I can see the script of life

Chapter 104 Pingzhou Demon Army

Chapter 104 Pingzhou Demon Army

On a huge building boat, Gu Feilong, the tall leader of the Cao Gang, stood at the bow, followed by the inseparable maid in white.

The exercise he practiced is called "Speaking, Illusory Body Code". According to legend, it was passed down from the "Eternal Immortality Sutra". , otherwise the force will be disordered.

No matter which practice system it is, it is not all smooth sailing. Apart from the bottleneck in the cultivation process, the crisis brought about by the realm itself is the most critical.

Gu Feilong looked at the green mountains in the distance, and the Yongjiang River suddenly became turbulent here, as if it wanted to destroy the mountains.

"Master Young Master, the Qingshan Mansion is ahead, and we can deliver this ship tomorrow." The maid in white said with a relaxed tone, as if transporting such a ship made her feel extremely nervous.

Gu Feilong nodded slightly.

The exercise of "Speaking, Silence, Phantom Body" cannot speak, so his father specially created a exercise for this purpose, which is specially used to perceive what he wants to say, so that others can convey it.

The maid in white is practicing this technique.

"I hope everything goes well." Gu Feilong murmured to himself.

The maid in white looked sideways slightly.

Qianyang Mansion of Pingzhou.

Tomorrow would be Chu Huangtian, and logically speaking, the street should be extremely lively today for buying things to sacrifice to the mountain, but the strange thing is that there is no one on Qianyangfu Street at this moment.

Suddenly, a large group of people in plain linen clothes came from a distance, their faces showed madness.

"Chu Huangtian arrived, and the white demon appeared.From the age of Gengzi, the origin qi reappears! '

Immediately afterwards, they seemed to be crazy, and pulled out various tools from their waists, and painted on themselves. The twisted flesh and blood spread throughout the city as they ran!

As they went away, bloody corpses fell on the road...

A few figures stood on a drum tower in the distance.

One of them was dressed in green clothes, with a strange mask on his face, as if countless flesh and blood were wriggling, looking extremely terrifying.

If someone saw this mask, they would be able to tell at a glance that this was Emperor Song of the underworld.

He looked at the haggard old man with a maddened look on his side, "The Great Zhou Dynasty will be chaotic, and the god envoy Laotang will strike the first blow."

The haggard old man stood up. He had silver hair all over his head, and each hair seemed to contain his own consciousness. If he looked closer, it was exactly the same. Every silver hair was filled with the breath of flesh and blood. At the root of the hair, there are eyeballs.

With two eyes like dead fish, they looked at the masked Emperor Song with ruthless eyes, "No trouble, it is my mission to overthrow the Great Zhou. Even Yan Luo in the palace is willing to serve him."

Emperor Song was silent.

The situation on the street changed. As the common people ran on the streets of the whole city, they finally attracted the attention of the Qianyang government.

With the appearance of a group of government soldiers and officials, they confronted the crazy people in front of them with knives.

A policeman came running from a distance, and whispered in the head of the policeman's ear, "These people are all from the southern city of Qianyangfu...they all believe in a cult called the Demon God Sect."

The chief arrester of the Fourth Yamen of Qianyang Mansion, Yue Lou, stood up with a knife, "You guys are going to fail in rebellion, retreat quickly, forget the past, and kill those who are obsessed with obstinacy!"

At this moment, the common people seemed to be unable to hear his words at all, and the sharp weapons in their hands were still crazily cutting themselves.

shouted in the mouth.

"Chu Huangtian arrives, the white demon god appears. When the age reaches Gengzi, the origin qi reappears!"

With the sound of knives being drawn, the patrols seemed to be unbearable.

Finally, a few figures slowly walked out of the crowd. They were dressed in strange clothes, covered with bone chains, and their eyes were blood-red, implying bloodthirsty.

Looking at the patrolmen of Qianyang Mansion in the distance, he said, "The demon god army preaches, and those who stand in the way die!"

Yue Lou suddenly raised his head, with horror in his eyes, these people... want to rebel!

On the ninth day of September, there is no cloud for thousands of miles, the sky is high and the earth is wide, you can tell it at a glance.

Xu Cheng tore off the portrait of the God of Mount Tai 'Ming Bao', hung the genuine statue of Mount Tai on the wall, and took Sun Jue to worship.

"Brother Xu, are you going out to do something dangerous?" After a few days, Sun Jue's tongue had basically regenerated and he was able to speak fluently.

Xu Cheng glanced at her in surprise, and helped her tie up her hair with some skill, "It's nothing serious, don't worry."

"Mingbao, stay with Xiaojue well."

Ming Bao nodded obediently, and Xu Cheng stuffed a few Tai Sui tentacles into his mouth.

Turning around, he carried the Pofeng sword he had acquired yesterday, and looked up at the sky.


Come to the Yamen to meet with Acropolis Nian and meet Gu Zizhong.

Gu Zizhong said, "Our six doors are one step ahead. This matter is obviously a matter of your Qingshan Mansion. If there is any change in the Cao Gang, we will take action."

Xu Cheng nodded, he understood what Gu Zizhong meant, even at this last moment, Gu Zizhong didn't want to expose himself, lest the Cao Gang would respond.

If the Cao Gang had no objection to this trip, it would basically not involve hands-on action, so the people involved in this operation were mixed, almost everyone was summoned, there were hundreds of people, and they stood in a dense crowd in the school grounds.

Xu Cheng stood on the general platform of the school grounds. Although he knew that this was temporary, he still felt lofty in his heart. It was a feeling of being condescending and in control of the overall situation.

Colloquially - right!

In order to prevent the leak of news, these people only know that there is an action today, and only Xu Cheng and Wei Chengnian know the specific content of the action. Later.

After all, the sphere of influence of the Cao Gang is too large. According to the script of these people, the relationship with the Cao Gang should not be too deep.

Under normal circumstances, the script will not change, but he himself is like a bug, which will affect other people's scripts,

Affected by him, if someone wants to join the Cao Gang, leaking the news in advance may be a "certificate of honor". After all, he can't keep an eye on everyone anytime and anywhere, and pay attention to changes in their scripts.

Xu Cheng didn't want to gamble on humanity.

Just after leaving the city, the sky became a little dark, and then it was a strange yellowish yellow.

When Xu Cheng looked around, the sun was shining, but the mountains in the distance were gradually covered with thick fog.

I don't know where that kid Zhai Xun has gone these days, otherwise, he can ask what's going on in the mountains.

On the pier, because of Chu Huangtian, there were no people around, perhaps this was also one of the reasons why the Cao Gang decided to deliver the supplies.

Xu Cheng led the crowd towards a warehouse in the distance.

Guo Yan glanced at Xu Cheng and Wei Chengnian, and said, "I'll go outside and watch."

Wei Chengnian nodded.

Xu Cheng took out "Breaking Front Nine Swords" at the side. Although this sword manual is slanted, it does not require strength, and it is considered a good skill.

The Pofeng Sword is good, but it's a bit too big, and it's a bit weird to hang on the waist.

Xu Cheng had no choice but to carry it behind his back.

At this moment, Xu Cheng suddenly stood up with a strange expression on his face.

Just now, he suddenly felt a strong sense of shock, which seemed to be a feeling of whim.

He looked up to the direction where the warehouse door was facing Yongjiang.

The first of the three disasters... is coming!
It seems that the interception of the Cao Gang's ship will not go well this time...

"What's wrong, Xu Cheng?" Wei Chengnian asked with some concern.

Xu Cheng shook his head, "It's okay."

Guo Yan, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Fubing, came in from the outside, interrupted the conversation between the two, and said in a low voice, "There is a boat coming outside, and the flag on it is the Cao Gang."

All the officials stood up.

The faces of many of them suddenly changed. None of them thought that the target of today's action was actually the Cao Gang.

Xu Cheng didn't care about these people, walked out slowly, and said to everyone, "Everyone obeys orders, everything depends on me, if you have to do something, then there is no need to be afraid."

These people didn't know about the arrival of Gu Zizhong and others. Upon hearing this, almost everyone's expressions changed.

Guo Yan's voice was loud, "Why are you panicking? This world, after all, is the world of the Great Zhou court. It's just a Jianghu gang. Why should I be afraid?"

(End of this chapter)

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