Chapter 105
Because the third disaster was coming, Xu Cheng used his golden finger to check all the panels of everyone present.

Guo Yan-[Current main line]: Guo Yan, as the deputy capital of the Qingshan Mansion, is dedicated to martial arts and full of vitality. After Yu Zaiyin took office, after defeating Guo Yan with only his momentum, he was full of respect for Jae Yin , worked hard for Qingshan Mansion all his life, and also had a good impression of Wei Chengnian, Zaiyin's disciple, until the end of the year...

no change.

Xu Cheng frowned, so the impact of this action on Guo Yan's life was not severe?

I looked at several people one after another, but nothing changed.

Just after he saw the current main line of Weicheng Nian, his mind froze for an instant.

Weicheng Nian-[Current Main Storyline]: Wei Chengnian investigated and collected the Caobang ship in Chu Huangtian, found important clues, but was attacked and killed, fell into the Yongjiang River, and finally got rid of the pursuers, Wei Chengnian escaped by chance, and Therefore, it stimulates the martial body and becomes a blood-changing state...

Of all the people present, only Weicheng Nian's panel had changed, and Xu Cheng's mind fluctuated for a while.

Brother Nian really deserves to be a genius with a five-star talent, and he still has a chance...

In an instant, Xu Cheng thought of the best way to overcome the catastrophe. Following the year of Weicheng, it should be the most difficult way to overcome the catastrophe.


The torrential Yongjiang water slaps on the rock walls on both sides, and the water drops are broken into dense water vapor, which slowly evaporates under the gray-yellow sky, like a fairyland on earth.

Under the white mist, two behemoths gradually emerged. The length of these two ships was more than 50 meters. Fortunately, the Yongjiang River was wide enough to accommodate such behemoths.

Naturally, there was a lot of work to prepare for such a huge monster to land on the shore. Following the order of the white-clothed maid beside Gu Feilong, countless accompanying Cao Gang gang members started to move.

The whole ship became alive in an instant.

Xu Cheng watched the ants-like people on the huge ship in the distance busy up and down, and beside him stood Wei Chengnian and several deputy commanders of the government soldiers.

"Xu Cheng, look over there..." Wei Chengnian suddenly pointed in another direction, it was a member of the Qingshan Hall of the Cao Gang.

The leader is a very burly man, even standing in the distance, you can see the terrifying strong man with his arms and muscles.

This person's realm is extremely high, Xu Cheng and Wei Chengnian just glanced at him, and that person turned around.

It's a pity that although there is no limit to the number of times the cheat can be used, there is a distance limit. Xu Cheng has tested it before, and it is about 15 meters.

Usually it is enough.

A shock flashed in Xu Cheng's heart, as if reminding him of something, it disappeared in a flash.

Ships in the distance are gradually approaching the shore.

Xu Cheng's eyes were better, and he could already see Gu Feilong standing at the bow with a cold face.

Wei Chengnian and the others had their hands on the handle of the knife at their waists.

People are getting closer.

【Name】: Gu Feilong

[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial Arts★★★★
[Destiny Script]: The protagonist of "Dragon of Yongjiang" (unopened)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "A Journey of Grain and Grass" (blue), supporting role in "Under One Man" (unopened)...

[Current main line]: Gu Feilong is the young leader of the Cao Gang, and under the order of his father Gu Quan, he helped Liu Yu deliver a shipment of goods. This batch of goods was delivered to Liu Yu's people on the ninth day of September...

The leader of the Cao Gang...Gu Feilong.

Gu Feilong's Mandate of Heaven script has not yet been opened, but Xu Cheng did not expect this person to have a relationship with Zhou Zhong's Mandate of Heaven script, the future first eunuch.

But life is like this, you never know who you will socialize with in this life, and you will miss a big shot once.

Gu Feilong's face was stern. He had already seen that besides Xu Buwu from Qingshan Hall, there was another group of people.

At the same time, Xu Buwu also saw Xu Cheng and others coming out of the warehouse, leading people towards this side.

For a time, the three parties converged!
On a cliff in the distance.

Liu Yu looked at the river, followed by a group of people in black armor, among them was Yang Fu, who even stood behind Liu Yu, just one position apart.

From the point of view, although Yang Fu's realm is low, he is only an eighth-rank formation master, but the cultivation of a formation master is more important than the state of "enlightenment". The status among this group of people is extremely high.

"Master Liu has far-sighted considerations and chose to receive these things in Chu Huangtian. It is really beyond ordinary people's imagination."

Liu Yu looked at the big river in the distance, wondering what he was thinking, and did not answer Yang Fu's words.

Yang Fu touched his nose, and stopped talking resentfully.

After a long time, Liu Yu, who was dressed in ordinary clothes, finally said, "The fate of the Great Zhou Dynasty is still alive, and the wolf master still needs to be patient..."

Yang Fu didn't know the twists and turns, didn't know what to say for a while, turned his eyes to the river, and said pleasantly, "Master Liu, the boat has arrived."

Liu Yu looked over, and at this moment, his eyes moved over. On the distant pier, besides the people from the Cao Gang, there were also a group of people wearing the official uniforms of the Qingshan Mansion coming out of the warehouse one after another.

A puzzled expression appeared on his face.

I saw Liu Yu burst out like a big bird in an instant, bursting out with black power all over his body, seeing the cliff nearly [-] meters high in front of him as if there was nothing, and jumped to the river in an instant.

Walk on the river from the water!

Yang Fu looked at Liu Yu's back in shock, what realm is this?
He had always thought that under the command of the wolf lord, he invented the fairy land, and he was always a little dissatisfied with being subservient to Liu Yu, but today Liu Yu's skills showed him, let him understand that Liu Yu is not just an aide.

Lord Wolf... As expected of someone who wants to overthrow the Great Zhou, he has such talented people under his command!
on the pier.

Xu Cheng inserted the Pofeng Sword and its scabbard into the ground, and looked at Xu Buwu and others who came in a hurry.

He Xi, the deputy head of Qingshan Hall whom he had met before, was following this person obediently.

【Name】: Xu Buwu

[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial Arts★★★

[Destiny Script]: The protagonist of "Unmartial Artist" (red)
[Playing script]: "The Dragon of the Yongjiang" supporting role (unopened)
[Current plot]: Xu Buwu is the head of the Qinzhou main hall of the Cao Gang. He and Gu Feilong of the Cao Gang originally transported the things of Qingshan Mansion Yin Liuyu together, but during the period, Gu Feilong received the news that Liu Xian died, so Xu Buwu went to Qingshan Mansion to check , accidentally discovered that his good brother Zhu Kou went crazy and alienated all over his body. During the rescue of Zhu Kou, using Zhu Kou's alienated snake man as research material, he discovered a secret. Alienation seems to be the door to "another world"... …

Xu Buwu's plot is interesting, don't wait for Xu Cheng to think about it.

"Xu Lingshi, who are you?"

It was He Xi's voice.

Xu Cheng raised his head, Xu Buwu stood steadily behind him, He Xi was signaled by him to stand up and said to Xu Cheng.

"It turned out to be Hall Master He. As Qingshan Mansion officials, we came to the dock to investigate criminals."

He Xi's face was full of smiles, "Xu Lingshi was joking. No one in Qingshan Manor knows that Qingshan Wharf is the most well-behaved place. There are no lawbreakers."

Xu Cheng remained expressionless, with his right hand resting on the big sword by his side, "Whether this is true or not, it doesn't matter what Hall Master He said, I have to check it before I can make a conclusion."

He Xi took a step forward, and said in a low voice, "Today, I will help the young master to come to Qingshan Mansion to offer sacrifices to the mountain. I hope Xu Lingshi will make it easier for me, and I will check it out tomorrow."

He Xi's status is too low, Xu Cheng doesn't want to have a conflict with He Xi now, even if there is a conflict, it has to be someone like Gu Feilong, so that Gu Zizhong can come forward.

"Step aside."

A slightly dull voice sounded, and Xu Buwu, who had been standing behind him, took a few steps forward and spoke.

He just looked at Xu Cheng quietly.

Xu Cheng has seen a lot of strong men, and he has seen a few strong men with great momentum, whether it is Yu Zaiyin, Fan Zheng, Shang Yanggong and others, the momentum is amazing.

But when these people faced him, their aura was restrained.

But at this moment, Xu Buwu unscrupulously released his aura and locked Xu Cheng.

Unspeakable pressure pressed down on Xu Cheng, almost overwhelming.

At this moment, the sound of Yongjiang's torrential water slapping on the shore disappeared, and only Xu Buwu's two steel-like and imposing words 'get out of the way' were in his ears.

What is this realm?
Xu Cheng couldn't be sure, but it must be more than strength. Only when the 'god' and strength are combined can Xu Cheng be completely suppressed by just his momentum.

boom! !

There were bursts of thunder on Xu Cheng's body, and the secret technique 'Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound' was revealed at this moment. Although it was small, it protected Xu Cheng.

Facing Xu Buwu's momentum, he slowly raised his head, his voice was loud, and he paused every word, "You guys openly resist the law, can't you want to rebel?"

Xu Buwu's momentum faltered.

Xu Cheng raised his head and looked at Xu Buwu who was standing on a high place.

At this time, Wei Chengnian and other talents noticed Xu Cheng's strangeness. After all, Xu Buwu's aura was aimed at Xu Cheng alone.

(End of this chapter)

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