Chapter 22

During the day, Xu Cheng did nothing, escorted the Gray Snake Gang back to the Yamen, and warned Uncle Ping not to speak out, and waited for the new governor to take office before repaying the credit.

After returning home, he gave Du Jianghe a hundred taels of silver, far exceeding the agreed ten taels of silver.

Xu Cheng didn't care. After all, he was extremely lucky to get Taiming's blood. He didn't feel bad about giving Du Jianghe some money.

He bought hundreds of catties of flesh and blood from the market, and put the stones stained with Taiming's blood in the pile of meat.

Soon, a strange scene happened. The bluestone seemed to open a large invisible mouth, slowly swallowing a lot of flesh and blood, and soon disappeared without a trace. The bluestone slowly cracked, The white flocculent substance on it slowly fell off.

Xu Cheng looked at this scene beyond his cognition. Many things related to martial arts in this world are mysterious, and he has long been used to it.

Whether Taiming's blood will be successfully transformed for a while, Xu Cheng is not on duty today, so it is fine.

He devoted himself to the study of "The Four Classics of the Heavenly Sages", a magical martial art passed down by the Heavenly Sacred Sect for hundreds of years.

It is known as the four extremes, and the world is amazing, divided into extreme eyesight, extreme blood, extreme heart and extreme spirit.

What Xu Cheng is most interested in about this skill is its unpredictable power. It is extremely powerful and the most important. It claims to know all the weaknesses of the opponent's martial arts at a glance. It is comparable to 24k pure gold and titanium. Alloy dog ​​eyes.

Xu Cheng is very interested in this, and the other three unique skills also have their own characteristics, but they all need to be exchanged with blood to change from blood to strength before they can be used.

Although he was looking forward to it, he couldn't use it at the moment, and it was useless.

As the world's strongest 'classic'-level unique learning, "Tiansheng Four Classics" naturally has its own unique foundation-building method, but Xu Cheng read it for a while, and had no idea of ​​changing it.

Although the "Imperishable Gold and Jade Chapter" is only a "chapter" level exercise, it is a remnant of the "Eternal Immortality Sutra". It requires too much energy and blood to practice horizontally, and it takes too long to spend time in the three foundation building realms. That's why "The Immortal Gold and Jade Chapter" is rarely practiced, let alone famous people.

The difference between horizontal training and internal training is that apart from the fact that the foundation building stage suffers a lot, the only difference is that the whole body's energy and blood will be tempered.

Internal training is different, it is a process of accumulating qi and blood in the body, but during the process of accumulating, the skin and bones are tempered incidentally to prepare for the transformation of qi and blood into strength after the blood exchange in the future.

The reason why Xu Cheng decided to use "The Immortal Gold and Jade Chapter" to build the foundation, besides the fact that he has no martial arts talent at present, is that he thought of the most terrifying point of plot modification.

If in the plot, as long as it is logical, it can be judged to be successful, can he build a foundation with horizontal practice, the effect surpasses internal training, and then set his own blood to be satisfied when changing blood, force a breakthrough, and transform blood into strength .

At that time, whether his qi and blood came out of thin air, if he had reached the limit of foundation building, it would be almost equivalent to the sum of the qi and blood of two extreme foundation builders. At that time, he would not know how terrifying his strength would be.

This is something he personally tested. During the revision of the plot, whenever he felt that he was lacking in energy and blood during cultivation, new energy and blood would appear out of thin air to temper his body. Based on the specific skills of the plot he set.

It's impossible to keep getting stuck in bugs, constantly generating Qi and blood out of thin air to temper other exercises.

Otherwise, Xu Cheng felt that he could treat the plot panel as a little fat sheep and squeeze the wool every day.

Thinking of this, Xu Cheng did not revise the foundation-building method of "The Four Classics of the Heavenly Sages", but continued to practice the "Immortal Gold and Jade Chapter".

He didn't sleep well last night, so Xu Cheng went to catch up on sleep first, and started practicing martial arts after waking up. Although it is not as fast as the abnormal improvement speed when modifying the plot, the advantage of self-cultivation is that it does not consume destiny points, and can be keenly aware of all changes in oneself.

In the evening, Wang Daming came to the door again.

"Ah Cheng, let's go and pick up your wife."

As soon as he came in, he couldn't wait to pull Xu Cheng out.

Xu Cheng remembered what Wang Daming told him last night, "Brother Wang, you are picking up my wife, what are you in a hurry for, at least let me change clothes."

"Yes, that's true, but you have met that little girl Shen Lingsu several times, so you don't need to dress well."

Xu Cheng gave him a white look, went back to the room and searched carefully for a set of scarlet brocade clothes that Xu Xin brought back from the Liuli Sect during the Chinese New Year last year. Standing in front of the mirror, Xu Cheng couldn't help touching his cheek, "I'm That's pretty cool too."

He was not bad looking at first, and he also had the bonus of three-star talent [Heroic], coupled with the changes in temperament brought about by his recent martial arts training, he had the feeling of a young man in an ancient costume TV series.

Seeing Xu Cheng's attire, Wang Daming said with a hint of admiration, "Yo, I didn't realize that you are so handsome. You are worthy of your father's seed. Both of you siblings are first-class."

Xu Cheng secretly slandered in his heart. If Wang Daming knew that his father Xu was a fake, he wondered if he would be so amazed.

The Shen family also lives in the north of the city. Although it is not the area under Xu Cheng's daily jurisdiction, he is familiar with it.

Walking on the road with Wang Daming, Xu Cheng glanced at Wang Daming's panel idly. He hadn't looked at Wang Daming's panel for several days, and wondered if there was any change.

【Name】: Wang Daming

[Life level]: short-lived species

[Script of Destiny]: Protagonist (Blue) of "The Case of Destroying the Gates of the Green Mountains" and the protagonist of "Life"

[Playing script]: Supporting role in "The Resurrection of Yinshen Cult"

[Current main storyline]: The Shen family in Fuxiang was brutally wiped out. They didn't bother to check whether everyone was dead. Afterwards, they set fire to it and the murderer fled in a hurry. He died, but the lucky Wang Daming seemed to find some traces in it when he was convenient...

Xu Cheng stopped suddenly, looking at Wang Daming's panel, he was stunned.

Unexpectedly, the protagonist of "The Case of Miemen" on Wang Daming's panel is actually the Shen family!
Before he had time to say anything to Wang Daming, the skin under Xu Cheng's clothes turned golden, and he rushed towards the Fu Lane where the Shen family was.

Shen Lingsu just died...

This sentence gave Xu Cheng a sense of urgency, he pulled Wang Daming and rushed towards Fuxiang.

Before reaching Fuxiang Lane, I saw flames soaring into the sky, and people carrying buckets came in and out at the entrance of the alley.

Shouts, conductors, and the cries of children can be heard endlessly.

It was already dark at this moment, Wang Daming chased after Xu Cheng, and before he could ask what happened, he saw the picture of the fire, he stood still, "It's on seems to be...the Shen family!"

Xu Cheng didn't care about what to say to Wang Daming, regardless of the huge fire, he rushed towards the burning Shen's house without even thinking about it.

He rushed into the flames.

Without hesitation, like a moth to a flame, with determination.

Of course, he was not the only one who came in to save people, there were also two police officers from the Yamen.

"Shen Lingsu!" Xu Cheng rushed into the sea of ​​flames, shouting while dodging the burning wood that fell from the beam.

No one answered.

Xu Cheng felt a little cold in his heart, is it too late?

In the sea of ​​fire, the situation is critical, but Xu Cheng is very calm, he has always been a rational person.

Before, I only cared about saving people, but forgot to think.

This time was the time for every family to eat, and the Shen family had an agreement with Wang Daming to let him see the Shen family's daughter.

Therefore, the Shen family should be neatly together at this meeting.

Xu Cheng quickly turned around and ran towards the east room of Shen's house.

Pushing open the half-burned door, Xu Cheng was stunned!

Under the reflection of the red flames and the high temperature, the blood all over the ground was frighteningly red. Because of the high temperature, the blood was extremely viscous, as if it had solidified.

The torn limbs and blood stains were mixed with the reflection of the flames next to it.

Xu Cheng only felt cold all over his body, as if he was in hell.

At this moment, he felt that the heat of the flames could not warm people's hearts. He resisted the discomfort in his heart and walked towards a pile of corpses.

"Shen Lingsu?"

He ignored the strange gazes of the two colleagues next to him.

Xu Cheng looked at the corpses on the ground without blinking.

A corpse in a long white dress seemed to move.

Xu Cheng let out a long sigh of relief.


The beam... seems to be collapsing!

He rushed to the 'corpse', picked it up, and retreated quickly.

Along with him, there were two other policemen who came in to save people.

Just as he stepped out of the gate, the girder fell.

Xu Cheng put the 'corpse' on the ground, leaned against the wall slowly, panting heavily.

"Save people, this one is still angry!" Xu Cheng shouted!
Tee, Tee, Tee!

Footsteps came one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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