I can see the script of life

Chapter 183 Fortune Inn and the Living Dead

Chapter 183 Fortune Inn and the Living Dead
"Lucky Inn. Lingjun, what are we doing here?"

Qin Xiu and Li Meng stood behind Xu Cheng, and Li Meng couldn't help asking.

Xu Cheng smiled, "Take you some good food, Yunzhou cuisine - Kun noodles."

An anxious look appeared on Li Meng's face, "Hey, no, we're here..."

Qin Xiu gave him a slap, "If you are invited to dinner by Lingjun, you will eat as soon as possible. Why are there so many words?"

Xu Cheng didn't respond to the small gestures of the two, and he walked towards the inn.

The inn is very big. In addition to the main building, there is a large yard in front for guests to put carriages and the like.

A waiter came over with a smile on his face, "Who are you, are you going to eat or stay in a hotel?"

[Name]: Qian Qi
[Script of Destiny]: The protagonist of "Lonely Widow" (green)
Xu Cheng didn't continue to read it. The protagonist of the green script should have no problem coming to Xiao Er.

"Dinner, I heard that your house has Kun noodles from Yunzhou, so I came here to try it."

"Hey, you are the right customer, the Kun noodles in our store are authentic."

Saying that, Xiaoer bent down slightly, made a gesture of invitation, and led Xu Cheng and the three of them inside.

Suddenly, Xu Cheng stopped.

Xiao Er, who was chatting on the side to introduce the dishes to Xu Cheng, saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he turned around quickly and saw Xu Cheng staring at the corner of the yard.

"What's the matter, guest, are you busy?"

Xu Cheng pointed to a fat figure crouching in the corner, "Who is that?"

"Damn, I thought the hospitality wasn't good enough. That's the person in charge of raising horses in our inn. His name is Li Sangui. He's an idiot, but there's nothing to say about raising horses."

Xu Cheng was expressionless, staring at Li Sangui's back.

Li Sangui over there seemed to notice the gaze, turned to look at Xu Cheng, with a simple and honest face, with saliva at the corner of his mouth, snot and saliva on his upper lip mixed together, the yellow-green color was very disgusting, and he smiled honestly.

Xu Cheng stared at it for a while, then smiled at Xiaoer, "Hehe, that man looks weird, how long has he been here?"

Xiaoer hasn't studied for a few years, so he spread his fingers and calculated, "I've been here for four years, and he came here earlier than me."

Qin Xiu said, "Then what do you mean by breaking your fingers?"

"Count me how many years I've been here."

Qin Xiu was silent, the little girl seemed a little stunned...

Xu Cheng slowly withdrew his gaze from Li Sangui, "Let's go, lead the way, go up."

His heart was far from being as calm as it appeared on the surface.

Just because of Li Sangui's panel.

[Name]: Li Sangui (deceased)
Xu Cheng had seen this kind of panel a long time ago, when he was in Qingshan Mansion.

Wei Qing died, and he and Guo Yan, the deputy commander of the Qingshan Mansion, hunted down the murderer Hu Xian, and met Zhu Kou, the head of the Cao Gang Qingshan Hall, who was completely alienated into a snake man, just like Li Sangui!
Is this person an alien?

Xu Cheng frowned, not seeing Li Sangui at all.

The main building is very big, Xiao Er took the three of them to a separate box and said flatteringly.

"Guest, check if I remember, three servings of kun noodles, one..."

Xu Cheng nodded, "That's right, I remember that the kun noodles are cumbersome to make, and it took a while. You take me out to visit your restaurant. It's been a long time since I've seen such an authentic Yunzhou restaurant."


As soon as I got out of the box, I met a woman with a voluptuous figure. She wore a purple dress with a big open chest, which looked a bit like an evening dress, and a deep hook was exposed on her chest. Her clothes were a bit out of place with the inn. This restaurant is not serious.

"Qian Qi, where are you taking the guests?"

Xiao Er seemed to have a crush on this woman, Xu Cheng was not surprised, the young Mu Ai, seeing a beautiful girl, couldn't help but be moved.

Especially the woman in a fancy dress in front of me.

"Zi... Miss Zi, the customer said that Kun noodles are a bit slow, and wants to go out for a walk."

【Name】: Zi Linglong

[Life level]:?


A gleam flashed across Xu Cheng's eyes, but... he couldn't see anything!
How is this possible, the last one who couldn't see the attributes was Master Kuchan, but Master Kuchan is a celestial being, not even considered weak among celestial beings.

No matter what, Xu Cheng didn't think that the woman in front of him was a heavenly being!

There is indeed a problem with this restaurant!

Zi Linglong smiled enchantingly, and a piece of clothing on the chest of the purple robe jumped up, as if two ten thousand-year-old demons were imprisoned inside, trying to break free from the seal.

"Then you have to take good care of the guests. Our inn is full of repeat customers."

Qian Qi stared straight at him, and nodded dully, "Hey... hey!"


An hour later, Xu Cheng walked out of the Fortune Inn with Qin Xiu and Li Meng who were full of food and drink.

"The place that Ling Jun is looking for is really good, Lao Li, you will write it down later, we brothers are having dinner, so we will book this place."

Qin Xiu said with a smile.

Li Meng was a little unhappy, "You can eat it if you like, but I won't eat it."

Xu Cheng stared at the plaque with the words "Hongyun Inn", thinking of the people in the inn, frowning with a serious expression on his face.

"From now on, you bring people to guard here, and remember all the people who come in and out of this inn!"

The two were stunned for a moment, and Li Meng said tentatively, "Lingjun, is there really a clue here?"

"It's not clear at the moment, you should guard first, remember, don't startle the snake!"

After arranging the two of them, Xu Cheng turned and left.

He wanted to go to the Yamen to look at the files and check the details of the Fortune Inn.

To check the files, I was going to the file warehouse of the Beiya. On the way, I just walked to Dongyun Street, the intersection of Nancheng and Dongcheng, when I saw several horses galloping by on the galloping road, and the direction seemed to be heading towards the inner city.

All the knights are in military uniform, not Kyoto armor.

What happened in such a hurry?
Because the distance was not enough, Xu Cheng couldn't see the panels of several people, so he didn't think much about it.

Among the four yamen in Kyoto, the Beiya is the most respected.

The Beiya is naturally the highest-specified yamen among the four yamen, covering an area of ​​more than several thousand acres, and all the files in the entire capital will be put in the file storage of the Beiya.

As the order of the East Gate, the person on duty here naturally recognized Xu Cheng.

"Meet Xu Lingjun."

Xu Cheng nodded. The specifications of the document library are high and low. According to the situation of the Fortune Inn, there should be no need to report or even apply to Zhang Ming.

"Come out alone and take me to the document library."

A guard with an old and honest face came out, "My subordinate Li Yan took Ling Jun there."

"It's work."


Fortune Inn.

Xu Cheng quickly flipped through the paper and bamboo slips.

Finally, I saw the copy of the Fortune Inn in a book written in Yuanfeng's 41st year.

This inn was opened in the 41st year of Yuanfeng by Duanmuji, a businessman from Dakunfu, Yunzhou. After that, it changed hands several times. The name of the current shopkeeper is... Li Sangui!

Xu Cheng suddenly raised his head.

It turned out to be Li Sangui!

Is that idiot in the inn yard the owner of the Fortune Inn?
According to the records on the copybook, the most recent transaction took place in the 78th year of Yuanfeng, that is, 16 years ago.

This time also made Xu Cheng a little sensitive.

Chu Nantian was dismissed and investigated, and finally found out that the huge corruption case that shocked the government and the public happened in the 78th year of Yuanfeng!

Because Xu Cheng felt ashamed of Chu Nantian, he paid special attention to his past deeds. He naturally knew about Yuanfeng's 78th year.

Is there any connection between the two?

Xu Cheng touched his chin.

At this moment, the office management official who was waiting for Xu Cheng outside shouted, "Xu Lingjun, have you finished reading it? Mr. Jingdu Ling Zhang heard that you are coming, and asked you to meet him."

Zhang Ming wants to see himself?

Xu Cheng was a little confused, so, could it be that the higher authorities put pressure on this case?

Different from the other three yamen, the Beiya office is the place where the governor of the capital works, and the buildings here are much higher.

Just like the justice building in front of me, it has twelve floors. When it comes to this justice building, Jiang Wu, the great ancestor of the Zhou Dynasty, cannot be avoided.

The official position of Kyoto Commander is extremely sensitive. When this official position was first established, no one was willing, especially those with strong legal bodies. Generally, they did not want to serve as Kyoto Commander. There is a slight advantage, first of all, serving as the governor of the capital, being dragged down by the people's livelihood, and the emperor watching from above, there is no time for practice all day long.

Until Taizu ordered that this official position is different from other official positions, and it has a term of office, which is exactly 12 years.

And the most important thing is that the Kyoto Order is also called the cabinet reserve.

After taking office in Kyoto, he started working from the No.12 floor in the first year, and went down to the next floor year by year.

After living in the first floor, you can transfer to the inner city and join the cabinet.

Zhang Ming is now on the No.11 floor of the Justice Building.

This is Xu Cheng's second visit, so he is naturally familiar with the road.

"My subordinate Xu Cheng has met Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Ming sat in front of the copybook, looking out the window.

"Oh, Xu Cheng, you're here, do you know what I'm looking for you to do?"

Xu Cheng shook his head, "The lower officials don't know."

"Letter from Beihai, Taiping Fortress has fallen."

Zhang Ming said lightly.

Xu Cheng raised his head suddenly, with fear on his face.

The Taiping Fortress is the largest island in the North Sea. Its fall means that the Sea Clan has been able to drive straight into the inner island. If they capture the inner island again, they will land soon...

Xu Cheng thought of the galloping cavalrymen he saw when he came to Beiya, did those people come back from Beihai?

"How's the case going?"

Xu Cheng lowered his head, "I'm ashamed, I just have some doubts, I don't know if it's a clue."

"Oh? Xu Lingjun is good at judging cases, the rumors are true, let's talk about it."

Without hesitation, he told Zhang Ming about going to the Fortune Inn today.

Zhang Ming seemed to like tapping the armrest of the chair with his right index finger when he was thinking about problems. After Xu Cheng finished speaking, the only sound in the room was his tapping on the armrest of the chair.

"It's interesting, the poorest place sells the most expensive food, and the living dead you mentioned..."

"Continue to investigate. I called you here to tell you that the Taiping Fortress has fallen. Naturally, the imperial court will not let it go. It is very likely that they will send excellent military officers to Beihai. You should be prepared."

"If you can solve this big case before leaving the capital, I will give you credit!"

Xu Cheng cupped his fists, "Thank you, sir."

He sighed slightly in his heart, it seemed that Zhang Ming didn't know what caused Li Sangui's situation.

Obviously looks like an ordinary person, but it is the face of an alienated warrior.


After leaving Beiya, Xu Cheng went to Xuntianlou.

Xu Cheng was thinking about something, and when he went upstairs, he saw an acquaintance again.

Deputy Supervisor of the Sky Survey - Sui Qianhan!
To be precise, it was not an acquaintance, it was only the second meeting, but Xu Cheng was amazed by his panel at that time.

This was the second time seeing Sui Qianhan, but it made Xu Cheng's heart shudder.

【Name】: Sui Qianhan (deceased)
"My lord?"

Sui Qianhan looked back at Xu Cheng, his face was a little dull, but when he looked carefully, his expression was normal, "Who is your Excellency?"

Xu Cheng said with a smile, "Master Sui really forgets things a lot, but that's true, it's normal to forget things after meeting once, I'm Xu Cheng."

"Oh, I remembered, Fan Jijiu's disciple."

Xu Cheng smiled and nodded. "Master Sui is in such a hurry, where are you going?"

Sui Qianhan's face was flat, facing Xu Cheng's smiling face, he didn't express anything at all, "Go out and do some business."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Xu Cheng and left.

Xu Cheng looked at his back and felt uneasy in his heart.

What the hell are these undead-like panels!

He recalled the panel when he saw Sui Qianhan for the first time, and he seemed to be planning to collude with the inner party. So, is the reason why he became a living dead also related to the inner party?
After walking through the long stairs, Xu Cheng came to the top floor and met Fan Zheng.

"Student Xu Cheng has met the teacher."

Fan Zheng was still the same, unrestrained and open-minded. He was writing something, but he didn't look up when he heard Xu Cheng's words.

"Mr. Shangyang's preparations for the Confucianism and Taoism Academy are almost done. I'm replying to him. You sit down first."

Xu Cheng pulled out a chair from the side, and then sat down quietly.

After a while, Fan Zheng raised his head and looked at Xu Cheng, "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Students have something, some don't understand it, and want to ask the teacher to explain it."

"Let's listen." Fan Zheng put down his pen, Shi Shiran sat down, and said.

Facing Fan Zheng, Xu Cheng naturally wouldn't hide it, "The student met a person today, that person was a little weird, obviously very normal, but it always gave me an extremely weird feeling, as if... as if he had been between the dead between complete alienation."

"Teacher, there is such a person on Xuntian Building, I wonder if the teacher knows?"

After hearing what he said, Fan Zheng leaned his back completely on the chair, "You mean Sui Qianhan?"

Xu Cheng was a little surprised, "Teacher knows? Why?"

Fan Zheng smiled, "Why don't you check him?"


"I can't check, and I can't find out anything. That feeling comes and goes, and I can't check someone based on how I feel about a person." Fan Zheng said with a smile.

While the two were talking.

Outside the Patrol Tower.

Two extremely tall horses and strange beasts pull the cart, and a martial artist in the realm of strength drives the cart.

The two guards walking with the car also had a strong breath.

The ostentation is not insignificant, and it parked quietly on the street.

The owner in the car opened the car curtain and stretched out a hand.

An exceptionally pale, slender hand, like a piece of incomparably precious porcelain.

Then there was the purple gauze with the gold border, and then the shiny black hair was exposed, and the man looked up.

It turned out to be—Zi Linglong!

(End of this chapter)

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