I can see the script of life

Chapter 71 My Sister's Secret

Chapter 71 My Sister's Secret
Yu Baixia didn't seem to feel the murderous intent in Xu Cheng's heart at all, and spoke on his own. "Xu Lingshi's methods are very clever, especially when he left, the words of the devil's holy son almost confuse the eyes to the extreme. If Hongyi hadn't told me, I would not have contacted Xu Lingshi at all."

Xu Cheng felt murderous in his heart, calmed down and said, "Miss Yu, if you think your guess is correct, you can go to the yamen to sue the envoy. Now that the envoy's parents are newly deceased, please forgive me for the poor reception." After finishing speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

Yu Baixia suddenly laughed, she seldom smiles, at least in the eyes of outsiders, usually Yu Hongyi likes to laugh, but she is a bit more cold, "Xu Lingshi, don't be angry, what you said just now is all red clothes Just guessing, everyone has secrets, and our sisters also have secrets, I just told Xu Lingshi that I want to invite Xu Lingshi to join us."

"to join you guys?"

Xu Cheng was puzzled in his heart, and took another look at Yu Baixia's attributes.

【Name】: Yu Baixia

[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial arts talent ★★★, beautiful appearance ★★★, smart twins ★★★★

[Script of Destiny]: The protagonist of "Jade Rakshasa" (Purple)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "The Resurrection of Yinshen Cult" (unopened)
[Current main line]: Some time ago, Yu Hongyi and Yu Baixia joined a mysterious force, named after the underworld, with mysterious origins, dating back to the ancient times, and the members communicated with each other. The leader is King Qin Guang, the Yu family The two sisters shared the same identity, named Yu Luocha, who was entrusted by King Chujiang of the Underworld to invite Xu Cheng to join...

"Exactly, some time ago, our sisters, by chance, joined a mysterious force, and we wanted to invite Xu Lingshi to join it..." Yu Baixia talked eloquently.

Xu Cheng interrupted directly, "I'm not interested, girl, go slowly. By the way, if the girl has evidence to prove that I killed someone..."

He squinted his eyes and said slowly, "This envoy is commanded by the destiny, full of loyalty, slandering and slandering the loyalty is not a small crime."

This force called Hell must be extremely terrifying. The sisters of the Yu family only obtained one of their identities, that is, a purple script. It is completely impossible to imagine how terrifying the script of King Qin Guang, the leader of the underworld force, is.

Although Xu Cheng wanted to join the script and gain destiny points, the script was completely beyond his rank.

Yubaixia had no evidence for Xu Cheng's killing of Liu Xian, but he just wanted to use this suspicion to defraud Xu Cheng. Unexpectedly, Xu Cheng didn't panic at all, but wanted to threaten himself. Could it be that Liu Xian really wasn't killed by Xu Cheng?
She also stopped talking about Liu Xian, and began to persuade, "Xu Lingshi can listen to the benefits of joining us, and then make a decision."

Xu Cheng was noncommittal.

"In the underworld, no one knows the real identity of others, unless they know their roots, this is the most dangerous place, and it is also the place of first-class opportunity in the world. There are masters and warriors, there are also warriors in the foundation realm, and there are also mountain and river array masters. Xu Lingshi thinks about the benefits if he joins."

Xu Cheng didn't speak, Yubaixia didn't know why, she desperately wanted Xu Cheng to join the underworld, seeing Xu Cheng was indifferent.

"Moreover, the identities in the underworld are all anonymous, and they can obtain a lot of information that the outside world cannot obtain. If Xu Lingshi investigates the case in the future, he will naturally be able to borrow this information."

Xu Cheng suddenly said, "Miss Yu deliberately wants me to join it, can you tell me why?"

Yu Baixia was silent for a long time, as if he was considering whether to tell Xu Cheng or not.

"There is a senior in the underworld named King Chu Jiang. He heard about Xu Lingshi's debate with Master Kuchan, and he values ​​Xu Lingshi's future and wants to invite Xu Lingshi to join him."

Xu Cheng nodded, this Yu Baixia was honest, just like what was shown in the script.

He began to think seriously, should he join?
The future of this faction is unknown. According to Yu Baixia, this faction should be neutral, and its members are friendly exchanges of information...

Suddenly, he asked strangely, "Can I ask, what did that Chu Jiang king say?"

Yu Baixia was stunned for a moment, and then relayed, "It seems to be saying, 'I heard that there is a young man in Taizhou who can argue with the old bald donkey in Dafoshan at a young age, invite him, tell him to join the underworld, Make sure he gets what he wants.'”

May all your wishes come true?

No, no, no?

My sister, how many secrets do you keep from your lovely brother.

Xu Cheng was silent, not knowing what he was thinking about.

If so, he glanced at Yu Baixia's smooth and white neck, if it was Xu Xin's person, then he would save his life...

Seeing that Xu Cheng was expressionless and unmoved, Yu Baixia had no choice but to say, "Xu Lingshi think about it carefully. If you understand it, you can come to Yunji Building to find me."

She finished her last sentence and left.

Xu Cheng looked at her back, thinking about the underworld. Is this Chujiang King Xu Xin?
My sister seems to have too many identity cards.

A true disciple of one of the three Daozong sects, a saint of the Heavenly Sacred Sect, and the mysterious King Chujiang of the underworld...

This time travels through a year, co-author Xu Xin is playing a game of guessing who I am with herself.

As for Yu Baixia's speculation that he killed Liu Xian, it was just a kind of psychological trick. First use this kind of suspicion to arouse the curiosity of others, and then tell his own secrets, so as to get closer to others and better complete his own affairs. .

This is very common in modern psychotherapy.

And the reason why he didn't agree on the spot was also a kind of rhetoric. Obviously, it was the task of King Chujiang for Yu Baixia to invite him to join the underworld.

The ones that are too easy to get are often the cheapest.

Xu Cheng will not be the cheapest man.


Unknowingly, the sky has darkened.

After waiting for a while, no one came to express their condolences today, so Xu Changcheng let out a long sigh of relief.

I don't know if the fake parents are dead or not. I almost died of exhaustion anyway. Receiving gifts one by one, this is really not a fucking thing.

Fortunately, there is only tomorrow, the last day of such a day.

According to the death custom in Qingshan Mansion, only immediate family members will keep vigil for the elder before the first seven days, and outsiders are allowed to come to offer condolences and offer incense starting on the eighth day, until the elder is buried on the tenth day, the family will be completely quiet.

Xu Zheng and his wife have no bones left, so naturally they can only build a clothes tomb.

Xu Cheng picked up Mingbao from the backyard, put it in his arms and licked it wildly for a while, and then Du Jianghe came.

When he saw Xu Cheng, he looked angry, "Brother Xu, I have news about the man who killed me that day. He was Liu Xian's former guard, named Hu Xian. His grandma's, a blood-changing martial artist, didn't talk about martial arts, A young man who sneaks up on me and trains his skin..."

Xu Cheng took out a bottle of Bone Forging Pill and handed it to Du Jianghe, "This is the pill that was promised to you. Be careful, don't go looking for trouble, go to Brother Nian if you have something to do in the Yamen."

Du Jianghe immediately beamed. Isn't it just for money? Hu Xian didn't get it, so Xu Cheng can do the same.

Xu Cheng said in his heart, young man, you don't know what you lost.

After sending Du Jianghe away, Xu Cheng took out the two letters sent by Wenying today and the token of Princess Yiyang.

The princess token is naturally different from his 'wind' token.

The material is more exquisite, like gold but not gold, like jade but not jade, and it is extremely heavy. On the front is written "Emperor Nobility" and on the back is written "Yiyang".

Xu Cheng thought about the information about the princess of Yiyang. Emperor Yuanfeng reigned for 93 years. Twenty years ago, King Shang of Thailand was still the most favored prince. However, ten years ago, he suddenly announced that he would take over Taizhou and lost the competition for the crown prince. Opportunity.

This princess of Yiyang is the youngest daughter of King Tai who was born after he came to Taizhou.

How did Xu Xin get the token of Princess Yiyang?Xu Cheng couldn't understand it.

Could it be that my sister made friends with so many people in the Jianghu?
But it doesn't seem quite right. According to the memory of the original owner, Xu Xin has always acted in a high-cold style, the kind that looks like a goddess at first glance. This kind of person is doomed to not have many friends.

Now it's not the same as what I thought.

Thinking that Shen Lingsu had gone to Dafoshan for more than half a month, Xu Cheng hadn't written a letter yet.

He took out the letter paper and wrote on it.

Ling Su kisses you.

It has been more than half a month since Mingde left.

I have been thinking about Lingsu for a long time, and there are many trivial matters, so I have time to write a letter today.

I have practiced martial arts intensively recently, I think the master is not far away, three years soon, Nianqing is still the same as before.

If you see Qingshu, please send us a reply.

Signed: Sujin Tiancheng.

After all the trivial matters were dealt with, Xu Cheng also calmed down.

He didn't think about the rest, these are all external, only strength is the only one, and when he came to this world, Xu Cheng could see clearly that strength is the fastest way to gain respect.

Now that he has completed seven skin training sessions, he only needs enough destiny points. He is confident that he will complete the extreme skin training within a month and enter the bone forging stage.

The training in the bone forging stage will be much faster, and I glanced at Ming Bao who fell asleep again.

Starting tomorrow, I will add extra meals to Ming Bao, and get enough panda blood for blood exchange as soon as possible.

Panda blood, he is sure to use it, even Jesus can't stop him.

(End of this chapter)

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