Chapter 34

Xu Cheng hugged her tightly, as if hugging some fragile object, he was not even willing to use force.

"You still have me, you still have me..."

Xu Cheng muttered to himself and kept repeating a sentence. He didn't know how to comfort Shen Lingsu.

Shen Lingsu raised her head, her eyes were as red as a rabbit, like a discarded pet.

"Xu Cheng, I'm so scared, I'm really scared."

Every man has a white moonlight in his heart, and Shen Lingsu is Xu Cheng's white moonlight.

Since he traveled through time, apart from his harmonious and warm family, Shen Lingsu has been the light in his life.

"I will catch the murderer..."

Before Xu Cheng finished speaking, Shen Lingsu hugged him again, "Xu Cheng, do you still want me?"

"No one wants you, my heart for you, do you still remember the poem I wrote to you before?" Xu Cheng hugged Shen Lingsu, sniffed the fragrance from her body, and comforted her with the gentlest voice in his life.

"There is a beautiful woman who never forgets when she sees her.

I don’t see you in a day, thinking like crazy.

Feng Fei soars, seeking phoenix from all corners of the world.

Helpless ladies, not in the East Wall.

Talk about the Qin on behalf of the heart, and talk about it.

When will I see Xu Xi, comfort me in my hesitation.

Wish to match virtue, hand in hand.

Don’t fly, make me perish.

The phoenix returns to its hometown, and travels all over the world to seek its phoenix. '

The two of them recited the song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" that Xu Cheng copied from the earth together.

On Shen Lingsu's panel, [Current Plot] has changed to 'None'.

Her role in "The Case of Miemen" is over.

Quietly, Shen Lingsu leaned on Xu Cheng's shoulder for a long time.

She fell asleep.

Xu Cheng tiptoedly carried her back to the bed, as gently as if holding a porcelain doll.

Even in a dream, Shen Lingsu still held Xu Cheng's hand tightly, as if Xu Cheng would disappear if he let go.

Xu Cheng didn't think about anything, he just sat by the bed.

He sat on the edge of the bed and she lay on the bed, just like when they were young.

The sun gradually went down.

Looking at the sleeping Shen Lingsu, looking at her pale face.

He touched the wood carving given to him by Feng She at Mingde Temple today, but he couldn't get it out.

Shen Lingsu is an extremely smart girl. With her delicate mind, she has guessed the identity of the murderer.

After all, Shen Lingsu had seen the murderer's eyes in the plot.

This can be seen from the way Shen Lingsu stared at Mrs. Wang and Wang Daqiang after Xu Cheng entered the door.

Perhaps, she was wondering why the murderer looked at her in the same way as Mrs. Wang looked at Daqiang?

Xu Cheng looked at the [Tianyun] talent on Shen Lingsu's panel, and there was nothing he could do.

Shen Lingsu still needs to experience seven times of such bereavement.

He didn't want to, nor was he willing to let Shen Lingsu go through this again.

Before he knew it, the sky was getting brighter, and the first thing Shen Lingsu did after waking up was to look at Xu Cheng.

She turned pale and said to Xu Cheng, "Xu Cheng, I'm having a nightmare."

The thought in Xu Cheng's heart kept rising, and after a long time, he finally made up his mind, "I'll take you to see the Buddha."


Monk Fan Xing looked at Xu Cheng and Shen Lingsu, and said with a smile on his face, "Master Xu, we meet again."

Xu Cheng didn't have the heart to talk to Master Fanxing, but said politely, "I have seen Master Fanxing, and I want to see Master Kuchan."

The great monk Fan Xing glanced at him, and then recited the Buddha's name, "Amitabha, it is a coincidence that the almsgiver came. Master Kuchan has already planned to leave today, and he is still in the pagoda."

Xu Cheng thanked him, and took Shen Lingsu straight to the pagoda.

"Xu Cheng, where are you taking me?" Shen Lingsu couldn't help but asked in doubt.

"I'll take you to meet someone so that you can forget about the unhappy things." Xu Cheng smiled and brushed Shen Lingsu's wind-blown long hair.

In front of the pagoda.

Xu Cheng said loudly, "My junior, Xu Cheng, please see Master Kuchan."

Ku Chan on the palm of the Buddha opened his eyes slightly, and the rosary in his hand turned, knowing everything clearly, "Come in."

Xu Cheng took Shen Lingsu into the pagoda. It was still a Buddha statue half body embedded in the pagoda, and a bitter cicada sitting in the palm of the Buddha.

Before Xu Cheng could speak, he was in a trance for a while, and Xu Cheng had already reappeared in that place like a Buddhist kingdom.

Xu Cheng, who had already experienced it once, did not panic.

The handsome young Master Kuchan said, "I already know the reason for your visit. This is the girl's life."

"Does Buddha believe in fate?" Xu Cheng asked back.

After a long time, Master Kuchan said, "I can seal her memory for you, but she is destined for nine calamities, and she is already close to death. Sealing the memory is even more against fate, and the calamity is even more serious."

"If the memory is not sealed, can she survive the catastrophe?"

Kuchan shook her head.

Xu Cheng turned his back to Ku Chan, with a trace of confusion in his eyes, "Can this calamity be suppressed?"

"Follow me to the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda in Dafo Mountain, and it will last for three years."

"How many levels of cultivation can break this calamity?"

"Grandmaster barely saved her life, and heaven and man can turn disaster into blessing." Ku Chan said softly.

Xu Cheng turned around and looked at the blossoming golden lotus around him, "Then, Master Lao, I will suppress her fate for three years."

Master Kuchan looked at Xu Cheng's back, sighed, and said softly, "Idiot..."

"Fate is like weaving, why shake it?"

"Three years of good fortune, the destiny is mine!"


Xu Cheng left alone, and he came to the back mountain of Mingde Temple.

Feng She and Wei Chengnian are playing chess.

"Do you want to go see her?" Xu Cheng asked softly.

Feng She was stunned for a moment, and murmured, "Can I...can I go?"

Xu Cheng raised his head and looked at the sky. After all, Feng She was Shen Lingsu's biological father. Xu Cheng could see that he had already had the will to die. A dying person, looking at his only daughter, Xu Cheng didn't want Shen Lingsu to leave any regrets.

"I brought her to Mingde Temple, you can go and see her." Xu Cheng hesitated for a long time, "Maybe you can survive..."

Feng She shook his head, "I must die, Ling'er has you, her mother is very lonely."

Shen Lingsu's memory was sealed by Master Kuchan for three days. At this moment, she has not experienced the massacre of Shen's family, nor has she seen the murderer's complicated eyes on her.

Seeing Xu Cheng, Shen Lingsu rushed over happily. She forgot everything, smiled like a flower, and her eyes were bent downward, like crescent moons. "Xu Cheng, you're here."

Xu Cheng watched Shen Lingsu regain his former agility, which aroused the softness in his heart, "I'm here."

"Master Fanxing said that you are going to investigate the case. How is it? Have you caught the villain?" Shen Lingsu kept asking.

Xu Cheng tapped her nose lightly, "I'm so powerful, of course I caught it."

"Hee hee, I knew that you are so smart and powerful." Shen Lingsu smiled foolishly, looking at Xu Cheng with light in his eyes.

She likes to look at Xu Cheng, even if she looks at it for a day, she won't get tired of it.

Xu Cheng's smile was a little blunt, and he didn't dare to look into Shen Lingsu's eyes, but at this moment he knew that Shen Lingsu was happy.

"Xu Cheng."

"I'm here."

"Xu Cheng."

"I'm here."

Shen Lingsu got up suddenly, ran to the Buddhist Pavilion of Mingde Temple, and shouted to the distant mountains, "Xu Cheng!"

Xu Cheng turned over and jumped up, "I'm here."

Shen Lingsu looked around and saw a flute played by some pilgrim on the Buddhist pavilion.

"Xu Cheng, can you play the flute?"

Xu Cheng recalled the memory of his previous life, and thought of a song from a TV series in his previous life. After a while, the cheerful and melodious melody resounded through the forest.

"It's so nice, what's the name of this song?" Shen Lingsu asked with a gentle face, her eyes were like moons, shining brightly, which made Xu Cheng feel a little dazzled.

Xu Cheng looked at Master Kuchan at the window of the stupa in the distance, and seemed to be saying to Shen Lingsu, and also seemed to be saying to himself, "Come with the wind by the sword."

In his year, Yu Jian rides the wind and takes you to break the destiny!
Shen Lingsu looked at Xu Cheng obsessively, with light in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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