I can see the script of life

Chapter 31 The reason

Chapter 31 The reason
"So, the murderer is the Shen family?" Xu Cheng asked softly.

The old man named Feng She did not speak, his hand holding the bowl was trembling, "Since that day, I put down the carving knife that I have held for 30 years, and raised the Yongdao, I want... firmly... firmly Firmly engrave this hatred in your heart!"

"Why didn't the government pursue the murderer that day, and the Shen family has a lot of power in Yongzhou?" Xu Cheng raised a question again.

The old man sneered, his face was full of sarcasm, "At that time, Tianxun was just around the corner, and the emperor had been on the throne for more than fifty years, and finally remembered Yongzhou." Suddenly his face was ferocious, and his face was red, "Just say it's a coincidence, in our When the Feng family was exterminated, the emperor will go to Yongzhou to inspect."

Xu Cheng was silent, and Wei Chengnian was also silent. At the same time, they both thought of something.

Tianxun Tianxun, this kind of extermination scandal is naturally impossible for the emperor to know, and the Feng family has been wiped out, so slaughtering the white duck is the best way. As for the only survivor, the old man named Feng She...

Niu Yingjun showed curiosity on his face, but seeing Xu Cheng and Wei Chengnian's serious faces, he resentfully did not speak.

Xu Cheng already knew all of this, combined with Feng She's use of Di Chong to kill people, Xu Cheng understood that this person must have wandered in Yunzhou for many years.

"So, Tianxun is coming soon, and you will be exiled to Yunzhou?"

Feng She raised his head, a trace of hatred appeared on his haggard face, "That's right, that dog official just randomly found a scapegoat in an attempt to hide the truth. Is he the so-called official of Da Zhou?

But I was conspired by the villain, and he couldn't help but exile me in Yunzhou. "

"Are you waiting for me?" Although it was a question, Xu Cheng said it with certainty.

Feng She shook his head, "I'm waiting for an upright official, an official who doesn't look for a scapegoat, and I want to see if this big week is really so corrupt."

"If you want to find the murderer who killed Shen's family, it's me, but I hope you can promise me one thing."

When Niu Yingjun heard that this was the murderer of the Miemen case, he drew a long knife from his waist and was about to step forward.

Xu Cheng stopped him, put his hand on his shoulder, and slowly pushed the knife into the scabbard.

"Brother Xu, he is the murderer."

"Of course I know he's the murderer, but Temo's may also be my father-in-law..." Xu Cheng complained wildly in his heart.

Never expected that everything would be so bloody.

Xu Cheng vaguely guessed what he wanted to say about.

Sure enough, Feng She laughed miserably, "In the first half of my life, I was proud of Yongzhou with a smile. While taking out a wooden box from under the bench next to it, the box was opened, and there were three wooden carvings.

A man and a woman are holding a baby, the carvings are lifelike, the man is smiling warmly, carrying a wooden box behind his back, vaguely looking, there is a bit of wind and shadow, the woman is smiling calmly, Xu Cheng can see clearly, her face is similar to Shen Lingsu is somewhat similar.

"Give these wooden carvings to the only living girl in the Shen family. Don't tell her who gave them to her."

Xu Cheng looked at the wood carving, but did not pick it up, "Is she your daughter?"

Feng She didn't answer, but everything seemed to be on point.

Xu Cheng stood still, speechless for a long time. He didn't know why such a bloody plot happened beside him. He was even more shocked than he was when he knew that his parents were the protectors of the Demon Sect.

He couldn't help but feel sorry for Shen Lingsu, no wonder her talent is called [Tianyun], and she has survived nine calamities. At that time, he was still wondering why she had already survived two calamities.

No wonder the plot panel said that the way the murderer looked at Shen Lingsu made her feel strange.

It turned out to be the case.

My biological family was murdered by the Shen family, but the Shen family became my foster parents for 16 years, and was wiped out by my biological father...

It’s just...

Bloody hell.

However, there is still one last point of doubt in the case. Xu Cheng asked, "You said you were the murderer, but I don't see any signs of exuberance in you. The Shen family is in the bluestone business, and the two young masters are both eighth-rank." Bone forging master, how did you manage to kill them all?"

The recovery of Di Chong's remnant body is at most equivalent to a warrior in the realm of bone forging, and he cannot be easily killed.

Feng She got up slowly, he pointed to his face, "Could it be that you think I look like this?"

"Using the blood-burning secret method taught by the Heavenly Sacred Sect, I burned my whole body and blood, and slaughtered the whole family of the Shen family." It seemed that recalling yesterday's murder made him very excited, he laughed, "Do you know that the second son of the Shen family was killed by me?" How many knives did you cut?"

He opened his mouth wide, his blood-red inner flesh turned out, and he stretched out his hand to express frantically in front of Xu Cheng, "It's a total of three hundred knives!"

Smiling and laughing, he suddenly cried, "I avenged my wife and children, I avenged the 53 members of my Feng family..."

Xu Cheng knew why he was crying. In front of his own daughter, he treated his adoptive father like this. After he knew that Shen Lingsu was his daughter, he dared not recognize him.

"There is one last question, the question of time. Why did people still see the Shen family's master going out in Xushi, and how did you eliminate the smell of blood and set fire?" Xu Cheng looked at Feng She.

Feng She sneered and said, "I faked the person, the method to remove the bloody smell is simpler, pouring water on the lime can cover up the bloody smell to a certain extent."

All doubts were eliminated and the culprit was locked, but Xu Cheng was not at ease.

He couldn't imagine how Shen Lingsu faced everything.

Niu Yingjun was about to go forward to arrest someone, but was stopped by Wei Chengnian.

After a long silence, Xu Cheng finally spoke, "Do you know my relationship with Shen Lingsu?"

"Her name is Feng Ling'er." Feng She said stubbornly, "What is your relationship with her?"

"She is my fiancée, my father's appointed fiancée since he was three years old."

Feng She suddenly burst out laughing, laughing until tears were shed, "I killed my daughter's adoptive father's family, but was caught by my future son-in-law. Fate is impermanent, fate is impermanent."

His smile made Xu Cheng feel very uncomfortable. In the whole matter, he couldn't judge who was right and who was wrong. The second young master of the Shen family, Tu Miefeng's family, deserved to die, but the Shen family raised Shen Lingsu again.

As for Feng She, it’s even more true. If he were Feng She, he might act even more extreme, "The governor gave us three days to patrol and arrest, and I will arrest you in three days. Three days is enough for you to go and see." Ling Su."

Feng She looked up at the sky, as if the clouds in the sky had illuminated his whole life.

["The Case of Destroying the Gates of Qingshan Mansion" is over, participate in 40% of the main storyline, 20% of the side storyline, and get 600 destiny points. 】

The standard for the blue script is [-] destiny points, as Xu Cheng expected, but he doesn't care about joy now.

He didn't look at Feng She, he knew that Feng She couldn't run away.

 I thought about a lot of plots, but I found that the writing is not good, so it is simple and crude, thank you for your follow-up

(End of this chapter)

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