I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 298 The Treating Sakagi

Chapter 298 The Treating Sakagi

"I don't know that girl, she just came to my place for dinner a few times. I entertain so many guests every day, how can I know where each guest lives?" Heath looked at Xiaogang with a strange expression. He is a chef. , and not being a detective, how could he possibly know the news of every guest? That would be outrageous.

But thinking about it carefully, Heath felt that if the future chef's eye could obtain this function, then Heath could really know the address of each guest.

Hearing this, Xiao Gang no longer had the idea to continue asking. After all, he was just curious why he hadn't seen it before, so he began to concentrate on eating his beef noodles.

"Speaking of which, Heath, Heath, what are you going to do? Ahem, it's time to go to the dark gray market?" Xiao Gang planned to chat with Heath, but he choked on one mouthful, and almost sprayed the noodles out of his nose. The corner of Heath's mouth twitched, can't this guy finish eating before talking?
The ancestors once said that they should not speak when eating or sleeping. Although this is for the sake of etiquette, it is actually correct not to speak when eating. It is easy to choke when talking while eating. Surviving the trachea is a difficult problem, but Heath had taken the test seriously in order to obtain the operating license, so he still knows a thing or two about these contents.

Opening a food and beverage store in the Pokémon League is a difficult problem. After all, exams are required, and first aid is a must. Heath learned the Heimlich first aid method here, and also mastered some other basic first aid knowledge. .

Fortunately, Xiao Gang was fine, he coughed a few times and he was fine, so Heath, who ran out, returned to his dining car and poured a bowl of noodle soup for Xiao Gang to prevent this guy from choking to death.

"I have to talk in the future after eating." Heath looked at Xiaogang angrily. Just now Heath was seriously recalling the Heimlich first aid method he learned. Si didn't even know how he should face Xiao Gang's parents.

"I'm sorry, sorry, I thought it was fine." Xiaogang scratched his head in embarrassment, the feeling of being choked was terrible, especially this beef noodle Xiaogang added a lot of spicy oil to it , This made Xiao Gang even more uncomfortable. Anyone who has experienced the feeling of being choked on spicy food knows it.

Xiao Gang still slowed down for a while, and then he stopped coughing completely, and Heath finally relaxed. Just now he was thinking about whether to call Miss Joy's emergency number.

"Isn't this Xiaogang? What's the matter?" Mr. Sakagi came over curiously. Today he was wearing very formal clothes, a suit and leather shoes, coupled with his well-dressed makeup, and the faint scent of mint perfume on his body. Heath couldn't help but glanced at Mr. Sakagi, is there some important person here?
"Mr. Sakagi! I accidentally choked on what I just said." Xiaogang's face was a little red. It seems that being seen by his idol is something that makes people want to flee the city on the spot. Heath smiled and also I don't know what Xiaogang's expression will be if he knows the real identity of Sakagi in the future.

"Be careful, eating and talking can easily cause accidents." Mr. Sakagi nodded clearly, and then he turned his gaze to Heath. Heath looked at Mr. Sakagi curiously. He was very curious about the reason why Sakagi was dressed so formally today. .

"Heath, are you free at noon today?" Sakagi asked, and Heath thought for a while. He didn't have anything special to do today, so he was naturally free, so he nodded clearly.

"It's like this, a guest is coming to my place for dinner today, so I was wondering if I could invite you to my house to cook and entertain that guest." Mr. Sakagi asked gently, Heath nodded, this Naturally, there is no problem. It is not the first time for Heath to go to Sakagi's house to cook. The kitchen utensils in Sakagi's house are very good, but now Heath has even better kitchen utensils.

In particular, Dialga's pressure cooker and kitchen knife are simply magic tools for chefs. Heath is very curious about what he can get next time, won't it be Dialga's again?

After making an appointment with Sakagi, Sakagi left. He was very anxious, and Heath was even more curious about who the guest was, who could make Sakagi so eager.

"Mr. Sakagi is really handsome. Didn't you do a competition before? Mr. Sakagi is the number one most attractive man in Changqing City." Xiaogang said enviously, Heath was also a little surprised, he really didn't expect it Mr. Sakagi has such a high popularity. Sure enough, the first thing a qualified villain masters is to pretend to be himself. Those who dance like that are often not very powerful.

After sending Xiaogang away, Heath received several guests one after another, then closed his dining car, brought his own Pokémon, and drove the dining car to Mr. Sakagi's house, and then stopped The dining car, and then pressed the doorbell of Sakagi's house a few times.

"Heath, I have prepared the ingredients." Sakagi enthusiastically brought Heath into his kitchen, and at this time Heath also saw the guest Mr. Sakagi said, an old woman in purple clothes , a crutch, Heath recognized this person, the oldest Four Heavenly Kings in the Kanto area, Chrysanthemum King, is also a ghost Pokémon master, with very outstanding strength.

But Heath just glanced at it, and then walked into the kitchen. Even if A'Du was standing here, Heath wouldn't be too surprised. After all, he had even seen Sirona before. What a strange thing.

Heath glanced at the ingredients in the kitchen, and then decided what to cook today, but there was a piece of tofu that made Heath a little interested. He planned to make a mapo tofu. Look, Heath discovered the taste that King Chrysanthemum likes, spicy. This is really a strange thing, after all, the elderly generally like to eat light food.

However, when Heath was cooking, he could also hear the hearty laughter of King Chrysanthemum in the living room. It seems that this old man is still very energetic. It is estimated that King Chrysanthemum can live healthy and healthy in a short time. Sis smiled, and didn't pay much attention to it. Even if it was King Chrysanthemum, Siss didn't intend to flatter him.

"Scallion Duck, look carefully, this is mapo tofu, it's still easy to make." Heath planned to teach Scallion Duck.

[You have triggered a temporary task to make a small version of Mapo Tofu, and you will get a mysterious reward]

Good guy, the mission is triggered again?

(End of this chapter)

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