Chapter 40

Xu Cheng returned home, thinking about the news he got at Yunji Restaurant today.

Before Liu Xian asked for money to kill himself, it turned out that it was because of Xu Xin.

This Liu Xian is really narrow-minded, he wants to kill himself before Liu Yu leaves...

Xu Cheng said silently in his heart.

Let's see who kills who first.

On the ninth day of September, the Cao Gang will deliver a batch of top-secret materials...


The next day, when Xu Cheng came to the Yamen, he was a little surprised.

Today's Beiya is extremely lively, especially the Patrol Section. Apart from the former Beiya colleagues, there are many unfamiliar faces. Xu Cheng recognized them. This is the patrol of the other three Yamen.

It seems that the news about Fan Zheng's formation of the evil emissary has spread.

As the number of people increased, dozens of policemen and other officials who performed well or were powerful in other yamen positions gathered in the Beiya school grounds.

To Xu Cheng's surprise, there were actually women in this round of patrolling, and I don't know which one of the other three yamen they belonged to.

A girl in a patrol uniform, her legs were tied with belts, showing her slender legs perfectly. Xu Cheng saw that there were two small daggers tied on the inside of her thighs.

Unable to hold back the curiosity in his heart, Xu Cheng opened the script panel,
[Name]: Wei Qing
[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial Arts★★★, Keen★★

【Script of Destiny】: The Protagonist of "Patrol" (Blue)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "Eliminate Evil" (Blue)
[Current Main Storyline]: Qingshan East Yamen is patrolling and arresting Wei Qing, who has outstanding martial arts talent and is valued by the Secretary of the Dongya Mansion. It coincides with the governor Fan Zheng forming an evil emissary and being recommended to join the evil emissary. In the first operation, he discovered The important secret of the Cao Gang...

Surname Wei?

Brother Nian, my family.

Xu Cheng glanced at the main line, didn't think much about it, and stood quietly on the school grounds, waiting for Fan Zheng's arrival.

The sun is rising, and today's Qingshan Mansion is in a rainy season.

As the raindrops fell, Fan Zheng came late, followed by the secretary of the Si Yafu, and the guard Xu Cheng saw last night - Yu Zaiyin.

Fan Zheng has white hair and a young face, which seems extremely incongruous, but he has an unusual charm, as if all you can see on this person's face is the boundless righteousness and warmth.

His words were full of magnetism, and as he walked onto the stage, he looked at the officials below and spoke.

"You are all the pillars of the Qingshan Mansion, all of you are outstanding officials sent by the four yamen of the Qingshan Mansion. I have taken the post of Governor of the Mansion, and I should seek peace for the Qingshan Mansion. However, the Qingshan Mansion is being ravaged by the demon cult. There are many forces in the city, fish and dragons are mixed together, I want to form an envoy to eliminate evil, and restore the Qingshan Mansion to a bright future, I don’t know my colleagues, do you have confidence?"

"We are green mountains, and we are willing to go through fire and water!" All the officials spoke in unison, with uniform voices.

"it is good!"

Fan Zheng sighed in admiration, "Since that's the case, then Jae Yin, you should tell the evil emissaries."

Behind him, Yu Zaiyin, dressed in white, walked out. He seemed very unaccustomed to this kind of occasion, so he just said lightly, "In the future, I will be the envoy to eliminate evil and be in charge of everyone's future training."

A look of helplessness flashed across Fan Zheng's face, but he seemed to have gotten used to Jae Yin's behavior, so he didn't say much.

On the other hand, Li Dan, seeing that Yu Zaiyin didn't say anything, hurried forward to continue talking.

"The Evil Elimination Envoy was built by Duke Fan. It has been reported to the imperial court. Everyone will go to the clothing store to receive the Evil Elimination Order. All Evil Elimination Envoys will be promoted to a higher level, and their monthly salary will be doubled, and the materials they get from practicing every ten days will be doubled."

A look of joy appeared on the faces of all the officials. In the final analysis, this kind of practical benefit was what moved their hearts the most.

It wasn't until the faces of all the officials regained their composure that Li Dan continued, "The Evil Emissary has this kind of treatment. Naturally, the responsibility is heavy. The adults will be assessed every ten days. If they fail the assessment, they will be expelled from the Evil Emissary. In addition, the Evil Emissary From top to bottom, the envoys are divided into command envoys, imperial envoys, and evil envoys."

A strange look appeared on Xu Cheng's face. This Mr. Fan is really a wonderful person, and the performance appraisal has been completed.

Next is the involution of the evil emissaries.

It's a bit of a show.

"In the case of the extermination of the door and the seizure of private salt last time, Xu Cheng, who was arrested by the North Yamen, performed outstandingly and was appointed as an imperial envoy. The rest of the arresters of the three yamen are all imperial envoys.

Alright, then everyone will go to the clothing store to pick up their things. "

Hearing this, Xu Cheng was a little surprised. Although he knew that he had made a lot of contributions to the private salt case and the extermination case, he still hadn't expected to be directly promoted to imperial envoy.

The arresters of the four yamen are all veterans, and they should be promoted to the imperial envoy, but the head arrester in the east yamen is too old, so Xu Cheng took advantage of not joining the evil emissary this time.

The envoy of eliminating evil comes from below Zaiyin, and divides the four orders of earth, fire, feng shui, and Xu Cheng is in charge of the order of wind.

According to Li Dan, the evil emissary is automatically promoted to a higher level, and the patrol is originally a small official, not a rank, and a promotion is a rank, starting from a ninth-rank official position.

As an imperial envoy, he should be regarded as a ninth-rank official position.

It was a blast.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look forward to the automatic increase of destiny points every day after being promoted.

When he became a patrol before, his destiny point increased by 2 points every day.

A few people went to the tailor shop to get their uniforms and tokens, but they met that girl from Dongya - Wei Qing again.

She was tall and slender, and when she walked in front of Xu Cheng, she was a little domineering, but Xu Cheng felt that this was her own personality.

"You are Xu Cheng? What realm are you in?"

Xu Cheng was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect this girl to be so direct, "Training the skin four times."

"Train the skin four times and get an imperial emissary? No wonder it's said that you have two skills in solving cases."

After Wei Qing finished speaking, she turned and left with inexplicable pride.

Xu Cheng looked puzzled, he couldn't understand what this woman meant.

Niu Yingjun laughed, seeing Xu Cheng's confused face, he said wretchedly, "Brother Xu, it seems that this little girl is fascinated by you."

"Go away, Pu Xinnan, really bow your head." Xu Cheng cursed in a low voice, and left straight away.

Niu Yingjun touched his head, he was in the same state as Xu Cheng now, with a confused look on his face.

Soon it was Xu Cheng's turn to pick up the things. He took the badge and uniform handed over by the official, and directly opened the panel to check.

[Current Destiny Changes, the number of Destiny Points obtained every day: 5 points! 】

Not bad, five o'clock every day, but if you want to make rapid progress, you still have to pass the script.

Xu Cheng thought to himself.

Just as he was about to leave, a figure appeared in front of him blocking his way.

Dressed in white, with a white sword hanging from his waist, it was Yu Zaiyin.

"Fan Gong wants to see you."


The tallest building in the Beiya, of course, is the place where the governor works. It is a seven-story building in the atrium of the Beiya. It was originally called Qingshan Building, but it has been renamed Zhengqi Building since Fan Zheng took office.

There are layers of cornices, looking in all directions.

The space on the lower four floors is rarely divided, and is basically a huge space. This is where some meetings are sometimes held. Starting from the fifth floor, it is the office where the real bosses of the yamen work.

On the seventh floor, only the prefect works.

There is a tea room, a study room, and even a lounge here. It doesn't matter if Fu Yin eats or lives here.

Xu Cheng seldom came to the real political center of Qingshan Mansion. At some point, the couplets that had been kept on this building for a long time were changed.

Shanglian: Proudly hold the sky and the earth

The second couplet: Praise and criticize one's own spring and autumn

Horizontal batch: unprecedented

This Mr. Fan has so much courage!

(End of this chapter)

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