I can see the script of life

Chapter 41 Martial arts are not the only one

Chapter 41 Martial arts is not the only one
Following Yu Zaiyin all the way up to the seventh floor, Xu Cheng finally saw the famous Fan Gong at close range.

He had already taken off his official robe, and was dressed in blue and plain clothes. He was half leaning on the soft bed, holding a book in his hand.

Although the cyan plain clothes are simple in style, they are exquisite and elegant. Her white hair is tied with a hosta, her face is fair, and her eyes are full of vicissitudes. It seems to contain stars and seas, deep and warm.

Xu Cheng also understood how the white hair and young face looked so harmonious, it was because of Fan Zheng's eyes.

Standing at the door, he cupped his fists and said, "Imperial envoy Xu Cheng has met Fan Gong."

Fan Zheng's voice was full of magnetism, like an elder he had known for a long time, with an inexplicable impulse to make people want to be friendly, "Don't be too polite, I heard that you were talking to Kuchanlun at Mingde Temple a few days ago. Buddha?"

Xu Cheng didn't expect that the first sentence Fan Zheng said to him was this, "Thanks to Master Kuchan's attention, I will give some advice to my subordinates."

"Do you know that your remarks have already been impeached by some people in the court, but your status is too low to spread the word." Fan Zheng picked up a cup of tea and took a sip.

Xu Cheng was stunned for a moment, he couldn't figure out how he had offended those officials in the court when he discussed Buddhism with Master Kuchan before.

Fan Zheng put down his teacup, and instead of continuing the topic, he asked, "How about the couplet at the door?"

Xu Cheng straightened his waist, "Very bold."

"What do you think of the court?" Fan Zheng asked lightly.

Xu Cheng's scalp is numb, is this something that a small policeman like himself can answer?He considered the language, and said after a while, "The big cities are considered to be peaceful, only some areas are chaotic, but in general, my Great Zhou is prosperous..."

Fan Zheng looked at him quietly without saying a word, "You really think so?"

Xu Cheng stopped talking.

"In this world, Martial Dao is prosperous, and the Great Zhou established the country with martial arts, but it was also dragged down by martial arts. The power of the rivers and lakes is great, and the great masters and strongmen form a mountain gate to coerce one side." Fan Zheng said quietly.

"Warriors are unruly and rebellious. The more high-quality they are, the more so they are. There are countless people who break the ban. I want to teach martial artists to be good, but there is no way to ask for it. Do you have any ideas?"

Is this topic over the top?
Xu Cheng complained wildly in his heart, this Fan Gong really doesn't regard himself as an outsider. Looking at this kind of question, it is something he has been thinking about for a long time. Come here and ask yourself a little catcher.

"I think that existence is reasonable, and warriors are vulgar, just because they don't read enough. As the saying goes, there is a poetic spirit in the stomach, and reading may be able to eliminate the arrogance of warriors..."

Fan Zheng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Xu Cheng to think the same as him, "No wonder Ku Chan would talk about Buddhism with you. Sure enough, my enlightenment is amazing. I have a disciple named Wei You, who once founded Xun Tian Yuan, and originally wanted to cultivate scholars from all over the world. But I accidentally discovered that there is a kind of power in the world, which can be induced by poetry and books. This kind of energy is majestic and masculine."

Xu Cheng instantly thought of something in the novels of his previous life, and couldn't help blurting out, "Awe-inspiring righteousness?"

"Hao Ran Zheng Qi?" Fan Zheng asked suspiciously, "Is this the name of that kind of Qi? How do you know?"

Xu Cheng recalled his previous life and said half-truthfully, "When I was very young, I didn't have the talent to practice martial arts, so I liked to read some ancient books. I once wrote a poem that aroused the mysterious power, but later it aroused it again. , but unable to perform."

"Oh? What poem?" Fan Zheng asked hastily.

Xu Cheng opened his mouth and read aloud, "Heaven and earth have righteous energy, mixed with manifolds. The bottom is the river and the mountains, and the top is the sun and stars."


"It's gone. I made it by chance, that's all." Xu Cheng touched his head and said.

Fan Zheng was speechless. Xu Cheng's words made him feel a light. He seemed to have touched something. It's a pity that Xu Cheng only had these few words.

I don't blame Xu Cheng, after all, although righteous songs are widely sung, most people really only remember these few lines.

Seeing Fan Zheng froze in place, not knowing what to think, Xu Cheng stopped talking and waited quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, Fan Zheng got up suddenly and walked to the window, "There is righteousness in the world..."

A white light appeared in the sky outside the window, and then lingered around Fan Zheng. This force was completely different from the energy and blood of the warrior, and it was more masculine and majestic.

Fan Zheng waved his hand, the awe-inspiring aura dissipated, and he frowned, "Although this awe-inspiring aura is powerful, it is more difficult to cultivate..."

Afterwards, he turned around and said to Xu Cheng, "I didn't expect that, by accident, I realized a cultivation system completely different from martial arts."

"A new practice system?" Xu Cheng looked puzzled. He always thought that this world only had a practice system of martial arts.

Seeing that Xu Cheng didn't seem to understand anything, Fan Zheng explained, "Since the birth of human beings, the practice system has changed countless times. Even now, in addition to martial arts, there are also people in Dazhou who practice the way of formation and feng shui. Warriors are different, formation masters focus on spiritual strength, besides that, outside of the Great Zhou, there are tribes who practice Gu worms, and raise Gu worms as the way of practice..."

When Xu Cheng heard it, good guy, it turns out that martial arts is not the only one, so he tentatively asked, "Is there anyone who cultivates immortals?"

"You mean the way of immortality? It appeared in ancient times, and the current three sects of Taoism are born from the way of immortality." Fan Zheng said lightly.

Xu Cheng only felt a shock in his brain, is there really a cultivator?
Good guy, this is really a knife in the ass, and it opened my eyes.

This world is really interesting. I thought it was a fantasy martial arts world, but it turned out to be a cultivator.

"Then why did the immortal way disappear?" Xu Cheng asked immediately.

"It seems that there is something missing in the heaven and earth that is necessary for the cultivation of immortality."

Fan Zheng didn't seem to want to say more, and Xu Cheng didn't ask.

But he felt that Fan Zheng was really a little scary. What kind of state is this Duke Fan? Before he talked about Ku Chan, he didn’t have a trace of respect. Instead, he was more like discussing with his peers. He enlightened him to a new practice with just a poem. The system is really terrifying.

"This path of practice was discovered under your inspiration, why don't you give it a name?"

Xu Cheng tentatively said, "Confucianism and Taoism?"

"Confucianism? What is Confucianism?" Fan Zheng was a little confused. There is no Confucianism in this world.

Xu Cheng explained, "Confucianism generally refers to scholars all over the world. It emphasizes self-cultivation, centers on 'benevolence', and advocates controlling power with virtue. Isn't this more in line with the meaning of controlling awe-inspiring righteousness?"

Fan Zheng's eyes lit up, "Okay! What a Confucian and Taoist, what a noble and upright spirit, if this is the case, everyone in the world will be like a dragon, restricting the world's warriors..."

In the end, he muttered something to himself, but Xu Cheng couldn't hear clearly.

After a long time, Fan Zheng seemed to realize that before Xu Cheng left, he waved his hand, "You go back first, don't talk nonsense about today's matter, by the way, since you have been appointed an imperial envoy, I heard from the people below that you are good at Settle the case and do a good job."

Xu Cheng cupped his hands and cupped his fists quickly, "Thank you, Mr. Fan, for your attention. This subordinate will retire."


(End of this chapter)

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