I can see the script of life

Chapter 142 Yinshen Cult, Bai Linggu God's Gaze

Chapter 142 Yinshen Cult, Bai Linggu God's Gaze (6.6k, try anti-theft, order in 20 minutes)

Xu Cheng opened the panel on purpose, and skillfully manipulated to modify his own plot.

He has already merged to the most critical moment, and what is needed at this time is a lot of vitality and extreme concentration, because the time compression is too short, consuming 2000 destiny points.

"Senior is really amazing at calculating the sky. Even if he lost Qi Daosi's relic, he still has such arithmetic. This junior admires him."

Qi Daosi seemed to have heard the teasing in Xu Cheng's words, and slowly put away the smile on his face, "Little friend is still flattered and humiliated, are you relying on the poor relic?"

"Actually, Pindao also has backhands, such as..."

Suddenly, the blood bead of the demon god that Xu Cheng was playing with all the way turned from reality to emptiness, and unexpectedly came to Xu Cheng's mind from this world.

"Little friend is greedy and steals the origin of the demon god. I underestimated you before the poor, but..."

The blood drop appeared, and the sound of the blood river rippling appeared again. From the space invisible to the naked eye, Xu Cheng faintly saw the already familiar blood river, and faintly had crimson pupils floating on the blood river.

Xu Cheng was startled, but when he saw that the river of blood was less than one-tenth of what Tan Ze summoned, his face showed joy.

Tian Zong Yanwu is extremely powerful, but all the way, he still hasn't figured out what the origin of the demon god is. This time, maybe he can really steal that magical power, at least he must perform the secret method.

Qi Daosi smiled and looked at Xu Cheng, "Your friend offended the demon god, and Pindao will apologize to the demon god for you in the future."

Suddenly, Qi Daosi's face changed drastically. In just a few breaths, he actually noticed that Xu Cheng had completed the blood exchange!

"Who are you?"

This method was unheard of by him.

"How does senior feel at the moment?"

Qi Daosi's expression changed several times. He originally thought that Xu Cheng's breakthrough and exchange of blood would inevitably affect all the spiritual thoughts there. Who would have thought that Xu Cheng had completely completed the exchange of blood in just dozens of breaths.

In an instant, after Xu Cheng completed the last blood exchange and his body glowed with silver light, Qi Daosi had quietly disappeared.

He was afraid.

If Xu Cheng coaxed another relic into him, he could hardly even enter the powder mist area of ​​the Yin Ruins Realm, and his life would be in danger.

Xu Cheng's face twitched, this... Qi Daosi is really decisive...

The blood river also seemed to contain spiritual wisdom. The moment Qi Daosi escaped, the blood river seemed to stop for a moment, and the red eyes on the blood river also flashed for a moment.

Obviously, Qi Daosi's escape left the demon god a little speechless.

Then the dark space that didn't know where to lead appeared to be closed, and the blood river was about to disappear.

Qi Daosi ran away, you can't run away!
Xu Cheng exchanged blood for the second time, and obtained the prototype of the silver moon desert wolf's supernatural power - Moon War!

The Silver Moon Desert Wolf hides at daytime and comes out at night, and is very good at running around. Every night, its combat power increases enormously.

After the blood exchange was completed, as before, a small raised organ appeared on the spine.

Xu Cheng didn't care about it, he already had some ideas in his mind about how to get rid of these alienated organs...

It happened to be night at this moment, and Xu Cheng directly opened the secret method.

It's not as powerful as Yinyue Desert Wolf's supernatural powers, which can only increase about [-]% of his blood.


Xu Cheng turned his head to look at the blood river, his whole body was throbbing with energy and blood, the relics emerged and turned into golden mountains, and then stopped the blood river.

This time, I can do some research...

Xu Cheng muttered to himself, then sat down cross-legged.

'Xu Cheng used Tianzong to practice martial arts to steal the supernatural powers of demon gods, and he gained something! '

[During the judgment of the plot, if the judgment is successful, 10000 destiny points will be consumed! 】

consume so much?

Xu Cheng's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't care. He closed his eyes and immersed himself in the special charm caused by the river of blood.

On the other hand, Ming Treasure, who was quiet at the moment, had some conscience. It sensed that Xu Cheng was in a special state, and took out Ziyu Taisui from the backpack behind his back, skillfully pulled off a few tentacles, and Ziyu Taisui shrank his mushroom head. .

Ming Bao ignored it, and stuffed a large handful of tentacles into Xu Cheng's mouth.

Then she lay down next to him and looked at him quietly.

Xu Cheng naturally didn't understand everything, and he had completely lost himself at the moment.

His expression was relaxed, the weird blood river had been suppressed by him with the relics, and he fully felt the difference when the demon god cast [Evil God's Glance].

I don't know how long ago.

Xu Cheng suddenly opened his eyes, and Ming Bao beside him was like a dog's leg, yelling, and wrote his credit on a piece of paper.

Xu Cheng couldn't help laughing, this bastard...

There is a warm current flowing through the bottom of my heart.

After dismissing Mingbao, Xu Cheng checked his gains.

After spending such a high price, he naturally succeeded in obtaining the secret technique.

It's just that Xu Cheng's supernatural powers are different from that of the demon gods.

[Secret Technique·Backtracking]: Consume the energy and blood of the whole body, and return to a moment ago.

Some tasteless, after all, a moment is too short, the moment of life and death crisis, a moment of retrospect, can not change the final outcome.

However, Xu Cheng was still satisfied. After all, this secret technique was the prototype of supernatural powers.

In the future, it may not be possible... to dream back to the ancient times!
"This Qi Daosi is really interesting. Every time I meet him, there is always something good. I can change my name to Qi Pao Si, but this time I failed, and next time Qi Dao Si comes back, it will be even more difficult to deal with..."

After stuffing the last piece of alien meat into Ming Bao's mouth, Xu Cheng pushed the door open.

The inn is called Dakun Inn, and it is considered the best inn in Kuncheng Mansion. Xu Cheng insisted on going out and never treating himself badly, so he directly chose to stay in it.

"My dear guest, what are your orders?"

Xiaoer in the distance saw Xu Cheng push open the door, and ran all the way along the corridor.

Xu Cheng admired secretly, as expected of a clerk in a big inn, such eyesight is a treasure to be learned.

"What day is it today?"

Xiao Er replied very respectfully, "October 21st, you have lived here for seven days."

seven days?

Xu Cheng didn't care about the time, he glanced at Ming Bao who poked his head out of the door furtively, followed its gaze, and saw a group of diners in the lobby eating, this guy watched with relish, and tears flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"What kind of special food does this Kuncheng Mansion have, tell me about it."

Xiaoer looked enthusiastic, "The food in Kuncheng Mansion can be found around our inn, and the most famous one is Kun Noodles!"

"Oh? A bowl of noodles, how special is it?" Xu Cheng was a little curious.

Xiao Er came to the spirit, and introduced very skillfully, "The guest doesn't know that this noodle is not made of ordinary grains, but the meat of the eighth-grade exotic beast. After the meat is pureed, it is made into noodles."

"In the process of eating, it is very strange to bite down and hear the roar of strange beasts in your ears."

Xu Cheng was intrigued by what he said, "Come here for two..." Glancing at Ming Bao, thinking of this guy's behavior of protecting the law before, he changed his tune and said, "Come three bowls."

"What is this fragrance?" This is the smell that attracted Ming Bao before.

Xiao Er flicked the rag in his hand and put it on the other shoulder, "This is our famous local tea, Kuncha. Even the nobles in the capital like it, and many vendors come here to buy goods and resell them in the capital. of."

"Let's have a pot together."

"Okay." Xiao Er trotted away.

A few minutes later, Xu Cheng looked at the three bowls of noodles and a pot of tea on the table, and took out a silver ticket of 3000 taels with some distress.

He took a bite and listened to the echo of the strange beast in his ears, his face showed a look of intoxication.

Delicious is really delicious.

Expensive is really expensive!


after one day.

On the streets of Zuiyunfu in Yunzhou, Xu Cheng and Ming Bao walked on the street one after the other.

Yunzhou has a vast territory and is the largest state in the Great Zhou Dynasty. There are many mountains in the territory, martial arts are prosperous, and there are many exotic animals.

Xu Cheng walked along the road with Ming Bao, and it didn't look abrupt. After all, many warriors were accompanied by strange beasts.

For example, at this moment, an old man in gray robes on Xu Cheng's left side has a big snake as thick as a forearm wrapped around his waist, making hissing sounds from time to time.

Along the way, he tasted snacks from all over the world like a nobleman traveling in mountains and rivers, which made Mingbao gain a little weight.

Sitting at a roadside stall, eating a special snack named 'Ziyun' in Zuiyun Mansion.

At this moment, the sound of conversation between the two came from beside the ear.

A gruff voice said, "I heard that the sword-making day once every ten years in Famous Sword Villa is approaching. We are going to entertain guests and choose someone who is destined to make a sword. I don't know who will be the lucky one this year?"

"Anyway, it's not our turn. The predestined people in Mingjian Villa are all people of status." Another voice said with a little resentment.

"That's right, after the old owner of the Sword Villa went into closed-door training, for the past 30 years, he has been making swords exclusively for 'destined people' with status..." The first gruff voice mocked.

Famous Sword Villa?


Even the protagonist of the green script knows the news, and this sword villa must be a great force.

Xu Cheng was a little curious, but he didn't care, and prepared to leave the city with Ming Bao.

Thousands of miles to the west, there is the Big Buddha Snow Mountain, but the Famous Sword Villa is in the east, and Xu Cheng didn't bother to make a detour there.

But at the gate of the city, Xu Cheng frowned when he saw someone beside him.

【Name】: Lu Tongzong

[Life Level]: Longevity species

[Talent]: Bai Ling God's Companion★★★

[Script of Destiny]: The protagonist of "The Three Sacrifice Envoys of Yinshenjiao" (red)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "The Resurrection of Yin Shen Cult" (black)
[Current plot]: Lu Tongzong is a person from the Shenhuang Great Realm, chosen by the Bai Linggu God, and came from breaking the realm, seeking the method of reappearing the source energy of the Big Dipper Realm, and attracting the return of the gods. Lu Tongzong initially involved in Yunzhou, using Bai Linggu The Spirit Bone God steals the newly cast sword from the Famous Sword Villa, and then set off a storm in the martial arts in Yunzhou. He obtained countless sources of blood plague and sacrificed to the Spirit Bone God, attracting Kunlun and the Great Buddha to hunt him down, and Lu Tongzong went into exile...

Seeing the script of Yinshenjiao again, Xu Cheng was a little surprised, but his expression remained calm.

No matter how cultivated this Lu Tongzong is, the life level of the longevity species cannot be faked, at least starting from the fifth-grade infant god realm of the immortal way...

And this is the second time Xu Cheng has seen other worlds, Shenhuang Great Realm and Beidou Realm.

With a move in his heart, Xu Cheng decided to follow this person.

Lu Tongzong also left the city, and Xu Cheng strode to keep up.

After a while, at a five-way intersection, Xu Cheng stopped, and Lu Tongzong in front of him had disappeared.
Xu Cheng frowned. Although there are many forks in the five roads, according to the direction of Lu Tongzong's progress, there are not many choices.

The famous sword villa is in the east, and Xu Cheng is going along the east.

Just then, a voice sounded from the tree to his left.

"Indigenous, are you looking for me?"

Xu Cheng suddenly looked up, and saw Lu Tongzong, who was dressed in black and wearing a bamboo hat, was standing on a tree and looking at him with a teasing face.

His heart was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to deal with it.

At this moment, delaying time is the best way, at least it is necessary to find out the reality of this person.

"How did you find me?"

Lu Tongzong didn't know what he was thinking, and said again, "Sure enough, it's a vulgar martial arts, aboriginal, don't you know that eyes have weight? Starting from the gate of the city, I met a total of 190 people, and the eyes fell on me. , 74 times, only your eyes looked at me thirteen times."

Xu Cheng was dumbfounded. Sure enough, every system of cultivating immortals has its own unique features. He was sure that his eyes showed no emotion at all, which was harmless to warriors and could not be detected by arousing their instinctive reaction. It fell on Lu Tongzong, but it became the biggest flaw.

Signaling Mingbao to back off, he had already sensed the murderous intent in this mouth, and the word "indigenous" showed his disregard for life in this world to the extreme.

"You are proud? Call me a native?"

Lu Tongzong fluttered down from the tree without any change in his figure, "For us, everyone in this world is an aborigine!"

Xu Cheng's eyes froze slightly, and he saw at this time that on the tree behind Lu Tongzong, there was a naked girl's corpse, which was full of various bite marks...

Suppressing his thoughts, Xu Cheng showed a puzzled expression, and said in surprise, "Aren't you from this world?"

Lu Tongzong fixed his body, with a dignified expression, and politely made a courtesy to Xu Cheng that he could not understand, "Lu Tongzong of the Divine Brilliant Realm."

As the words fell, he watched Xu Cheng's face gradually change from dignified to distorted and ferocious, "Bai Linggu seems to be very interested in you, I heard his oracle."

There was jealousy in his tone, and jealousy made his behavior extremely cruel.

Unexpectedly, he spread his hands and inserted them into his chest. His chest was instantly red with blood, and white bones appeared in his hands, as if his ribs were being pulled away...

Xu Cheng was terrified. Is this how cultists fight?
Lu Tongzong said, "In fact, killing people doesn't need to be so complicated, but you are the sacrifice that God Bai Linggu wants, so I have to sacrifice you alive."

"Since I'm going to be your sacrifice, can you tell me about your world? Shenhuang Dajie? Is it called this name?" Xu Cheng continued to delay the time. Wait for about three quarters of an hour, the moon will come out, and the Yinyue secret method will be added to the body, which will increase the chance of winning.

"It's rare to find a good guy today. It's just that your face annoys the envoy. If you slash twice, the envoy will tell you about it."

Xu Cheng is speechless. He is handsome. Will this be the treatment?
The long sword in his hand was unsheathed, and three bloody wounds appeared in an instant, the skin and flesh were turned out, and Junxiu naturally disappeared.

Lu Tongzong nodded in satisfaction, and put the bones in his hands away, "The great world of the gods, the source energy is prosperous, the immortal way has been prosperous for thousands of years, and the kingdoms have been fighting endlessly..."

After a while, Xu Cheng finally figured out what kind of world this Shenhuang Great Realm is.

Similar to the Great Zhou before it was unified, all countries fought in melee, and the national sects were established simultaneously. Of course, what is stronger than the Great Zhou is that the strongest of the seven powerful countries and major powerful sects are all first-rank monks in the fairyland.

In fact, it is just like that, it is a big world that focuses on cultivating immortals, and if one of the seven great powers is alone, it may not be able to beat the big week if it is pulled out.

"I have introduced what should be introduced to you, come here, and lie down obediently."

Lu Tongzong's hands were stained with blood, pointing to the simple altar of bones built by him.

Xu Cheng looked up, "Actually, I want to struggle."

Lu Tongzong's face suddenly darkened, "You can try it."

He waved his hands, and the source energy emerged, and then continuously constructed bones from the air, appearing in the present world while appearing in the unfathomable 'darkness'.

Xu Changchang's sword was unsheathed, and the silver moon secret technique had been activated. He looked solemnly at the endless skeletons that appeared in a radius of hundreds of meters in front of him.

This method is really amazing.

Facing this kind of suppression by numbers, there is only...

【Tiger Roar】!
In the mountains that are many miles away from Zuiyun City, a huge roar of a tiger emerged, which almost shattered the layers of clouds in the sky.

Of course, many skeletons were also shattered.

Lu Tongzong smiled sinisterly, "Do you think that this is the only way I, Bai Lingdao, can do it?"

He probed into the darkness with one hand, and after a while, a small white bone flag appeared in his hand, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves continued, countless screams echoed on it, and a terrifying suction was generated.

The surrounding white bones and skeletons blurred and twisted, forming a terrifying torrent like a dragon sucking water.

Lu Tongzong grabbed both hands, waved the bone flag, and an indescribable stench of corpses attacked Xu Cheng accompanied by terror.

"You seem to disdain martial arts?"

Xu Cheng held his breath, and in an instant, the moonlight fell, and Xu Cheng's physical body suddenly swelled and exploded.

Can't see through Lu Tongzong's methods, and simply switch from defense to offense, it's really impossible...

After turning on the immortal state, his body more than three meters high cast a huge shadow on the ground, and he opened his big hand, grabbing Lu Tongzong like a millstone.


At the same time, Xu Cheng's whole body exploded with energy and blood, and the long sword between his palms was thrown aside by him like an embroidery needle.

The palms spread out, and the roots were bloodshot like copper sticks, with violent strength.


Lu Tongzong did not expect that the young man in front of him would suddenly become such a monster.

He realized that he had an understanding of martial arts, and had discerned the aura of warriors of all levels with his spiritual sense. He was sure that Xu Cheng was just changing blood, so all the previous actions were made by Xu Cheng.

Looking at Xu Cheng's hands, his pupils shrank sharply. Xu Cheng in front of him gave him a sense of crisis, no less than those descendants of the divine beasts and monsters in the Divine Brilliant Realm.

The palms of those hands spread with the strong wind, bringing out distorted phantoms like black smoke.

"A mere martial artist! Do you want to slaughter immortals?"

Lu Tongzong raised his right arm, waving the Bone Spirit Flag in his hand, the source energy emerged, and the night was lit up with fluorescent lights, attacking Xu Cheng.

Each point of light, in fact, is the living soul of a person!
'Immortal decision: Bai Ling defeats the immortal! '

Lu Tongzong roared angrily, and his spiritual sense clearly told him that Xu Cheng was a replacement, but the sense of crisis coming from his body still made him use all his strength unconsciously.

Extremely dense fluorescence, rapidly condensed.

"Sacrifice, dare to disobey me?"

With a roar, the fluorescent light exploded, as if all termites were eroding through the territory. After talking all the way, countless trees, mountains and rocks disappeared.

Numerous sand and stones shattered, and the source gas was accompanied by fluorescence, forming strange white silk threads.

Not only did he want to defeat Xu Cheng, but he also wanted to capture him, sacrifice him to the Bai Linggu God, and bestow a godsend on him!
There was another loud noise, and the surrounding rocks exploded in an instant, countless trees were blown up from the ground by their roots, sand and stones flew away, and dust flew up.

Falling from the sky like a waterfall.

As the dust and mist spread, Xu Cheng frowned and looked at his body, which was bitten by the soul with countless bloodstains, and shook his numb arm expressionlessly.

"What happened just now?" Lu Tongzong was puzzled, why neither the living soul nor the source energy could corrode Xu Cheng.

The giant took a step forward, and the tyrannical aura suddenly dissipated. He frowned tightly, forming blood-colored Sichuan characters, like King Kong, "I've been fighting for so long..."

The figure flashed and reappeared. He had grabbed Lu Tongzong with one hand, "So you, the longevity species... are so weak?"

He never thought that Lu Tongzong was so weak, and the most important thing was that he was not in the infantile state at all, but only in the alchemy state!

It is equivalent to the alchemy realm of martial arts strength!

One hand took the Bone Spirit Banner from Lu Tongzong's hand, and the other tightly pinched Lu Tongzong's neck and lifted him up.

"Disappointing opponent..."

"I said, you answer."

An unspeakable tyranny appeared on Xu Cheng's immortal face.

After Tian Zong practiced martial arts, he had already repulsed Qi Daosi's evil thoughts, and now, unless he was in the immortal state, he would look like a handsome young man.

Lu Tongzong had an unbelievable expression on his face. Seeing that he refused to speak, Xu Cheng slightly exerted force on his wrist.

The crackling sound of bone cracking came continuously.

"Bai Ling Bone God will not let you go, you will fall into the nether world forever!"

A muffled sound came out.

Xu Cheng landed on the ground. His body more than three meters high was covered with countless silver patterns. Under the light of the silver moon, it was somewhat mysterious. His muscles were knotted like armor, his black hair shawled his shoulders, and his whole body was burning with qi and blood. Seems to raise twisting smoke around.

"Since you don't want to say it, let me study it!"

Lu Tongzong is different from ordinary cultivators. He is the favored person of Bai Linggu God. This is the first time Xu Cheng has come into contact with this talent, and his curiosity urged him to explore it.

Lifting Lu Tongzong like a chicken, he walked towards the dense forest in the distance.

In a wooden house deep in the forest, judging from the traces at the door, it has long been abandoned, and there is a small bear crouching outside the door.

There are two people in the room, one is sitting and the other is lying down.

Xu Cheng's spiritual thoughts swept over Lu Tongzong's body inch by inch.

'Is this the Spiritual Transformation Pill? '

In Xu Cheng's hand, he held a cyan panacea about the size of a thumb with three white patterns.

Let's take a look at the relationship between these immortal cultivators and Origin Qi...

Spiritual thoughts penetrated into it.


Xu Cheng's complexion changed, the panacea in his hand exploded suddenly, and a pair of extremely cold white eyes stared at him.

His whole body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his whole body was stiff and unable to move.

This is... Bai Ling Bone God?
But it seems that because of the cross-border reason, Bai Linggushen stared at him for a long time, and finally his eyes disappeared.

Xu Cheng had a happy face for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

Is this the 'gods' who surpass the first rank?

He had a feeling that the Bai Linggu God was a more powerful god than the demon gods. Several times before, the demon god's eyes needed other media, but there was no sign of Bai Linggu God's appearance just now.

Abrupt and hasty!
That cold feeling, like being cursed by a god, is a bit more terrifying than the gaze of the demon god's eyes.

He closed his eyes, and a place suddenly appeared in front of him.

He always thought that purgatory on earth was an adjective, but at this moment, Xu Cheng found that it was a relatively objective description.

Even more terrifying than that.

A white world, is the kind of bone white, pale and penetrating.

This place is full of bone forests, bone altars, and everything that comes into view is bones!

On these bone buildings, there are things that make Xu Cheng's scalp tingle, all of which are divided... people!

Human flesh and blood rotted into dust.Human tendons are entangled in the tree, dry and scorched as bright as silver.

They respectively added a touch of silvery red to this pale bone-colored world.

Countless human beings could not afford to prostrate on the ground, they worshiped excitedly, and reveled wildly...

Until they frantically call out their gods...

When a shadow flashed across the sky, that great existence was about to descend!
A sense of horror rose in Xu Cheng's heart. He had a feeling that once that great existence appeared, even if he was in the real world, he would be anchored by the Bone God of Bai Ling...

Xu Cheng suddenly opened his eyes.

All illusions disappear.

Lu Tongzong, whose panacea was exploded beside him, was already dead, and no one could ask him.

Closing his eyes again, the scene unfolded again.


The Bone God Bai Ling must be a god much more powerful than the demon god. This kind of power is unimaginable.

curse?Or what other means?
Xu Cheng didn't know, he only knew that from now on, let alone sleep, he couldn't even close his eyes for a long time.

But he was not without gains, he seemed to have vaguely seen the relationship between the Immortal Dao and Origin Qi...

Origin Qi... seems to be alive!

(End of this chapter)

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