I can see the script of life

Chapter 64: The Beginning of Heaven and Man!

Chapter 64: The Beginning of Heaven and Man! (Seeking a recommendation ticket, please follow up!!)

There are many mountains in Yunzhou, which is known as poor mountains and bad waters, and there are groups of strange beasts.

In the later stage of practicing martial arts, in addition to the flesh of alien beasts to replenish energy and blood, all kinds of minerals and rare objects are also needed. Yunzhou has all of these, but more of them are hordes of extremely ferocious alien beasts.

The Di Chong used by Feng She to kill people before came from Dishan in Yunzhou.

Fighting with one's life is the portrayal of the group of alien beasts here.

Xu Xin was dressed in white and stood quietly on a cliff. At her feet was a strange beast that was tens of meters long. Black blood flowed from the corpse and then disappeared, as if Xu Xin had been forced by a certain method. A strange way to take away.

On the mountain of Dashi in Yunzhou, there is a beast called Huajiao, which is shaped like a dragon, and its blood is black and yellow, which is indescribable.

The expression on Xu Xin's face kept changing, her eyes were sometimes dull and sometimes moving.

Liu Qingmingqin, the protector of the Heavenly Sacred Sect who protects Xu Xin, looks worriedly at Xu Xin in the distance.

"The holy lady just broke through the shrine, and started to explore the supernatural powers, a little too hasty."

Mingqin looked at Xu Xin's back with a concerned face, and said.

Liu Qing on the side was expressionless, but from his clenched fists, firm foot, and vigilant eyes, it could be seen that his mood was not as calm as he showed.

"Holy aunt, a genius of heaven, a 19-year-old fifth-rank god, Mingqin, how many people have you met?"

Mingqin shook her head, but the worry on her face remained the same, "The shrine is made of acupoints, one acupoint and one palace, with a total of [-] palaces. Use the shrine to explore yourself and ask for supernatural powers. The holy lady just broke through, and then The blood of the alien beast washes and trains the shrine, explores the shrine, once you get lost in it, the consequences..."

Liu Qing said slowly, "Martial arts practice is inherently dangerous, except for the three realms of body building, there is a danger of alienation in exchange of blood, a high probability of losing control of strength, and a danger of getting lost in the shrine, not to mention the suffering of the five declines of heaven and man. How can we be hesitant, if our generation of warriors shrink back in their hearts, building three realms will be enough to live a hundred years, why bother to pursue realms."

After a long silence, Mingqin said, "You're right, the holy lady is too important to the holy religion."

Xu Xin on the top of the mountain suddenly opened her eyes, and there were green lotuses blooming in her eyes. She took a step forward suddenly, with magical powers - lotuses grow every step of the way!

Effect: Shrink the ground into an inch, ignore the void!

After exploring the three thousand and nine hundred palaces, she finally found a satisfactory supernatural power. Xu Xin's mind moved, and the supernatural power seed was planted in her heart.

Liu Qing and Mingqin looked pleasantly surprised, "Holy Aunt, it's done?"

Xu Xin nodded slightly, with a calm face, as if she had discovered a magical power, and it was not difficult for her at all.

The two looked at each other with excitement.

Xu Xin said, "Uncle Liu and Aunt Qin have worked hard, not only have to protect the law and break through the shrine for me, but also need to work for the holy religion..."

Wu Gan attacked and killed Xu Dao, and the Tianshengjiao he leads now has long been disapproved by the old people like them.

Simply summon Xu Xin, then in this Yunzhou, re-establish the Heavenly Sacred Sect.

"Holy Aunt's remark hurt both of us. It's our job to do it. It's just that... the Holy Son has suffered."

Xu Xin squeezed the wishful jade belt around her waist with the words "All wishes come true", "Xiao Cheng...should have received the news of your two deaths. Fortunately, I have told him before..."

As the wind picked up, the conversation between the three became smaller and smaller.

On that day, at the age of 19, Xu Xin tapped supernatural powers to grow lotuses every step of the way. This is the beginning of heaven and man!

Xu Cheng and others returned to Qingshan County all the way, and it was already night when they came back.

Wei Qing was naturally unhappy, after all, she wanted to leave Qingshan Mansion and Taizhou directly, but let her go alone...

Hmm...she was scared.

Xu Cheng didn't care, since Yu Zaiyin himself said that killing Zhao Ji was fine, he naturally didn't want to wander around the world.

the next day.

County government lobby.

The purpose of opening the court this time is to confirm Zhao Ji's charges and wash away Xu Cheng's guilt.

Zhao Ji was killed, and Yu Zaiyin, as the commander of Qingshan Mansion's soldiers on the bright side, added evil envoys and envoys, took the seat as he should.

But he was naturally silent, so it was natural for Wei Chengnian, who was sitting on the auxiliary seat, to speak.

"Bring the criminal Li Jing in."

Qingpi Li Jing, who specialized in handling dead bodies for Yang Fu, was pressed up. His hands were wrapped in coarse cloth, and Xu Cheng had chopped off a finger before.

Xu Cheng stood at the back, looking at everything in the hall.

Wei Chengnian yelled loudly, "Li Jing, are you convicted of the crime and still not revealing what you concealed?"

Li Jing's eyes flickered.

"My lord, I have said all I can say."

Acropolis Nian photographed the gavel.

"Then tell me, how did those corpses get from inside the city to the monster cave outside the city? Could it be that you, an ordinary person who has not yet entered the product, dare to go out of the city alone and put the corpse in front of the monster cave?" Wei Chengnian said loudly rebuke.

Li Jing didn't speak anymore, but his eyes showed panic and he was evasive.

Xu Cheng walked out from the crowd, glanced at Li Jing's panel, and there was no change from before.

What you see on the script panel is a person's fate plot trajectory. After all, it is not a mind-reading technique, so you can't see what Li Jing is thinking.

But he would have solved the case before, and without the panel, he could still solve the case.

His eyes were full of evil, and the evil spirit contained in the knife of killing intent was released by him, "You are in prison, maybe you don't know that Zhao Ji is dead, and you were personally beheaded by this envoy. You'd better think clearly before speaking."

Hearing that Zhao Ji was killed by Xu Cheng, Li Jing didn't react at all, but the expression of the little brother beside him changed.

Everyone present at the scene was pretty good in martial arts, and they could clearly feel the change in a person's face.

"What did you think of? This case has something to do with Zhao Ji?" Wei Chengnian shouted, with a bit of impatience in his voice. Although Yu Zaiyin himself promised that Xu Cheng would not be held accountable for killing Zhao Ji as long as he found evidence, but But now it is just impossible to find Zhao Ji's criminal evidence.

Only then did Xu Cheng look at this person. The panel was unremarkable, similar to Li Jing, and he was also a little curious.

"The villain is willing to explain everything, and only asks to spare the villain's life."

Li Jing's face changed drastically.

Everyone is an independent individual, no one can live without leaving, and a catastrophe is imminent, Li Jing doesn't know why he would rather die than speak, but some people speak.

The green skin named Du Tao said, "I will drain the blood from the corpses transported from the tooth shop, and then send them to the gate of the city every night. I don't know who will pick them up. I have never After communicating with him, I only know that his figure is extremely burly, far exceeding ordinary people."

Those who had seen the group of dead men in Madam Qi's house thought at the same time that they were the people who ate the immortal soil!

After listening to Qing Pi, Wei Chengnian turned around and clasped his fists and said to Jae Yin, "My lord, please seal up the Zhao Mansion. He has a close relationship with the criminal Mrs. Qi, and he will definitely find clues."

Yu Zaiyin was speechless.

a long time.



It was easier than imagined to seal down Zhao's mansion, and it was even easy to find Zhao Ji's criminal evidence.

In Zhao Ji's home, several burly guards who ate fairy soil were found. They were commanded by Mrs. Zhao Ji to resist the patrol and were killed on the spot.

"My husband, Uncle Jun, is Dr. Chao Guanglu, you just wait and see!" Mrs. Zhao Ji stared closely at Wei Chengnian and the others who were doing the fighting, with fierce eyes.

Acropolis ignored all reason, and summed up the evidence.

But these do not seem to be enough to convict Zhao Ji of death.

Just when Wei Chengnian and the others were at a loss, Xu Cheng thought of Sun Jue who had lost his limbs.

"Sun Jue, can you tell me what secret you broke through Qi Xiaoqian that day?"

Xu Cheng wanted to leave Mrs. Qi to interrogate slowly that day, but he didn't expect that she would be so decisive and directly hit the ground to die.

Now in order to exonerate himself, he needs to find evidence that can convict Zhao Ji.

Sun Jue thought of something and babbled something, but unfortunately he didn't have a tongue and couldn't speak.

Xu Cheng picked him up, "I'll take you to Qi's residence, if you find anything, please tell me."

Xu Cheng brought Sun Jue and Wei Chengnian to Qi's Mansion again. The Qi's Mansion had been seized, and a large amount of immortal soil was confiscated. According to Wei Chengnian, it was nearly [-] catties.

There were hundreds of children, and more than forty burly men who succeeded in eating the Immortal Soil were killed on the spot by Xu Cheng that day.

There were still bloodstains in the courtyard of Qi's mansion, which seemed a bit eerie.

The theory of Feng Shui is true and exists in this world.

In some extremely gloomy places, because of feng shui, ghosts and other ghosts will really be born.

Among the Three Dao Sects, the Yuxu Sacred Land of Kunlun Mountain, which is recognized by the world as the leader of the Dao Sect, has a lot of research on this kind of supernatural things.

Xu Cheng took Sun Jue to search from room to room, and finally in a room in the atrium, Sun Jue babbled to Xu Cheng.

He stopped and realized that there was something wrong with these rooms.

Looking at Wei Chengnian, the two began to search one by one, and soon found a large number of ledgers in the darkroom of a room!
It clearly records the amount of immortal soil that Qi Xiaoqian gave to Zhao Ji.

Wei Chengnian heaved a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face, "With this thing, Zhao Ji can basically be convicted, and you can return to Qingshan Mansion to be a filial piety to your uncle and aunt."

Xu Cheng didn't speak, he didn't say, Zhao Ji is not very good, but he has a backer behind him, the Guanglu doctor Zhao Jie who is the second rank in the dynasty.

When he returned to the Yamen, he reported everything to Yu Zaiyin. Yu Zaiyin was noncommittal, but said lightly, "You and Wei Chengnian take these things back first, and the rest stay in Qingshan County, waiting for Fan Public arrangements."


Xu Cheng returned to the yard prepared by Li Jian. After two days, Ming Bao had become very dependent on him, after all, he was the 'shit shovel officer'.

Taking out a bone forging pill from his bosom and stuffing it into Ming Bao's mouth, the guy immediately narrowed his eyes.

I don't know if this panda has a mutated species and will eat everything except bamboo.

Zhai Xun and Wei Qing were playing chess, especially Wei Qing, seeing that the sadness on Xu Cheng's face was no longer so obvious, she looked obviously happy.

Because the panda Mingbao is young and the effect of the Forging Bone Pill is a bit strong, he will fall asleep every time he eats it.

Xu Cheng put Ming Bao in the cradle Wei Qing prepared for it.

Go to the yard and start practicing martial arts.

Qi and blood roared, and he had already started the story of the seventh skin training.

Wei Qing's originally cheerful expression collapsed in an instant.

In her eyes, Xu Cheng was originally a martial idiot who practiced martial arts all the time. Now that he heard the news of his parents' death, he practiced martial arts even more crazily in order to avenge his parents.

Apart from practicing martial arts and eating all day long, if it weren't for the crowd helping him to cleanse his crimes today, he probably wouldn't go out.

Di Xun pretended to be on the side and said, "Vulgar martial artist, if you want revenge, you might as well follow me to Yujing Mountain. If you reach the fourth rank of formation master, with the help of the heaven and earth, mere martial arts are no problem."

This person was pretended to be forced by Xu Cheng before, but now he is obviously dissatisfied, so he is determined to follow Xu Cheng, learn Xu Cheng's pretending and speaking skills, and return to the good man at the mountain gate to show his holiness.

Xu Cheng glanced at him lightly, and the condensed murderous aura of the knife of killing intent combined with the aura brought by [Heroic Zi], the oppressive Zhai Xun took a step back.

"Array master? That's all."

Di Xun was a seventh-rank formation master, but he was forced to retreat by Xu Cheng's momentum. He was a little dissatisfied, but after hearing Xu Cheng's words, his face showed an obsessive look.

How can he learn such a lightly pretentious tone.

If one day, he returned to Yujing Mountain and faced the reprimand of Master Qingming, he could be so indifferent.

Plus the last time Xu Cheng said before he left, "Coir raincoat and rain hat, sex follows the sky, I have a pair of discerning eyes, and I can see through the demons in the world."

How attractive he should be, he can't even imagine the eyes of the group of juniors and younger sisters below.

It's over, it's getting wet.

ps: Dazhang, please follow up, please recommend tickets, please collect.

 I have received several monthly tickets, and I am a little excited to write a book for the first time, thank you for your love.

  I heard that every book has a condition for adding updates, but after asking several author friends, I realized that this condition is set by myself, not the starting point rule.

(End of this chapter)

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