I can see the script of life

Chapter 72 Li Dan's thoughts, the magical underworld

Chapter 72 Li Dan's thoughts, the magical underworld
Calendar: The first day of September in Yuanfeng 93
Years: Dingwei Day, Jiashen Month, Gengzi Year
Bogey: The owner of Xin Bu He Sauce does not taste You, does not entertain guests, gets drunk and sits insane
Occasional: encoffining, unclothing, clothing, coffin removal, opening, burial, grave repair, monument erection

The Xu family is full of people coming and going today, and today is the day when Xu Zheng and his wife are buried in their clothes.

It was said to be encoffined, but there were no bones of Xu Zheng and his wife, and there were only a few old clothes in the coffin, and the identity tokens of the couple.

Xu Zhengguan paid homage to the chief arrester of the Fourth Yamen of Qingshan Mansion.

Everyone carried the coffin and walked into the cemetery arranged by the Yamen.

Xu Zheng's deeds and achievements are engraved on the stele made of high-quality bluestone.

The most eye-catching thing is the eight big blood-red characters.

"A life of righteousness will be awe-inspiring for thousands of years." '

This was written by Fan Zheng himself, and Xu Cheng didn't feel ashamed of accepting it. After all, although the fake parents were the protectors of the Tiansheng Sect, they had sincerely worked for the Qingshan Mansion in 16 years, and they were worthy of these words.

Xu Zheng in the past has really 'died', only Liu Qing survived.

Xu Xin chose it.

Xu Cheng stood for a long time, planted evergreen cypresses on both sides of the tombstone, turned and left.

The funeral of my parents is over, and I will start working again tomorrow.


Li House.

In the main hall of the atrium, Li Dan was sitting on a chair, with a cup of tea that was no longer steaming in his hand, and holding a letter sent by Liu Yu from Taizhou in his right hand, his face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping water Come.

Fan Zheng had been in office for half a month, and he was worried for half a month. He didn't know how he had spent the half month, lest Fan Zheng find out the real reason why Tiansheng Sect ravaged Qingshan Mansion three years ago.

He had tried his best to act in a low-key manner, doing everything in line with Fan Zheng's thoughts.

But now, Liu Yu, the former governor who has been transferred away, wants to let himself investigate the real murderer who killed Liu Xian.

After Liu Xian's death, countless people began to investigate Qingshan Mansion. Those who had the ability to kill Liu Xian in less than a quarter of an hour were all investigated. When everyone was checked out, Yu Zaiyin's new disciple Weicheng Years later, he naturally entered Liu Yu's sight.

After many investigations, Liu Yu has basically locked the suspicion on Wei Chengnian, because a year ago, Liu Yu met Wei Chengnian in Taizhou, and was stopped by a man named Bai Jixin, and that Bai Jixin, He has a very good relationship with Princess Yiyang.

But now, a small patrol, but his martial arts cultivation has been forged, and he is valued by Yu Zaiyin, so there is something extraordinary about it.

The most important thing is that, according to Hu Xian, the murderer's skin will show a yellow light when using the technique, and they got the news that when Acropolis Nian broke through the bone forging that day, his arms also emitted a yellow light.

Xu Cheng neglected this point.

And all kinds of coincidences made them almost pinpoint the murderer as Wei Chengnian.

As for Xu Cheng, they never doubted it at all. After all, Xu Cheng had only practiced martial arts for more than a month, and because Yu Zaiyin had already sent people to Qingshan County, and Xu Cheng's record in Qingshan County had not yet been reported, all these...

The most important thing is that Wei Chengnian was accepted as a disciple by Yu Zaiyin...

Li Dan didn't know whether he should deal with Weicheng Nian. At this moment, he felt extremely regretful. How close he was to Liu Yu back then, now he wanted to stay away from them.

But once you start doing something, you can't stop.

It is like a boulder gently pushed on the top of the mountain, and it rolls down from the top of the mountain. Faced with such a mighty force, a person's strength is no different from that of an ant.

Li Dan is thinking about his future, the Thai king is ambitious, and Liu Yu has completely turned to the Thai king.

As a mature bureaucrat, Li Dan also has his own understanding of the court. Although the situation is complicated and confusing, did Emperor Yuanfeng really have no defense against the King of Thailand?

Being able to be the emperor for 93 years, apart from his unfathomable martial arts cultivation, the most important thing about Emperor Yuanfeng is that he is very scheming and extremely intelligent.

Relegation of Fan Zheng, who was then a scholar of Youge University, to Qingshan Mansion as Fu Yin, was a random move, or there was another purpose.

At this moment, Li Xiao walked in from the outside. He respected Li Dan as his father very much, and he came in cautiously, "Father, are you looking for me?"

Li Dan casually put the paper in his hand on the table, picked up the tea beside his hand and was about to drink it, but put it down again when he found it was cold, and said calmly, "There is a man named Wei Chengnian at the yamen, Are you familiar with him? Why did you become an envoy so well?"

"Father said Brother Nian? I've spoken to you a few times, so I'm not familiar with him."

"What is this person's temperament in normal times? Do you know why he was accepted as a disciple by Commander Yu?" Li Dan asked as if pretending to be casual.

Li Xiao bowed his head and recalled the times when he met Wei Chengnian several times before, "The personality is quite gentle, but he is a bit arrogant, and he has always been close to Xu Cheng in the yamen... As for why he is valued by Commander Yu, listen to him." People say that he has special aptitude for martial arts."

Li Dan didn't speak.

Li Xiao stood where he was, waiting for Li Dan to speak.

for a long time.

"I know, you go down first."

Li Xiao turned around.

"By the way, my situation is a little delicate recently, you'd better not be too public."

"My child understands."


Gathering building.

In the huge restaurant, people come and go, and from time to time, a waiter will announce the name of the dish, and quickly serve the guests one by one.

Xu Cheng sat at a table near the aisle on the second floor, looking at the guests in the hall through the hollowed-out wooden railing.

"Xu Lingshi, Miss Yu is here, this way please," an old man in black linen said respectfully to Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng nodded, got up and walked out the door.

Walk through the long hallway to a room at the end of the second floor.

The layout in the room is very simple and elegant, full of fragrance, in the corner of the room, there are vases full of flowers everywhere.

Sitting beside a pear-blossom table in the room was Yu Baixia, who was wearing a white palace attire.

Seeing Xu Cheng, she had a smile on her face, "Xu Lingshi has figured it out and wants to join?"

"What Girl Yu said is really exciting, and it doesn't hurt to join."

A look of surprise appeared in Yu Baixia's eyes, and she took out a round jade pendant from her bosom. The jade pendant was warm and moist, but it was carved with all kinds of living beings in the underworld, and the carving was extremely fine, "This is the certificate of joining the underworld. , you can contact the people in the Underworld Organization."

Xu Cheng took the jade pendant, "How to use it?"

"Recognize the Lord with a drop of blood."

Xu Cheng followed suit one by one, and the jade pendant instantly turned into a stream of light, as if melting and slowly fitting onto Xu Cheng's arm, feeling it.

Something similar to the previous life forum appeared.

There are avatars on it, which are eerie, and looking at the names next to them, it shows various priests of the underworld.

This thing can't be a penguin chat, can it?
The fantasy version of the penguin chat is a bit interesting.

Xu Cheng glanced at his priest, and it showed... King Equality! "Miss Yu, is it convenient for you to introduce me to the underworld and the strength of that Chujiang king?"

"Xu Lingshi first entered the underworld. At present, he should still be the division of ghosts and gods. The underworld is strictly hierarchical. Headed by King Yan Luo Qinguang of the Ten Palaces, there are four judges, six Rakshasa, and four ghosts. This is also when the underworld is full. People, the total is these 24 people, especially among the Ten Halls of Yama, there are three strong people who are suspected to be masters. The strength of King Chujiang is unknown, only that he is also a newcomer to the underworld, but this is even more terrifying. It is directly the position of Yama in the ten halls."

Yu Baixia talked eloquently, telling Xu Cheng about the power of this underworld. "As for the function of the underworld, I think Xu Lingshi should be able to feel it, that is, no matter where the members of the underworld are, they can rely on this good and evil order to communicate. In addition, they can also carry out item transmission, of course not too much Big, I have only joined the underworld for a short time, so I haven’t used this function yet.”

"New members who join the underworld can receive a skill or elixir at any time, everything depends on their own choice."

After hearing this, Xu Cheng's expression was strange, and he began to wonder if the King of Chujiang was Xu Xin, but seeing that his divine secretary was King Pingping, the probability that the King of Chujiang was Xu Xin was almost indistinguishable.

"Then this kind of mobile phone...how does the smooth chatting in the world, and the function of transferring items come true?"

Yu Baixia shook his head, "The Underworld is too ancient. Some people even say that the Underworld is an organization that existed in ancient times before the immortal way disappeared. We cannot understand these extremely powerful means without the power of the immortal way."

Xu Cheng listened attentively, listening to Yu Baixia's continuous talk of secrets.

The two chatted for a long time, and Xu Cheng suddenly got up, "Since Miss Yu is already one of my own, don't you suspect that I killed Liu Xian now?"

A smile appeared on Yu Baixia's face, which was extremely bright. "Of course not."

At this moment, guests feel at home, and everyone is happy.

(End of this chapter)

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