Chapter 216 Na Na Na

After spending a peaceful and peaceful night, Heath yawned and got up from the bed. After eating with his Pokémon last night, he exercised and played with Zoroya again. After playing the game for a while, Heath turned off the lights and went to sleep, and Heath didn't have any nightmares that night, which made Heath very satisfied.

After getting up from the bed, Heath skillfully grabbed Soraya's neck, intending to take Soraya out, but just as he grabbed him, he heard a charming voice, Heath turned his head in doubt, and then I saw a little loli with animal ears and white hair lying on his bed at some point, and there was even a fluffy tail dangling around the skirt of that little loli.

"No~ I don't want to get up~" Little Lolita made a coquettish voice, very skillful, and Heath couldn't help but wonder what kind of weird books Zoroya had read.

"Get up quickly." Heath gave Soroya a brain collapse angrily, and then grabbed Sorolla by the neck and walked out with the green onion duck. After calling the little charmander and the squirrel, today's wash just started.

But as soon as he pushed open the bathroom door, Heath saw a pink mouse floating in Heath's bathroom, holding a toothbrush that had just been rinsed in his hand, with white foam at the corner of his mouth, and then looked through the mirror with Heath. Stare stared at him with wide eyes.

The corner of Heath's mouth twitched, did this dream treat his dining car as an amusement park?But speaking of it, this dream seems to have followed him since Evergreen City, right?

But Heath is not in a hurry, he plans to wait for Mengmeng to escape by himself, anyway, this little guy is like this every time.

But what surprised Heath this time was that until Heath's Pokémon went in and started brushing their teeth with their own toothbrush and toothpaste, Mengmeng didn't mean to run away, but continued to play with Heath through the mirror eye game,

Heath tentatively walked in, then Mengmeng's body froze and his figure blurred for a while, but he stopped and stared at Heath.

Heath scratched his head, then walked to his glass cabinet, took out his toothbrush and toothpaste from it, and started today's washing work. As for dreams?Heath doesn't want to control it anymore, this guy can't control it, he just treats Heath's dining car as a park every day, coming and leaving whenever he wants, Heath can't stop him, so he can only ignore it.

When Mengmeng found that Heath didn't care about it, he hesitated for a moment, put down his toothbrush and toothpaste, and then secretly grabbed a towel with super power. got caught.

Charmander looked at Mengmeng angrily, and a small wisp of flame spewed out of its mouth, this is its towel!The trainer said that these things are for their own use and cannot be used for each other!Charmander doesn't want to give his towel to the pink mouse in front of him!

"Hey, your towel." Heath naturally also noticed this scene. He calmly took out a towel from the cabinet, then handed it to Dream, and then continued to brush his teeth.

"Hey~Trainer~I want to sleep a little longer every day, okay~nanana~" Soraya came over with a smile, her fox eyes were narrowed by her smile, some seemed funny expression.

And Meng Meng looked at Soroya's expression, and imitated it, and put on a funny expression of the same style, not to mention that Meng Meng's face really made Heath want to laugh with this expression.

"Wash your face well!" Heath gave Zoroya a brain collapse. This guy is still talking about it. Is it true that Heath can't see that he is joking with what he just said.

After Mengmeng took Heath's towel, he put down Charmander's towel. Charmander put away the threatening flame in his mouth, washed it with water several times, and then began to wash his face, while Mengmeng watched Charmander learns.

After washing, Mengmeng disappeared directly into Heath's dining car, and Heath is no longer surprised, anyway, Pokemon like Mengmeng always do things according to their own preferences, and there is no human good or evil He has no concept, so Heath doesn’t think it’s strange to do any kind of thing. Heath thinks that one day Mengmeng will take the initiative to sleep on his bed, and Heath can face it calmly.

After setting the autopilot, Heath took his Pokémon to the vegetable market that he would go to every day, where he bought some ingredients needed for today, and bought more chicken, because Heath found that the Quartz Alliance Many customers like to eat fried chicken.

After buying the ingredients, Heath also went to the wholesale market by the way. From the Charizard Coke here, he bought a large amount of Charizard Coke at the wholesale price. Fried chicken is also a good choice with Coke, of course, it is also good with beer , but in broad daylight, Heath felt that not many people would buy beer, but for the possible guests, Heath still bought a few cases of Dianlong beer.

Heath didn't understand why the brand was made of electric dragon, and it also said something like [Crispy Electric Shock Pleasure]. If the meaning is unclear, Heath only knew that this beer was more popular.

After purchasing the ingredients and some drinks needed for today, Heath came to the place where he set up his stall every day. Just after he came, Heath saw Kerenya standing there in very casual clothes. After seeing Heath, He also waved his hand.

"Good morning Kerenya." Heath wasn't too surprised. This student got up early every day, and going to school is probably not easy. Heath even suspected that Xiaozhi ran out to be a trainer at such a young age , I just don't want to go to school.

"Good morning Brother Heath, I want to eat a big crispy beef noodle, a fried chicken, and a can of Charizard Coke." Karenya nodded shyly, and then made her own request. Heath wrote them down one by one, and then began to prepare today's breakfast for Kerenya.

It's just that Kerenya is quite normal today, and he doesn't have that strange smell on his body, which makes Heath even more sure that the smell he smelled yesterday must be the smell of a nearby garbage truck, or something else .

"Kerenia doesn't go to school today, right?" Heath chatted with Karenya while pulling the noodles, while Duck with Scallion was working hard beside her crab roe soup dumpling. After losing the feathers, these crab roe soup dumpling finally became delicious. The type that can be taken out and sold.

"I don't go to school, today is the weekend, but my parents want me to go to the cram school, so I have to go to the cram school to study in the afternoon." Kerenya smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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