I can see the script of life

Chapter 143 Confucianism and Taoism Semi-Saint - Meng Wenqi

Chapter 143 Confucianism and Taoism Semi-Saint - Meng Wenqi

Xu Cheng walked out of the room with an unlucky face, really he could only say unlucky.

This Lu Tongzong and that Bai Linggushen are both lunatics, Lu Tongzong didn't mention a word when facing his interrogation, only cursing, compared to that Haiwei, I don't know how many times more difficult to interrogate.

As for the reason why Lu Tongzong was a long-lived species, Xu Cheng understood at this moment that the talent of that Bailing god was a bit outrageous.

It's no wonder that Lu Tongzong refused to speak. This kind of fanatic has always been the most difficult guy.

In the future, if you see such a person with divine talent, you should stay away.

Even more uncomfortable, it caught the attention of Bai Linggushen.

Thinking of the scene that would appear in front of him when he closed his eyes now, Xu Cheng's face was gloomy.

He had already tried it with Qi Daosi's relic, and although it was effective, Xu Cheng was naturally unwilling to turn the relic into a golden mountain all the time, so it was a bit too stupid to put his trump card on top of his head to show off.

After thinking about it, Xu Cheng activated the Order of Good and Evil.

Equality King: Sister, have you heard of the Bai Linggu God?
Xu Xin replied quickly.

King Chu Jiang: It was mentioned in the Cangshu Pavilion of Daluo Mountain, but there are very few records. It is only known that it is an evil god. What's the matter?Where did you hear the name?
Equality King: It's okay, I passed by Zuiyun City today and heard someone mention this.

Xu Cheng's heart was even more clouded, even Xu Xin didn't know, so he could only ask Master Kuchan for help.

Although there are some gains in research, it is difficult to make up for the loss of offending a god.

Origin Qi has life, or in other words, the source of Origin Qi is a powerful and almost invincible life form, which is the result of Xu Cheng's research.

Immortal cultivators use the spirit foundation as their way, but from the moment the spirit foundation is cast, the source qi changes their body and constitution all the time, just like the cancer cells in the medical problems of previous lives, always disordered and messy spreading.

This kind of disorder is beneficial to the evolution of the spirit foundation, but to the flesh body, it is... poisonous!
This is also the key to the decay of the body of a cultivator after reaching a high level of cultivation.

Xu Cheng's heart moved. If the source of Genesis Qi is really an extremely powerful creature, then what is his purpose of spreading Genesis Qi?
Raising Gu?

Suddenly, a thought that frightened him came to Xu Cheng's mind.

He felt his mouth dry for a while, if it was true...

These are too far away from him, the most urgent thing is to solve the problem of closing his eyes first, otherwise, even if he has the physique of a blood-changing warrior, he will not be able to close his eyes forever.

It's a pity that Lu Tongzong died too fast, otherwise, I should be able to get a lot of inspiration from him.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and Xu Cheng continued to walk towards the direction of Dafo Mountain, this time the speed was much faster.

Passing by three cities in a row, Xu Chengcheng hadn't entered the city yet, so he was completely out of mood.

Unable to close his eyes for a long time, he couldn't help feeling a layer of irritability in his heart.

Xu Cheng took Mingbao and hurried all the way, Xueyun Mansion City was in front of him, it was very close to Dafo Mountain, and the temperature had completely dropped.

Looking up in the daylight, you can already see the rolling, snow-capped mountains in the distance.

At this moment, a loud rumbling sound suddenly came from the ground in the distance.

The ground shook, the mountains shook, and even the tower on the gate of the Xueyun Mansion in the distance seemed to be crumbling.

It was as if countless cavalry were rushing towards them.

However, Xu Cheng noticed that the people at the gate of the city in the distance just paused, and then continued to do what they should do.

Soon, the source of the earthquake emerged.

Countless huge beasts with houses on their backs came from the other side of the mountain.

These strange beasts looked like rhinoceros, without fur, and their exposed khaki muscles were like armor. Their backs were broad like a cube, and their single horns on their heads looked like the coldest war machines. They stood at the gate of Xueyun City.

Xu Cheng remembered that this creature was called the back sky!

It is a kind of strange beast unique to Yunzhou. As long as it is an adult, it is a sixth-rank strange beast. Just like its name, it has infinite strength and likes to carry heavy loads.


in front of the city gate.

A tall figure descended from the sky like a meteorite, the whole person was like an ancient beast, the muscles of the upper body were knotted, and the armor almost collapsed.

"Old Xueyun! Still not coming out?"

A white-robed figure on the tower seemed to be accustomed to this man's vulgarity, "Come in, General Du."

The man known as 'General Du' laughed, bent his knees slightly, and without any strength burst out, he jumped up relying on his extremely powerful physical body, and then disappeared.

The distance is too far, Xu Cheng can't even see his face in the future.

"Is this the legendary Dushen Mansion? The only city in the world that is always on the move, so terrifying!" A student in a Confucian uniform fanned his fan, and said in a daze, his movements were elegant, but he was a little fat His figure slightly spoiled his temperament.

A young swordsman beside him seemed to see that the man in the weird Confucian uniform was not from Yunzhou, and said with a little complacency, "If it weren't for the people in Dushenfu not wanting to be an enemy of the Great Zhou, the current imperial court is really useless." A few who are sure to subdue Dushenfu."

This person was followed by a woman, who was the man and woman who said they wanted to buy Mingbao that day.

After Wei Qing's accident, Xu Cheng developed the habit of checking the character script panel at any time, and scanned the three-person panel.

There was a light sigh in my heart.

The fate script of the two is a blue script called "Ming Zhenzong". The plot of the two before was unremarkable, but at this moment, there are some differences.

Liu Yan-[Current Plot]: Liu Yan is a disciple of the Mingzhen Sect in Yunzhou. He and his senior brother Yan Yan heard that the famous sword villa wanted to choose someone who was destined to make a sword, so they decided to go to the famous sword villa. The ghost rhinoceros has amazing supernatural powers, and its blood is extremely precious. The two thought of Liu Zhi, the true biography of Da Luoshan who came to the sect as a guest, and wanted to persuade Liu Zhi to go and kill the nine-eyed ghost rhinoceros...

Liu Zhi?

This name instantly aroused Xu Cheng's murderous intent. In Xu Xin's plot, this person had malicious intentions towards Xu Xin, and tried to oppress Xu Xin by relying on Xu Xin's identity as the Heavenly Sacred Sect.

Although he knew that according to Xu Xin's temperament, he probably wouldn't care about it, but Xu Cheng was still upset that Liu Zhi really threatened Xu Xin and probably would have to sacrifice his life.

Now that you've met him, let's kill Liu Zhi by the way!
"What a coincidence? I met you two again." Xu Cheng had a smile on his face.

When the man Yan Yan saw Xu Cheng, his pupils shrank, thinking of the pressure Xu Cheng had put on him before, he said with a sneer, "It's a coincidence."

Liu Yan became aloof and showed no pretense to Xu Cheng.

"Where are you two going? Maybe we should drop by."

Yan Yan sneered, and then became vigilant. Knowing the whereabouts of the Nine-eyed Ghost Rhinoceros, he and his junior sister should not let the person in front of him know, and said loudly, "We are disciples of the Mingzhen Sect in Yunzhou. Our tour is over and we are ready to return to the sect."

The voice was a bit loud, and many people at the gate of the city heard it and looked sideways.

The warriors at the bottom level are generally undisciplined people who practice blindly, like this kind of sect, even if the sect is not big, they still make these undisciplined people envious.

Xu Cheng glanced at Yan Yan thoughtfully. This person is not stupid, and he knows how to reveal his identity.

But since we know that Liu Zhi is in Yunzhou, we can inquire slowly.

At this moment, there was a sound of angry curses at the gate of the city, and Xu Cheng turned his head to look over.

I saw two figures walking in a hurry, followed by a group of men in black armor. The two running figures were two graceful women with veils on their faces, so they couldn't see their faces clearly.

The man in black armor shouted angrily behind him, "How dare you steal something from my Fuyun sect!"

The reason for saying this is to explain to the surrounding onlookers that there are already some so-called "young heroes" who see that the two beauties are in trouble, and they are already eager to try and gear up.

The two women turned their heads and responded, "Are you really the Floating Cloud Sect?? You Wusheng Sect are lurking in the various sects of Yunzhou. What is your intention? I will go to Dafoshan on this trip, and expose it in front of the master of Dafoshan. Your true identity of the Wusheng Sect!"

Xu Cheng had a strange expression on his face. He didn't expect to meet acquaintances in Yunzhou.

These two women wearing veils are the sisters from the Yu family who had lured Xu Cheng into the underworld before.

"When death is imminent, how dare you put a hat on my Fuyun Sect!" the leader of the black-armored man was furious, and the countless black-armored men behind him chased him a little faster.

"Are these people from the Floating Cloud Sect?" Xu Cheng looked at Yan Yan, a 'local', and asked.

"Heijia Floating Cloud, it should be a member of the Floating Cloud Sect."

No one knew what Xu Cheng was thinking, he just stood in the crowd and watched.


Of course, it was not Xu Cheng who stopped him, but the Confucian uniform student who was impressed by the magic of the Shenfu before. Become generous and benevolent.

"In broad daylight, the sky is bright! Why are you chasing my two younger sisters!"

Those 'Young Heroes' who were already gearing up for their fights, heard that someone was coming out, and they all moved for a while, their feet kept swimming, faintly surrounding the dozen or so men in black armor.

Xu Cheng glanced at the Confucian uniform student in surprise.

【Name】: Meng Wenqi

[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Righteousness★★★★, Martial Arts★★★, Lesser Sage's Enlightenment★★★★★
[Script of Destiny]: The protagonist of "Confucianism, Taoism and Sub-sage" (black)
【Playing script】: "Confucian Master" supporting role (black), "All Under Heaven" supporting role (purple), "Meng Jia" supporting role (red)
[Current plot]: Meng Wenqi was originally the son of the Meng family in Meng County. His martial arts talent was not good and he was not seen by the Meng family. On the way to Xuzhou, he worshiped Lord Shang Yang as his teacher. Lord Shang Yang established a Confucianism and Taoism academy and asked him to come here Traveling in Yunzhou, Meng Wenqi traveled westward all the way, discussed Taoism in Kunlun, debated the Buddha's wisdom, understood what Confucianism and Taoism are, and luck is added to him...

When Xu Cheng saw the panel, he couldn't help being stunned. This Confucian uniform student is actually a Confucianist!
The disciple of Lord Shang Yang is interesting.

This is the second time Xu Cheng has seen the protagonist of the black script. The first time was Shang Yanggong's black script "Confucian Master".

Confucianism and Yasheng...

Meng Wenqi saw the crowd crowding up, "My two younger sisters and I were traveling in the mountains and rivers. We got separated in Xueyun City, but I didn't expect to be chased and killed by you..."

He looked at the expressions of the people around him.Although it has nothing to do with those two people, as the founder of Confucianism and Taoism of Lord Shangyang, he always remembers the teachings of Lord Shangyang, and seeing injustice in the road is also Confucianism and Taoism.

The leader of the Heijia man was a middle-aged man with dark hair. Seeing this, he glared at Meng Wenqi angrily, "Who are you? You said that these two lowly servant girls are your younger sisters, so do you know their names? Now say, If you make a mistake, this seat will kill you now!"

As his words fell, several besieged Heijia people also pushed through the crowd and approached Meng Wenqi.

The remaining Heijia men, led by another middle-aged man with hairy hair, still chased after the sisters of the Yu family.

At this moment, Meng Wenqi had just been apprenticed to Mr. Shang Yang, and he was still a noble son who was not good at martial arts and Confucianism.

"Did you see it? It's clear at a glance who is lying here. Looking at it now, this young master intends to stir up everyone's dissatisfaction with my Fuyun Sect." The black armor man said, looking back at Meng Wenqi, "you who talk nonsense, believe it or not, This seat will arrest you now!"

Meng Wenqi's head became hot, and he threw the folding fan in Xu Cheng's arms, "Brother, help me get it."

Then he turned his head and rolled up his sleeves, "Just come, whoever is afraid is the grandson!"

The man with black hair and black armor looked at Meng Wenqi, his eyes narrowed, "Your Excellency must be against me, Fuyunzong?"

Power emerged behind him, and the dense white cloud-like power even distorted the surrounding space.

A few men in black armor moved forward, although none of them were in the state of strength, but they were all good players in the state of blood exchange. This time they all moved forward and wanted to catch Meng Wenqi.

When these people shot, the people around dispersed one after another, and they kept rejoicing in their hearts that there was no blood on their hands. These people's martial arts cultivation is so advanced.

Amidst the chaos, a calm voice emerged from it, containing a kind of magical power, "I can testify that he is the elder brother of those two women. The two women's names are Yu Baixia and Yu Hongyi, and this person's name is Meng Wen." Now let’s talk about what crime Brother Meng’s two younger sisters committed? They are going to be chased and killed by you.”

The man in black armor frowned, the secret of Wushengjiao had been discovered by those two women, he never expected to meet such two youngsters who had just entered the rivers and lakes, and his heart suddenly felt murderous.

Meng Wenqi looked at Xu Cheng gratefully, and then asked in a puzzled voice, "What's the name of this brother? How do you know my name?"

Xu Cheng glanced at him. This future Confucian and Taoist sub-sage is a bit immature at the moment, "I am an old acquaintance with Lord Shangyang."

For a moment, Meng Wenqi suddenly became cheerful.

In fact, the reason why Xu Cheng was willing to act was not only because of Meng Wenqi, but also because of the play script of the group of black armor men in front of him.

It is a supporting role in the script of "The Three Sacrifice Envoys of Yinshenjiao"!

Jia Kuan-[Current Plot]: Ji Xiong, the envoy of the God Sect, founded the Wusheng Sect, dispatched believers to hide in various sects in Yunzhou, and set off a battle in Yunzhou, intending to stir up chaos in the martial arts in Yunzhou, and collect the source of blood plague. Jia Kuan Bewitched by Ji Xiong, on the condition of breaking through the shrine, he helped him stir up chaos in Dushenfu and cholera in Yunzhou.


Xu Cheng was watched by Bai Linggushen. According to his personality, seeing the whereabouts of the second sacrificial envoy, he naturally wanted to catch him and solve his predicament.

If the sacrificial envoys were all bluffing like Lu Tongzong...

 Sorry, I have to work overtime today, and the missing words will be made up tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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