I can see the script of life

Chapter 24 Thighs and Clues

Chapter 24 Thighs and Clues

[Name]: Fan Zheng
[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Meditation ★★★★, knowledgeable ★★★★★, righteousness ★★★★★
[Destiny Script]: The protagonist of "Xuntiantai Reform Act" (purple), the protagonist of "Jing Nan" (unopened), the protagonist of "Names" (unopened), the protagonist of "Elimination of Evil" (unopened)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "The Resurrection of Yinshen Cult" (unopened)
[Current main line]: The Great Zhou has been established for thousands of years. Wei You, a disciple of Fan Zheng, sees that the fortune of the Great Zhou has been like a raging fire. With the support of Fan Zheng, he started the reform as the Xuntian Supervisor to sacrifice wine, but was besieged and blocked by countless aristocratic families. In order to save his disciples, Fan Zheng shouldered most of the responsibility, and was impeached by countless officials. Fan Zhengxing played the performance of "begging for bones". For Fu Yin...

The moment Xu Cheng saw Fan Zheng's attributes, he understood a sentence.

Some people, you recognize him the first time you see him.

Xu Cheng made up his mind to defect to this Duke Fan, and those scripts of fate showed that this Duke Fan was about to rise again, and the position of Governor of Qingshan Prefecture was just a short trough in his political career.

Liu Yu was followed by a group of officials, who came from a distance, looked at the people who were filled with righteous indignation, and said loudly.

"For today's matter, I, Liu Yu, will set justice for the Shen family, and return my Qingshan Mansion to a bright future. Let's leave as soon as possible. I have ordered Wang Daming, the police officer, to investigate the case thoroughly. All you folks need to wait for a few days. Believe Wang The headhunter will definitely bring the murderer to justice!

The evil disaster is raging, and my Qingshan Mansion has survived. A wandering warrior who came from nowhere commits such a serious crime. Why are the people angry if he doesn't kill him? "

He has an upright face, coupled with the prestige he has brought from being an official in Qingshan Mansion for many years, the most important thing is that he will not retreat when the evil disaster is raging.

The onlookers knelt down one after another.

"Master Liu, please give the Shen family justice!"

"It's really too miserable!"

"My lord must bring the murderer to justice."

"A total of 45 lives!"


Liu Yu expressed relief to these people one by one, turned his head and shouted loudly, "Wang Daming! Can you hear the people's demands? Now tell your fathers and villagers loudly, when will the murderer be apprehended?"

Wang Daming, who hurried over from a distance, looked ugly, met the eyes of the people, and said bravely, "The murderer will be arrested within three days, or I, Wang Daming, will apologize!"

Hearing Wang Daming's promise, Liu Yu was satisfied. He first glanced at Fan Zheng's expression, thinking about the loopholes in his words just now, and then comforted the people.

The expression of a politician's face is vividly expressed.

Xu Cheng took a deep look at these people. From the beginning to the end, he noticed that Fan Zheng had a calm face, neither sad nor happy, as if he didn't care about the case at all.

But Xu Cheng knew that it was impossible for him to be so peaceful in his heart. How could an official with a five-star talent for righteousness let go of such a horrific murder case so lightly?

Wang Daming left with the people from the Patrol Section and began to investigate the whole Miemen case.

"Who is the arrester of Fu Lane today, let me tell you about the situation first."

A pale-faced, not tall policeman came out, "Sun Liu, the policeman of the Beiya Yamen, has seen Wang Butou and all his colleagues. Today, near Fu Lane, his subordinates are patrolling. They have been in humble positions since 07:30 p.m. (08:30 p.m.) [-]) came to Fu Lane for inspection, and passed by Shen’s house at [-]:[-] pm (around [-]:[-] pm), and nothing happened!”

"When was the first person to notice the fire?"

The surrounding policemen had already questioned many people, and recorded everything that happened before and after the Shen family caught fire.

"The first person to see the fire was the neighbor of Shen's house. He claimed to have seen the fire in Shen's house around [-]:[-] pm, and the fire reached its maximum after a quarter of an hour."

"Someone said that at the moment of Xu Shi, they saw the master of the Shen family on the road, leading someone to buy some meat, saying that he was going to prepare for his granddaughter's wedding banquet."


The police officers tell you the information you have obtained before, no matter whether it is useful or not, at some point, it may be an extremely important clue.

Wang Daming frowned, and looked at Niu Yingjun, "Yangjun, has anyone come from Wu Zuoke? Have you finished the autopsy?"

Niu Yingjun was stunned for a moment, "When Liu Fu Yin was lecturing just now, the inspection was still going on there."

"Go and ask now!"

Niu Yingjun ran out.

Seeing Wang Daming arranging the crowd, Xu Cheng couldn't help but nodded in his heart. This Wang Daming really has two skills, at least he knows how to collect clues.

After a while, Niu Yingjun returned again, followed by two middle-aged men with ugly faces, wearing gloves made of unknown animal skins.

When Wang Daming saw the two, he couldn't wait to ask, "Ma Wuzuo, what's the result of the autopsy?"

Ma Fu frowned and said, "There is a total of 45 corpses, and there is no time to finish all the inspections, but the death conditions of these corpses are extremely strange, let me tell you first.

The time of death is affected by the flames, so it is impossible to judge accurately, but it is certain that all the dead did not die at the same time. The earliest should be between noon and Weishi, and the latest should not even die by [-]:[-].

Most of the deceased had fatal wounds on their chests, and were killed by an unknown animal claw. Only the second young master of the Shen family found hundreds of wounds all over his body, and none of the wounds was fatal. It can be seen that the murderer hated this second son. master.

We went to see the place of death, and it should be in the Shen family, but apart from the immediate family members of the Shen family, the rest of the bodies showed no obvious traces of being dragged.Therefore, we speculate that the murderer should be a retaliatory killing. After killing everyone, he piled up the corpses. He also knew that the flames could not burn so many corpses. He only had one purpose for doing this, and that was revenge. "

Listening to Wu Zuo's words, Xu Cheng felt something was wrong in his heart.

Combined with Wu Zuo's words, the Shen family had already died around three o'clock in the afternoon, and some people saw the old man of the Shen family after seven o'clock in the afternoon. It was on fire, and it was discovered that the Shen family had been wiped out!

What is the reason for this?

Not only did he discover this problem, Wang Daming also noticed the strangeness in it.

More than forty people were killed, especially the murderer used the extremely cruel method of dismemberment. Such a strong smell of blood cannot be concealed at all.

"Is it caused by a monster?" a policeman whispered.


Wang Daming turned his head to look at Sun Liu, "Sun Liu, you said that you passed by Shen's house at [-]:[-] pm and didn't notice anything unusual?"

Sun Liu recalled it carefully, and then said, "When I passed by Shen's house, there was indeed something strange, but at that time, an old man in the costume of a servant at his door told me that he was entertaining distinguished guests tonight, and the house was killing cattle..."

For a moment, the faces of the policemen were all ugly. They all realized that the one who talked to Sun Liu was most likely the murderer.

(End of this chapter)

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