I can see the script of life

Chapter 99 Under One Person

Chapter 99

Xu Cheng came to Du Jianghe's home. Du Jianghe was an orphan, and his father was a cattle killer who died in the disaster.

Du Jianghe was not at home, so he asked the neighbor next door, and found out that this kid has a habit of gambling.

After all, Da Zhou was regarded as a feudal dynasty, and gambling was not banned.

Xu Cheng frowned. This kid's family has not changed. Xu Cheng took his opportunity and took care of Du Jianghe many times in the open and in the dark. After calculating the money alone, Du Jianghe has at least a thousand taels of money, and the family did not buy one. big piece.

It seems that this kid gambled a lot...

Golden Tiger Casino.

Du Jianghe grabbed a large handful of chips, handed them to the handsome young man, and said, "Ah Zhong, this is a hundred taels of silver. Let's go after we finish betting the big one. Brother will take you to drink." .”

A handsome young man surnamed Zhou took the chips, "I know, brother, don't worry."

After finishing speaking perfunctorily, he turned his head and looked at the gaming table frantically.

When Xu Cheng walked in, it was the third time Du Jianghe had given the young man a bargaining chip.

"Jianghe, are you playing?" Xu maturely greeted Du Jianghe.

Du Jianghe turned his head and saw Xu Cheng, his eyes lit up, "Brother Xu, why are you here?" He is quite a man, and he generously picked up a pile of chips, "Brother Xu is here to play, count me in."

Xu Cheng waved his hand and looked at the young man beside him who was in a state of gambling frenzy.

Judging from this posture, Du Jianghe probably learned his gambling problems from this guy.

[Name]: Zhou Zhong
[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Yinyue Martial Arts★★★★★, Insight★★★★

[Script of Destiny]: The protagonist of "Under One Man" (Purple)
[Playing script]: The supporting role of "The Richest Man" (red), the supporting role of "The Change of the Sky" (unopened)...

[Current main thread]: Zhou Zhong was originally a black family in Qingzhou, without father and mother. In order to earn food and clothing, he wanted to learn from Liulizong, but he was found to have no martial arts talent. He was kicked out of the mountain gate by Liulizong. He was kicked out of the hall, and since then he has been wandering around the world. During this period, he got into the bad habit of gambling. He met Du Jianghe in Qingshan Mansion, Taizhou. The two brothers became friends. Jiang He was insulted all the way, and Zhou Zhong couldn't stand such grievances anymore, vowed to become famous, left Qingshan Mansion without leaving a single letter, entered the palace from the palace in the capital, activated the Yinyue Martial Body, and rose step by step from then on...

Yinyue Martial Arts: One of the Nine Martial Arts Divine Physiques in ancient times. It is generally a female-specific physique. Born in Zhou Zhong's body, Zhou Zhong was unable to practice martial arts due to the burden of his male roots.

Insight: Ingenious mind, observation of words and expressions to the extreme, is called insight.

Good guy!
Xu Cheng looked at Zhou Zhong's attributes again in disbelief.

This is a cruel man.

He is ruthless as he says.

"Under One Man", is Zhou Zhong going to be the most awesome eunuch?
Xu Cheng has basically figured out the level of scripts for black level scripts, which are distinguished by white, green, blue, red, purple, and black.

As for whether there are still above, Xu Cheng does not know for the time being, but Zhou Zhong's future can be glimpsed from the level of the script.

However, with the cooperation of these two talents, it is no wonder that people can have such achievements.

By the way, I scanned Du Jianghe's panel, and the [Current Plot] column has not been updated, and the opportunity has not yet come.

Instead, a supporting role in the script of "Under One Man" appeared.

Therefore, everyone's destiny script is preordained, but the acting script will change with the circumstances.

Qingshan Mansion is too small. After Xu Cheng awakened Goldfinger, this is the first person whose acting script has changed. Xu Cheng thought to himself,

"Jiang He, who is this?"

Du Jianghe patted himself on the head lightly, "Brother Xu, look, I forgot about this, this is my best brother, named Zhou Zhong, from Qingzhou."

After finishing speaking, he pulled Zhou Zhong, "Ah Zhong, this is my big brother, Xu Cheng, the hottest big shot in our Qingshan Mansion."

After all, Zhou Zhong is a person with [insight] talent. Seeing Du Jianghe's attitude, he endured his gambling addiction and looked at Xu Cheng seriously, and solemnly saluted, "I have seen Brother Xu."

Xu Cheng looked at the great eunuch under one person in the future, with a smile on his face when an old farmer saw a good seed, and said boldly. "Since he's Jiang He's brother, he's my brother, so there's no need to do this."

Zhou Zhong saw Xu Cheng's closeness, and thought it was because of Du Jianghe, "Brother Xu is Brother Du's eldest brother, so naturally he is also my eldest brother Zhou Zhong."

"Okay, no wonder I had a sudden whim today. I felt that there was a distinguished guest. I didn't expect to meet a good brother when I came out to look for Jiang He."

Zhou Zhong was a little flattered. From Du Jianghe's performance and the attitude of the people around him avoiding Xu Cheng, he could see that Xu Cheng's position in Qingshan Mansion was not simple. "Zhou Zhong has no skills, thank you Brother Xu for your attention."

When Xu Cheng saw the princess, he must have gone out in formal attire. He came to look for Du Jianghe when he came out of Tiangui Pavilion. In a place like a gambling house, gamblers are generally not honest people, so it is natural to have a little discernment if you want to get along.

Flying eagle suit is the best feature.

"Jiang He probably doesn't have much money. You can keep this little money. If you don't have any money after you're done, don't keep looking for Jiang He. It's the same with me." Xu Cheng took out a hundred tael silver note, fortunately he had the habit of carrying money with him.

Zhou Zhong's face was a little moved, and he looked at Du Jianghe.

"Brother Xu, you can continue if you give it to you. To Brother Xu, it's just a small amount of money." Du Jianghe said from the side.

Xu Cheng looked at Zhou Zhong, who was a little reserved, and felt that this time it was almost the same, and the approach should be enough. "Play slowly, I'll go first."

Getting up, Du Jianghe hurriedly followed, and then whispered in front of Xu Cheng, "Brother Xu, what's the mission this time?"

He thought Xu Cheng was so kind to Zhou Zhong because Xu Cheng had an undercover mission again.

Seeing Du Jianghe's expression, Xu Cheng thought for a while and said, "There is indeed a mission. Do you know about Tiangui Pavilion? Later, you go to patrol and go to that street. If there are any strangers going there, remember to tell me."

"Understood, brother Xu, don't worry, you can rest assured when I do things."

Xu Cheng patted Du Jianghe's shoulder affectionately, "I'm always at ease when you do things."


After Du Jianghe left, Xu Cheng squeezed his hands, and went straight to a topless 'beautiful man' croupier, "Where is your boss?"

The croupier looked at the Flying Eagle clothes, and even answered tremblingly, "The most... the innermost."

"Okay, you continue."

Qingshan Mansion has been ransacked by the Demon Cult, and all the big gambling houses with background have retreated, and the Golden Tiger Casino only opened last year.

The owner's name is Sun Jinhu.

Xu Cheng politely knocked on the door lightly.

"Who? I'm going to have something to do." A rough voice sounded, accompanied by a woman's laughter.

Xu Cheng smiled, and pushed the door open with a little force. With his current strength of [-] jin, it was no problem to push the wooden door open.

Sun Jinhu had a fierce look on his face. There was a long scar on the left side of his face from the brow bone down. When he heard the door knock, the woman let out a scream. Sun Jinhu raised his head and cursed, "What son of a bitch, disturb Lao Tzu... "

Seeing Xu Cheng's flying eagle suit, he stopped, his mouth opened, with rouge on it, his whole body seemed to be frozen, it looked quite funny.

As the only "big bosses" in Qingshan Fucheng, they are naturally more knowledgeable than the younger brothers under him, and they clearly recognize who is wearing the flying eagle suit in front of them.

Touching his face calmly, Sun Jinhu looked at Xu Cheng, "Emissary Xu Ling came here uninvited, what's your business?"

 The role of the book friend Heihu population... Welcome everyone

(End of this chapter)

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