I can see the script of life

Chapter 83 Alienation! !

Chapter 83 Alienation! ! (Please recommend tickets!!)
Ahead is a slope, sloping down.

The three of them slowly formed a triangle formation and slowly stepped up the slope.

There were fewer and fewer trees around, and there seemed to be more powerful creatures hovering here. Xu Cheng stepped forward to communicate with the surrounding trees, and these trees were all dead trees!
No information was revealed at all.

Zhai Xun said in a low voice, "It seems that there is an extremely powerful beast hovering here, and these trees are all dead."

The steep cliffs almost completely obscured the skylight, making it even darker here.

Continuing forward along the slope, not only the surrounding trees, but even the ground began to become weird.

The surrounding stones and ground gradually turned red, as if blood had been eroding for a long time.

Xu Cheng knew in his heart that he would see the rightful owner soon...

With Zhai Xun, a sixth-grade formation master, and Guo Yan, a blood-changing warrior, even the alienated warrior can't please him.

Zhai Xun's expression is serious, his "god" has already communicated with the mountains and rivers here, and can receive the power of Fengshui from heaven and earth at any time, forming an array in an instant.

Xu Cheng never let go of the handle holding the knife. Although he was extremely confident in his own strength, he was confident that even if he faced a blood-changing warrior at this time, he would not be instantly killed, but there was nothing wrong with being careful.

Take out a few tentacles of Ziyu Taisui from the small pocket on the waist and quickly put them in your mouth, holding them without swallowing...

The three of them were daring and continued to descend along the slope.

After walking another 200 meters, the surrounding light completely disappeared, and it was almost completely dark.

Even the miasma became serious, and Xu Cheng could already feel the faint discomfort in his breathing.

The three of them paused.

Because of the light, the miasma, which was originally pure white, now looks a little black, and even feels like a ghost fog.


Suddenly, there was a clear sound of snakes uttering messages in the distance, not far from the three of them.

The sound of vomiting letters came from far to near, and after more than a minute of inhalation, it suddenly disappeared.


Xu Cheng turned around suddenly.

The long knife in his hand groaned softly, before he had time to look, he raised the knife and slashed behind him.

A person who is almost invisible, seems to be condensed from the surrounding black mist.

The ears of the skull are falling off, the left ear has completely fallen off, and half of the right ear is still hanging on the head, and the eyes have completely become the unique vertical pupils of snakes, which are strange and terrifying.

The three of them started at the same time, and Guo Yan and Xu Cheng's blood rushed out of their bodies, making clear noises.

The snake man dodged Xu Cheng's knife and stood motionless on the ground. Both sides were afraid of each other, so they didn't move, and quietly observed each other.

Time passed slowly.

【Name】: Zhu Kou (deceased)
The feedback from the panel was too simple, and Xu Cheng was a little dazed.

The panel can't identify the dead, so the snake man in front of him is already dead from the panel's point of view?
There is no cure after the exchange of blood and alienation, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the person is dead.

It's just the name Zhu Kou, where have I seen it before?

Hu Xian looked miserable at the moment, covered with wounds, but he looked excited, lifted a deer beast in his hand, a dagger appeared in his hand, and cut open his skin fiercely, bright red blood oozes out.

"Since human blood can make the blood of alien beasts more suitable for human beings, then I should be able to use my own blood."

By chance, he once heard Liu Yu muttering in a low voice by himself, feeding alien beasts with human flesh, and the blood of alien beasts would be exchanged more easily.

At that time, he was thinking, if it is feasible to use human blood, powerful human blood to exchange blood?
It has to be said that warriors in this world, because of the reason of one level and one catastrophe, all have a spirit of research. After all, those who are not clever have already become monsters.

Although Hu Xian is reckless, he is ruthless and ruthless. At this moment, he is willing to feed the alienated warrior with his own blood. He wants to use the blood of the alienated warrior to exchange blood!

The news of Zhu Kou's obsession was known to him when he followed Liu Xian, but he didn't know until a few days ago that Zhu Kou was not simply obsessed, but failed to exchange blood, almost turned into a monster!

He has nowhere to go, Liu Yu has no way to go back, and he is still threatened by Hei Yusan, the only way now is to forcibly break through the realm of strength.

Even if he hadn't exchanged his blood for Dzogchen, he didn't care about it so much, as long as his energy and blood turned into strength, he would be sure to get rid of the disadvantage of the black jade bone.

Sprinkle the poison in his hand into the body of the deer beast, mixing with his blood...


The snake man gradually approached the crowd, and his body gradually emerged. The clothes on his body had long been frayed into strips of cloth. The skin inside was covered with fine scales, which looked extremely weird. The length of his body was more than five meters. The limbs seemed to be crippled and degenerated, shrinking to the sides and not moving.

A fighting spirit appeared on Guo Yan's face. Even though it was a defective product, the Alienated Warrior had already turned his blood into strength. He wanted to try it!
"Xu Cheng, back off."

"Are you sure?" Xu Cheng asked in a low voice. What he asked was whether he was sure of escaping. After all, the target was Hu Xian, not the snake man in front of him.

Guo Yan raised his head, his face became more aggressive, "No."

Xu Cheng: ...

You are awesome, I am not sure that your face is full of fighting spirit, your real name is Ola Guoyan Fu, right?
Unexpectedly, Fubing Dutong was actually a reckless man.

Xu Cheng whispered to Zhai Xun, "How is the magic circle?"

Zhai Xun pretended to be a master without talking.

"After I came out, the mountain collapsed, soaring to the sky, Fengshui Town, Yujing..."

Di Xun couldn't hold back immediately, and his face became eager, "Ready, the seventh-rank magic circle is enough for this thing to drink a pot."

Xu Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.


Guo Yan let out a loud roar, and the broad sword flew out from his back, he held it with both hands, and rushed towards the snake man like a door panel.

The heavy broadsword cut the air with a piercing whistling sound.



Suddenly the voice stopped.

Xu Cheng raised his head, and countless scarlet tentacles protruded from around the snake man, dancing chaotically.

It's like a snake man instantly turning into an octopus monster!
"Strength!" Di Xun shouted in a low voice, "It's broken, this thing can actually control some strength, damn it!"

Xu Cheng was dumbfounded, this thing is actually strength!
Guo Yan used his toes on the nearby stone wall to borrow a little strength, narrowly dodging a scarlet force.

His face was full of joy, "Again, if the strength is like this, you won't be able to live!"

He held the broad sword in both hands, his muscles were knotted, and his clothes were bulging up.

Only then did Xu Cheng discover that Guo Yan's arms were trained horizontally!

This person should have practiced internal boxing to the peak of blood exchange, and then practiced his arms horizontally again in pursuit of the success rate of blood exchange.

The huge power combined with the broadsword, although it lacked strength, the invisible vibration almost distorted the surrounding air, and chopped off at the snake man's head.

The snake man was extremely fast, and snaked along the rock wall, its strength was extremely sinister, and it kept walking around Guo Yan.

Zhai Xun said, "Guo Dutong is not an opponent. Although this snake man can't integrate the strength of his whole body, causing the strength to spread around his body, Guo Dutong's weapon is too heavy. This is an advantage and a disadvantage. It is at this time that Guo Dutong has the upper hand, and the disadvantage is that Guo Dutong's physical strength cannot be compared with the snake man who transforms energy into energy."

Xu Cheng looked at him.

"Look at me?"

"It's so good, don't you know how to do it?" Xu Cheng said angrily.

Zhai Xun's compass swayed slightly, in the gap between the mountain walls.

Wind blows!

(End of this chapter)

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