Chapter 35
For two days in a row, Xu Cheng didn't think or do anything, and stayed with Shen Lingsu on the back mountain of Mingde Temple.

Shen Lingsu asked Xu Cheng several times, "Don't you investigate the case?"

Xu Cheng shook his head every time, "Being with you is the most important thing."

Liu Yu gave the third day of the deadline for solving the case.

Xu Cheng and Shen Lingsu stood in front of the pagoda. Today is the day when Master Kuchan returns to the Great Buddha Mountain. The Great Buddha Mountain is a holy place of Buddhism, and there are many things. Master Kuchan should have left two days ago. In order to wait for Xu Cheng, he has already delayed It's been two days.

Shen Lingsu had tears in her eyes, "Xu Cheng, I don't want to leave you."

Xu Cheng stepped forward slowly and hugged her, "I will go to see you. If someone bullies you in Xianyue Temple, you can go to the back of the Great Buddha Mountain to find Master Kuchan."

There are two major sects on Dafo Mountain, Dafo Temple and Xianyue Temple. It is worth mentioning that both of them accept disciples of laymen.

Shen Lingsu entered Xianyue nunnery as a lay disciple.

"Xu Cheng, can I go to Qingshan Mansion to see my father?"

Xu Cheng was silent, and after a long time, he said unnaturally, "You don't have to go and see, you are amazingly talented, and you are valued by Master Kuchan. I have written to Uncle Shen a few days ago, and he reassures you. This is what I am looking for. I was carved by others, when you miss me, remember to take a look." Xu Cheng took out a wood carving, which is Xu Cheng wearing a green shirt and carrying a long sword.

This was carved by Feng She for him yesterday.

In addition to sculpting him, he also sculpted Shen Lingsu for Xu Cheng.

Without waiting for Shen Lingsu to speak again, Xu Cheng turned around and said to Master Kuchan, "Thank you, Master. Xu Cheng will never forget the kindness of Master."

Master Kuchan sighed slightly, but didn't say anything.

His cultivation base is already unpredictable, and he has the peerless supernatural power of the Great Buddha Temple-among the six powers, he is known as the strongest fate power.

But sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.


Xu Cheng watched Master Kuchan take off on the cloud, and on the cloud, Shen Lingsu kept looking back at him.

"She will be very happy." Feng She, dressed in a monk's robe and holding a broom, disguised as a monk, said.

Xu Cheng nodded, "Yes."

"It's time for me to hit the road."

"I will try my best to save your life..." Xu Cheng persuaded again.

Feng She shook his head, "I've had enough."

"Don't you want to see the scene when Ling'er and I got married?"

Feng She refused, "No need."

"I just don't want Linger to be sad when she finds out about it in the future." Xu Cheng turned around and walked down the mountain.


The city of Qingshan Mansion is a bit different today. The governor Liu Yu who had been an official for five years was transferred from Qingshan Mansion, and was replaced by Fan Zheng, the former Youge University scholar.

Whether it's a dragon or a tiger, no one in Qingshan Mansion is making trouble today, and the outside of the city that was dirty in the past has been thoroughly cleaned up today.

When Xu Cheng walked into the yamen, his colleagues greeted each other warmly.

"Ah Cheng, you can solve the case so easily? You really deserve to be the son of the chief arrester of the Si Ya."

"You are so awesome now. I heard that the first thing that the new governor will do when he takes office is to reward him for his merits. First, he seized tens of thousands of catties of private salt, and then caught the murderer of the family murder case. You will be promoted now." " Uncle Ping said with admiration.

The killer was caught?
Xu Cheng understood what was happening in an instant, and walked into the room where the head of the Beiya was arrested.

Wang Daming was leaning over to write something on the copybook.

"Acheng, are you back? Has the old man of the Feng family settled down?"

Xu Cheng understood that Wei Chengnian and the two told Wang Daming everything, and Wang Daming was still "killing the white duck" after all...

"Brother Wang..."

Wang Daming stopped him with his hand, and did not let him continue, "Okay, I'll finish the case and submit it later. You don't have to worry about it."

Xu Cheng said in a low voice, "I'll write the Zoubiao. If something goes wrong, I'll take responsibility. Moreover, Feng She is a criminal. If the governor punishes you for this matter, then hand him over."

Wang Daming was the senior who took care of Xu Cheng since he was a child, and Feng She just met him by chance, so he could be regarded as a murderer who could be talked about, but he added the halo of Shen Lingsu's biological father.

What is more important Xu Cheng can clearly understand that if the time comes when both of them must die, he will abandon Feng She without hesitation.

at this time.

There was a burst of drumming outside the yamen.

Feng She strode to the gate of the yamen, and stopped a group of officials who were about to enter, the leader among them was the new governor - Fan Zheng!

"Who are you and why are you blocking the way?" Li Zhupu looked around, took a step forward, and asked.

Feng She lowered his head and knelt down, "Feng She, a grassroots man, is the murderer of the Shen family extermination case. He was influenced by Xu Cheng, who was arrested by the Beiya Yamen, so he surrendered himself."

When Fan Zheng heard Xu Cheng's name, a strange light flashed in his eyes. He had heard this name many times since he came to Qingshan Mansion.

It happened that Wang Daming and Xu Cheng also walked out of the yamen when they heard the news. Seeing this scene, Xu Cheng knew that Feng She wanted to die and he couldn't save him.

At this moment, his mood suddenly became lighter.

Because Feng She had already made a choice, he didn't need Wang Daming to go against the principle and find a scapegoat.

It all depends on how this jealous governor decides.

Fan Zheng walked out of the crowd slowly, "Are you telling the truth? Did someone force you?"

Feng She said in a low voice, "No one will force the grassroots." He took out the pleading paper he had prepared, which contained his detailed motives, methods and reasons for committing the crime.

Li Zhupu on the side stepped forward to take the pleading paper, and handed it to Fan Zheng respectfully.

Right at the gate of the yamen, Fan Zheng held the pleading paper, accompanied by a group of officials, quietly waiting for Fan Zheng to read it.

After a long time, Fan Zheng read the pleading paper and was speechless for a long time.

A person who looked like a guard beside him looked at the pleading paper, it was written clearly, "Fan Gong..."

Fan Zheng shook his head and spoke loudly to the crowd.

"The man committed Feng She and killed more than [-] people. Although there was a reason for the incident, the responsibility for the crime cannot be escaped. If he surrenders himself and there is a reason for the incident, he will be sent to the big prison first."

With the final verdict delivered by Fan Zheng, the sensational Miemen case was announced to be solved.

A man surnamed Feng from Yongzhou sneaked into Shen's house, killed 45 members of Shen's family in order to avenge his family, and sent them to prison.

At the same time, the Shen family, who has always been kind to others, actually committed the Miemen case in Yongzhou 16 years ago. The two Miemen cases that reciprocated each other seemed to have come to an end the moment Feng She surrendered himself.

But Xu Cheng's face was calm, and Feng She wanted to die, but he could clearly see the gnashing of teeth when he mentioned the former governor of Fuliu Mansion in Yongzhou.

Ultimately, the inaction of Yongzhou officials was the culprit that caused the tragedy of the two families.

Then, if there is a chance in the future, look for the former Governor of Fuliu Mansion, maybe you need to seek justice for Shen Lingsu.

Several officials tied Feng She up with iron chains, and escorted him to the yamen.

Xu Cheng looked at this scene with a calm expression. Everyone in the corresponding position should maintain a corresponding attitude, just like at this moment he is a soldier and Feng She is a murderer. It is to ask my colleagues to make their lives more comfortable in prison.

(End of this chapter)

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