Chapter 43
Liu Xian's current main line has changed, and Xu Cheng saw it when he looked at him before.

The plot of the first article about the script of "The Strategy" has not changed, and he still wants to kill himself, but the second article has changed.

[Current main thread]: The Cao Gang is responsible for helping the King of Thailand deliver a batch of extremely important supplies, but because of an accidental leak, the goods were intercepted in the waters of Qinzhou. Next, he began to search the city for the person who leaked the news, and finally found the head of the young guard of the Linmen Security Bureau...

Today, the relationship between him and Liu Xian is almost completely torn apart. If he hadn't been afraid of the seventh-rank blood-changing guards who followed Liu Xian at any time, he would have been unable to restrain the killing intent in his heart.

Since he himself is not the opponent of the blood-changing warrior, he will seek help from the government in this regard.

A group of people escorted the three people in the room. When Xu Cheng passed by Liu Xian, Liu Xian said in a low voice, "Xu Cheng, I remember you."

Xu Cheng glanced at him, he was too lazy to argue with this person, in his heart, this person is already a 'dead person'!
Because of the secret of the bearded man, he had an idea in his heart.

The three people caught are not important, what is important is the man with the beard holding the knife.

【Name】: Wang Feng
[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial arts talent★★
【Destiny Script】: The Protagonist of "Desperado" (Green)
[playing script]: none

[Current plot]: Wang Feng, as a dead man supported by Liu Xian, specializes in handling some Qingshan Fucheng gang affairs for Liu Xian. He was bought by Fu Yong, the deputy head of the Qingshan Hall of the Cao Gang. In his hands, he had a large list of ledgers and lists of materials transported by the Cao Gang of the Cao Gang and the King of Thailand. He hid them in the Yunji Restaurant, thinking that no one would know...

This is Xu Cheng's killer move. As long as the news of Wang Feng's betrayal is passed on to Liu Xian, he will inevitably conflict with Fu Yong, and Xu Cheng also knows one thing, that is, the current head of the Cao Gang Qingshan Hall went into a rage , Fu Yong is preparing to run for the position of the head of the Qingshan Hall.

Sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight was Xu Cheng's strategy.

But the two tigers are fighting for territory, which is an irreconcilable contradiction.

Then, if Liu Xian and Fu Yong are to fight to the death, they need an irreconcilable contradiction...

Xu Cheng thought in his heart, if Fu Yong knew that Liu Xian was going to support the other vice hall master because of Wang Feng's betrayal, presumably there would be an irreconcilable conflict between the two...

After escorting a few people to the cell, Wei Chengnian asked, "Xu Cheng, what should we do with these people?"

Xu Cheng took a look, "The head of the young escort from the Linmen escort agency was released, and the other two were killed directly. He said to the public that the two of them had told everything they knew, and they deserved to die."

Wei Qing frowned, "Xu Cheng, what do you mean, even if you are an emissary to kill evil, you have to prove it when you kill someone."

Xu Cheng glanced at Wei Qing lightly, "I am the imperial envoy, and under the order of the wind, my rules are the rules. If I say I can kill, I can kill!"


Regardless of Wei Qing's anger, Xu Cheng left directly.

Next, he will be very busy. To kill Liu Xian, he needs to find an opportunity, an opportunity for Liu Yu to leave Qingshan Mansion.

Otherwise, Liu Yu is afraid of accidents in Qingshan Mansion.

Xu Cheng let go of his thoughts and let Wang Feng and the two yell and scold, but he ignored them at all. He had seen the panels of these two people.


The Yamen has specially allocated offices for the Evil Envoys.

Xu Cheng sat opposite to Wang Daming.

Wang Daming seemed to be thinking for a long time, and finally said, "Ah Cheng, I heard Xiaonian tell me what happened today, did you do something a little..."

"Brother Wang, how many people do you think are convinced by this emissary to eliminate evil?" Xu Cheng asked Wang Daming instead.

Wang Daming didn't speak, Xu Cheng continued, "In terms of cultivation, I'm a ninth-rank martial artist, how can I become an imperial envoy? In terms of merit, there are some veteran arresters who solve more cases than me. You can see what happened today. A Wei Qing dares to ask at will. If it is a bone-forging policeman, do you think he will be obedient? I am not strong enough, so I need to express an attitude, an unscrupulous attitude, and an attitude that makes everyone think The attitude of Fan Gong standing behind me."

Wang Daming pointed to Xu Cheng, as if he suddenly realized, "It should be so, but you made a mistake, that is, Fan Gong is standing behind you, Fan Gong values ​​you, and even Commander Yu treats you differently, so you You can rest assured."

"Because of Mr. Fan's appointment in the city, many gang forces have gradually withdrawn from Qingshan Mansion and moved to surrounding counties. In the next step, Mr. Fan will definitely clean up the surrounding gangs. Be careful when the time comes. The outside of the city is no better than the inside of the city." Wang Daming said earnestly.

Xu Cheng asked, "How many of the Seven Families and the Nine Gangs have gone out? If they go out at this time, they'll be caught right away. Are they stupid?"

Wang Daming smiled, pretending to be a master with his hands behind his back, and said to Xu Cheng, "You also know that the most powerful people in Qingshan Mansion are the seven great families and the nine major gangs. You know that it would be a flaw for them to go out at this time, but you I don’t know that they do a lot of evil. If they stay in the city, they are more likely to be targeted by the evil emissaries. We will definitely fight against these families in the future. If you are not high-level, if you encounter the Lang family, try to avoid it. The unique science is called Jueming Powder, it is a poisonous art, from the beginning of skin training, it is very difficult to inject poison into one's own skin."

The Lang family...

Xu Cheng kept this family in his heart.

"Okay, in the final analysis, you still have to work hard on your own. I heard from Xiaonian that your current strength is not your opponent even if you are ordinary forging bones. Try it with me?"

Before Xu Cheng could think about it, Wang Daming had already punched him.

Wang Daming's bone forging was almost completed, and he competed with Xu Cheng mainly with the idea of ​​tempering Xu Cheng's moves.

In this case, Xu Cheng did not use "Extreme Eyes", and concentrated on tempering himself. He found that in the battle, the cultivation was faster.


Three days later, Xu's courtyard.

Standing in the courtyard, Xu Cheng roared with energy and blood. After five times of skin training, the golden color of his whole body became brighter and brighter, and he took out the book of "Immortal Gold and Jade Seal" again.

Now his barrel is getting bigger and, with it, feeling more and more empty.

The foundation is laid too firmly, and he sometimes feels top-heavy.

He opened the cellar and took a look at the stored alien meat. During the modification of the plot, the food he consumed increased exponentially. The animal meat that could have lasted for more than a month was almost consumed after only two revisions of the plot.

It seems that killing Liu Xian also needs to be put on the agenda.

Liu Xian and the Cao Gang had a lot of actions, and they must have accumulated a lot of property. In the past few days, I have already found out Liu Xian's residence outside the city.

Seeing that the ninth day of September is getting closer and closer, the Cao Gang will be active that day, and there will definitely be many masters. It is obviously the best time to start before then.

Moreover, tomorrow is August [-]th, and Liu Yu is about to leave Qingshan Mansion, which can also help Fu Yong increase his confidence in attacking Liu Xian.

(End of this chapter)

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