Chapter 86
"Xu Cheng, I heard that Wei Qing liked you before?" Wei Fang said suddenly.

Xu Cheng was silent.

"I don't care if it's true or not, but since Qing'er has already gone, then kill the murderer as soon as possible so that Qing'er can go on the road earlier."

Looking at Wei Fang's face, Xu Cheng felt inexplicably disgusted in his heart, and his tone became indifferent, "Don't worry, Mr. Wei, I know it well."

Wei Fang didn't notice the change in Xu Cheng's tone at all, nodded and said, "It's good to know, Qing'er has already gone, kill the murderer as soon as possible, and let her go to the ground as soon as possible."

Xu Cheng looked at his back, feeling sad for Wei Qing in his heart, his body gradually receded until he completely exited the morgue.

He looked back, and the door of the entire morgue looked like a big black mouth, as if it wanted to swallow everything.

Turning around and walking towards the sun, he felt as if he had returned to the human world.

When Xu Cheng came home, Wei Chengnian had been waiting for a long time, and Ming Bao crouched at the door, like a loyal dog, staring at Wei Chengnian, baring his teeth showing a fierce look.

"Xu Cheng, you little thing is quite loyal, you know how to take care of the house." Wei Chengnian praised Xu Cheng when he saw him.

Xu Cheng smiled, and casually took out a tentacle of Ziyu Taisui, and Ming Bao immediately dragged his chubby body, climbing up along Xu Cheng's legs.

Stuffing the tentacles into Ming Bao's mouth, "Is Li's house all right?"

"I told the master, the master said that he dared to kill the evil envoys, and planned to kill the chickens and monkeys, but are you sure that Li Dan is the murderer who killed Wei Qing?" Wei Chengnian asked nervously, out of trust in Xu Cheng, He said firmly in front of Yu Zaiyin that Li Dan was the murderer, that's why Yu Zaiyin sent the government soldiers out.

Xu Cheng was a little moved. Wei Chengnian believed in him absolutely.

"Don't worry, Li Dan and Hu Xian who were arrested today are the main culprits."

"That's fine. Is your order of the Yiyang princess true or false?" Wei Chengnian asked.

"I saved a person last year, and he gave it to me, saying that the Princess would repay his favor." Xu Cheng was a little flustered, and explained casually.

It seems that this Yiyang Token has a lot to do with it. Everyone who has seen it is asking about the origin. Whether the origin of Xu Xin's token is real or not, he has some doubts for a while.

Wei Chengnian didn't ask too much, after all, this was considered Xu Cheng's private matter.

"I heard from Uncle Guo that you had a big fight with Huan Xue today. Take a good rest today. I will go to the Yamen to watch in person. I will definitely find out the truth of the case tomorrow."

Xu Cheng nodded and sent Wei Chengnian out.

Turning around, he put Mingbao in his hands and ravaged him for a long time, his mind fluctuated.

Wei Qing's death was too sudden, and it also shattered the feeling in his heart that he was in control of everything. The script panel is not omnipotent.

He is so confident.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, in fact, he has a feeling of superiority in his heart. After all, when a person can see through the future of others, to a certain extent, he is a god.

He is also a human being, and such complacency is inevitable.

Ming Bao seemed to feel that Xu Cheng was in a low mood, and he let Xu Cheng obediently massage him.

After a long time, Xu Cheng got up and put Ming Bao down.

Let's break through first.

The plot of the eighth skin training has already been modified, and it can be completed today.

The golden jade skin slowly emerged, followed by mysterious patterns. As the number of times of skin training increased, these patterns became more and more complicated.

The reason why Xu Cheng hasn't practiced the "Four Classics of the Heavenly Sages" is that besides the better effect of the "Indestructible Gold and Jade Chapter" in the Three Foundation Establishment Realms, there is another point that he wants to get stuck in a bug.

At that time, if he reached the realm of blood exchange, he would consume "Four Menopauses of Heavenly Sages" in one step, and the Destiny Points consumed would definitely be far less than the simultaneous internal and external cultivation at this time.

The difference in combat power between the two is not as big as imagined. After all, skin training, which is both internal and external, is still skin training.

Xu Cheng put away his thoughts.

Wisps of mist flowed slowly, and the heat brought by Xu Cheng's endless energy and blood evaporated a large amount of white steam when he was practicing.

Standing in the mist, with neither sad nor happy expression on his face, he took out the strange animal meat he had received from the yamen a few days ago and put it in his mouth.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, eyes closed.

What is needed in cultivation is to use qi and blood to temper the body. He has practiced skin eight times, and he no longer needs to use violent movements to better integrate qi and blood into his body.

The extreme of movement is stillness, you only need to control the muscles and body, and bring the qi and blood into the body.

"If you follow the records in "The Immortal Gold and Jade Chapter" and practice the skin to the limit, the golden jade skin is equivalent to a kind of different blood to a certain extent. When forging bones, you can even try to gather new meridians and improve yourself. Martial arts aptitude, which is also the biggest benefit of the "Indestructible Golden Jade Chapter" foundation building."

According to the description of the exercises, Xu Cheng combined with the inertia brought about by using the gold fingers to open and hang many times, to maintain the absorption of Qi and blood at a fixed rhythm.

He didn't see that as his energy and blood spilled out, the little panda Ming Bao next to him seemed to be imitating him, his short and tender limbs imitating Xu Cheng's breathing, and the panda's eyes were tightly closed.

Until the cock crows.

Xu Cheng, who had been sitting withered in the yard all night, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes disappeared in a flash. After that, his whole body radiated golden light, and countless complicated patterns were printed on it.

The eighth time of skin training, it's done.

Seeing Ming Bao's posture when he turned his head, Xu Cheng was delighted that this dog would imitate it.

Just when he was about to move Ming Bao, Ming Bao suddenly raised his left fist and punched him.

There was something wrong with this punch.

Xu Cheng's eyes froze, it wasn't pure brute force, it was blessed with vitality!
Ming Bao cultivated Qi and blood?

Alien beasts naturally have vitality, but they can't be controlled at all. Otherwise, with the size of the alien beasts, one human at the same level counts as one, and they all deliver food.

It's just that Ming Bao was able to control and guide Qi and blood.

He remembered that Ming Bao had a five-star intelligence. Even among human beings, few people could match such an IQ, right?

This seems to be more and more like the one in the cartoon.

As expected of my bear.

He brought up Mingbao who was playing Wang Baquan mercilessly, "Starting from today, I will teach you how to read, and after you finish reading, start to practice martial arts. I will teach you the most powerful exercises of Tianshengjiao "Tiansheng Four Classics" .”

I went to the backyard to see Sun Jue. After a few days, because Xu Cheng secretly used the mysterious energy of the wood spirit foundation to heal her injuries, her complexion recovered well.

But what made Xu Cheng a little unacceptable was that her limbs had never shown any signs of recovery.

'Can't be reborn with a broken limb? '

Xu Cheng helped Sun Jue up, and fed the prepared meal and soup.

Without Wei Qing, he could only do these tasks by himself. Fortunately, Sun Jue probably didn't have the awareness of male and female defense.

"Big West, Chechenon."

Xu Cheng suddenly turned his head and looked at Sun Jue. Was it Sun Jue who was talking just now?
"Sun Jue, are you talking?"

Sun Jue nodded vigorously, then opened his mouth wide, pointing at his tongue, the tongue that had completely disappeared from the root of the tongue, now half grew back!
Xu Cheng cheered up, and said in a gentle voice, "Did you just say thank you?"

"You are Welcome."

Xu Cheng likes Sun Jue's character. If ordinary people encounter such a tragedy in the world, their temperament must be extreme and frightening. But since Sun Jue followed him, he has never lost his temper, and he is not wary of him.

Xu Cheng was very happy that Sun Jue didn't become wary of everything in the world because of Mrs. Qi's affairs.

Perhaps, Sun Jue just acted less extreme in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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