I can see the script of life

Chapter 182 The 6st Commander and Clues of the Six Doors

Chapter 182 The First Commander and Clues of the Six Doors
At the beginning of Yuanfeng 94, a series of major events happened in Kyoto, which seemed to indicate that this year would be an extremely turbulent year.

Li Meng continued, "Everyone who died showed no traces of struggle or fight."

Zhang Ming frowned, "You mean... all the people were cut off from their hearts in a state of extreme calm?"

Li Meng looked hesitant, but still nodded.

Ji Dian got up, "How about Wu Zuo?"

"The cadaver has been examined, and everyone has no wounds except the chest." It was not Li Meng who answered this time, but a scribe behind Li Meng.

Ji Dian continued to ask, "How big is the wound? To take out the heart, the wound needed will not be small. Could it be another fatal injury, but it was destroyed by the big wound caused by the heart?"

Wu Zuo immediately retorted, "It's absolutely impossible, Ji Fusi didn't know about it. Although the murderer took the heart, the method was extremely strange. The wound was only the size of a copper coin. There was no sign of blood spraying from each wound, which shows the speed of the murderer's heart removal process. Very quickly, the blood in the wound coagulates before it can be sprayed, and after death, the blood will naturally flow out from the wound.”

After he finished speaking, everyone in the room fell silent.

Zhang Ming pressed one hand on the armrest of the chair, and stretched out his index finger to strike lightly, as if conveying pressure to the room.

In the silence, the sound of his fingers hitting the chair was clearly audible.

"Kyoto Fuzuo has records of the injuries caused by various martial arts in the world, and there is no one that matches?"

His voice was calm, but the hidden pressure under his calm made the assistant instantly frightened and knelt on the ground, "This subordinate is incompetent, and he has not found any suspected breath of strength..."

Zhang Ming scanned everyone in the room.

His gaze seemed to carry weight, comparable to a thousand weights, as long as he looked at it, everyone's shoulders would feel heavy.

"That is to say, you don't know whether the murderer left the capital?"

Still silent.

"Xu Lingjun, I heard that you were very good at solving cases when you were in Qingshan Mansion, what do you think?"

Xu Cheng shook his head slightly. His family knew his own abilities. If he didn't have a golden finger, he wouldn't have made so much credit for investigating the case alone.

But until now, everyone who has seen this case knows nothing about it, not even the plot to solve the case.

It means that someone else will solve the case.

Either... the case will be unsolved.

"I don't know, but as long as I have done it, there must be clues. I am willing to take someone to investigate!"

Zhang Ming narrowed his eyes.

"Kyoto this year is very unsettled. I hope that such a thing will not happen again."

This statement carries a warning meaning.

Everyone present stood up and cupped their fists towards Zhang Ming.



"Commander Li stays behind."

Li Meng turned around, looked at Qin Xiu who came in a hurry, clasped his fists and said with a smile, "So it's Commander Qin, what's the matter in such a hurry?"

Qin Xiu smiled, "It's nothing, it's just that Xu Lingjun asked me to tell you that there is no need to bother Zhang Fusi with such a thing, let everyone worry about it together."

The smile on Li Meng's face slowly disappeared.

He passed Xu Cheng and told Zhang Ming about this, so he naturally had his own thoughts.

This matter happened in Dongcheng, and it was originally the responsibility of Xu Cheng and Ji Dian, but after Li Meng reported the matter to Zhang Ming, the nature changed.

This is not a matter of Dongcheng, but a matter of the entire capital.

His behavior not only conveyed a message to Shangguan and other officials in the three border cities, Dongmen Ling and Dongyafu's secretary are incompetent!

And drag everyone else into this case.

After this incident, Zhang Ming, Sancheng Menling, and Sanyafu Secretary were definitely dissatisfied with Xu Cheng and Ji Dian.

No one wants to be busy.

Even Ji Dian has feelings for Xu Cheng because Xu Cheng can't control his subordinates.

"Xu Lingjun retreated and broke through, how can I bear to disturb..."

Qin Xiu turned cold, and interrupted him unceremoniously, "Li Meng! You are just a commander!"

Li Meng couldn't back down, and met Qin Xiu's gaze, "More than a thousand civilians died, this is a serious case, and this commander will report to the higher authorities..."

"Then it's not your turn to report! If Xu Lingjun is not here, if the Secretary of the Jifu can't handle it, he will report it. Why do you report it by leapfrogging!" Qin Xiu said in a serious tone.

Li Meng fell silent, "Old Qin...I'm not reconciled!"

Qin Xiu stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, "Why are you unwilling, do you think Xu Lingjun robbed you of your official position?"

"Hehe, don't be naive!"

"You should be glad that Xu Lingjun received the East Gate Order, otherwise..."

He leaned over and whispered in Li Meng's ear, "This order of the East Gate originally belonged to the inner party after Yuchi Lingjun left!"

Li Meng raised his head suddenly.

Qin Xiu spoke again, "Xu Lingjun asked me to tell you that he knew that you were just displeased with his sudden surrender, because you have been on duty in Dongcheng for 11 years, he can forget what happened today, but this is the first and last time. "

Li Meng lowered his head.

"Do you know where Xu Lingjun is now?"

"where is it?"

Zhang Ming picked up a cup of tea. At this moment, there was no trace of gloom on his face, and he even had a smile on his face.

"I'm older than you no matter whether I'm an official or my age. It should be fine to call you Xu Cheng, right?"

Xu Cheng smiled wryly, and clasped his fists together, "Master Zhang is really good at joking, I wish that Master Zhang could be more friendly."

Zhang Ming picked up the tea, gently filtered out the tea leaves with the lid of the cup, and said softly, "My subordinates, you still have to beat."

The bitterness on Xu Cheng's face became even worse, and he said, "Commander Li leapfrogged his superiors to report, and I blame the subordinates. I made a breakthrough a few days ago. I was lucky enough to make a breakthrough, and missed my official duties. Commander Li was also in a hurry."

As he spoke, a smile appeared on his face, "It's also Yuchi Lingjun's fault."

Zhang Ming had a look of surprise on his face, "The old man has been out of office for more than two months. What does this have to do with Yuchi's old fritters?"

Xu Cheng chuckled, like a junior meeting an elder, "I am a young boy who was appointed as the East Gate Commander, and Yuchi Lingjun left me a lot of arrogant soldiers, people don't trust me, what can I do. "

A trace of astonishment flashed across Zhang Ming's face.

He looked at Xu Cheng thoughtfully, "You are tactful, no one will offend you."

Xu Cheng smiled, but did not speak.

"Okay, let's go investigate."


Kyoto respects the north, and the south is the poorest.

There is a Fortune Inn in the South Outer City, but it is a luxury restaurant that only deals with warriors, and all the dishes are mainly exotic meat.

Opening such a high-grade inn in the poorest city of Nancheng, one can imagine how the business will be.

But the shopkeeper of this inn didn't lose money to the point of closing, instead, it prospered day by day.

"Li Sangui! You can't die! You dare to do anything, but you want to kill us?"

The visitor was menacing, with an extremely enchanting figure and a delicate face, as if she was a beauty walking out of a painting. She was dressed in a tight purple leather jacket with a net, which was incompatible with the trend of this era, making her look very unscrupulous.

In the room, a dull figure raised his head. His face was simple and honest, but the viscous red liquid on his face destroyed this image. He lifted up something dripping with bloody liquid, "Sister Zi? Are you hungry too?" ?”

A murderous intent flashed across the face of the woman in tights, indifferent and calm, she suddenly stepped forward and raised her foot.

Li Sangui's figure flew out backwards.

A hint of ferocity and murderous intent flashed across his face, but when he saw the woman in tights who was colder than him, the expression on his face returned to a simple and honest look in an instant.

The woman in tights stretched out her feet. She didn't wear shoes. Those feet were like a pair of works of art, and each finger was as if carved from jade, just right.

She frivolously stepped on Li Sangui's neck, looking very ambiguous, but what she said was not at all ambiguous, "Failure, if you are still useful, I will send you to the Netherworld now!"

After finishing speaking, she didn't even look at Li Sangui, she stuck out her tongue and licked the blood on the palm of her hand, her smooth feet stepped on the ground, stained with mud and blood, making it even more cruelly beautiful.

The woman in tights came to the backyard of the Fortune Inn, and walked into the well as if nothing had happened.

This well is like a dividing line between the world and hell.

The above is still human.

Down below is indeed hell.

Yes, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as hell.

There are corpses and blood all over the place, and the further you go inside, the thicker the blood mud becomes.

A huge, distorted meat bun stood abruptly in this space.

She touched it intoxicated, the expression on her face was as if she was taking drugs, her eyes were wide open, out of focus...

Xu Cheng stood in the autopsy room of Dongya, on a white autopsy bed, lay a young man with a pale face.

Skinny, with a wound the size of a copper coin on his chest, other than that, there was no trace of other breath, and even his expression did not have the ferocity of ordinary people after death, but was unusually calm.

It is more peaceful than ordinary people sleeping.

This is a commoner who died outside the city.

Ji Dian stood outside the door, seeing Xu Cheng coming out, couldn't help asking, "How is it, Xu Lingjun, do you have any clues?"

Xu Cheng shook his head, "The murderer's methods are very clean, and there are no clues on the body."

There was a look of disappointment on Ji Dian's face.

At this moment, a figure hurried over from outside the door.

"Secretary of the Jifu, Xu Lingjun! We have a clue!"

The person who came was the most brilliant clerk in the Eastern Yamen, whose surname was Ma.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but it turns out that it has the same surname as Ma in Qingshan Mansion.

Ji Dian and Xu Cheng's expressions didn't change at all, as if they didn't care about the clues in Ma Wuzuo's mouth.

Ji Dian was a little surprised at Xu Cheng's ability to nourish Qi, thinking that everyone said that Xu Lingjun was impulsive and irritable, it seems that the rumors are not credible.

"What clues?"

Ma Fuzuo said quickly, "The heart theft case happened in the 37th year of Wulie, but it happened in Yunzhou, with a total death toll of 670 people. It was a single crime, and there was no news about the murderer after that... Finally, the case is considered an unsolved case. deal with!"

As he spoke, he lowered his head. There was no similar case in the classics he checked before, but he found almost the same case in the unsolved case database.

Wu Lie is the son of Taizu, the reign title of Emperor Taizong Mingwu of Zhou Dynasty, almost more than a thousand years ago!
The untraceable excitement on Ji Dian's face disappeared in an instant, and the unsettled case that happened thousands of years ago was as if he hadn't said it.

Xu Cheng's heart skipped a beat.

"Show me the file."

Ma Fu hurriedly took out a bamboo slip from his bosom, and handed it to Xu Cheng with both hands.

There are very few records on the bamboo slips.

It just records the history of the case, because the murderer was not caught, so there are no clues on it.

It was the last record that aroused Xu Cheng's interest.

This was the speculation of Duan Tianya, the former famous arrester, and the reason for his speculation was a bit strange.

The murderer killed so many people at one time to get their hearts, which shows that he has a certain need for human hearts. The murder has a strong purpose, but after killing so many people at one time, he stopped immediately.

It can be seen that the murderer is afraid of the court.

Looking into the reason, is it because he is afraid of the court because he doesn't want to show his feet, so he speculates that the murderer is still in Yunzhou and has not left?

This speculation is very interesting.

Duan Tianya's speculation, Xu Cheng thinks it is trustworthy.

He was the first leader of the six sects. He solved countless cases during his tenure. He was also a meritorious minister who participated in the eradication of mountains and clans during the Taizu period. He has knowledge of martial arts from all major sects in the world.

If it is speculated according to Duan Tianya's thinking, the murderer stayed in the capital and has not left yet.

Xu Cheng thought to himself.

"Xu Lingjun?"

Ji Dian's voice woke Xu Cheng from his contemplation, and he looked at Xu Cheng expectantly, "But is there a clue?"

Xu Cheng smiled, and handed the dossier to Ji Dian, "This is an unsolved case, but it is the speculation of Duan Tong in the past. I think it makes sense, and I am planning to go to Nancheng to have a look."

Looking at Duan Tianya's speculation, Ji Dian had a smile on his face, and understood why Xu Cheng went to Nancheng.

Nancheng is the poorest place in Kyoto. Being poor means chaos, and chaos is the easiest attribute to hide.

"In that case, then I will take people there too, and we will divide into two groups."

Xu Cheng nodded.


This is the second time Xu Cheng has come to Nancheng, and he once found Chu Nantian, a former celebrity.

The chaotic Nancheng seems to be its eternal melody.

Xu Cheng walked along the street with Qin Xiu and Li Meng. He had no idea about the case, so he could only pin his hopes on the golden finger and check all the passers-by along the way.

Nancheng is very poor, so people's scripts are naturally very common, most of them are white scripts, and the protagonists of very few green scripts are all low-level gang members.

After walking about seven or eight streets, Qin Xiu behind him finally couldn't help asking, "Lingjun, how long are we looking for?"

He couldn't figure out why Xu Cheng's investigation was wandering around the streets of Nancheng.

Naturally, it was not Qin Xiu who wanted to ask, but Li Meng who wanted to ask.

Xu Cheng didn't have any opinion on Li Meng. A rebellious person is either a fool or a capable person.

Li Meng is naturally the latter.

Xu Cheng ignored it, and went to a small stall next to it. The owner of this stall was from Yunzhou, and they sold the gourmet 'Ziyun' of Zuiyun City.

It's actually a fudge.

"Come on, there are no clues to the case, so don't be tense. Sit down and eat something delicious. This Ziyun is not bad. I used to go to Zuiyun Mansion, but I liked it very much."

Qin Xiu sat down without hesitation. Li Meng was a little unconvinced, but he also sat down thinking of Qin Xiu's warning.

"Grandma, this 'Ziyun' is very authentic, it tastes exactly the same as the one I ate in Zuiyun Mansion."

The proprietress wiped her forehead with a rag, and said with a smile, "Both of us are from Yunzhou, so it's natural and authentic. If the guest officer likes it, you can bring some back when you go back."

Xu Cheng smiled, and said intoxicatedly, "Yunzhou has beautiful mountains and rivers, delicious food, and even more attractive customs. This capital is still a bit inferior."

"It's enough to eat it once. If you eat it every day, you will get tired of the delicious food, and a good thing will become a bad thing."

The proprietress was stunned for a moment, "Guest officer, you are really good at talking, what you say is really profound, no wonder there were noble people who ate the food at the Fortune Inn, and never went there again after eating it once, I think he and the guest officer have the same idea .”

Xu Cheng didn't pay attention, but just asked casually, "Oh? Ma'am, what you said made me curious. What are the delicacies of the Fortune Inn?"

The proprietress fished out 'Ziyun' one by one from the pot, put them on a plate, and then said, "The guest officer said that he has been to Yunzhou, so he must have eaten the delicious food of Kuncheng Mansion, right? Have you heard of Kun Noodles?"

Xu Cheng's chewing mouth suddenly stopped.

Kun noodles?

He has eaten it, it is indeed delicious, but it is also very expensive!

If I remember correctly, a bowl was 3000 taels of silver at that time.

It was not surprising that Kunmian appeared in the capital Xu Cheng, but it aroused Xu Cheng's suspicion when it appeared in Nancheng.

Throwing down a tael of silver, he said to Qin Xiu and Li Meng, "Go, we have a clue!"

(End of this chapter)

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