I can see the script of life

Chapter 150 Letter from the Little Princess, 3 Dragon Island

Chapter 150 Letter from the Little Princess, Sanlong Island

King Tai's Mansion in Beijing.

The little princess Jiang Yuewei sat beside the table, propped her face with her hands, and looked out the window boredly, "Has Bai Lang still not replied?"

At the beginning of October, the third king received the imperial decree, and the Thai king was the first to respond. He first sent the little princess and some of his family members to the capital. After the Thai king finished arranging the affairs of Taizhou, he brought the rest of the family members into Beijing.

In a blink of an eye, the little princess has been in the capital for more than two months.

The maid next to her was still Bai Lu. Hearing the little princess's question, she responded in a low voice, "Maybe the letter is already on the way."

Suddenly, the little princess got up, his eyes dimmed, "Is he lying to me? It's been almost three months and I haven't replied. Xiaobai, do you think he doesn't want me anymore?"

Bai Lu suddenly felt dizzy. The little princess was good at everything, but she was too innocent. It wasn't that Bai Jixin didn't reply, but the letter he sent was confiscated by the prince. After all, Bai Jixin was on the surface of his heart, and he only regarded the princess as his younger sister. , never had any unreasonable thoughts.

According to her recollection, the moment the king of Thailand received the letter, he smashed the teacup on the table to pieces...

Anyway, the name Bai Jixin was already a taboo in the palace.

"Sister Huang!" A kid who looked about seven or eight years old, dressed in luxurious clothes, ran in quickly from outside.

The little princess quickly wiped the corners of her eyes and glared at the little boy, "Jiang Yueheng! Who let you in? Get out quickly."

The little boy was not afraid of being yelled at by the little princess, but Shi Shiran climbed up on the chair and yelled loudly, "Miss Huang, are you crying? Tell me, who bullied you? Gu is three years old and learning swords from a teacher. Sorrow has not seen blood, Huangjie, tell me a name, and go and chop him alone!"

The little princess watched him finish his performance, with a blank face, stepped forward and lifted the bragging brat, "I really have a big enemy."

The little boy Jiang Yueheng raised his eyebrows, and he was really dignified at such a young age, "Who is it? Who dares to provoke my imperial sister?"

"Forget it, you can't afford to offend her, let's talk about it when you grow up." The little princess hesitated for a moment, no matter how much she hated this little kid, he was also her younger brother, and if Xu Xin really beat her up, she would feel ashamed of.

Jiang Yueheng flung his short legs to break free from the little princess's hand, stood on the ground, and waved his little hand, "The lonely worshiper general Yan Jiuxiao, once discussed the way of immortality with the emperor's grandfather, and punched the bullying men and women in the capital. Sister, tell me, who can I afford to offend?"

The little princess was still expressionless, "But how did I hear that you were arrested by the clan mansion for the third time this month?"

While the two were talking, someone knocked on the door outside, "Princess, is Taisun Heng here?"

The little boy stood up from the ground with a puff, and ran behind the little princess' butt in an instant, "Miss Huang, you can't betray me."

Until the little princess brought the little boy up to the hands of the clan mansion with a blank face, the little boy's face was still full of disbelief.

The little princess was not very old, and when Jiang Yueheng interrupted her, the little princess lost her sorrow immediately, and happened to see Weicheng Nian who was following behind the clan's mansion.

"Hey! Who is that, that little policeman Xu Cheng hasn't arrived yet?"

In the year of Weicheng, he worked in Dongya Xiaoqi. From the sixth grade, the emperor's grandson made the capital full of wind and rain. The clan's house was looking for people, and Dongya was also forced to send people to look for them. This job fell on the year of Weicheng.

"Reporting to the princess, Xu Menling has not yet entered Beijing."

"After he enters Beijing, let him come to me."

"Yes." Wei Chengnian bowed slightly and left the Thai palace.

The little princess couldn't sit still. Thinking of Xu Cheng now, he felt that Xu Cheng was the only one left in this huge capital city, so he turned and went back to the house to start writing letters.

Hurry up, little catcher.

This princess is so sad in the capital. Bai Lang doesn't want me anymore, and he never writes back to me. There is also a little kid who comes to bother me every day. I really want to beat him. After you come to Beijing, you can help me think about it. Way, fix this little brat.

You are happy, little catcher, and come back quickly after receiving the letter.

A carriage was driving slowly on the official road, and the strange thing was that it was a lazy panda driving outside.

"Ling'er, we can't go to Baidi City anymore, I'll take you back to Dafo Mountain." Xu Cheng opened the car curtain as if nothing had happened, as if he was looking at the scenery outside the window.

He knew how much Shen Lingsu cared about going to Baidi City to meet Xu Xin this time. Whether it was on the Great Buddha Mountain or passing through the major cities all the way, he bought a lot of things and prepared to meet Xu Xin as gifts.

Shen Lingsu's expression froze for a moment, but her mind was delicate, and she soon realized that Xu Cheng didn't come home last night, which should be related to this matter, but Xu Cheng didn't want to say it, and she wouldn't ask, "Yes."

Xu Cheng felt a pain in his heart. The more sensible Shen Lingsu was, the more uncomfortable he felt. He leaned forward slightly and held Shen Lingsu's hand, "Don't think too much, there is an urgent matter at the court, and it happens that my sister is about to break through, and I will be free in the future , I will come to see you again."


The carriage slowly drove into the Great Buddha Mountain. The foot of the mountain was crowded and noisy. After the new year, there will be a wave of apprenticeships. These merchants will also earn a lot of money by then.

"Here we are." Shen Lingsu said with some emotion.

Both of them understood what it meant, and when they arrived at Dafo Mountain, it was time to say goodbye.

Xu Cheng once imagined whether there would be thousands of words when they parted, but the moment they entered the territory of Dafo Mountain, they were speechless.

He didn't go up the mountain again, and now he is the sinner who killed Da Luo's true biography, maybe Master Kuchan can tolerate him, but he can't guarantee the rest.

After all, Dafo Mountain is not the Dafo Mountain of bitter cicadas.

He stood at the foot of the mountain, quietly watching Shen Lingsu's back until he could no longer see him.

Standing at the foot of the mountain for a long time, suddenly, a crisp voice stopped him.

"Xu Cheng!"

When he turned around, it was Shen Lingsu, smiling sweetly, her incomparably pure smile was like sunshine on a snow-capped mountain, holding a large bag and waving to him.

"Why are you down again?"

Shen Lingsu looked at him with a smile, "Go to the inn next door and delay you for a while, is it okay?"

With a smile on his face, Xu Cheng stepped forward and took her hand, "You are a big deal to me, you must be fine."

An unnamed inn at the foot of the Big Buddha Snow Mountain.

"I almost forgot, I gave these to you." Shen Lingsu threw the things in his hands into Xu Cheng's arms,
Xu Cheng was stunned, "What is this?"

Shen Lingsu opened the package, and there were bottles and jars, various herbs, and jade inside. She looked serious and introduced them to Xu Cheng one by one.

"This is Xuefengzui. Eating it can make people forget their troubles. It was given to me by Master Chenhui when I went up the mountain and saw that I was depressed. Open your mouth and try it."

Xu Cheng opened his mouth a little shyly, and took the sugar-like elixir and Shen Lingsu's fingers together in his mouth.

Shen Lingsu's face turned rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This... this is... it's the Exercise Pill, which the Buddhist monks in the Great Buddha Mountain eat to practice. I asked Senior Sister Xu Song to tell me that I want to practice, so I saved it secretly..."

"This one……"

Shen Lingsu pulled out her finger and introduced it to Xu Cheng endlessly.

Xu Cheng looked at Shen Lingsu. He couldn't imagine how Shen Lingsu had collected so many resources under the fence of Dafoshan. not enough.

She has always been timid and doesn't like to talk too much with others, but Xu Cheng can imagine her demeanor when she is asking for these resources.

At this moment, he really wanted to take Shen Lingsu away with him.

Reason persuaded him.

Shen Lingsu looked at his sluggish expression, and said cautiously, "Xu Cheng, these...are all useful to you?"

She practiced martial arts later than Xu Cheng, and she only knew that the things she had prepared were useful for building up the three realms...

She doesn't want to be a burden to Xu Cheng, she can only help Xu Cheng, even if it's just a little...

Xu Cheng hugged her, and whispered in her ear, "They are all useful. These are enough for me to break through another big realm. Next time I come, Yu Jian Cheng Feng won't need to borrow iron chains anymore. I will take you there." Touch the moon in the sky."

Shen Lingsu smirked, she could already help Xu Cheng...

The second time he watched Shen Lingsu go up the mountain, Xu Cheng's mood was completely different.

If I said that I was sad about the parting just now, then now I am looking forward to the next meeting.

He looked forward to it.

After dealing with Bai Linggushen's affairs, he will come back again when the turmoil of Liu Zhizhi's death subsides.

Looking back at the continuous white mountains, he can only be grateful for the Great Buddha Mountain.

Picking up Mingbao, Xu Cheng walked into the distance. Mingbao was flopping about with his short legs, which was a little funny. This was the scene when the boy left the Big Buddha Snow Mountain for the first time.

Snow mountains, sunshine, a boy with a sword and a bear.

Ask about the crossover of Jiejing.

Try it today.

This question robber mirror is very magical, it has a special space, and its cross-border principle is very simple.

But first you have to understand the significance of the existence of the Yin Ruins True Realm, which is like a bubble that spans the entire world, and you can enter this bubble from any place in the world at any time.

And the space in the Wenjie mirror is like a small bubble in a bubble.

The small bubbles move across boundaries through the owner's operation technique.

At this moment, Mingbao is lying in the space of Wenjie with a dazed expression on his face, lying there cowardly, not daring to move, making a yoyo sound in his mouth.

Xu Cheng, who was standing outside, smiled, and pinched the Jue in his hand. It is worth mentioning that this was automatically sent to his mind after he used the appraisal. It can be seen that the panel appraisal is expensive, and it is not without reason.

Xu Cheng's complexion became more and more strange as he pinched Fa Jue. His physical body in the immortal state was very well-proportioned, neither fat nor thin, but at this moment, his well-proportioned figure seemed to be dehydrated. , shrinks rapidly.

Isn't this consumption too outrageous?

The mirror of Wenjie gradually became larger, and then it was as large as three feet, like a door.

Xu Cheng stepped forward in one step, and in an instant, the surroundings changed.

I don't know if it was Xu Cheng's illusion, the boundless gray mist around him condensed into human faces, this is the operation of the magic weapon in the real world of Yin Ruins.


Chaozhou, its name is taken from the worshipers of thousands of people, the name is Chaozhou, and the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty is located in Chaozhou.

This is the hinterland of Dazhou, located in the center of the entire territory of Dazhou, where the Yongjiang River, Zhuohe River and Canghe River converge, and the huge water flow squeezes and piles up to form a river island, forming a river island called the Three Dragons. Wonders of the day.

The island is called Sanlong Island.

A thin figure slowly floated up on the water.

A girl in gray linen pointed at the river, "Grandfather, look, there is someone there."

(End of this chapter)

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