no chance of winning against Sirona.

"It's okay, it's because I'm not as skilled as others, but Miss Sirona's strength is really terrifying, and the younger generation is formidable." Sakagi's mood has calmed down a lot at the moment, and he looks at Sirona with a smile. What is the relationship between Sirona and him, Sakagi from the Kanto area?

The headaches are also those dark organizations in the Sinnoh area. Last time, Sakagi heard Apollo say that there is a new Galaxy team in the Sinnoh area. He always said that he has a history of thousands of years, and he went around grabbing other people’s Pokémon. , Sakagi simply scoffed at this.

What Sakagi despises most is this kind of low IQ behavior. It is not incomprehensible to be so rampant if he has enough strength, but before he has enough strength, he needs to learn to hide himself. Only by hiding himself can he develop steadily. Sakagi has been shaping This is also the reason for his personality.

The day that Sakagi decided to turn against the alliance was the day when the dream plan was successful. When the created Pokémon was born and belonged to the Rockets, the Rockets had the qualification to be active under the eyes of the alliance. , Before that, Sakagi would only silently accumulate his own strength, and would not do anything that aroused the suspicion of the alliance.

"Oh, I want to eat." Sakagi sighed, looking at Sirona who was pulling him to discuss the tactics and breeding methods of Pokémon from the Earth, Sakagi rubbed his stomach helplessly, it seemed that he could only be hungry for a while I don't know what Boss Heath is doing. Has he launched any new dishes today?
Heath, who didn't know that he was thinking about Sakagi, was entertaining Musashi. Musashi looked a little absent-minded. He always looked like this when eating. He kept looking around secretly, and then continued to eat. Heath looked a little wanting to laugh. , It seems that sitting here with Mr. Sakagi last time put a lot of pressure on Musashi.

"Miss Musashi, what are you looking at?" Heath looked at Musashi playfully and asked.

"Look at the old man. Look at the handsome guy." Musashi replied subconsciously, but stopped soon, and then changed his sentence to Heath.

"Miss Musashi, how long are you going to be on a business trip at the Quartz Alliance headquarters? I will stay in the Quartz Alliance during this time." Heath looked at Musashi and asked. But then he found that Heath was looking at her, and quickly retracted his hands.

"It's about a week away. If the task assigned by the company can be completed ahead of schedule, then I can leave early." Musashi said calmly.

One week?It doesn't seem to be aimed at Sirona, but if you think about it carefully, the Rockets are not idle and have nothing to do. How could they focus on a powerful Sinnoh champion for no reason?Isn't that just looking for something for yourself when you have nothing to do?

And in terms of Musashi's strength, it is impossible to do something to Sirona.

Before they met Kojiro and Miaomiao and formed the Rocket Trio, these three people had no shocking black technology products. Of course, after traveling with the protagonist Xiaozhi, the Rocket Trio took on the responsibility of inventing The work of black technology.

Anyway, I don't know how they did it. Heath thinks this is probably the so-called three cobblers top one Zhuge Liang.

Heath touched Roja and comforted the irritable little fox. Soraya kept gnashing his teeth and looked at Musashi. Heath thought it was probably because Musashi delayed Soraya's time to buy a game console, but This is very normal for chefs, there are always some guests who will pick their time to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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