I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 217 Winning at the starting line

Chapter 217 Winning at the starting line

"Training class? It's really hard work, but it should be a little easier after college, although it's not so easy." Heath said with a smile, he really didn't expect that there would be tutoring in this world Ben, this brought back painful memories for Heath.

"Well, my university wants to apply for Quartz University." Kerenya said seriously, and Heath was a little surprised. Quartz University is basically the best university in the two regions of Quartz Alliance and Chengdu Alliance. There is no one That type, but it is precisely because of the excellence of the Quartz Alliance University that the admissions conditions of the Quartz Alliance University are very strict, and the requirements for students' academic performance are also very high.

And it doesn't mean that you can sit back and relax after being admitted to Quartz University. After being admitted to Quartz University, you still need to go through four years of long study life. Every year is like a college entrance examination. If you fail a subject, you will be dismissed directly. When other schools are [-] years old, the passing score of Quartz University is [-] points.

It is precisely because of this reason that although Quartz University is the top university that all students dream of, it is also a difficult one-plank bridge. Those who can get out are all the favored ones, and the starting point for finding a job is much higher than others.

"That's an ace university, come on." Heath smiled, and then threw the noodles into the pot. Fortunately, he is not a student, and he has no interest in taking college entrance exams. After all, Heath came to this world. It can be said that you don't know anything about the subjects taught in this world.

Kerenya nodded, and looked at Heath calmly with a pair of eyes, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, but Heath didn't notice this, he served the big crispy beef noodles to Kai Lunya, then turned around and started preparing the fried chicken and Coke that Karenya needed.

In the early morning of summer, the sun came out very early, and after a while the sun shone on Kerenya and the dining car. The shadow was stretched very long, and Kerenya’s shadow was wriggling, as if something was lurking inside, but After Karenya glanced at the shadow indifferently, the shadow became a lot more honest, and became the same as an ordinary shadow.

After Heath brought out the finished fried chicken, Kerenya had already finished her breakfast and was wiping her mouth over there. She even showed a shy smile when she saw Heath.

"Brother Heath, can I trouble you with something?" Kerenya lowered her head in embarrassment, and could see that the boy was very shy.

"What's the matter?" Heath looked at Kerenya curiously. Sometimes guests would talk to him like this, but those guests were all shy girls. Handsome, but still very attractive, belonging to the type of Xiaoshuai.

"It's like this. Our school requires us to have social practice activities during the holidays, and then I want to work in your dining car. Can you help me fill out the social practice form when the time comes?" Kerenya said shyly Hearing this, Heath froze for a moment. This request was not difficult, but Heath didn't know how long he would stay in the Quartz Alliance.

"How long?" Heath asked. It's not like this kind of thing has happened before. When Heath set up a stall before, he saw a few students come out to work as cleaners. After asking, he realized that this is also a part of social practice activities. kind.

"Just a day or two." Kerenya looked at Heath expectantly, his eyes were filled with embarrassment and fear of being rejected, Heath nodded, a day or two is not a big deal .

"Then let's start today, Karenya, you help me serve the dishes, and then serve the dishes to the guests. Speed ​​is not very important, but it must be steady." Heath agreed, this kind of thing is not very difficult Well, Heath didn't mind giving the little guy a chance to finish his homework.

"En! Thank you, brother Heath!" Kerenya twitched the corner of her mouth and revealed a smile.

Heath scratched his head, looking at Kerenya standing outside the dining car very enthusiastically, Heath always felt a little weird, but this is not considered child labor, students in this world will always have such a society Practical courses, so it's no surprise.

After a while, with the passage of time, there were more and more people in Heath's dining car. The crab roe soup dumpling with scallions and ducks smelled very good, attracting many customers, and these customers wanted to take a seat. Those who were eating were well received by Kerenya. Heath felt relieved after observing for a while, after all, Kerenya was very skilled in cooking.

Heath felt that Karenya also found a restaurant to do the social practice last time.

"Yawn...boss, today's takeaway is still the same, can you get me some crab roe soup dumplings? I'll have an early breakfast." Heath knew who was coming when he heard this voice, except for Mr. Asong People will yawn early in the morning.

"Are you still going to work today?" Heath looked at A Song with some surprise, he really didn't expect to see Mr. A Song looking like he was about to die suddenly during the weekend.

"Come on, work six days a week and take one day off." Ah Song yawned again, his eyelids collapsed.

Heath looked a little like laughing, this company is similar to those Internet companies in the previous life, it is estimated that it is a blessing, after all, this company also provides a powerful maid sober slap service, which can drive people away from drowsiness.

"Mr. Asong, staying up late will cause hair loss, dark circles, skin deterioration, endocrine disorders, and increase the risk of sudden death." Heath took two crab roe soup packets with a clip, put them in a plastic bag, and handed them to Asong gentlemen.

"Then I think in these matters, I probably won at the starting line." Mr. Asong laughed at himself helplessly, and after paying the money, he staggered away.

Heath shook his head. It seems that no matter what the world is, it is a difficult thing for migrant workers to live well in this society.

Heath glanced at Kerenya, who was collecting the bowls there. A few customers ordered crispy beef just now, and now those customers have finished eating, and Kerenya was very serious when she was working. Sis was very pleased, if it wasn't for Kerenya's dream and his travel plan, Heath felt that it would be a good choice for Kerenya to be a waiter with him.

"But if you really want to become one, you probably have to wait a few years?" Heath yawned, and Mr. Asong's yawn just infected Heath.

Heath shook his head and didn't continue to take care of it, but entertained the guests who came to eat in the morning. If it was sold out early, Heath could have a rest earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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