Chapter 45
Xu Cheng was extremely fast, driving Tathagata to survey the sky, crossing the dense forest at extreme speed, and finally stopped when Hu Xian was completely thrown away.

Panting heavily, the sequelae of forcibly condensing blood into the veins erupted, and his legs felt like cramps, and he couldn't straighten up.

Xu Cheng simply lay down on the tree.

Tathagata needs to use strength to survey the sky, making the steps appear Zen, illusory and ethereal.

Xu Cheng hadn't started yet, if it wasn't for a coincidence, his "Iron Leg Art" had a wisp of Tathagata's sky-watching Zen, which allowed him to use his energy and blood to force him to move.

Even so, his speed is enough to get rid of Hu Xian.

Everything is still under control, he hides his body and quickly walks to Liu Xian's residence outside the city.

Thinking about it, Hu Xian couldn't imagine that after killing Liu Xian, he would throw himself into the trap and go to Liu Xian's home.

With one palm, Liu Xian's concubine who stayed at home was knocked unconscious.

Some pills and hundreds of taels of silver bills were found from Liu Xian's home, Xu Cheng quickly retreated.

Although the harvest is not too much, but it is not Liu Xian's usual place to live outside the city, so it is not bad to have so much harvest.


Back home, he took off the blood-stained black clothes, stuffed them directly into the stove, and applied the herbal medicine to the wound that was scratched by Liu Xian's soft sword with a blank face.

When Liu Xian died, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, anytime, anywhere, and hiding in the dark to harm himself.

There is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days. If you want to solve future troubles, it is undoubtedly the simplest and rude way to deal with the people who have to do things.

[The script of "Machinery" is completed, the participation level is 10%, and 100 destiny points are obtained. 】

Liu Xian only has this destiny script, and the destiny points obtained by killing Liu Xian have also arrived.

Xu Cheng glanced at the remaining Destiny Points. Four times of skin training consumed 150 points, and five times of skin training consumed 200 points. These days, he naturally gained 21 points. In addition to the messy harvest, the remaining Destiny Points are now 602 points.

I didn't keep it anymore. Resources are just resources after all, and it's the safest way to transform them into your own power.

[Modify the plot! 】

Consume 250 destiny points!
The sixth skin training, let's start!
On the third day after Liu Xian's death, when Xu Cheng was practicing leather, Liu Xian's death caused waves.

The Yamen of Taizhou Governor's Mansion, the room where Chang Shi works.

Liu Yu's face was calm, the ancient well was calm, and he looked at Hu Xian opposite.

"Xian'er is dead?"

Hu Xian lowered his head, dripping with cold sweat, only he knew the martial arts practice of the new governor of Taizhou.

When Liu Xian died, he knew it was over.

But he didn't dare to hide anything. He searched for the murderer all night, but didn't find any clues. The next day, he rushed to tell Liu Yu the news of Liu Xian's death.

As the bodyguard that Liu Yu was looking for for Liu Xian, Hu Xian naturally has the means of control. The Liu family has a unique skill called Black Jade and White Bone Seal!
It is a marvelous skill in the bone forging stage. Once cultivated, its bones are like black jade, extremely tough, possessing supernatural powers, and extremely powerful. Once cultivated, the skin and flesh can be discarded. As long as the bones remain, they can consume qi and blood to regenerate.

But this technique has a huge sequelae, that is, every thirty days, you need to take the black jade powder of the Liu family, otherwise the whole body of black jade bones will be broken, and life will be worse than death.

Liu Yu stood up suddenly, spread out his hands, and streaks of black almost real strength emerged, grabbing Hu Xian.

"Xian'er is dead, and you haven't caught the murderer, so what are you doing back here? Ah!"

Hu Xian was grabbed by the neck, and he was almost unable to breathe due to the strong force from the high-grade warrior, "I beg... my lord, give... this subordinate... a... one... chance..."

"Exchanging blood warriors is still useful. Go back and check this so-called devil's holy son. I want to see who dared to kill my son! Check it out for me, the purpose of this mysterious man. "Liu Yu finally let go of Hu Xian. It's not easy to train blood-changing warriors, especially Hu Xian who is completely trustworthy.

The big event of the King of Thailand is imminent, even if it is his son, he cannot be shaken, he can be reborn if his son is gone, but once the matter of the King of Thailand is exposed, it cannot be calmed by the death of a son...

He had to figure out, at this time, Liu Xian's death and the real purpose of the murderer, is this murderer related to the one who radiated Buddha's light in Qingshan Mansion before?
I heard that Master Kuchan once stayed in Qingshan Mansion for a period of time. Is the phantom of the Great Buddha left behind by him?

As for the identity of the Holy Son of the Demon Sect in the mysterious population, Liu Yu didn't believe it. After all, he didn't even believe that the mysterious woman who defeated Cang Yue in Dafo Mountain as the Holy Maiden of the Demon Sect was a member of the Demon Sect.

Only he knows that the Devil's Cult doesn't have any settings for saints and saints!
Perhaps, there is some kind of relationship between today's mysterious person and the mysterious woman who claims to be the Holy Maiden of the Demon Cult.

Liu Yu fell into deep thought.

Things are changing, eventful autumn ah.

The candle flame flickered, reflecting his extremely gloomy face.


Yongjiang passes through three states and six counties, besides Yongzhou and Taizhou, it also passes through Qinzhou.

At this moment, Qinzhou Yuefu City Wharf.

Gu Feilong, the young master of the Cao Gang, was dressed in strong attire, and his bright red cloak flapped behind him.

This shipment is too important, and it is also the last cooperation between the Cao Gang and the King of Thailand. His father closed the door to attack the master. He does not know what kind of road the cooperation with the King of Thailand will lead the Cao Gang to.

But he has nothing to do, after all, the Thai King's Mansion is powerful, what if the Thai King really succeeds?

The idea of ​​luck hovered in his mind for a moment, and then he was quickly thrown away.

The Cao Gang is a Jianghu gang, and this kind of court dispute can be avoided if possible.

"Young Master, we are about to pass through the territory of Qinzhou. Before the ninth day of September, we will be able to reach Qingshan Mansion in Taizhou."

Gu Feilong looked calm.

The maid seemed to be used to the young master's silence, and turned to leave after speaking to Gu Feilong.

At this moment, a golden flying bird pierced through the clouds in the distance, and quickly landed on Gu Feilong's shoulder.

Gu Feilong took the letter from Jin Falcon's leg, it was news from Qingshan Mansion, and unfolded the letter.

"My son personally announced that Qingshan Mansion was shocked. Liu Yu's son Liu Xian sent someone to kill Fu Yong, the deputy head of Qingshan Hall, and Liu Xian was also killed by a mysterious man who claimed to be the holy son of Tianshengjiao. '

He read the letter with a blank expression on his face.

The maid behind him was like a roundworm in his stomach. She closed her eyes for a moment, and said to a burly man behind her, "Master Xu has ordered you to go to Qingshan Mansion in Taizhou first to check the situation."

Xu Buwu turned and left without saying a word.


Liu Xian is backed by his father Liu Yu, although his status in Qingshan Mansion is not extremely high, but it is also extremely important, the most important thing is.

The mysterious man who killed Liu Xian claimed to be the Holy Son of the Demon Sect.

Is there any deep meaning behind this?
For a while, no matter whether they left the city or not, the secret communication between the seven families and the nine gangs began to increase.


Xu Cheng still didn't know that Liu Xian's death caused many forces to make changes.

At this moment, he was looking helpless, perhaps because the plot was revised too frequently, resulting in too much force in martial arts, his body felt empty from time to time, obviously there were countless qi and blood circulating in the body, but the meridians and acupoints were not at all. , directly absorbed by the skin and flesh of the body.

It's okay if it's just this kind of feeling, Xu Cheng feels that he can bear it completely, the key is that this kind of frequent modification of the plot makes his body uncomfortable from time to time.

Xu Cheng understood that this was because his strength had increased too fast and his body had not yet fully adapted.

It seems that after six times of skin training, the frequency of plot modification needs to be slowed down.

Suppressing the discomfort from the body, adjusting the breathing rate to make myself more adaptable.

It seems that it is necessary to find someone to learn from, and the warrior is still able to fight.

However, after killing Liu Xian just now, in Qingshan Mansion, he should not take too many shots to avoid being contacted about Liu Xian's death.

Then, it might not be a bad idea to leave Qingshan Mansion temporarily to avoid the limelight...

Without continuing to practice, Xu Cheng walked out of the house, looked up, and saw Wei Qing sitting on the drum tower alone in a daze.

Wei Qing also saw him and waved to him, "Xu Cheng!"

Xu Cheng had no choice but to walk up the Drum Tower.

This kind of drum tower of the official mansion looks like one in all directions. On the surrounding walls are several watchtowers of five inches in length and width, with a stone table in the middle and four stone benches around it.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm a bit bored, and I kind of miss the days when I was a police officer." Wei Qing turned her head, "By the way, how many times have you practiced skin now?"

She seemed to have drunk, and her mouth was full of alcohol. She moved the stone bench weighing tens of kilograms over and sat beside Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng felt that the distance between the two was getting closer, so he took out melon seeds from his pocket. Like Wang Daming, he likes to keep some melon seeds on his body at any time for entertainment at any time.

Putting the melon seeds on the stone table, Xu Cheng casually moved the stool, knocked the melon seeds, and said nonchalantly, "Five times."

(End of this chapter)

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