I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 299 News of the Mysterious Q Trainer

Chapter 299 News of the Mysterious Q Trainer
"Little master's mapo tofu?" Heath rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Heath remembered that the little master's mapo tofu was called magic mapo tofu, because this mapo tofu was better than other mapo tofu. , with an extra crispy taste, so it is called six flavors in one. In reality, some people have realized it, and the difficulty is not very high.

After all, the production of this magic mapo tofu can be considered within the category of carbon-based organisms, so that there will be no glowing dishes in the back or the type of hallucinations immediately after taking a bite. Heath still remembers the method of this mapo tofu , you need to use soybeans, boil them and flatten them, then use the sauce to taste, and finally fry them.

Fortunately, there are soybeans in Sakagi, so Heath took out the soybeans and started to make this unique magic mapo tofu. Heath still has to do the task seriously.

After spending a little effort, Heath made this magical mapo tofu, and then brought it out together with other prepared meals, placed it on the table of Mr. Sakagi and Chrysanthemum King, and then turned back to the kitchen Yes, he still has to bring over the bowls and chopsticks, as well as the cooked rice and so on.

"Sakagi, is this chef the one you said is a very good cook?" King Chrysanthemum looked at Heath with great interest. Not to mention that this young man's cooking skills are really good, at least it smells like this.

"Well, Heath's cooking skills are very good." Sakagi nodded and praised Heath, and Heath smiled a little embarrassedly.

King Chrysanthemum was not in a hurry to give an evaluation, but scooped a small spoonful of mapo tofu, then took a bite with the rice, chewed for a while, and then nodded in satisfaction, the mapo tofu made by Heath The tofu tastes really good.

Chrysanthemum King felt that Heath made the best mapo tofu he had ever eaten, but there was still a gap compared with that one.

[You have completed the temporary task, you have obtained a bottle of lucky potion]

Heath touched his trouser bag, there seemed to be a small bottle inside, but in front of Sakagi and Chrysanthemum King, Heath didn't intend to open it, but after returning to the kitchen, he took the bottle The little thing was taken out, it was a bottle of transparent liquid, like water.

[Lucky Potion: After taking it, you can get the best luck within an hour, but you need to pay attention to the law of conservation of luck]

Heath was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this task would only be settled now. Before Heath wondered why this task was not completed, it took a long time for the guests to eat it before it would be settled, which is quite unique.

But luck potion?Heath was thoughtful, this thing seems to have some other uses, but the latter sentence of the law of conservation of luck made Heath a little vigilant, could it mean that after an hour of luck, will there still be unlucky luck?If this is the case, then the use of this thing really needs to be a little more cautious.

The easiest way is naturally to buy lottery tickets and win the first prize or something, but it is hard to say whether the lottery tickets will be lost or defaced or robbed in unlucky times, so how to use it is still a question worth exploring .

But soon, Heath thought of the use of this bottle of potion. After all, there was a guy in Heath's dining car who needed to use the lucky potion at this time. Today's magic conch has not been asked. Heath wants to use the lucky potion. Then come to ask the magic conch to get information about the Mimi Q trainer.

After all, expecting Heath’s dining car to randomly encounter Mimi Q trainers on the way of travel is really too outrageous. The Kanto Alliance is still very large and has a large population. I want to meet among so many people. As a trainer of Mysterious Q, it is the same as winning the first prize in a lottery.

"But after I drink it, will I directly meet the MimiQ trainer?" Heath was a little curious.

After hesitating for a while, Heath still decided to help Mimi Q. It's not the same thing that this little guy has been hanging under Heath's dining car. It would be nice to be able to help Mimi Q.

Thinking of this, Heath bid farewell to Mr. Sakagi politely, and then returned to his dining car, then took out the magic conch, came outside the dining car, and called Mibi Q out.

Mimi Q huddled behind the tire tremblingly, but it could be seen that Mimi Q was not very afraid of Heath anymore, Heath smiled and opened the lucky potion and took a sip, and then started his own attempt.

"Wonderful conch, who is this mysterious Q trainer in front of me?" Heath looked at the magic conch and asked patiently. At this moment, the body of the magic conch emitted colorful lights. The light spot drilled out of the shell of the magic conch, and then slammed into Heath's head. Heath couldn't help but leaned back, and some strange images appeared in his brain.

Heath feels like he is looking at a satellite map. The bottom should be the Hoenn area. Heath plays gems the most, so he naturally remembers this map. Then the map began to shrink, narrowed to Green Ridge City, and then narrowed to a street Then there was a house with the words "Kate" hanging on the door, and then a man's face appeared in front of Heath, and then the picture disappeared.

But Heath also understood what this meant, and the magic conch gave instructions. The owner of Mimi Q lived in Green Ridge City, and his name was Kate, which greatly narrowed the search scope for Heath.

"Green Ridge City." Heath felt a little bit pained. If Mimi Q's trainer was in the Kanto area, Heath planned to send the Buddha to the west, and directly took Mimi Q to find its trainer. But Green Ridge City is really troublesome.

Heath opened his eyes, and then found that Mimi Q ran to him at some point, screaming nervously, Heath couldn't help laughing, is this little guy worried about his safety?
".It may take a while to find your trainer, Mimi Q." Heath stretched out his hand and said with a smile, but Mimi Q was stunned for a moment after hearing what Heath said, waiting for it Responding, Heath's hand has already touched Mimi Q's body.

It's very soft, like touching a water bed, without any bone feeling.

Mysterious Q's body trembled violently, but it still held back the fear of wanting to escape in its heart, and its trembling gradually subsided, and it stayed quietly by Heath's side.

(End of this chapter)

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