I can see the script of life

Chapter 42 He will know what to say

Chapter 42 He will know what to say

As soon as he came out of Fan Zheng's tea room, he saw Yu Zaiyin, who was standing at the door, saw Xu Cheng come out, and said.

"What is your father's realm?"

Xu Cheng was stunned for a moment, the cultivation level of the fake father was the sixth grade, as for how much he had hidden, he didn't know, when asked by Yu Zaiyin at this moment, he could think about it in a flash, this is something that adults won't find out Xu Zheng's hidden identity, right?

"My father was in the sixth-rank Jinli realm last year. He went to the capital to report on his work a while ago, and his subordinates don't know if he has made a breakthrough." Xu Cheng answered without leaking.

Yu Zaiyin didn't speak any more, the expression on his face was almost frozen, and Xu Cheng didn't say a word.

After a long time, Yu Zaiyin finally left and walked to Fan Zheng's room.

Xu Changchang let out a long sigh of relief. Of the several great masters he has met, this is Jae-in who is the most imposing, and I don't know if he is the best.

He secretly slandered in his heart.


Yu Zaiyin's performance in front of Fan Zheng was completely different from his performance in front of Xu Cheng. Although his face was still expressionless, the chill disappeared, like a long sword sheathed.

"Fan Gong, how is this son?"

Fan Zheng took out a piece of paper on the side, on which was written a sentence that Xu Cheng said in Mingde Temple, "All people pay taxes to support them, how can they escape from the empty door to avoid them."

Yu Zaiyin's pupils shrank slightly, and this sentence reminded him of someone, "He thinks the same as Senior Brother Wei?"

A flash of memory flashed across Fan Zheng's face, and then there was a burst of banter, "This little catcher is not simple. I never thought that there would be such a young man in the small Qingshan Mansion, hehe."

"This person is disrespectful to the imperial court, Duke Fan cannot allow him to be in such a high position..." Yu Zaiyin advised Wei You, thinking of Wei You's fate.

That sentence clearly expresses Xu Cheng's own thoughts. He eats the people's taxes and has nothing to do with the court. If Xu becomes an official, his behavior may be more daring than Wei You in the future, and the impact on Fan Zheng will be even greater. big.

"Let's take a look, this court needs young people like this." Fan Zheng said.

Seeing that Yu Zaiyin was still going to speak, Fan Zheng slapped his palm in front of him to stop him, "If you promote him, what will happen... that will be my life.

I, Fan Zheng, have been open and aboveboard all my life. Those who know that I have sinned against me are only in my age.

There are no taboos in my heart, and I like young people like this. "


On the way back, Xu Cheng had already received the news of becoming a supporting role in the script of "Extinguishing Evil".

The previous few scripts allowed him to gain nearly 700 destiny points, 150 points were used for the four skin trainings of the whole body, and the remaining destiny points were enough for him to complete the sixth skin training with the whole body, without hesitation, Xu Cheng directly revised the plot .

With the news of Qingshan Mansion forming an envoy to eliminate evil, all the gangs in the city were panicked, although they were appeased by the Cao Gang after the meeting of the Cao Gang that day.

But there are still many organizations like bodyguard bureaus and small gangs who come to the Yamen to report.

Because of Xu Cheng's role as Imperial Envoy, many aristocratic families and gangs in the city had sent people to contact Xu Cheng. After all, according to the rules of eliminating evil envoys, Imperial Envoys had great power.

All of a sudden, the turmoil in the city was completely gone.

Walking on the street, Xu Cheng watched the people coming and going, and the smiles on the faces of the people in the city made him feel better about Fan Zheng in his heart.

He is not a great man, in his bones he is just a temperament of getting rich when he is a little rich, but he also has the hostility of revenge.

Before Liu Yu left, he had to kill Liu Xian, the scourge no matter what, otherwise there would always be someone behind him preparing to plot against him, which would be really uncomfortable.

"Xu Cheng! Here!"

In the distance, Wei Qing, Wei Chengnian and others stood there, and Wei Qing waved to Xu Cheng.

As an imperial envoy, Xu Cheng naturally had direct subordinates, Wei Chengnian and Niu Yingjun were naturally on the list, but to some surprise, Wei Qing also joined Xu Cheng's team.

"Xu Cheng, do you know where there is a gang, let's go to the task quickly, it's been two days, and we haven't caught a bad guy yet."

Xu Cheng was a little helpless. Before the establishment of the evil emissary, rumors had already been released, and some gangsters in the city who were doing evil were restrained. There was no evidence for a while, and they couldn't directly come to arrest people.

He walked on the street with a few people, wearing the clothes of the imperial envoy and the jade token hanging around his waist, which made his demeanor look very calm.

Upstairs on both sides of the street, one after another looked at them, some of them just glanced away and then looked away.

But Xu Cheng, because of "Extreme Eyes", he can even discern the emotions contained in these gazes, some are indifferent, some are inquiring, and more are envy and intimacy.

Xu Cheng looked at the cloak behind him, and he knew in his heart that it was the halo of power.

Suddenly, a gaze caught his attention, he looked up, at a window on the second floor of a restaurant on the left side of the street, Liu Xian looked at him quietly, noticed Xu Cheng's observation, he grinned, The smile is full of disdain.

Xu Cheng didn't change his face, but with a smile on his face, he nodded to Liu Xian.

Liu Xian's face darkened, and he turned to close the window.

Xu Cheng glanced at the restaurant - Ming Yang Lou.

"Brother Nian, call the brothers and start a mission." Xu Cheng said.

Wei Chengnian didn't ask any more questions, turned around and left, and after a while, he came with a dozen evil emissaries behind him.

Xu Cheng looked at his colleagues, and a smile flashed across his face, "Brothers, the evil emissary has been formed for two days, and today, I will lead everyone to do the task."

After speaking, he raised his knife first and rushed towards the famous Yanglou.

"Eliminate the evil envoys to handle the case, and all the idlers and others get out of the way."

Seeing that someone wanted to stop him, Wei Qing stepped forward with her long legs and a long knife in a sheath to stop Xiao Er who came forward. Xu Cheng did not change his face, and walked upstairs step by step.

On the way up the stairs, Wei Chengnian asked in a low voice, "Xu Cheng, what did you find?"

"You'll know when you go up."

He stepped forward and kicked open the door of the room facing the second floor, which was next door to Liu Yu's room.

There were three people inside, two sitting and one kneeling.

The kneeling man was miserable, with scars all over his body, and looked at the long knives in the hands of the two sitting men with horror on his face.

Xu Cheng took the lead, "Who are you? How dare you do this in Qingshan Prefecture, openly despise the imperial court, and take them all away."

The people behind him couldn't help but say that they were going to subdue them.

A man with a beard who was sitting had a chilly expression on his face, and he stood up directly holding a knife.

"What do you want to do? The city is not a place for you to be presumptuous!"

A voice came from behind, and because of this voice, the man with the beard also put down the knife in his hand.

Xu Cheng turned around and looked at Liu Xian, with a big smile on his face, "Thank you Mr. Liu for opening the window just now, otherwise I would not have discovered that there are still such bad behaviors in the city."

Liu Xian frowned. He thought that when he opened the window just now, Xu Cheng discovered the matter in this room, and said, "Xu Lingshi's eyes are really good. I think they will know what things are in the yamen." What to say and what not to say."

Xu Cheng smiled brightly, "I'll let them know what to say and what not to say."

(End of this chapter)

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