I can see the script of life

Chapter 144 The present is not what it used to be, the way to relieve the curse

Chapter 144 The present is not what it used to be, the way to relieve the curse
When the sisters of the Yu family left Qingshan Mansion, they did not do bone forging, but when they came to Yunzhou, they got a chance to set foot in blood exchange. They didn't even have time to coagulate their blood once. How could they escape from a force and digital blood exchange? In just a moment, they would be black armor people catch up.

"Sister, what should I do?" Yu Hongyi frowned, she was no longer as active as before.

Yu Baixia looked at the beasts in Dushen Mansion in the distance, "I can't do anything, I can only go to Dushen Mansion."

Yu Hongyi glanced at the countless huge houses propped up against the sky, feeling terrified in her heart, Dushen Mansion doesn't welcome outsiders, if she really went to Dushen Mansion, the consequences would be really unpredictable.

At this moment, Yu Baixia suddenly said, "I saw an acquaintance, go to Xueyun City!"

It turned out that the moment she turned her head, she saw a familiar figure, which was Xu Cheng.

He temporarily changed his mind and ran towards the gate of Xueyun City with Yu Hongyi.

The man in black armor behind him saw the two turning, and immediately followed them without even thinking about it.


The gate of Xueyun City.

Jia Kuan tilted his head, squinted his eyes, murderous intent and strength came out through his body, and looked at Xu Cheng, "Who are you?"

"Passerby." Xu Cheng said softly.

"Since you are a passer-by, let me remind you that you can come out and testify for nothing."

Xu Cheng looked at the surrounding crowd and said loudly, "What? You want to take me down too? If there is only one person standing up here, you will catch one person. Then there are heroes everywhere at the gate of this huge city, do you want to catch them all?" ?”

Then he raised his head again and looked at the blood cloud city soldiers standing on the tower watching the excitement, "Then, is this Xueyun City the Great Zhou's Xueyun City, or the Xueyun City of your Floating Cloud Sect?"

He could naturally see that the Floating Cloud Sect must have something to do with it in Xueyun City, but sometimes, when there are too many people and the voice is loud, it can be useful anywhere.

Jia Kuan panicked and was about to speak.

Meng Wenqi, who was beside Xu Cheng, also came back to his senses at this moment, glared at each other, and pointed at Jia Kuan, "If your Fuyun Sect can cover the sky with one hand in Xueyun City and even Yunzhou, I will admit it, and I am willing to catch you without a fight!"

After finishing speaking, he put his hands together and made a gesture of being captured.

With a few words, the blood of the people around was boiling, and they all stood on the side of Dayi for a while.

It seems that the Floating Cloud Sect on the opposite side is the most sinful person.

Yan Yan, the Zhenzong's hot blood, saw that the two were speechless at what Jia Kuan, the Fuyunzong, jumped out and shouted, "That's right, we have so many people here, can you catch them all?"

The onlookers began to move around and made noises one after another.

"Is that what you Fuyunzong do? In vain, I thought the Fuyunzong was a decent school."

"Is it true that in the eyes of your Floating Cloud Sect, as long as you have doubts, you can arrest us at any time?"

"Come on, catch us together!"

Chaos seemed about to erupt.

Finally, someone on the tower said, "Jia Kuan, that's enough, we need to arrest people and stay away from Xueyun City. The distinguished guests of Dushen Mansion are here today, so don't disturb the distinguished guests of Dushen Mansion!"

The man didn't even leave the city gate, and didn't even show his face.

But Jia Kuan's complexion has already changed, "Master Xue, don't worry, Jia Kuan will never do anything again in Xueyun City."


Jia Kuan looked at Xu Cheng and Meng Wenqi with a gloomy expression, "It's best not to leave Xueyun Mansion."

Both were noncommittal.

Seeing the two people ignoring him so much, Jia Kuan's face became even uglier, but he had been warned by the people of Xueyun Mansion, so he squinted his eyes at the two for a moment, turned around and left with them.

Yu Hongyi breathed a sigh of relief, Yu Baixia got up and walked out of the crowd, bowed to everyone, and pulled Yu Hongyi, "Yu Baixia, Yu Hongyi, thank you for your help. I will never forget your kindness."

Immediately, someone in the crowd shouted.

"Girl, you don't have to worry about it, it's just a matter of raising your hand. If that Floating Cloud Sect dares to come again, he will definitely go and never return!"

"That's it."

The mouth under the veil of Yu Hongyi has already turned up. Before these people heard the name of Fuyunzong, they were frightened, but now that the people of Fuyunzong left, they dared to speak harshly.

True and interesting.

Turning her eyes to Xu Cheng, she had seen Xu Cheng and Master Kuchan debate with her own eyes before, and later she was in the Cao Gang, and heard the rumors of Xu Cheng from outsiders, knowing that he was brave and resourceful, and had even been awarded by the court. Jue, seeing Xu Cheng again this time, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"Thank you Master Xu for saving your life. I never expected to meet Master Xu in Yunzhou."

Yu Baixia came to Xu Cheng's side and thanked Xu Cheng.

Meng Wenqi turned his head and looked at Xu Cheng, "Do you know each other?"

Xu Cheng replied lightly, "We have met several times before, Miss Yu is very polite."

Yu Baixia-[Current main thread]: Gu Quan, the old leader of the Cao Gang, died, and Gu Feilong was devastated. The sisters of the Yu family came to Yunzhou from Taizhou all the way. Overhearing the secret language between Ji Xiong and Jia Kuan, during the test, the two showed their flaws and were chased by Jia Kuan all the way. The two asked Xu Xin, the king of Chujiang in the underworld, for help. Yuncheng met Jia Kuan again and was hunted down all the way. After escaping again, the two changed their faces and secretly joined the Tiansheng Sect.

Watching the story of the Yu family sisters, Xu Cheng was a little speechless. The fate of the two sisters, they were cheated when they left the rivers and lakes, and they were a little dumbfounded.

But he still knew to ask Xu Xin for help, but luckily he was not stupid enough.

Seeing that Xu Cheng and the sisters from the Yu family knew each other, Meng Wen suggested, "It's fate for us to meet each other, how about having a glass of wine together?"

Xu Cheng also had the idea of ​​making friends with Meng Wenqi, so he naturally agreed.

Yu Baixia said with a smile, "It's fine to have a drink together, but you are our sister's benefactors, so we must treat you to this glass of wine."


The welcome building of Xueyun Mansion.

Meng Wenqi looked at Xu Cheng in surprise, "I didn't expect Brother Xu to have a title now, it's really disrespectful."

He already knew Xu Cheng's identity from the sisters of the Yu family, and he was naturally surprised when he heard that Xu Cheng was already the son of Qingshan County of the imperial court.

Xu Cheng responded casually, "It's just a fluke. If it weren't for the teacher's support, I wouldn't have achieved what I am today."

Meng Wenqi looked at Xu Cheng, thought of himself, and couldn't help but took another sip from the wine bottle, "Brother Xu is not yet seventeen this year, but he has already achieved such achievements. I am a few years older than Brother Xu, but I am still in panic all day long. I can't accomplish anything. I'm sorry Ancestor, teacher..."

The Meng family of Meng County, a large county named after the family, one can imagine the strength of the Meng family. It is not an exaggeration to describe the family in Meng County as covering the sky with one hand.

The strength of his family is so strong that it is almost the best family in the world.

To be reasonable, Meng Wenqi's martial arts aptitude is as high as three stars, which is not bad among ordinary people, even in some small sects, it is enough to compete for the head position, but for the son of the Meng family, seven years of martial arts training is not enough Power, it's really too weak...

"Brother Meng is too self-effacing. Today, no one is willing to support the sisters of the Yu family. You are the first to stand up, and you have already stood above the crowd. Could it be that you are a martial arts master, and you can't see your ancestors?" Xu Cheng said. said in relief.

Yu Baixia picked up the wine bottle and said, "Master Xu is right, Bai Xia is clumsy, but knowing what brother Meng has done today, I don't know how many people have surpassed the world, how can I not see my ancestors."

Meng Wen smiled wryly, "The teacher traveled with me all the way, and I realized what the vastness of the world is. Before I asked to save people, I had a bit of my own selfishness..."

Xu Cheng suddenly got up and pointed to Meng Wenqi, "A man stands between heaven and earth. He should cultivate righteousness and do things that are open and upright. Self-denial, prudence in independence, guarding one's heart, and clarity. Brother Meng has seen his own shortcomings today, and he is not far from a great Confucianism." carry on."

"Self-restraint, prudence in independence, keeping one's heart, clarity of nature..." Meng Wenqi's mind was shaken, and he was thinking in a daze.

He got up suddenly and saluted Xu Cheng, "Thank you brother Xu for your advice, I seem to understand what Confucianism is."

Xu Cheng directly joined the script.

At this moment, the Confucianism and Taoism sub-sage finally changed a little in Xu Cheng's words, but he had a faint understanding of his own future path.

To cultivate Haoran righteousness requires a clear understanding of the principles of heaven and earth, especially the principles of being a human being.

If there are deficiencies in being a human being, how can one maintain a righteous spirit.

Xu Cheng knew that he was not a material capable of cultivating righteousness. From the beginning to the end, he never thought of switching from martial arts to Confucianism. Although he had justice in his heart, most of the time, he still focused on himself.

He will only do some so-called righteous things within his ability without affecting himself.

Meng Wenqi is a free and easy person, after thanking Xu Cheng, he no longer struggles with his situation. In fact, his situation is what most people desire.

Born in a famous family, he was the chief assistant of his teacher, and he was about to become the founder of a new cultivation system.

"Miss Yu, do you know who the person who scolded Jia Kuan was?"

While they were drinking, Xu Cheng suddenly thought of the person who didn't show up before, who had dismissed Jia Kuan with just one word.

The sisters of the Yu family came to Yunzhou more than a month earlier than Xu Cheng, so they knew a little better. Yu Hongyi said impatiently, "The lord of Xueyun City is named Xue, and he is receiving that Dushen Palace. That person should be the only son of Lord Xuecheng."

The territory of Yunzhou is complicated. Although the city here uses the state capital system of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the governor here is called the city lord, and he is not appointed by the imperial court.

The 72 prefectures of Yunzhou have recognized the two great powers of Kunlun and Buddha even far beyond the imperial court.

Therefore, the imperial court used Yunzhou as a place of exile.

Since you, Yunzhou, are not under my control, then I will exile all the heinous people to Yunzhou, and see what you can do with the Kunlun Buddha.

In fact, the current situation in Yunzhou is also in line with the imperial court's wishes. A unified Yunzhou is not what Da Zhou wants to see.

"By the way, Miss Yu, why did the Floating Cloud Sect chase you down?"

After several people expressed their feelings about the situation in Yunzhou, Meng Wenqi asked curiously.

Yu Baixia's voice was cold, "We heard Jia Kuan conspiring with a man in black before, saying that they wanted to stir up the martial arts in Yunzhou."

Meng Wen got up, "If that's the case, then I will escort the two girls to Dafo Mountain."

The Yu family sisters glanced at Xu Cheng, but unfortunately Xu Cheng didn't mean to speak at all, and smiled sweetly at Meng Wen, "This is Lao Meng's brother."

A few people gave up drinking, Xu Cheng's goal of making friends with Meng Wenqi has been achieved, and he successfully joined Meng Wenqi's script.

On the way back to the inn, Xu Cheng stopped Yu Baixia who was about to go back to the house.

"Miss Yu, I have something to ask."

"Okay, okay, Xu Xianzi just ask me!" Without waiting for Yu Baixia to speak, Yu Hongyi patted her small chest and said to Xu Cheng.

This woman is a bit out of character by nature, at the wine table before, Xu Cheng and Meng Wenqi talked about Confucianism and Taoism, she and Yu Baixia basically had no room to intervene.

"You said at the table earlier that you heard Jia Kuan conspiring with a man in black, do you know the whereabouts of the man in black?"

If Xu Cheng was right, the man in black should be Ji Xiong, the sacrificial envoy of Yinshen Cult.

Yu Hongyi looked at Xu Cheng, and suddenly felt playful, "I can tell Mr. Xu, but Mr. Xu has to agree to one condition."

Xu Cheng frowned, this woman was pushing her boundaries.

Yu Baixia saw that Xu Cheng was dissatisfied, and quickly pulled Yu Hongyi over, "Master Xu, forgive me, my little sister is naughty, that man in black appeared in Xueyun City before, at the Yunlian Inn in the south of the city."

Xu Cheng nodded slightly, "Thank you Miss Yu."

After Xu Cheng left, Yu Baixia looked at his younger sister, "Hongyi, how can you talk to Xu Cheng like this, Xu Cheng's status is no longer what it used to be, not to mention Xu Cheng's status in the court, have you forgotten?" Master Chu Jiang said when he rescued us, was it because of Xu Cheng's face?"

"I... just wanted to make a joke with him..." Yu Hongyi said weakly after being reprimanded by Yu Baixia.

"The joke was made with people of similar status, our current status with Xu Cheng..." Yu Baixia didn't continue.

Yu Hongyi squeezed her fingers, and raised her head after a while, "Sister, let's agree to the invitation of that Chujiang King and join their organization. I want to become a martial artist stronger than Xu Cheng."

"Let's see..."

A mansion in the city.

Jia Kuan looked at the young man in front of him respectfully. This young man seemed to be in his early twenties, but Jia Kuan dared not show any disrespect.

"Elder Jia, do you know that I am saving you today?"

"I would like to hear the details." Although he was dissatisfied with Xuexuan blocking him today, he did not dare to disobey Xuexuan at all.

Xuexuan is the son of Xueyun, the lord of Xueyun City. He opened his slightly closed eyes, "That fat man is the son of the Meng family in Meng County. If you continue to force me today, I will not be able to protect you."

Jia Kuan's face suddenly changed.

Yunzhou Yunlong is mixed, and there are countless big families, all of which are powerful in Yunzhou.

"Thank you Master Xue." Jia Kuan saluted Xue Xuan respectfully.

Xuexuan was noncommittal.

Jia Kuan was also silent, not knowing what he was thinking.


Xu Cheng left the Mingbao at the inn, walked quickly in Xueyun City, and soon came to the Yunlian Inn that Yu Baixia was talking about.

"Dear guest, are you staying at the hotel or eating?" Seeing Xu Cheng, a waiter ran over quickly and asked courteously.

Xu Cheng glanced at him and threw a bank note into his hand, "Find a friend."

Xiaoer took the silver ticket, his face brightened, "Guests, just ask, I have seen all the people who have stayed in the store in the past few days."

"A man in black, a little thin, about the same height as you."

Xiao Er recalled for a moment, he seemed to have a deep impression on Ji Xiong, "That distinguished guest stayed for a day and then left."

in a room
Xu Cheng opened his eyes with an ugly face. Now his condition is getting more and more serious, and he can't even practice meditation. After all, cultivation requires immersion in himself, and he will close his eyes if he doesn't hesitate.

Cultivation will also come to an abrupt end.

In this case...

Xu Cheng returned to the inn and pulled Ming Bao up, "Let's go, don't sleep, your boss, I can't even close my eyes, you sleep so soundly."

Ming Bao raised a question mark.

He planned to go out of the city overnight without further delay, and go to Dafo Mountain as soon as possible, hoping that Master Kuchan could find a solution to the curse of the Bai Linggu God.

I deliberately chose the other side of the city gate opposite to Nadu Shenfu to leave the city.

In normal times, he would be very interested in the Heaven-Backing Beast and Dushen Mansion, but at this moment, he had only one thought in his mind, and hurried to Dafo Mountain.

There is no rush in the city, and after leaving the city, he drove all the way quickly and reached the suburbs in a short time.

Amid the howling wind, Xu Cheng suddenly heard footsteps.

Turning back suddenly, a black shadow came from a distance.

"Little brother came to Xueyun City and didn't stay for a few more days, why did he leave the city overnight?"

Xu Cheng stopped, squinted his eyes, and looked at the person who came, "There is something urgent at home."

The black figure had already come ten meters in front of Xu Cheng. He was wearing black armor with floating clouds tattooed on it. It was Jia Kuan, with a mocking smile on his face, "You are the great hero in Xueyun City today. In the hands of the villain, the hero saved the beauty, but it made my Fuyunzong lose face."

Xu Cheng chuckled, then moved his divine sense, and sighed, "Oh."

"Sigh? Sigh for your upcoming sad fate? Unfortunately, it's...too late." After Jia Kuan's words fell, his figure burst forward, and clouds emerged with force.

Xu Cheng shook his head slightly, "I sighed, and I sighed for Elder Jia. The two women who chased and killed knew to bring a group of people, but they came alone after chasing me. Elder Jia looked down upon them."

Jia Kuan was taken aback for a moment, and then anger rose in his heart, "Your mouth speaks wild words!"

But when he approached Xu Cheng, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and he was scared out of his wits, but it was already too late.

A golden light floated and turned into a golden mountain in an instant, suppressing Jia Kuan.

"It just so happens that I also have some things I want to ask Elder Jia." After Xu Cheng's voice fell,
Unsheathing the long sword in his hand, he cut off Jia Kuan's limbs without changing his expression, then put away the relic, and quickly left with Jia Kuan who was moaning and screaming in a low voice.

This place is not far from Xueyun Mansion, so Xu Cheng naturally didn't want to expose his hole cards.

Jia Kuan is a master of the third step of the Jinli Realm, he is not an opponent. The moment he saw Jia Kuan, he wanted to run away, but found that Jia Kuan came alone, so he decided to use the relic.

After a while, Xu Cheng walked out of a dense forest, and Ming Bao, who was watching the wind, obediently climbed down from the tree.

There was a little excitement on his face.

Jia Kuan was not that fanatical believer in the cult, and he said a lot of things. Xu Cheng already knew about Ji Xiong's whereabouts, but he also got the bad news, that is, Ji Xiong's cultivation was not in the realm of cultivating immortality, but in the real baby god realm !

But after Jia Kuan's death, Xu Cheng actually got some benefits.

He closed his eyes slightly.

One breath, two breaths...

After being dragged into that world, Xu Cheng suddenly opened his eyes.

Killing people can relieve part of the curse.

It's just that Xu Cheng felt a little uneasy in his heart. Is it really the right way to relieve the curse by killing?

Let's go to the Great Buddha Mountain first, if there is nothing to do, then use this worst strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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