I can see the script of life

Chapter 44 The Killer Heavenly Holy Son

Chapter 44 The Killer Heavenly Holy Son
On August 21, the city was overcrowded, and today was the day Liu Yu left Qingshan Mansion.

Fan Zheng and the senior officials of the Siya personally sent him away, while Xu Cheng stood in the distance, silently, looking at the smiling Liu family father and son.

Neither happy nor sad in my heart.

Late at night.

Xu Cheng was dressed in black and looked at the sky. It was dark and windy, and the night was full of sky. It was a good time to kill.

Put on the human skin mask exchanged from the Arsenal of Qingshan Mansion, and walk out of the city.

Looking at the brightly lit Caobang Qingshan Hall in the distance, Xu Cheng took out a bow.

He doesn't use bows and arrows very well, but they are the foundation of catching fast after all. He has practiced with Wang Daming a few times before. It may not be enough to kill people, but it is more than enough to send a letter.

Arrow out from hand.

The black arrow feathers broke through the air with waves of air, and shot towards a room on the second floor. Xu Cheng didn't even look at it, and quickly turned and left.

Immediately afterwards, he came to Liu Xian's residence, where there were blood-changing guards, and he was more cautious, shooting bows and arrows at a longer distance, followed by his letter to Liu Xian.

The letter has been delivered, and Xu Cheng leaves in a hurry.


Liu Xian took out a elixir, let the qi and blood surge, closed his eyes and slowly refined it.

Tuk Tuk!

"My lord, this is a letter from someone just now." Liu Xian's guard, Hu Xian, came in from the outside and handed the letter written by Xu Cheng to Liu Xian.

Liu Xian opened his eyes, took the letter paper, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Looking at Xu Cheng's letter, Fu Yong had nothing to fear, the key lies in the intention of the sender.

"Liu Xianqi, Wang Feng betrayed Mr. Liu and wanted to go to Fu Yong. Before he was caught by the Yamen, Wang Feng hid the account book. Fu Yong is about to find it. If Mr. Liu is interested, tonight, at nine hundred steps from Qingshan Beishan, we will meet you carefully." talk. '

The sender knew a little too much.

As the son of an old politician, Liu Xian is very smart. He saw a clue from the letter.

The people behind the scenes wanted to sit back and watch the tigers fight, but...

Liu Xian looked back at Hu Xian, his eyes were indifferent, so let's go and have a look.

Let's get rid of Fu Yong by the way tonight!

In the dense forest, Fu Yong, the deputy head of the Qingshan Hall, had been waiting for a long time. He frowned, thinking about the purpose of the mysterious person's message.

The man told him that Liu Xian had learned of his plan with Wang Feng, and Liu Xian was going to support another deputy hall master, and because of Wang Feng's affairs, he was going to find someone to kill him.

Fu Yong knew Wang Feng's top-secret information in his heart, after all, he had already received the account book in Wang Feng's hands.

I don't know what the mysterious man asked me to go to the depths of the dense forest. If it is possible, killing people to silence is undoubtedly the easiest way.

In the night, two figures were approaching quickly in the distance.

Fu Yong squinted his eyes, and then his face changed. It was Liu Xian and his blood-changing guard Hu Xian who came.

He turned around and was about to leave, but he didn't know that Liu Xian had also received a letter from the mysterious person.

Invite him to meet in the depths of the dense forest and tell Fu Yong the details of his plan.

Liu Xian had already guessed that the mysterious person behind him was going to pretend to be a ghost. Seeing that Fu Yong was acting guilty, he left directly after seeing him. Liu Xian did not hesitate, and said to Hu Xian, the guard beside him, "Uncle Hu, kill him!"

Hu Xian nodded and quickly chased after Fu Yong.

Liu Xian seemed to be extremely confident in Hu Xian's combat power, so he stood quietly where he was.

Fu Yongxiu is in the great achievement of bone forging, and there is no precise level division of the bone forging realm. Generally, according to the degree of bone forging, it is divided into four levels: small success, medium success, great success, and completeness.

At this stage, even if his combat power is not as good as Hu Xian's, he can still delay for a while.

Standing on the tree, Xu Cheng watched Hu Xian and Fu Yong go away, and then heard Liu Xian under the tree say, "Come out, you have tried so hard to get Uncle Hu away, let me guess, the real The purpose is me, right?"

Xu Cheng, who was about to make a move, stopped. This person was far smarter than he imagined, and he was able to detect Xu Cheng's purpose.

He didn't know if Liu Xian had any hole cards, and he was a little uncertain for a while, so he stopped on the tree and didn't go down for a long time.

"Don't worry, I'm alone. Uncle Hu is going to hunt down Fu Yong. You have a quarter of an hour to kill me." He was very confident. The mysterious man used Fu Yong to lure Hu Xian away, which showed that he was extremely afraid of Hu Xian's strength. , so he speculated that the strength of the incoming person would not surpass Fu Yong, that is, at most he could forge bones.

As the only son of Liu Yu, Liu Xian has already been promoted to bone forging, and he is also a master at the Cao Gang and the Thai Palace. He is confident that even if he loses, he can deal with it for a while.

Standing on the tree, Xu Cheng remained motionless, thinking about the probability of his success.

According to the information obtained before, three months ago, Liu Xian was in the leather training realm, and he wanted to hit the limit of nine leather training.

Three months have passed, according to Liu Xian's three-star talent, he should have broken through bone forging...

One quarter of an hour……

Xu Cheng was sure that if he hesitated, he would lose. There is no sure thing in the world, and it is obviously impossible to do things without taking any risks.

[To become a supporting role in the "Machina" script, consume 10 points of destiny. 】


Liu Xian looked around intently, at this moment, there was movement from the nearby tree, he looked up, and saw a person he didn't know, cutting towards him with Xue's steel knife in his hand.

"Well done, hide your head and show your tail, I want to see who you are?"

Liu Xian shouted loudly, touched his waist with his right hand, and suddenly drew out a soft sword, the sword's light was terrific, shining white and cold under the night.Blood roared all over his body, and the rich blood energy swelled and scattered the fallen leaves around him.

Xu Cheng didn't change his face. He had already guessed about Liu Xianda's bone forging, but now he just confirmed this guess.

He wielded a long knife in his hand, his golden skin looming under the black clothes.

Fighting against the Bone Forging Realm, Xu Cheng used all means, his eyes had already turned completely black, and mysterious fluctuations appeared around him.

"The Devil's Cult "Extreme Eyes"? You Devil's Cult doesn't want to recuperate, but you dare to come to Qingshan Mansion, you really want to die!" Liu Xian recognized Xu Cheng's eyes, and the soft sword in his hand was like a thin snake, attacking Xu Cheng nimbly.

In just a few strokes, Xu Chengzhou's clothes were cut several times.

Liu Xian also saw Xu Cheng's pale golden skin hidden under his clothes.

Before he had time to recall where he had seen this exercise before, he was overwhelmed by Xu Cheng's violent attack.

Xu Cheng looked crazy, the muscles all over his body swelled up, and he slashed at Liu Xian's vitals. He completed five times of skin training, and now his strength exceeds [-] catties. It's not good either.

"Horizontal training?"

A slight contempt flashed in Liu Xian's heart, horizontal training all depends on his own strength, and this person seems to have not yet reached the level of bone forging, and it is more than enough to drag Hu Xian to come.

The soft sword is not an advantage against the long sword. After all, the soft sword is better than the flexibility. This kind of head-to-head confrontation does not take advantage of Liu Xian.

He wanted to pester him at first, but the person who came here was very skilled at lightness, and with the existence of "Extreme Eyes", he had no choice but to confront the mysterious person head-on.

Before he knew it, Liu Xian fought and retreated, leaning against the big tree.

At this moment, Xu Cheng, who was wearing a human skin mask, flashed a sinister smile on his face. Regardless of the blood on his body, he said for the first time, "The game is over!"

A look of astonishment flashed across Liu Xian's face.

Immediately, his expression changed suddenly. At some point, the vines on the big tree behind him slowly stretched out towards him as if they had grown spiritual wisdom. When he realized it, they were already entangled by the roots and vines.

"What kind of demon method are you doing? The Tiansheng Sect still has this kind of demon method?"

Xu Cheng smiled calmly, and quickly swung the long knife in his hand, "Ask Hades!"

Heads fall.

"you dare!"

In the distance, Hu Xian, who was holding a human head, panted heavily, and saw the scene where Liu Xian's head was chopped off by Xu Cheng, and he rushed towards Xu Cheng quickly.

Xu Cheng turned around and left, and by the way, using the mysterious energy in his heart, he finally gave instructions to the vines to let go of Liu Xian's body.

"Do you know who you killed just now? I don't care who you are, you're dead!" Hu Xian said ferociously, not caring about calming down the agitated blood from fighting Fu Yong before, he walked like flying.

Xu Cheng turned around, grinned, and threw Liu Xian's head at Hu Xian, "Give it back to you, hahaha, go back and tell Liu Yu, I am the Holy Son of the Heavenly Sage!"

Liu Xian's status is not low, so killing him as the Holy Son of the Devil's Sect would probably relieve some of Xu Xin's pressure.

Xu Cheng thought to himself.

"Squeeze out" Qi and blood in the body, circulate to the legs, and the Tathagata will show up in a moment to survey the sky. In just a short moment, Hu Xian could no longer see Xu Chengren's figure.


Under the night, Hu Xian roared angrily in the dense forest.

 Sorry for being a little late today

(End of this chapter)

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