I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 303 Grilled Fish and Intermediate Chef's Eye

Chapter 303 Grilled Fish and Intermediate Chef's Eye
Heath stretched, then pushed open the door of the dormitory, lay down skillfully on the sofa in the dormitory, and yawned.

"Sister Feng hasn't got off work yet, is it too early to come back?" Heath turned on the phone and looked at the time. It was only after three o'clock in the afternoon, and there was no one in Junsha's dormitory area. Heath planned to stay At [-]:[-], I will go to the cafeteria to prepare dinner for Junsha.

"Speaking of which, where is the task progress of my chef's eye?" Heath scratched his head, thinking of this, Heath found himself seeing the task bar of the chef's eye again.

[Chef's Eye (Intermediate): Serve a thousand guests and make them satisfied with your meals: 998/1000]

Heath froze for a moment, only two away?
This discovery made Heath a little restless. As long as the two guests expressed their satisfaction, Heath could complete the task in the eyes of an intermediate chef. There is another place that Heath has not been to, and that is the nursing home in Evergreen City.

Heath turned on the phone map and checked. The nursing home in Changqing City is very close to the dormitory area of ​​Junsha. It is said that this was decided by the mayor of Changqing City. The purpose is to ensure the safety of the elderly in the nursing home. There is nothing more secure than living near Junshas.

But cooking for the elderly is a troublesome thing. The tastes of the elderly are often unique. Some elderly people need special research and customization of what they eat every day. Hiss has entertained some elderly guests, but those elderly guests Those who are physically strong and able to come to Heath to eat by themselves, while most of the nursing homes have inconvenient legs and feet.

Heath was a little entangled, but then Heath saw another place displayed on the phone, which was the reservoir that Heath had been to last time.

There is Junsha stationed next to the reservoir, on duty, but Hiss is unlikely to go to collect money from Junsha. Heath never collects money from Junsha in Evergreen City, although no Junsha will come to eat for free Heath stuff.

"Would you like to take a look next to the reservoir? I remember that there seems to be a fish pond over there, and there should be some fishing people there." Heath was thoughtful. Although there are many guests in the nursing home, it is also very troublesome. First of all The food that the old people eat every day in the nursing home is researched and matched by a nutritionist, and there is also a cafeteria. If Heath wants to be satisfied, he has to ask the guests to pay for it.

This is very troublesome, so Heath felt that the possibility of entertaining guests in a nursing home was not very high, so Heath hesitated, grabbed Sorolla, ran back to the dining car immediately, and then set a goal ground, and quickly moved towards the fish pond.

After a while, Heath came to the fish pond. Although today is a working day, some fishermen can still be seen fishing in the fish pond. There are about a dozen people sitting quietly on chairs with fishing rods, focusing on Looking at the surface of the water, Heath's arrival just attracted them to look over, and there was no movement after that, and Heath didn't care.

Even in the world of Pokémon, fishing is a very popular pastime. Even Evergreen City has a forum about fishing. Heath saw it when he came here. The posts in it made Heath recall It feels like going to the post bar on the mobile phone to watch the fishing bar in the previous life.

Heath is very aware of the mood of these fishermen. Some fishermen can even sit by the reservoir and fish overnight. A boat, and then go fishing in the ocean, for fishing can be said to be omnipotent.

But this has nothing to do with Heath, what Heath intends to do is to attract two guests to come over for dinner, and then complete his task.

Heath does not intend to waste too long here, his time is precious, and there is not so much time to waste, so what Heath intends to do is to use tricks to attract guests, and the method is also very simple, Heath He intends to attract customers by making some rich-flavored delicacies, but when it comes to the fisherman, Heath thinks grilled fish is a good choice.

So Heath first found the owner of the fish pond, and then bought a grass carp from the owner, and then returned to his dining car with the grass carp, and then started to prepare for the grass carp.

In the world of Pokémon, there are naturally ordinary animals and fish, but these fish are completely helpless against those vicious carnivorous Pokémon fish, so most of the edible fish on the market are It is artificially raised, and of course there are some Pokémon fish farms that have obtained the permission of the alliance.

However, Heath remembered that the documents for this kind of Pokémon fish farm were very difficult and demanding, and there seemed to be only two or three qualified farms in the entire Kanto Alliance.

Heath put aside those complicated thoughts, and then began to concentrate on handling the grass carp in his hand. Grass carp has more fish bones, and because it is a freshwater fish, some fish bones are very small, embedded in the flesh, and he wants to take them out completely Fishbone, Hiss couldn't do it, even if he drank the Sensitive Potion.

This is not like eels and some marine fishes, those fish mainly have large spines, and there are fewer small spines. It is easy to get fish bones, and you only need to master it well, but grass carp can’t.

Fortunately, it is not required to take out all the bones of the grilled fish, so Heath directly used Dialga's kitchen knife to process the grass carp, took out the internal organs, and then cut it in half from the middle, and the fish body can still rely on it. The fish skin is connected to the back tissue, and then the seasoning is applied for a simple marinade. This step is very important.

If you want to make the grilled fish tasty, this step is indispensable, and there are often requirements for marinating time, but Heiss doesn’t have a lot of time now, so he can only use a trick, and the trick is also very simple, that is, directly use bamboo The thorns are used to poke the fish, so that the fish has holes, so that the taste can be tasted, but there are also requirements, that is, the bamboo thorns need to be slender, so that the appearance of the grilled fish will not be damaged.

When it was almost done, Heath called out the fire dinosaur, let the fire dinosaur use the spark move, and helped Heath ignite a firewood pile.

Although Heath has a special electric oven, but Heath never uses that thing, and sometimes barbecues have to eat this kind of smokey smell, and if it is missing, it will be worse.

As Heath was roasting, a seductive aroma slowly diffused out. Heath is very delicate, he deliberately chose an upwind vent, and the aroma spread.

 By the way, if you get stuck in a fishbone after eating fish, no matter whether you eat or drink vinegar, it is useless. The safest way is to go to the hospital to take it out.

(End of this chapter)

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