I can see the script of life

Chapter 32 Sorry, I'm in a Bad Mood

Chapter 32 Sorry, I'm in a Bad Mood
The whole incident made Xu Cheng feel very uncomfortable. The Miemen case was a tragedy for two families.

It is a microcosm of the decay of the entire Great Zhou Dynasty. Such a thing is neither the beginning nor the end.

Dazhou is crumbling, how many years can it last?
Emperor Yuanfeng's ambitions when he came to power seemed to have caused Da Zhou to decay at an unprecedented speed as he sat in that seat for too long.

The emperor for 93 years, even the prince changed three times, and the current prince has been in office for 60 years.

As Xu Cheng got to know the situation in the imperial court, he became more and more aware that Wu Gan, the leader of the Tiansheng sect, led people to wreak havoc on the Qingshan Mountains, and perhaps the people in the court were behind the scenes to fuel the flames, such as the 60-year-old prince, such as the one from Taizhou. The ambitious Thai king...

Niu Yingjun looked at Xu Cheng, hesitated to speak, and finally gritted his teeth and whispered, "Brother Xu, just let him go like this? Do you want me to keep an eye on him?"

Wei Chengnian also said, "Xu Cheng, it's inconvenient for you, let Yingjun and I watch together."

Xu Cheng didn't refuse, and nodded slowly, "Then I'll leave it to you." Flicking the cloak behind his back, he picked up Feng She's wood carving, and Xu Cheng turned and left.

He wanted to see Shen Lingsu.

He hurriedly walked out from Mingde Temple and walked all the way down the mountain road.


At the moment, at the foot of Mingde Temple Mountain, in a thatched tea house at the junction of the mountain road and the official road, there is a group of people led by a young man, waiting for something.

"Did you see that Xu Cheng go up the mountain with your own eyes?" The gloomy young man grabbed a green skin beside him and asked.

Qing Pi hurriedly replied, "Qian Shao, yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

'Young Master Qian' showed a ferocious face, and said to the crowd behind him, "Brothers, this Xu Cheng relied on his father, who was arrested by the General Manager of the Fourth Yamen, to sneak attack on my leader of the Gray Wolf Gang. Today, let him know, What is the pain on the skin!"

He received the news today that his father was arrested in the yamen, and it was Xu Cheng who arrested him. He originally wanted to make a plan to kidnap Xu Cheng in the city, but unexpectedly, Xu Cheng actually took someone out of the city. It was a godsend opportunity.

The Gray Wolf Gang is a small gang, or even a small society. Such a low-level gang can survive because of their ruthlessness. Even the government, if they dare to "bully" them like this, they will bite the official poor. Meatballs.

Even if Xu Cheng's father is a famous arrester in Qingshan and the chief arrester of the Fourth Yamen, so what, the worst is to avoid Xu Zheng and do it outside the city.

And the person who gave him the news clearly told him that Xu Zheng was not in Qingshan Mansion at the moment, and went to the capital to report on his work.

In the distance, Xu Cheng walked quickly towards the city alone.

Qing Pi squinted his eyes to recognize it, turned his head and lowered his head and said, "Qian Shao, that's Xu Cheng."

'Young Master Qian' looked fierce, and said viciously, "Brothers, prepare to attack."

When Xu Chengxing reached the turn of the official road, he frowned slightly, something was wrong.

This is the only way for Mingde Temple and the official road, and there is no one in sight. Even if the pilgrims have not gone down the mountain at this moment, it is not impossible that there are no pedestrians on the road.

Looking at the simple tea house at the corner, these tea drinkers who are not seated.

Xu Cheng's pace slowly slowed down.

【Name】: Qian Yue
[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial Arts★

[Destiny Script]: None

[Playing script]: Supporting role in "Green Robbers" (blue), supporting role in "The Journey of Grain and Grass" (unopened)
[Current main line]: Qian Yue is the young leader of the Gray Wolf Gang. His father was captured by the Beiya patrol. Liu Xian, the son of the governor, sent someone to send a letter to him. Qian Yue decided to seek revenge from Xu Cheng. After learning that Xu Cheng was out of the city today , then lead people to wait on the only way until Xu Cheng...

Liu Xian...

Without saying a word, Xu Cheng looked at the team of eight people including Qian Yue.

He slowly drew the knife and muttered to himself, "Sorry, I'm in a bad mood..."

Qian Yue saw Xu Cheng walking in, and suddenly jumped off the table, "You are Xu Cheng? You brought people to arrest my father? I don't care what your identity is, what I want to tell you now is that this is Qingshan Mansion , is the Qingshan Mansion of the Cao Gang."

While talking, he slowly stretched out his head, and said in Xu Cheng's ear, "My father will come out soon, if you have the ability, you can catch him again, ah!"

In an instant, the skin under Xu Cheng's clothes instantly turned golden, and his five fingers took on the shape of claws, and he suddenly grabbed Xiang Qianyue's shoulder.

At the same time, the other hand grabbed Qian Yue's fingers and squeezed them hard. Qian Yue immediately let out a scream.

Xu Cheng spoke again, "I don't like people pointing at me, and...I'm not in a good mood right now!"

Qian Yue screamed, "Didn't you train your skin once?"

Xu Cheng ignored him, grabbed his finger with one hand, made a fist with the other hand, and punched Qian Yue's face with a fist. There was a smile on his face, a little warm, but in Qian Yue's eyes, he was so crazy , "I don't understand, you have practiced skin three times, you dare to touch me so close, you are very brave."

At this moment, a member of the Gray Wolf Gang picked up the long stool next to him and punched Xu Cheng in the back.


The stool broke in two in an instant, Xu Cheng shook his shoulders slightly, kicked Qian Yue to the ground, and turned his head to look at the gangster, "Are you giving me a massage?"

The legs were slightly bent, and suddenly exerted force, the body suddenly rushed forward.

The speed that combined the "Iron Leg Skill" and a trace of Tathagata's sky-watching Zen, completely made this little boy who had practiced skin for the second time unable to react, and was instantly kicked out by Xu Cheng.

In Xu Cheng's view, the people Qian Yue brought this time were just a mob.

There is not even one who has practiced skin more than three times, the strongest Qian Yue is so close to him.

The fall of the gang member was like a signal for a group battle. For a moment, everyone in the thatched cottage teahouse moved.

Some gang members who trained their skin once or twice were no match at all against Xu Cheng's speed and the physical strength of his whole body trained three times.

Xu Cheng punched out, and one of the gang members fell down upon hearing the sound.

After a while, Xu Cheng looked at the gang members all over the place, and he backed away slowly, "I'm really in a bad mood, sorry, you guys caught up."

The shot is a bit heavy.

Xu Cheng frisked these unruly gangsters from the ground, and took away the silver. After all, killing monsters to get money is normal operation.

at this time.

"I didn't say you could go."

Xu Cheng turned around, and there was another person in the teahouse, who he thought was the owner of the teahouse.

This person had a goatee and walked out slowly. As he walked, the blood on his body gradually became stronger.

【Name】: Han Jinlong

[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial Arts★

【Script of Destiny】: The protagonist of "Dead Man" (green)
[playing script]: none

[Current plot]: Han Jinlong is a member of the Qingshan Hall of the Cao Gang, and was invited by Qian Yue to resist the rest of Xu Cheng's patrol...

(End of this chapter)

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