Chapter 23 Three Days Deadline
Wang Daming and a group of policemen from the patrol and arrest department quickly came to Xu Cheng's side. Wang Daming stretched out his hand to touch Shen Lingsu's breath, and then shouted loudly behind him, "There are still people alive here, doctor! Doctor!"

This matter caused a lot of trouble, a fire broke out in the city, it was a major event, and there were 46 members of the Shen family, only Shen Lingsu survived.

All of a sudden, all the big and small officials from Beicheng Yamen came here one after another.

Niu Yingjun quietly came to Wang Daming's side and said, "Master Liu has something to look for you."

Wang Daming went with Niu Yingjun.

The back street of Fuxiang has been completely surrounded by the officials of the yamen at this moment. From the outside to the inside, the ranks of the officials are getting higher and higher. In addition to Liu Yu, there is also the gray-haired Fan Gong who came back from Taizhou to report his duties.

Liu Yu, who was wearing a five-pin soap red Jinhe official uniform, saw Wang Daming and said, "There was a fire in the city, and more than [-] members of a family were wiped out. Wang Daming, from now on, Liu Ming will resign from the position of head of the Beiya Patrol Section. You withdrew from the government soldiers, and now you will take over the head of the Patrol Division, I give you three days to find out the case and return justice to the people of Qingshan Mansion."

Wang Daming lowered his head, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead instantly. He glanced at the dejected old head catcher Liu Ming standing in the distance, and remained silent.

He knew that Liu Yu's resignation was imminent, and the transfer order had not yet been issued. This time such a thing happened, it would definitely have a huge impact on his subsequent promotion.

"Your Majesty."

Liu Yu said to Fan Zheng with a serious face, "Let Fan Gong see a joke. I didn't expect that Fan Gong will encounter such a thing when he is about to take office. Fan Gong can rest assured that before I leave office, the real culprit will be arrested and brought to justice! "

Fan Zheng lightly raised his hand, "Your Majesty Liu is polite, I have seen the prestige of the Qingshan Mansion's patrols before." He was referring to Xu Cheng's contribution to the search for illegal salt yesterday.

Liu Yu's face was gloomy for a moment, and then his face was normal, and he said softly, "This kind of great contribution, when Fan Gong takes office, I have to reward everyone in the Patrol Division."

Yesterday Xu Cheng and others caught more than 20 people back. That was a big deal. Liu Yu knew about it immediately. When he was about to do something, Fan Zheng, who was going to Taizhou to report on his work, just came back...

"At that time, I will add this case of exterminating the family and reward it together."


Wang Daming returned to Xu Cheng with an ugly face, glanced at Shen Lingsu who was still awake, and asked, "Did Lingsu wake up just now?"

Xu Cheng shook his head, "Why, what business does Yin Fu Yin want from you?"

With a bitter expression on his face, Wang Daming grabbed a cup of tea beside him and took a sip, "His grandma, Liu Fu Yin is about to leave office. When encountering such a thing, in order to protect Liu Ming, he directly dismissed that old fellow Liu Ming and let me To take over Liu Ming's role as a head-catcher, I'm required to arrest the real culprit within three days!"

It was rumored that Liu Ming had some inexplicable relationship with the governor Liu Yu. In Wang Daming's view, this time, it was to protect Liu Ming. Head, there is no need to be so anxious, go online quickly.

Most likely, he wants to be a scapegoat, a punching bag for the new governor.

Xu Cheng also understood the key points, especially the two words in Liu Yu's mouth, 'three days' and 'must'.

In three days, the subtext became that no matter whether the real culprit can be caught or not, he must give him an explanation in three days.

He frowned, "Master Liu wants you to kill the white duck?"

Slaughtering white ducks is a technical term for arresting people quickly.

It means: Find a scapegoat who will do his best to take the place of the dead.

Restricted by the skills and abilities of low-level officials in this era, this world is at the bottom, and there are many unsolved cases. When encountering high-level officials, they demand strict investigations and must arrest the real culprits, especially when the upper-level people exert pressure. Soon a scapegoat will be found to replace him.

In this way, the bottom-level arresters were successful in solving the case, the middle-level officials were rewarded, and the high-level officials were rewarded for their excellent command by the court leaders. Everyone was happy.

As for the scapegoat, generally in such cases where the scapegoat is required, the execution will be executed three days after the real culprit is caught, and there will be no omissions at all.

Xu Cheng hated this way of handling the case. Although he was unknown in his previous life, the education he received in the Three Views still did not allow such a thing to happen, and this was his fiancée's family. No matter what, he wanted to find out the real culprit.

Wang Daming seemed a little moved by this idea, he bowed his head in thought.

Everyone has their own thoughts, this matter is related to Wang Daming's wealth and life, and he can't stop Wang Daming.

He looked down at Shen Lingsu's attribute panel.

【Name】: Shen Lingsu

[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Spirit Cauldron Body★★★★★, Tianyun★★★★★
[Destiny Script]: The protagonist of "Tianji" (unopened)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "The Case of Killing the Gates in Qingshan Mansion" (Blue)
[Current main line]: Shen Lingsu was seriously injured by the man in black an hour ago. Before she fell into a coma, she had caught a glimpse of the man in black's eyes. She felt that those eyes seemed familiar until she woke up and saw...

Who did you see when you woke up?


This golden finger is poisonous, and the information suddenly disappeared at a critical point, causing Xu Cheng to scold his mother for a while.

However, although there is no key information, Xu Cheng also got some clues from it, that is, the murderer's eyes must be different from ordinary people, otherwise Shen Lingsu would not remember it at a glance.

In addition, Shen Lingsu's talent made Xu Cheng secretly click his tongue.

[Soul Cauldron Body]: Those who have this talent will not have any bottlenecks in the early stage of cultivation, but if they become someone else's cauldron, the strong will use their cultivation as the cauldron and take the opportunity to break through the third rank!

[Tianyun]: Tianyun is both luck and catastrophe. You need to go through nine catastrophes in this life before you can start Tianyun (2/9)!
A distress flashed in Xu Cheng's eyes. He didn't expect Shen Lingsu's talent to be so high, nor did he expect Shen Lingsu's life to be so miserable.

However, his fiancée's talent is so high, which is extremely beyond his expectations.


Xu Cheng stood in front of Shen's house, looking at the extinguished flames.

A colleague from the Patrol Division said, "Ah Cheng, stay away. The flame has just been extinguished, and many materials have decayed and will fall down at any time."

Xu Cheng smiled and did not speak.

At this moment, there are countless onlookers standing at the entrance of Fu Lane, they are pestering Wang Daming, who has been arrested by the Beiya, making Wang Daming miserable.

At this moment, surrounded by a group of officials in the distance, Liu Yu, the current governor, came over.

【Name】: Liu Yu
[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial arts★★★, sharp mind★★★
【Script of Destiny】: The Protagonist of "The Ups and Downs of Officialdom" (Blue)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "Jing Nan" (unopened), supporting role in "The Journey of Grain and Grass" (unopened)
[Current Main Storyline]: Liu Yu is about to leave office. He is fully working on the position of Governor of Taizhou City. After paying a huge price, King Tai finally speaks for him and wins King Tai's support, but at a critical moment, he loses the support of the Cao Gang. The private salt, and the appalling case of exterminating the family in the Qingshan Mansion, these made his plan make waves out of thin air...

The attributes of this prefect are similar to Xu Cheng's imagination. He has been an official for many years, and he is better than the word "stable". Even the evil disaster that ravaged Qingshan Mansion has not affected his status. One can imagine his thoughts gloomy.

But these have nothing to do with Xu Cheng, after all, Master Liu is about to leave his post, and what he needs is to curry favor with Duke Fan who will take office later.

But at this moment, he noticed that Liu Yu was extremely respectful to the person beside him, or inadvertently expressed a little respect.

He looked curiously at the gray-haired young man, his eyes sparkling.

(End of this chapter)

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