Chapter 84
With the activation of Zhai Xun's formation, the dark miasma began to be blown away, completely exposing the terrifying and twisted figure of the snake man.

Even though it is such a dark environment, it is not a big problem for warriors.

Especially for Xu Cheng who owns "Extreme Eye", it is naturally no problem.

Di Xun's magic circle turned into a strange beast with the help of the energy of the mountains and rivers. At this moment, the dead vines around him turned into verdant green again, and even the tangle of branches and leaves began to grow slowly. Relax.

In just a moment, countless green snakes appeared.

This seemed to have completely angered the snake man Zhu Kou, and the scarlet tentacle-like power all over his body swept wildly around as if he didn't want money.

A ray of strength accompanied the wild dance, and accidentally touched Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng's complexion changed drastically, and he saw that this scarlet power was like some kind of life, with its own will, constantly eroding his body, his proud physical body, in front of these powers, was like a piece of paper. muddy,
In front of Jinli, Qi and blood are like children, being crazily devoured by this scarlet strength, rampaging all the way until approaching the heart.

The mysterious energy suddenly shook, and the strength slowly quieted down, and began to lurk on the surface of Xu Cheng's skin.

Xu Cheng was terrified. He felt as if he was about to die before. His body, blood, and strength were simply vulnerable to strength.

No wonder people say that building up the three realms of body is just a joke, only when energy and blood are turned into strength, is it worthy of being called a master in the arena.

This strength is so difficult to deal with, how did Guo Yan fight with it for so long?

Xu Cheng raised his head, and Guo Yan had far more tentacles of strength than before.

Soon, he discovered that Guo Yan swung the broadsword with both hands, which could solve part of the force erosion, but it was still eroded by force.

Guo Yan's solution made Xu Cheng a little dazed, only to see the sound of bones cracking all over Guo Yan's body, and then his whole body suddenly swelled outwards.

In mid-air, his swollen body seemed to explode, countless qi and blood swelled, generating countless air currents, mixed with some strength.

So it turns out that Guo Yan forced his strength out?
It's a pity that Xu Cheng himself tried it just now, and with his current strength, he still can't force it out.

and so……

'Will I be in a situation where I have no parry when I face a sixth-grade powerful fighter? '

The strength of the snake man gave Xu Cheng a blow to the head, and made him calm down instantly when he was complacent about his own strength.

Guo Yan cooperated with Zhai Xun's magic circle to force the snake man back, making hissing noises continuously.

Xu Cheng looked to the side, trying to find a living tree, to see what Hu Xian was doing here?
Just as he looked up, he saw a man carrying the corpse of a huge beast.

The powerful eyesight brought by Jimujue made him instantly recognize that person, it was actually Hu Xian!
Glancing at Zhai Xun and Guo Yan, he was entangled by the snake man. Without hesitation, he unsheathed the long knife in his hand and shouted to Zhai Xun in a low voice.

"Zhai Xun, don't love to fight, I saw someone commit a crime!"

After Xu Cheng finished speaking, he took the lead to catch up. Hu Xian was at the level of blood exchange. He was confident that even if he lost, he should be able to drag Guo Yan to arrive after a while.

Hu Xian's eyesight was not as good as Xu Cheng's, but he could also hear the roar of fighting down the slope.

Just as he was hesitating whether to go down and take a look, a figure rushed over with a knife in his hand.

Hu Xian was startled, and casually threw the deer-shaped beast in his hand towards Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng dodged sideways, and saw Hu Xian rushing towards him with a long knife in his hand.

The two men fought with their long knives and got out of the way.

Xu Cheng took nine steps back, Hu Xian's figure shook for a while, but his feet did not move at all.

The strength is still far from being comparable to a real blood exchange.

"Who are you?" Hu Xian asked in a cold voice with a ferocious expression on his face. Hei Yugu was about to attack, and he already felt the pain faintly, and he couldn't even maintain a basic expression.

Because the black jade powder in his hand was scarce, he would only swallow the black jade powder when the pain was unbearable, so that the black jade powder in his hand could last as long as possible.

Xu Cheng's eyes were slightly red, "Did you kill Wei Qing?"

Hu Xian was taken aback, "Did Li Dan tell you?"

Xu Cheng didn't want to talk nonsense with Hu Xian for a moment.

He quickly bit off the purple jade Taisui tentacles that he had in his mouth before, his eyes turned from black to red.

The sword of killing intent gathers all the energy and blood of the whole body, and is controlled by killing intent. This sword will determine the outcome!

Ziyu Taisui's tentacles were swallowed by Xu Cheng, and the crazy qi and blood hit his body, causing his body to tremble involuntarily, and then the roar of qi and blood rang out.

Hu Xian felt that something was wrong, and before Xu Cheng's "ultimate move" counted down, he wanted to attack first.

But suddenly, the pain from the black jade bone made him stagnate a little.

Then with the help of a boulder next to him, he put his Pu Dao on top of one of them, quickly propped up his body, then kicked with his right leg, held the Pu Dao upside down with his left hand, and slashed towards Xu Cheng.

"Where did the little baby come from? Although he has good strength, he is too tender. He still wants to use this powerful move when he is fighting with people." The pain began to spread all over Hu Xian's body, and now he just wanted to make a quick victory.

Just when he thought he was about to succeed, the Pu Dao in his hand was only an inch away from cutting Xu Cheng.

At the moment when Hu Xian's figure was swaying, Xu Cheng suddenly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be smiling, but that smile was extremely cold!

"You're teaching me how to do things? With your ridiculous exchange of blood?"

The long knife in his hand was sent out, the speed was extremely slow, but it contained a huge 'momentum', and the suppressed Hu Xian could hardly move with that killing intent.

All he could do was watch Xu Cheng's saber slowly coming towards him.

"What gave you the courage to kill Wei Qing!"

When the knife was sent out, endless killing intent spread, and the knife in Xu Cheng's hand slashed at Hu Xian's spine.

The spine is also called the big dragon. In fact, it is the most important part of the human body to control the body. Once something goes wrong here, it is normal for the whole body to be paralyzed.

Hu Xian's eyes were full of ferociousness, and his eyes were full of despair. The black jade bone had an attack at that time, and Xu Cheng's gesture was so terrifying, it was too careless.


When Guo Yan and Zhai Xun arrived, they saw Xu Cheng stabbing Hu Xian with a knife, and Hu Xian's body went limp instantly.

"Is this a blood exchange?" Guo Yan was a little uncertain, and he couldn't accept it. How could Xu Cheng, who was at the level of skin training, be able to seriously injure a master at the level of blood exchange.

Xu Cheng was panting heavily, being able to defeat Hu Xian was more than [-]% a fluke.

He could see that when Hu Xian was about to attack, his figure froze for a moment, and it was at this moment that he really seized the opportunity. Feeling fluke.

Hu Xian is not that kind of strong replacement. Compared with Guo Yan, the gap is simply ridiculous.

But if Xu Cheng were to deal with it alone at this moment, unless he used the Wood Spirit Foundation by surprise, the chance of winning would be slim.

Guo Yan suppressed the shock in his heart, stepped forward and squeezed Hu Xian's body, opened Hu Xian's clothes first, and then his face showed surprise, "Heiyugu has a seizure?"

This made him accept the fact that Xu Cheng was able to capture blood-changing criminals.

People are willing to believe what they see, and make brain supplements based on what they see, which is the most reasonable in their hearts.

"Where's the snake man?" Xu Cheng asked panting.

"Trapped by Zhai Xun's magic circle, I can't get out temporarily, and I can't kill him." Guo Yan said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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