Chapter 85 Chill
【Name】: Hu Xian
[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial Arts★★
【Destiny Script】: The protagonist of "Desperado" (Blue)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "Eliminate Evil" (Blue)
[Current main line]: Hu Xian practiced the Black Jade Bone Seal of the Liu family's unique knowledge, and became the dead man of the Liu family. He was ordered by Liu Yu to protect Liu Xian. There is a huge interest relationship between them, and the murderer is an unstable factor. In the end, Liu Yu combined some clues and locked the suspicion on Wei Chengnian.Then Li Dan came up with an idea to use Wei Qing to lure Wei Chengnian out of the city alone, but he didn't expect that although Wei Qing was a girl, she had a strong temperament, not only did not work for them, but also recognized his identity, and finally jumped into Yongjiang, Hu Xianshen Feeling bad, under the restraint of Hei Yusan, he planned to use the blood of the snake man Zhu Kou to forcefully complete the blood exchange. He wanted to leave Qingshan Mansion alive and meet the hidden in Rong County...

Xu Cheng glanced at Hu Xian's panel. He had seen Hu Xian twice, once when killing Liu Xian and once when saving Du Jianghe, but the distance was too far to see Hu Xian's script panel.

This was the first time he saw it, and he clenched his fists. If he had seen Hu Xian's script panel earlier that day, Wei Qing might not have died...

There is a huge interest relationship between Liu Yu and the Cao Gang...

"Where are the four Shen Ji, Hu Jing, Huo Ran, and Li Zeng?" Xu Cheng asked. This was the patrol that went out with Wei Qing that day. So far, only Wei Qing's body was found. His eyes narrowed slightly, The voice is indifferent, like a beast that chooses and devours people.

Hu Xian said nothing, with a ferocious expression on his face.

Guo Yan saw that Xu Cheng was not in the right state, and said, "Take it back."

Xu Cheng calmed down the anger in his heart and nodded slightly.

Indeed, in the current state, he might kill Hu Xian in front of him at any time.

Bypassing the slope where the snake man was, several people began to climb up the mountain wall. Guo Yan was strong and full of energy and blood. He held Hu Xian upside down with one hand, and the other hand cooperated with his legs. He climbed quite neatly. .

When the three of them came to the official road, they encountered the police from Qingshan Mansion.

Xu Cheng didn't expect the trip to be so smooth. In less than an afternoon, Hu Xian was arrested and brought to justice. He couldn't help but glance at Zhai Xun. The old gentleman really has something.

"I have seen Guo Dutong and Xu Lingshi, and I will come to meet the two adults under the order of Lord Wei." Seeing Xu Cheng, Xue Mi got off his horse and said.

Xu Cheng nodded slightly, but this person's mind was active.

Xue Mi lowered his head to follow, and whispered in Xu Cheng's ear, "The Wei family has heard about Wei Qing's death. The Secretary of the East Yamen's Office and Wei Qing's father are in the Yamen, and Master Wei is dealing with it."

Xu Cheng paused, then continued to walk forward.

Wei Qing's death, her parents knew it was what they should have meant, and Beiya would not deliberately hide it, so it was right for someone to come to their door at this moment.

For a moment, he didn't know how to deal with Wei Qing's parents. Although Wei Qing's death had nothing to do with him and Wei Chengnian, no matter who his friend died, he probably couldn't deal with his relatives.

When he was about to enter the city, Zhai Xun pulled Xu Cheng's lapel, "My poem."

Xu Cheng almost couldn't hold back the spout, this kid is so obsessed, the snake man is so terrifying, he didn't scare him, and the first thing he came back was to ask himself for a poem.

"Chu Huangtian on a sunny day, a hundred landslides after I came out of the formation. Chongtian Fengshui town Yujing, and the formation masters all over the world know my name."

Zhai Xun's eyes lit up, Chu Huangtian was referring to the ninth day of September, this day is the day when the states and counties of the Great Zhou collectively offer sacrifices to mountains.

"Bold, does this poem have a name?" Zhai Xun looked impatient.

Xu Cheng shook his head.

"Then call it Yong Di Xun!"

Xu Cheng was speechless, as long as you are happy...

When he returned to the Yamen, Zhang Mou, the Secretary of the Beiya Mansion, who had heard about the incident, was already standing at the door and waiting.

Seeing Hu Xian who was escorted back by Xu Cheng, he frowned slightly, he seemed to have seen this person somewhere before.

Zhang Mou's board is very simple, his martial arts is not deep, and he can become the governor of the government because he works hard and is loved by the people.

His approach is different from Li Dan's. Li Dan is very good at research, but because of his research, he has not been promoted for several years.

"Is this the person who killed Wei Qing?"

Xu Cheng nodded.

"Is there any evidence?" Zhang Mou asked softly.

Xu Cheng shook his head, "But I'm sure that the murderer is him, as long as the trial continues, he will be found out."

Zhang Mou nodded, the expression on his face softened a bit, and he changed the subject, "I heard from Xiaonian that you have the order of Princess Yiyang, is it true or not?"

"I accidentally saved a person last year, and that person gave it to me."

"Just as long as you know it in your heart, don't let it go."

Zhang Mou is the kind of official who does things sincerely. At that time, he cooperated with Xu Zheng very happily. Aiwu and Wuxia also took care of Xu Cheng.

"I see."

"Okay, I'll take care of the interrogation, go and see Wei Qing's parents."

on the official road.

A group of majestic carriages were walking on the road, and Princess Yiyang's head poked out from one of the windows, "How long will it take to reach Qingshan Mansion?"

"Qi County Master, it's about a hundred miles away. According to our speed, we will be able to reach Qingshan Mansion before dark."

Princess Yiyang let out an 'oh' and retracted her head.

Sitting in the sedan chair, looking around, like a thief, furtively took out a piece of paper from his chest, it was the one that Bai Jixin wrote to her.

Looking at it, her complexion became crimson, and her feet were involuntarily swinging on the chair...

It can be seen that she is in a good mood.

Wei Qing's father, Wei Fang, is the owner of Dongya, and his status is at the same level as Li Dan, but because of the special nature of Beiya, Li Dan slightly overwhelms him.

His brows were full of sorrow, he looked at Wei Qing's body in a daze, and he didn't seem to notice Xu Cheng's entry.

Standing behind him, Xu Cheng looked at Wei Qing's body. Wu Zuo had already cleaned up the body. Wei Qing looked extraordinarily quiet at this moment, her whole face seemed very peaceful. Maybe she knew that someone would avenge her.

"My condolences to Uncle Wei."

Wei Fang was shocked when he realized that there was someone behind him. He turned his head slowly and looked at Xu Cheng, "Xu Cheng? I heard that you went to catch the murderer who killed Qing'er. Did you catch him?"

"Caught it, it's being interrogated."

Wei Fang got up abruptly, "What else is there to interrogate? Since the murderer has been caught, why not execute him on the spot and avenge Qing'er."

"There is someone behind that person..."

"I don't care about that much, I just want to avenge Qing'er. The murderer is Li Dan and the man you caught, right? Kill them all!" Wei Fang's attitude was very firm, as if Wei Qing's death had a negative effect on him. The blow was huge, and Hu must be killed first.

Doubts gradually arose in Xu Cheng's heart. Li Dan was the murderer, and even Wei Chengnian had a half-knowledge about it. Why did Wei Fang know? He looked at Wei Fang's script panel.

【Name】: Wei Fang
[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial Arts★★
[Script of Destiny]: The protagonist of "Wei Shi" (Blue)
[Playing script]: "Jing Nan" supporting role (blue), "The Ups and Downs of Officialdom" supporting role (red)
[Current main line]: Wei Qing died, the news was sent back to Taizhou, Liu Yu was furious, knowing that Li Dan was a smooth person, and his attitude had always been erratic, so he decided to persuade the Wei family not to pursue this matter any longer. Under the adjustment, Wei Fang decided to cut through the mess quickly and quickly expose the death of Wei Qing. After all, in his opinion, the greatness of the family surpassed everything else. He came to Beiya and made a gesture to put pressure on him. Kill Li Dan...

The way Xu Cheng looked at Wei Fang changed. He recalled what Wei Qing said before, that Wei Fang wanted to marry her to the second son of the Wang family in Taizhou. At that time, he was still thinking that Wei Qing used family resources for cultivation. In-laws are not under their control, in this day and age, too many.

But he didn't expect that Wei Fang would be so cold-blooded that he could even use his own daughter's life as a bargaining chip to seek a further advancement in the officialdom.

(End of this chapter)

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