I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 302 Moderate and a little

Chapter 302 Moderate and a little

Using a little honey and some fresh seasonal fruits, Heath made a delicious fruit shaved ice, which is definitely very popular to eat under the scorching heat, but Changqing City is still at the end of returning to the south, and wants to make it It will be a while before shaved ice becomes popular with everyone.

After all, there are not many people who like to eat shaved ice in winter. When the weather warms up and the sky is clear after a while, it is time for shaved ice to show its power.

However, the other problem is that the profit is a bit low. After all, shaved ice is positioned as an ordinary food. If it is expensive, it will lose the original meaning of shaved ice. It is like drinking milk tea. The first cup of milk tea is [-] out of [-]. It's all milk tea, and the rest are the ingredients, and the current milk tea can't wait for a whole cup to be full of ingredients. If he didn't know, Heath would think he was drinking porridge.

But to say that it is porridge is an insult to porridge. After all, drinking porridge is quite good and nourishes the stomach, but drinking these milk teas that look like porridge can be regarded as an early reopening. All three highs and the like will come to the door Come.

"This price. Forget it, let's earn two Union Coins for one share, small profits but quick turnover." Heath hesitated, looking at the Snorby who was so happy because he could help him, Heath still sighed With a sigh of relief, even if he brought back the smile to Snorlax, Heath felt that his shaved ice would be sold. Although it was a bit troublesome to make a small profit, it was not impossible.

Small profits but high sales are not just talking, and Heath has visited a lot of places during this time. There are fewer and fewer shaved ice in the market, and even if there are, they are very expensive. Heath feels that his The launch of shaved ice is a dimensionality reduction blow for them.

Just when Heath was about to go back to Junsha's dormitory, Heath noticed that there was another person in front of him. The black-haired Nazi was looking at him with folded hands, and there was a trace of coldness in those indifferent eyes.

"Miss Nazi? Do you want something to eat?" Heath looked at Nazi in surprise, and then asked with a smile. A feeling of 'Mr. Zhao pays for the consumption of the audience today'.

However, Nazi's personality is still much better than that of Mr. Zhao. Although this person has no expression most of the time, and only when facing Mr. Sakagi, he will show a little smile. If Heath is not good at observing people Heath couldn't see Nazi's smile by himself.

".I...don't understand this." Nazi took out a cookbook and handed it to Heath. Heath looked at it curiously. Compared with the words written on the snow chicken feet, it is more than one level high-end.

However, Heath didn't pay too much attention to the issue of words. He was looking at the cookbook that Nazi gave him, and the place Nazi pointed to was written like this.

【. Add a little salt and appropriate amount of MSG to taste..】

It's a very simple sentence, but Nazi's hand has been pointing here. It can be seen that this sentence made Nazi very entangled, so that she came to ask Heath for his opinion.

"Is there something you don't understand?" Heath looked at the recipe in his hand. This recipe is about seafood fried rice. In Heath's opinion, it can be described as a fool's dish. After all, just follow the recipe. , basically there will be no problem.

"How much is a small amount, and how much is an appropriate amount?" Nazi spoke normally, and Heath froze for a moment, and then laughed. It was this question after a long time.

As we all know, in the art of cooking, adjectives such as a little, moderate, and almost such adjectives are very confusing for beginners. How much salt is the right amount?A spoonful and a half?How much is a little vinegar?Ten milliliters or one milliliter?This is a very painful question, but in fact, these appropriate amounts and a little are based on a chef's experience considerations. If you are a beginner, it is often suitable to buy novice recipes that will fully mark the amount.

But the advantage of that kind of recipe is that you follow the recipe, and the taste is quite satisfactory, but the dishes made by a qualified chef are adjusted according to the habits of the guests and themselves, just like Heath cooks now, according to the tastes of the guests It’s different, and Heath’s way of cooking is also a little different. The same egg fried rice may be half a spoonful of salt for Mr. Yaning, but it’s a spoonful of salt for Mr. Akong.

Although there is no problem with formulaic recipes, they are like those produced on an assembly line, with exactly the same taste and color. If you eat too much, you will get tired and crooked, and other people's cooking bags are also made in the same way, so it is still a blow to the chef. big.

"Well, generally speaking, it is determined according to the amount of ingredients, but according to Miss Nazi's recipe." Heath made an estimate in his heart. He has been cooking for a long time, and now Heath can cook according to the ingredients. The recipe is used to guess the approximate taste of a food.

Heath wrote the salt and chicken essence that needed to be added to Ms. Nazi. This is Heath's personal version, and the food that is made is Heath's taste.

"Miss Nazi, although I said that I marked the amount that needs to be added for you, but the most suitable thing for cooking is to do it yourself. It's your own, otherwise if you follow the method I gave, then it will be my dish." Heath handed back the recipe, and at the same time talked to Nazi, who nodded silently, and continued Put down more than a thousand union coins, and then left.

Heath happily collected the money. Although Heath doesn't need to repay the debt now, Heath thinks that the more money the better, after all Heath still wants to buy a lot of things, not to mention living in a Sister Feng's dormitory is not the same thing, sooner or later she will go out to buy a house.

"It's almost time to go back to the dormitory, and it's time to go to Zhenxin Town tomorrow." Heath stretched his waist, the time was almost up, Heath started his dining car, and drove towards the dormitory area, thinking of the Zhenxin town he was going to tomorrow. Heath was a little excited about the new town. It was the place where the dream started. Heath was very curious about what the real new town would look like at this time. Will Dr. Oki remain the same?
But for Xiaozhi, he must still be the one who wants to become a Pokémon master. Unfortunately, when Heath crossed, Xiaozhi's travel was still going on, and it seemed that he had no plans to stop, and there seemed to be no time. It's been a horrible story.

"Is it really New Town and the specialty mushrooms over there? It should be just right to go now." Heath was thoughtful.

 Normal update time will resume tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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