I can see the script of life

Chapter 149 Ask Jiejing, Accountability

Chapter 149 Ask Jiejing, Accountability
Xu Cheng's face was full of tyranny, looking at that mirror, this mirror was a little too perverted.

The second time he pounced, his legs were like two pillars, and he took three steps in an instant. In the immortal state, he was tall and had long legs, and the three steps were more than ten meters long.

Raise your right hand high, and the moon war secret method is activated.

Take it with one palm!

When Liu Zhi turned his head, he saw a hand as big as a mopan descending from the sky.


boom! ! !
Without any accident, Liu Zhi's head exploded.

[The script "Lord of Great Luo" (Purple) is completed, the participation rate of the main plot is 10%, the participation rate of the branch plot is 4%, and 14000 destiny points are obtained. 】

Xu Cheng half-kneeled on the ground, his figure gradually became smaller and returned to normal, but his back was obviously not normal...

A mirror fell from the sky.

Xu Cheng grabbed it.

He reminisces about the battle just now, and the final kill of Liu Zhi was due to a lot of luck.

Especially with Liu Zhi's eyes when he turned his head, he was confused and frightened...

Is it the effect of Shen Lingsu's destiny?
Randomly put away the relic, the cracks on the black relic were even worse.

Two more chances...

Without staying too long, Xu Cheng changed the plot to healing, while quickly getting up, trying his best to clean up the traces left by himself.

Then he hurried away with that weird mirror.


The sky gradually brightened.

A few hours after Xu Cheng left, a figure appeared here. He was very thin, but extremely tall. It looked like he was two meters tall.

This person is wearing a Taoist robe, with circles of white cloth strips wrapped around his waist, and various Taoist symbols and runes are painted on it in scarlet red.

He stretched out his arms, letting the white-red strength leak out from his body, as if he was sniffing for clues in the air.

After a while, he retracted his arms, and two people appeared behind him, breathing weakly.

"You guys brought Liu Zhi here?"

Brothers and sisters Yan Yan and Liu Yan are frightened at the moment, facing this old man in front of them, they are several times more careful than when serving Liu Zhi.

"Back to seniors, last night I heard that there was a fight here. Mr. Liu was worried that the Nine-Eyed Ghost Rhinoceros would be caught first, so he specially brought the two of us here..."


Yan Yan's words stopped abruptly, and he slowly fell backwards while clutching his bleeding throat.

Liu Yan was silent like a cicada, trembling all over. Seeing the death of her senior brother who accompanied her day and night, she didn't feel much sadness in her heart, only the fear of the real Taoist priest in front of her.

Yan Zhen frowned, looked at Liu Yan, "For you, don't talk about those useless things."

Liu Yan knelt down on the ground and lowered her head, "Senior, please look, the nine-eyed ghost rhinoceros is dead. Was Senior Brother Liu killed while fighting for blood? This junior now has two suspects, One is the lord of the Moon Shadow Sect yesterday, and the other is the person who competed with Mr. Liu for the blood."

She suppressed the fear in her heart, quickly looked around, and expressed her inner thoughts.

Yan Zhen put his hands on his waist, stroking the white cloth belt covered with runes, "The master asked me to protect Liu Zhi, he committed suicide, but he can't blame me, but..."

He threw off the Taoist robe casually, and Liu Yan flew into the sky as if being bombarded by a giant mountain.

The bewitching blood red, accompanied by blue and white, exploded in the air.

"The old man slaughtered a few gangs for you, and it is considered an account to the head..."

Drunk Cloud City.

Xu Cheng wore a large black cloak to completely cover himself.

The previous alienation was really not so easy to solve. At this moment, there are two huge sarcoids hanging on his back, which are hideous and disgusting. Using alienation as combat power, he will definitely fall into an alienated state at any time.

The way of cultivation is already full of costs. He obtained extraordinary combat power by extraordinary means, and he is destined to suffer huge side effects later.

Take out the strange mirror obtained from Liu Zhi.

The mirror is now harmless to humans and animals, about the size of a palm, and all the wooden frames and patterns on it are relatively smaller.

Thinking of the feeling that this mirror gave me before, it was like the real world of Yin Ruins.

Xu Cheng glanced at it cautiously, and then began to appraise it!
This appraisal function is very expensive, and in Xu Cheng's view, it is a loss, but he still uses it to be on the safe side.

Sure enough, it cost 10000 destiny points.

Fortunately, he is rich and powerful at the moment, and he has a vague feeling that Liu Zhi has not exerted the full function of this mirror at all.

[Magic Treasure]: Ask Jiejing (immortal), the world is the most free and unrestrained immortal, how can it be poor to break through thousands of calamities!In ancient times, there was a magic weapon of immortality called Wenjie, and it has three wonders.The first is to ask the heart to cross the catastrophe, the second is to ask questions, and the third is to cross the boundary!
Ask the mind to cross the catastrophe, see through people's hearts, and identify loyalty and treachery.By simulating one's own dao kalpa, all the realms cultivated can have kalpas, and those who break through the kalpa can lay a solid foundation.

Askers, use the Asking Tribulation Realm as the space, and all magic weapons are not allowed to enter, ask, ask, ask and fight?!
Cross-boundary, there is a real world that exists in thousands of great worlds, and the mirror of asking robbery relies on it, which can span thousands of miles and arrive in an instant.

Immortal magic weapon!

Xu Cheng took a deep breath.

This mirror was more terrifying than he had imagined. No wonder the relics couldn't get in after entering the mirror. If Liu Zhixiu hadn't been slightly lower, his relics probably didn't break into the mirror at all.

Suddenly, he remembered something.

Liu Zhi must have found himself by crossing borders, this question is too precious, no one would have known about it.

No wonder Liu Zhi didn't have a supporter by his side before.

He suddenly got up and broke into Shen Lingsu's room with a serious expression, "Linger, we have to go!"

Shen Lingsu exclaimed in surprise, "Xu Cheng, you're back!" But seeing Xu Cheng's expression, he started to pack his things without any hesitation.

Xu Cheng stopped her and shook his head slightly, "Don't clean up anything, just leave now."

Bringing out Mingbao from the next door, Xu Cheng was still cautious, and spent tens of taels of silver from the inn to buy a carriage.

It was almost ten o'clock in the morning, so Xu Cheng found a driver and left the city.

Nothing happened all the way in the city, and no one asked any questions at all. When he was about to leave Zuiyun City, a tall and thin old man in Taoist robes at the gate of the city gave Xu Cheng an unparalleled sense of shock. He didn't even go forward to check his person panel. courage.

The carriage passed slowly, Xu Cheng opened the car curtain as if nothing had happened, glanced casually, and quickly wrote down the person's panel.

Yan Zhen naturally also glanced at Xu Cheng's carriage, but his divine sense swept over him, and he only paid attention to the exchange of blood and cultivation base, which he didn't care about.

【Name】: Yan Zhen

[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial Arts★★★★
[Script of Destiny]: The protagonist of "Daluo Guardian" (red)
[Playing script]: "Wu Shuang" supporting role (unopened), "Lord of Great Luo" supporting role (purple)
[Current plot]: Yan Zhen is the deputy peak master of the Liuli Peak of the Daluo Liuli Sect. Liu Zhi got the opportunity to travel to Yunzhou and crack the secret of the Wenjie Mirror. Yanzhen followed all the way secretly. Last night Liu Zhi cracked the Wenjie The secret of mirror crossing, Yanzhen did not find out for a while, Liu Zhi was killed, Yanzhen found the place, destroyed all the sects of Aquarius Mountain, and then returned to Zuiyun City. He started killing and was held accountable by Kunlun Mountain. Dafoshan turned a blind eye to it. Later, he returned to Daluoshan and was banned by the head for three months. During the closed period, he recalled the time when Liu Zhi died. There are some signs of the murderer, and I have some doubts about the murderer...

Xu Cheng's heart beat wildly.

"Xu Cheng, are you okay?" Seeing Xu Cheng's ugly face, Shen Lingsu asked worriedly, then looked at Xu Cheng's black cloak, "Are you..."

Before she could speak, she saw Xu Cheng silencing her.

The state of truth is extremely high, and Xu Cheng's hearing is so sensitive that Xu Cheng dare not show his feet in the slightest.

"Of course I'm fine. I'm exhausted from this journey. Take a good rest."

Xu Cheng lifted the car curtain, just in time to miss Yan Zhen's last glance...

At the dawn of the day, Xu Cheng drove away from Drunken Cloud City.

After Zuiyuncheng left, Xu Cheng didn't even have time to fully recover from his injuries, he drove the driver away without a moment's hesitation, let Mingbao go out to drive, and went straight to Baidicheng.

King Chu Jiang: Did you kill Liu Zhi?Are there any clues left behind?Why do you want to do it privately without discussing it with me?Are you hurt?

Xu Xin was very angry. Xu Cheng told her that she wanted to kill Liu Zhi. She didn't want Xu Cheng to take risks, but she knew that Xu Cheng was stubborn, so she agreed without hesitation, but she specifically told Liu Qing that once she saw Xu Cheng, she would bring him back. White Emperor City.

But he didn't expect Xu Cheng to do it himself and kill Liu Zhi.

If Xu Cheng had any troubles, she couldn't imagine...

Up to now, she has no choice but to count the aftermath work and prepare to remove Xu Cheng completely.

The news spread so fast?Xu Cheng's heart sank, and he didn't say it was Liu Zhi's first move. In fact, after seeing Yan Zhen, Xu Cheng understood what Xu Xin meant, and sent Liu Qing out to take him away.

King of Equality: I cleaned it on purpose. Unless I have that kind of backtracking supernatural power, ordinary people can't find me. What's the reaction on Da Luoshan?
King Chujiang: That's good. Daluo Mountain doesn't have people with supernatural powers like you mentioned. As for the reaction... Liuli Peak's six elders have already descended from the mountain, and they are all powerful in the Dharma Body Realm.Are you not in Drunken Cloud City now?Leave quickly, Yanzhen is guarding over there, with his character, he is very likely to massacre the city!But he shouldn't suspect you right now. According to Liu Zhi's fighting power, most people wouldn't doubt you for a blood change.

King Chu Jiang: Where are you now?I will pick you up myself.

Xu Xin was still a little worried, so she decided to go down the mountain by herself, and made arrangements quickly.

Equality King: Don't come here, so as not to be exposed, as long as I leave the city, it is not difficult to go to Baidi City.

King Chujiang: Don't go to Baidi City, you can go back to the capital directly, I am worried that you will have another accident in Yunzhou.

After a long time, Xu Xin sent another message.

King Chu Jiang: Xiaocheng, remember to tell me before doing such risky things in the future, and tell me the details of how you killed Liu Zhi.

Equality King: Sorry, sister, I made you worry.

Xu Cheng told Xu Xin the series of processes in which he killed Liu Zhi.

King Chu Jiang: Ask Jie Jing?I'll look back and help you find clues. As for the alienation behind you, if it's as you said, it shouldn't be a big deal. Don't do anything these days.

The two ended their conversation, and Xu Cheng was silent for a long time. The elder sister knew the power of Daluo Mountain, and he understood his current situation, so Xu Cheng did not insist on going to Baidi City.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't go to Baidi City, but Shen Lingsu still needs to be sent back to Dafo Mountain.

This is Xu Cheng's opinion. As a spirit tripod body, she needs a dharma body to break her body, otherwise Xu Cheng is picking her up.

Xu Cheng was naturally reluctant to let Shen Lingsu go to Dafo Mountain, but followed him to the capital...

The water in the capital city is too deep, and he was already on the opposite side of the eunuchs, the old prince and others. If someone really played tricks, he couldn't be by Shen Lingsu's side all the time.

In summary, it is the best result for Shen Lingsu to stay in Dafo Mountain.

On December 93th, Yuanfeng [-], Liu Zhi, the son of the suzerain of Daluo Mountain, died tragically in Yunzhou. More than a hundred people committed a heinous crime, and the court was furious.

Kunlun Mountain put pressure on Daluo Mountain in the name of righteousness and morality.

There was no movement on the Great Buddha Mountain, but monks were sent to Zuiyun City to rescue the dead.

All of a sudden, the situation in Yunzhou changed, and the whole world was in an uproar!

Kyoto is still so calm, but Yu is calm, and the waves in it seem more and more turbulent.

Among the rhetoric.

The Patriarch of the Tian family in Lijun, the current Marquis of Ping'an, was ordered to go to Beijing.

The head of the Meng family in Meng County is currently Chongwu Hou Jinjing.

The three kings finally entered the city under dozens of golden orders from Emperor Yuanfeng, and they dragged their families with them. None of the female relatives in the family were left, and all of them went to Beijing.

Kyoto is about to be very lively.

(End of this chapter)

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