I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 211 Dreaming of This Thing

Chapter 211 Dreaming of This Thing
Not every guest will come to eat at the specified time. There will always be some guests who choose to eat when some restaurants are about to close, similar to the buzzer of a game. Heath is also very indifferent to this matter, so he And no mood swings.

However, in order to prevent his hair from being pulled out of the Mediterranean Sea by Sorolla, Heath silently hugged Sorolla down. A man's hairline is very important. After all, there was such a saying in his previous life that a bald head is a test of a handsome guy Heath felt that this sentence was very reasonable.

"Miss Musashi, what's your favorite food?" Histo looked at Musashi curiously with his chin. Musashi's favorite taste is quite special, but there are basically no disliked tastes. Heath thinks that Musashi is not picky eater. It's pretty good.

"Me? I like to eat hot, delicious, and filling food. I hate eating cold food, which can't fill my stomach." Musashi was stunned for a moment, then showed a look of memory, and then gave an answer.

Heath stroked his chin thoughtfully, so it turned out that Heath was still thinking about what Musashi likes to eat before, but what Musashi likes to eat is quite simple, although what Heath now cooks is also in line with Musashi's taste .

Musashi looked at Heath with a smile, and saw that Heath didn't continue to ask, so he lowered his head and continued to eat his own food, but what Heath said just now made Musashi's eyes a little sad.

After eating, Musashi paid the money and left. After leaving, Musashi did not immediately perform his task, but wandered aimlessly on the street. Although Boss Sakagi explained the task, the task was specific. Musashi himself decides when to execute it, and Sakagi doesn't care about the process, only the result.

After walking around, Musashi came to the door of a bookstore. She didn't know why she walked in, but since they all walked in, Musashi naturally didn't mind wandering around this place.

"Pokémon." Musashi looked at the bookshelf in front of him. There were books such as "Basic Knowledge of Pokémon Medical Care" and "Detailed Explanation of Pokémon Medical Professional Qualification Exam Questions". Musashi looked at the bookshelf in front of him. He stretched out his hand to touch these books, with a complicated expression on his face.

Musashi remembered his past. At that time, Musashi was a girl studying at Pokémon Medical Academy. Her dream was to become a Pokémon nurse, just like those respected Miss Joy, and Musashi was also there At that time, I met my friend, a lucky egg.

It's just that compared with the perverted talents of the Joy family, Musashi doesn't have many such talents. Every time he sees a doctor for Pokémon, he can't complete it well, and he will also be in the singing of the lucky egg to comfort the injured Pokémon. , fell asleep.

Therefore, the dream of Pokémon medical care has also been shattered.

"Hey, I really remembered some unpleasant past events." Musashi stretched, and then accidentally touched a book. She squatted down in a hurry, ready to pick up the book, and then Musashi Then I found that another hand appeared on top of the book.

White and clean hands, slender hands, and Musashi's heart slammed like a deer in an instant. Could it be that this is the predestined link in those love comedy novels?I also met a real man, and then the two looked up at the same time, looking at each other, and Musashi could smile shyly.

Because of the common topic, the two quickly became strangers who could talk to each other. Then in the constant acquaintance and communication, the two young people got closer and closer. Finally, on a sunny morning, in the flowering tree Next, Musashi was wearing a long white dress, shyly being confessed by his right man.
Thinking of this, Musashi became even more excited. She took a deep breath, then slowly raised her head, looked forward, and then froze, because opposite was a girl with sorry written all over her face, very cute , cuter than Musashi.

"I'm so sorry, I accidentally bumped into you just now." The girl smiled apologetically, but she seemed to hear the sound of glass falling and breaking. Musashi smiled awkwardly, and then stood up with a flushed face. Why didn't I just think that this hand might also be a girl's hand.

"Do you want to be a Pokémon doctor?" The girl looked at the book Musashi was holding, with a strange expression on her face, and asked.

"Oh no, that was a dream." Musashi nodded first, then shook his head again.

"If you dream of something like this, as long as you don't let it go, there will always be a day when it's close, but you must not give up just because of this kind of thing!" The girl waved her fist very energetically, showing high fighting spirit.

"Hello, my name is Saya! I still know a little about Pokémon doctors and nurses, do you want to talk to me?" Saya extended her hand with a smile.

Musashi stared blankly at Saya in front of him, this girl is too enthusiastic, but listening to Saya's words, Musashi also thought of the self who used to have twin tails, and the dream that he gave up because he was fired. And on the mountain in the snowstorm, because there is nothing to eat, I can only eat snow sushi's young self.

"Well, my name is Musashi, and I'm a trainer!" Musashi stretched out his hand, and the two girls shook hands. The gentle sunlight shone through the glass of the library and shone on the two girls with a layer of warmth. of light.

"This is that Rotom electrical store?" Heath looked at the electrical store in front of him, a little surprised.

The electrical appliance store in front of him was decorated in a very stylish style, with a sci-fi feel. It was crowded, and Heath even had to queue up to enter the electrical appliance store, which shows how good the business of this store is.

"PS5!" Zoroya lay on Heath's head excitedly, looking frantically at a customer who left the electrical appliance store with the five princesses.

Heath reluctantly hugged Sorolla down, and then looked at the few black hairs on Sorolla's paws with a dark face. He couldn't let Sorolla get on top of him in the future, otherwise Heath felt that he could do it at a young age. Obtained the title of [Extremely Smart].

"Come and line up if you want, we have to line up." Heath grabbed Soria's neck angrily and lined up to the end of the line. There were more than a dozen people waiting in front of him. Heath felt like returning to his previous life. a feeling of.

After all, there are a lot of people in Huaxia, and they even line up on special occasions, such as when eggs are on sale in the supermarket next door and meat is half price, Heath often competes with all kinds of uncles and aunts for those cheap eggs and meat.

"I still miss it..." Heath shook his head.

 I didn't feel well yesterday, so I asked for leave, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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