Chapter 39

Wei Chengnian exerted all his strength, and his family martial arts made his fist skin turn yellow, similar to Xu Cheng's 'golden jade skin', but not as bright as Xu Cheng's.

Agitated by energy and blood, his muscles bulged slightly, and he waved his yellow fists. After blocking Xu Cheng, his arms shot out like crossbows.

Two muffled sounds.

Xu Chengge blocked Wei Chengnian's two punches. Wei Chengnian had already used his full strength in these two punches, and with the help of his internal fist, Xu Cheng's strength was not as strong, and his body retreated three steps.

Based on Jin Yuzhang's skills alone, he doesn't seem to be a match for Wei Chengnian.

His eyes were slightly darkened, and he used Jimujue to try to find the flaws in Wei Chengnian's movements. If he activated Jimujue slightly, no one would notice, after all, human pupils are originally black.

Wei Chengnian's fists failed to accomplish any feats. When Xu Cheng retreated, the muscles in his legs swelled, and he suddenly rushed towards Xu Cheng. He rushed to Xu Cheng's face.

Xu Cheng continued to retreat.

At the same time, "Extreme Eyes" is like the legendary dynamic vision, which feeds back the flaws in his movements during the Acropolis Year.

Following Jimujue's feedback, Xu Cheng resisted the idea of ​​suppressing Wei Chengnian's straight punch, and moved his body slightly sideways to avoid the straight punch.

Wei Chengnian's other punch came from a strange angle, bringing strong winds.

But Xu Chengxiang is like a prophet, when Wei Chengnian punches, he suddenly sweeps his legs, Wei Chengnian has no time to withdraw his punch, and suddenly changes lanes in the air.

The muffled sound of clashes on the school field continued to resound.

Once the Acropolis Nian used force, it was completely different from the usual times, and he shouted from time to time.

Xu Cheng just wanted to do the opposite. Unless he had the chance to win, he would keep silent and silent throughout the battle.

Wei Chengnian was shocked. A long time ago, Xu Cheng had said that he wanted to fight him, but was interrupted by Li Xiao. At that time, he was confident that he could easily suppress Xu Cheng.

But in less than half a month, not only was he unable to suppress Xu Cheng in the realm of Qi and blood, even Xu Cheng's experience in moves seemed to be like an epiphany, making rapid progress.

You know, Wei Chengnian has been practicing martial arts for a year, and his physique is still very suitable for practicing martial arts, which his father praised endlessly.

Could it be that Xu Cheng also has some kind of physique unknown to others?
Naturally, he didn't know the existence of "Extreme Eyes", and thought that Xu Cheng's every attack was predicted by Xu Cheng because of Xu Cheng's combat experience.

Wei Chengnian also has a character of not admitting defeat, and his realm is higher than Xu Cheng after all.

Not long after, there was a loud crash and Xu Cheng's muffled groan.

Wei Chengnian withdrew from the smoke and dust, Xu Cheng retreated a few steps, drawing a long arc on the ground, and when he stabilized his figure, he touched his chest.

"Brother Nian is Brother Nian, I still lost."

"You are already very good. You have been practicing martial arts for less than two months, and you already have such combat power. You can basically sweep away ordinary martial arts practitioners." Weicheng said lightly.

Xu Cheng smiled, but did not speak.

He was still thinking about the reason why he lost before, he had gone all out, was crushed in the realm of energy and blood, and was able to circle dozens of rendezvous with Weicheng Nian, all thanks to the observation ability brought by "Extreme Eyes".

Because it is a sparring session, the speed advantage of Tathagata Xuntian is not very useful in this kind of battle with limited venues. Of course, Xu Cheng's Qi and blood are mostly used for skin training, and there is not much Qi and blood that can flow in the meridians. A better reason to motivate the Tathagata to survey the sky.

His body is currently in the stage of full-body skin training, especially because of the "Imperishable Gold and Jade Seal", every time his body generates energy and blood, it is directly absorbed by various parts, and there is no time to store it.

At least, if he wanted to use the "Immortal Gold and Jade Chapter" to build a foundation, he would have to wait for a blood exchange before he would have extra blood.

The purpose of skin training is to allow the body to store more qi and blood, but he was in an extremely embarrassing situation because of Jin Yuzhang.

If we compare the storage of Qi and blood in the body to a wooden barrel, his wooden barrel is at least twice the size of the average person, but the wooden barrel is big, but there is nothing, and the blood and Qi are directly absorbed by the wooden barrel, making the wooden barrel even stronger. big.

"Okay, it's getting late today, Mr. Fan is going to meet us tomorrow, let's go back first." Wei Chengnian said.

Xu Cheng was still reminiscing about the battle just now, he waved his hand and said, "No hurry, I'll reminisce first, I'll go back by myself later, you go back first."

After Wei Chengnian left, he turned around and walked towards the stage behind the school yard, and sat down on the steps.

Although a warrior's combat effectiveness is closely related to the state of qi and blood, the impact of combat experience and combat skills is also extremely huge, just like if he uses [Spiritual Foundation of Wood] or "Extreme Eyes" with full firepower to trigger the Acropolis with anger. Nian's mental state made him appear in a trance.

He is confident that the winner will be determined at that moment.

While thinking about it, Xu Cheng took out the ninth-grade green rabbit meat from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.

At this moment, he saw a figure appearing on the edge of the school field, standing quietly, as if looking towards him.

This is the school ground of the yamen, but it is already night, few officials from the yamen come to the school ground to practice martial arts, he was curious, so he couldn't help stepping forward.

The man seemed to have been watching him for a long time, and when he sensed that Xu Cheng had found him, he simply strode towards Xu Cheng.

By the moonlight, Xu Cheng saw the appearance of the visitor.

The person who came was dressed in white, but it was not the clean white, but the dead cold white.

This one seemed to be the guard who was beside Fan Gong that day.

【Name】: Yu Jae-in

[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial Arts★★★★
【Destiny Script】: The Protagonist of "Repaying Gratitude" (Purple)
[playing script]: none

[Current main line]: Yu Zaiyin was deeply grateful to Fan Zheng for saving his life. Since then, he has been guarding him and will never leave him. Some time ago, he found Xu Xie, a descendant of the native country Dayan, in Qingshan Mansion. The two fought in one battle, and Yu Zaiyin was injured. And return...

Xu department?

That ruthless person who went to Dafo Mountain to steal the "Sutra of Tathagata in the World" and got away?
Yu Zaiyin is very cold, his whole body seems to be cold, just like his clothes at the moment, and like the white long sword in his hand.

Xu Cheng bowed his head slightly. This person was able to fight against the Xu family. He didn't know how high his cultivation level was. He didn't understand why this person was looking at him just now.

"How do you know how to walk in the sky?"

Yu Zaiyin's voice was cold.

Before that, Xu Cheng always thought that saying a person's voice was cold was just an adjective, but for Yu Jae-in, it was an expression.

His voice is really like the freezing winter.

Xu Cheng scolded his mother in his heart, and Yu Zaiyin saw the scene when he was exchanging lessons with Wei Chengnian, and most of them thought he was a descendant of Xu's lineage.

"This is what Master Kuchan of the Great Buddha Temple taught me."

Obviously, Yu Zaiyin has also heard of Master Kuchan, he raised his eyebrows, and a gust of cold wind hit him.

Xu Cheng became even colder.

"Do you know the identity of Master Kuchan?"

Xu Cheng shivered, and said, "A few days ago, when I investigated the case, I discussed Buddhism with Master Kuchan at Mingde Temple outside the city. Master Kuchan taught me a set of footwork."


Yu Zaiyin seemed to be judging the truth of what Xu Cheng said, and then his coldness disappeared.

he's gone.

Xu Changchang let out a long sigh of relief. What is the state of Yu Zaiyin's cultivation? It's really terrifying. This is the most powerful person he has ever seen.

Of course, Master Kuchan is returning to the basics, without showing any momentum, but appears to be approachable.

Fan Gong asked Yu Zaiyin to be by his side, it wouldn't be because Xia Tian felt too hot, so he let Yu Zaiyin be by his side, right?
Xu Cheng slandered in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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