Chapter 98

Xu's yard.

Ming Bao stood up, his small eyes full of intoxication kept looking at Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng's face was solemn, his eyes were closed tightly, and the golden patterns on his skin were extremely dazzling, and streams of air flowed around his body.

I do not know how long it has been.

Suddenly there was a violent crisp sound from Xu Cheng's body, and he roared like a dragon and a tiger.

In the next moment, an astonishing aura burst out from his blood and talent at the same time, surging out of his body.

Xu Cheng opened his eyes suddenly, they were as black as ink, with no whites visible.

There was constant roaring in the body, and the turbulent sound brought about by the bombardment of Qi and blood on the body was like a river rushing and turbulent waves crashing on the shore.

If you take off his clothes, you can see the hairs all over his body stand up like a spider's down.

'Tiger Leopard Thunder...'

Xu Cheng quietly comprehended the great improvement brought about by the nine times of skin training and the characteristics brought about by the extreme skin training of "The Immortal Gold and Jade Chapter".

He seemed to be stretching, his energy and blood were circulating, and suddenly he felt the hairs all over his body explode, and there were bursts of tigers, leopards and thunder in his muscles and bones, resounding continuously, rising and falling.

"It's a pity, if this tiger and leopard Leiyin is given to someone else, the bone forging can be more than three times faster, but it's useless to me."

Xu Cheng was a little emotional. He practiced his skin to the extreme, and the characteristic solidified on his flesh and blood was called Tiger Leopard Leiyin, which was the golden pattern on his skin today.

Using tiger and leopard thunder sounds to shake the bones can make the bone forging stage several times that of ordinary people.

It's a pity that this function is a bit tasteless for Xu Cheng who is open.

Fortunately, Tiger Leopard Leiyin and his heroic posture brought a full sense of oppression in battle, which was another benefit.

Xu Cheng clenched his fists tightly, feeling the strength that had already surpassed ten thousand catties.

With a movement in his heart, a small knife appeared in his arms, gently slid across the skin, and a white mark appeared, without breaking the skin, with a little force, until he used the strength of an ordinary person, the wound slowly oozes blood.

Xu Cheng was overjoyed, his physical body was comparable to a weapon to some extent.

If he meets Hu Xian again, even if Hu Xian's black jade bones don't flare up, he can still win the battle without using the wood spirit foundation.

Take out the Ziyu Taisui tentacles and the meat of different animals from the cellar, call Ming Bao over, and eat them one by one.

This Ziyu Taisui's tentacles are really good, it eats eighth or ninth grade exotic animal meat, but the tentacles produced are comparable to those of seventh grade top grade exotic animal meat.

It's like eating grass and squeezing gold.

If it was in the previous life, this is simply a model worker.

Thinking of this, Xu Cheng suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen Du Jianghe for several days, and he didn't know if destiny gave Du Jianghe a third chance.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
Xu Cheng opened the door, and it was Bai Lu, the maid beside the princess.

"Xu Lingshi, the Princess has a request."

Xu Cheng was a little apprehensive when the little princess summoned him. Bai Lu had already told him about the grievances between the little princess and Xu Xin.

Only then did he know Xu Xin's sea king method.

But the little princess doesn't know, until now, the little princess still regards Xu Xin as an imaginary enemy...

Tiangui Pavilion.

It seems that because of the previous troubles with Xu Cheng, the little princess didn't carry it when meeting this time, but leaned on the chair very casually.

"Xu Cheng, is there any major case in Qingshan Mansion recently?"

Xu Cheng was taken aback, wondering what the little princess was up to, and said, "I have a great Zhou country and the people are safe, and the Qingshan Mansion is under the governance of Fan Gong. Today, the door is not closed at night, and the road does not pick up things..."

The little princess's face was serious, "Bold, you little policeman, how dare you fool the princess, you can meet the assassin yesterday without closing the door at night? The princess will ask you if there is any major case, and the princess wants to investigate it .”

"I dare not lie to the Princess, Qingshan Mansion has no major cases recently."

Xu Cheng understood the meaning of the little princess. This little princess is really a little girl, probably because she thinks investigating cases is fun and wants to experience it.

The little princess glared at Xu Cheng, "Since there is no case, why do you need a little policeman? I will see Fan Zheng later and ask him to remove you."

Xu Cheng's expression became serious, and he looked at the screen with colorful butterflies and tigers painted on behind the little princess, "I have heard that there were many tigers in the Qingshan area in the past, and there was a warrior called Wei, who led people to kill hungry tigers in Yongjiang. Later, it was reported to the court that the emperor wanted to reward Wei, so he handed over the reward to a minister named Gentleman. Gentleman thought, "The tiger is dead, so why reward him." There are tigers coming and going, but there is no greatness..."

The little princess frowned, "Little catcher, do you think I'm such a fatuous emperor?"

'I'm saying you're a traitor...'

Xu Cheng couldn't complain about the little princess's understanding ability, so he still said, "I dare not."

The little princess stopped talking, and neither did Xu Cheng.

The atmosphere was silent for a while.


The little princess suddenly yelled, staring at Xu Cheng with wide eyes, "I understand, you little catcher beat around the bush and called me a traitor, how bold you are."

Xu Cheng: ...

You have been silent for so long, are you thinking about this matter?

"Forget it, don't embarrass you little catcher, the princess is not going to solve the case, but you have to tell the princess what you encountered in solving the case." The little princess changed a trick, anyway, it was just for fun.

"Then let me tell the princess a story about a kind person. It starts with Mrs. Qi, a famous kind person in Qingshan Mansion more than ten years ago..."

Halfway through the speech, the little princess was fascinated, Xu Cheng coughed twice, "Princess, I'm a little thirsty..."

Who knew that the little princess was so fascinated by listening, he directly picked up the tea cup he had just drunk and handed it to Xu Cheng, then glanced at Xu Cheng who was standing, and pulled Xu Cheng's neighbor, "Sit down and talk."

Xu Cheng was a little embarrassed...

This little princess is really stupid and sweet, no wonder Xu Xin hanged her to death.

"Continue, how did you discover Madam Qi's real mask." As soon as Xu Cheng sat down, the little princess asked impatiently.

Xu Cheng told it, and Princess Yiyang listened, and before he knew it, Madam Qi's story was half told.

He half-truthfully told what happened when Mrs. Qi was arrested.

"When I saw those children in Yahang, I thought of Madam Qi in my mind. At that time, I hadn't seen Madam Qi's true face, and I wanted her to take in these poor children, but after seeing Madam Qi, It was obvious at a glance that there was something wrong with her. Although the adopted child had a clean face, his head was full of lice, so he yelled..."

"Bold temptress, I can tell at a glance that you are not a good person!" Xu Cheng suddenly shouted.

The little princess shivered in fright. "Catcher, did you do it on purpose?"

Xu Cheng said with a smile on his face, "Your minister disturbed the princess, and deserved to die, but it was just such a deceit at that time, and Madam Qi's true face was defrauded."

The little princess glanced at Xu Cheng, wondering for a moment if this person was deliberately scaring him, and commented with a tiger face, "You are really insidious, all of you in Qingshan Mansion are insidious, no wonder when you come here, the slogans posted are all more insidious. The magic door is more insidious."


When I came out of Tiangui Pavilion, the sky was already dark.

Xu Cheng had a smile on his face, this little princess is really fun, no wonder Xu Xin likes it.

During today's conversation, Xu Cheng and the little princess had a great time with the guests. The little princess felt that Xu Cheng had truly become "one of his own people", and Xu Cheng also regarded the little princess as "one of his own" because of Xu Xin's relationship. '

I took a look at the sky, I just broke through nine times of skin training today, and my blood has not calmed down, I will modify the plot after a day, first go to Brother Du, and see if Brother Du has any adventures recently.
Xu Cheng walked towards the street with strides.

(End of this chapter)

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