I can see the script of life

Chapter 63: The Acropolis Year script opens!

Chapter 63: The Acropolis Year script opens!
Seeing Wei Chengnian nodding his head, Xu Cheng's heart skipped a beat.

Good guy, this bastard himself has been away for a day and a half, what happened, why did Brother Nian take off in an instant and hugged his thigh.

Open the Year of the Acropolis panel.

[Name]: Year of Acropolis

[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial Body★★★★★, Heart of a Child★★★★

【Destiny Script】: The Protagonist of "Desperate" (Red)
[Playing script]: Supporting roles in "The Resurrection of Yinshen Cult" (unopened), supporting roles in "The Horn of Tianhe-On the Sword" (unopened), supporting roles in "Elimination of Evil" (unopened)
[Current Main Storyline]: Wei Chengnian was burdened with blood and deep hatred. His father was originally a close servant of the crown prince. His father was imprisoned suddenly, and a mysterious person broke into Wei's house at night. Wei's mother defended Weicheng Nian desperately and sent him out of Wei's house. Going to Taizhou alone, becoming the Qingshan Mansion's evil emissary, being valued by the leader Yu Zaiyin, and accepted as a disciple, and his colleague Niu Yingjun, in an operation, clashed with the Qingshan Mansion Lang's family, and found clues to the misfortune of his home...

Good guy!
The destiny script of the Year of the Acropolis has already started, and it is still a red script.

No wonder there is a script of "The Horn of the Tianhe-On the Sword". This is probably because of Yu Jae-in. Xu Cheng had wondered before that Wei Chengnian didn't use swords, so how could there be a supporting role in this script.

Brother Nian had a hard time.

Emperor Yuanfeng has been the emperor for too long, and the people below have caused so many disturbances for that position. He himself probably has suspicions about his sons.

Otherwise, a prince who even has a fifth-rank guard will be feared by others, and even have to be eliminated. One can imagine how fierce the people in the court are.

But Brother Nian and his father are afraid of these people, most likely they are not ordinary fifth-rank, think of the symbol of fifth-rank god palace.

It seems that he has tapped some amazing supernatural powers.

Xu Cheng thought about the situation in the court far away in the capital.

Emperor Yuanfeng, 20 years before he took office, was the time when the national power of the Great Zhou was at its peak. At that time, the imperial court almost controlled the rivers and lakes. Except for the three sects of Taoism and the holy land of Buddhism, Dafo Mountain, all the powers in the rivers and lakes in various places retreated when they saw officials.

It's a pity that there seems to be some kind of indescribable magic in that position. Once sitting for a long time, the original ideals and ambitions in my heart will be eroded.

Just like Tang Xuanzong who opened the peak of the Tang Dynasty in the history of China.

But there is one thing to say, Brother Nian is really a good backer, according to Xu Cheng's estimation, Yu Zaiyin's martial arts level is at least the fifth rank.

Xu Cheng looked at the frozen Yin-Yang Deer, and his heart tightened. Could it be that Ming Bao's cheap mother was not killed by the hacker, and was frozen to death by Yu Zaiyin's sword energy?

Just as she was about to step forward to check, she heard the frost on the Yin Yang doe's body start to shake off.

It seems all right.

Walking to the side of the two young deer, the young deer was young, Xu Cheng was afraid that something would happen in the cold, so he poured in the mysterious energy in his heart continuously.

Yinyang Lu struggled away, and saw Xu Cheng hugging two fawns, just at this moment, Wei Qing, who heard Wei Chengnian's shout, came over with Mingbao in her arms.

Ming Bao was excited when he saw the doe, and ran towards the doe after struggling, his chubby body seemed a little clumsy.

But the doe ignored him, and instead stared at Xu Cheng, to be precise, at the fawn in Xu Cheng's arms.

Wei Chengnian looked vigilant, as if he wanted to call the master if he disagreed, Xu Cheng stopped him.

Xu Cheng was stared at by the sixth-rank alien beast, and the huge pressure made him a little uncomfortable. He handed over the two fawns embarrassingly. The antlers are like a cage, trapping the fawn.

The Yin-Yang deer is a sixth-rank alien beast, so it was natural to see that Xu Cheng was helping the little deer before. The eyes that looked at Xu Cheng were soft, and the pressure disappeared.

Xu Cheng heaved a sigh of relief, Ming Bao kept circling around the doe like an abandoned child.

Wei Qing felt a little distressed, and wanted to go up and hug Mingbao.

Finally, Ming Bao sensed the doe's determination, yelled "Yo Yo", turned his head and slowly crawled towards Xu Cheng, the only person in charge of food besides the doe.

"I didn't expect you to be a little bit conscientious, I deserve a reward." Xu Cheng was happy, and took out a bone forging pill and stuffed it into Ming Bao's mouth.

With something to eat, the sadness in Ming Bao's eyes instantly decreased a lot, and he no longer cried 'Yo Yo'.

The doe turned her head, glanced at Xu Cheng and Ming Bao, with anthropomorphic emotions in her eyes, she yelled at Xu Cheng, turned and left.

Holding Mingbao in his arms, Xu Cheng turned to Weicheng Nian and said, "Brother Nian, what's going on? Why did you worship the commander as your teacher?"

Wei Chengnian waved his hand, "Let's not talk about that first, Master is here this time to find you, and I have bad news."

"what news?"

"Hmm..." After a long pause, Wei Chengnian said, "Xu Zheng and his wife were arrested by the Fourth Yamen of the Qingshan Mansion, and they were killed by Wu Gan, the leader of the Tiansheng Sect, on the Yongjiang River."

After finishing speaking, he walked up to Xu Cheng and patted him on the shoulder, "Brother Xu's condolences."

This should be the false death of the fake parents that my sister said, right?It's just why he died at the hands of Wu Gan, Wu Gan is absolutely impossible to cooperate with Xu Zheng and his wife.

Xu Cheng showed panic on his face, "How is it possible? Why did my parents meet Wu Gan?"

Wei Chengnian looked serious, "The news is accurate. My master came here to inform you. As for you killing Zhao Ji before, don't worry at all..."

Although Xu Cheng was extremely puzzled, there was still a sad look on his face.

Yu Zaiyin didn't go with them, but when Xu Cheng and others passed by him, he said, "It's just killing people, nothing happened."

For the first time, Xu Cheng actually heard a trace of tenderness in Yu Jae Yin's voice. Maybe he pitied Xu Cheng for the death of both parents, or maybe he became more emotional after accepting his disciples.

Xu Cheng didn't speak, and the sadness on his face was even worse.

Standing beside Xu Cheng, Wei Qing naturally heard the news of the death of Xu Cheng's parents. She wanted to comfort Xu Cheng, but she didn't know what to say, so she pretended to hug Ming Bao.

A man riding a donkey came over from afar, cursing, "Let that kid run away again." After passing by Yu Zaiyin, his voice became much quieter.

"Huh? Are you the person senior is looking for?" Zhai Xun was a little surprised when he saw Xu Cheng, and immediately remembered that Yu Zaiyin came out this time to find someone.

He suspected that Yang Fu had set up the magic circle just now, and chased it out. He really saw Yang Fu's back, but the boy was extremely careful, and disappeared after running into a cave.

It was only then that Di Xun discovered that the cave was also a magic circle.

Seeing this pretending novice, seeing Yu Jae-yin's restraint in front of him and his presumptuousness in front of himself, Xu Cheng wanted to laugh, and almost couldn't hold back the sadness on his face.

This person...should have been taught a lesson by Commander Yu, right?

He was curious about how Zhai Xun got together with Wei Chengnian and the others. Could it be because of his words about being a nobleman in white?
Because of Yu Jae-yin, there was no need to make a detour when going out. Zhai Xun was eager to perform in front of Yu Jae-in, and he became a leading party.

Xu Cheng's parents were newly mourned, and they were silent all the way.

Because of Xu Cheng, the atmosphere in the team seemed a bit dull, and Zhai Xun, who was naturally jumpy, couldn't stand it, but seeing everyone's solemn faces, especially after seeing Yu Jae Yin, he seemed to be suffering from ADHD Like a child, playing with the compass in his hand.

Suddenly, a deer cry sounded.

When everyone turned their heads, they saw a huge Yin-Yang deer walking out of the forest.

It looked at everyone vigilantly. Obviously, the reason for Hei Da made it a little worried about humans.

There was only some gentleness in the eyes looking at Xu Cheng.

Yu Zaiyin took a look, and seemed to realize that the Yin-Yang Deer was not malicious, so he dodged and let the Yin-Yang Deer walk towards the crowd.


The sound of branches being snapped.

Seeing the yin-yang deer with poor eyesight walking towards Zhai Xun, Xu Cheng pinched Ming Bao calmly.


Ming Bao who was asleep opened his eyes and looked at Xu Cheng suspiciously, as if he didn't know why this guy pinched him, and then saw the doe.

I started yelling from myself.

Only then did the doe realize that she had found the wrong person. She walked up to Xu Cheng, lowered her head slowly, and the antlers fell off her head.

Di Xun's eyes lit up, he naturally knew the magical effect of the Yin-Yang antlers.

Generally, the bones, horns and other parts of this kind of strange beast are good materials for making bone forging pills.

After shedding the antlers, the doe barked twice at Xu Cheng, stretched out her tongue and licked Ming Bao in his arms, as if saying goodbye to this 'cheap son', then turned and walked towards the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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